Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: daughter

In memory of my daughter

03 Jan 2018 1 3 255
This morning, I am posting just this one photo. It's hard to believe that it has already been three years since my daughter passed away. Delicate Forget-me-nots were her favourite flower - my mother and my brother both loved them, too. They say that "Time will heal" - I would say that "ease" is a more accurate word to use, rather than "heal". I don't think one can ever "heal" from a great loss, especially the loss of a child, no matter the age. I miss her so much, but I take great comfort in knowing that she is no longer suffering in pain and facing difficult challenges each and every day. The other reason for posting just this photo today is that, instead of choosing and editing photos yesterday evening, ready for today, I spent more than three hours on the phone and online, trying to sort out a credit card problem. I discovered that two suspicious transactions (not made by me) had caused my card to be shut down - would have been nice if the Bank had let me know they had done this (a few days before Christmas). I now have to wait 7-10 days for a new one to arrive. This morning, 3 January 2018, it is bright and sunny here, with a temperature of -9C (windchill -11C), and it is supposed to warm up to 5C this afternoon. Yes, that is PLUS 5C!

Fiona - forever in our hearts

03 Jan 2016 189
Today, 3 January 2016, I am doing something that usually I never do – post photos of my kids (at any age). It’s something that I feel I just need to do. Today is the first anniversary of the death of my older daughter and I am posting this mosaic of photos of her with her brother (older) and sister (younger). I created this and printed it out to give to several of her special friends when I saw them at the Celebration of Life service that was held for her, and others to be sent. The first 9 photos were taken when we lived near Muscat in Oman, Middle East, for six years, and the rest were taken in Calgary (not my home in the last photo). I don’t really want to add any details here, but if anyone should want to read more, the link below gives more detail. I am so tired out from all the Christmas Bird Counts I’ve been doing since mid-December, so short of sleep, and can’t think of what to write here, so I will let the photos say what they wish to say. Also, I have to leave home just before 7:00 am this morning, for the seventh and last Christmas Bird Count that I take part in. I think you’ll agree that Fiona had plenty of smiles to share : )

Happy Birthday, Fiona

16 Nov 2010 153
Many, many years ago, my oldest daughter, Fiona, used to love creating little miniatures out of coloured clay. This was a set she made for one of my birthdays. I decided that, after all these years, I would take them out of their box and use them to wish her a happy birthday for today : ) Happy Birthday, Fiona!


12 Dec 2008 165
Happy Birthday to my youngest daughter, Rachel! She is still on a trip to New Zealand but will be returning home to Vancouver soon. Hope she is greeted by a blanket of snow on her return to the West Coast, LOL! It's snowing heavily where I am. A windchill temperature of around -40C for Sunday!!! (Thanks as always, fd!)


03 Sep 2008 127
Fiona, I hope the pain level stays low and that the boredom factor rapidly disappears : ) Hope it won't be too many more days before you are able to be out and about. Take care, love Mum Created with fd's Flickr Toys .

It's all in the genes

09 Jul 2008 182
I spent a couple of hours this morning at the Stampede Grounds with my daughter from Vancouver (flickr, Silver Pomegranate), soaking up the smell of grease and farm animals. Stampede Week is a week of craziness, but you feel you just HAVE to go and experience the atmosphere. As soon as we entered the Stampede Grounds, the first thing we both photographed was this small log cabin with peeling paint. Both of us love taking macros, but this time I thought I would include her in my photo, while she was busy photographing the textures close up.