Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Oriental Poppy

Colour and light

11 Jul 2012 1 241
Time for a bright splash of colour to be added to my photostream. I tend to post a warm-coloured image like this on a very cold or very grey day, but at the moment, our temperatures are way too hot for my liking, especially indoors, with 32C-34C in my computer room. All being well, after next week, I should have windows that I can actually open - the present ones get stuck if you try to open even just a few inches as the glass has come away from the vinyl (?) strips, so I have to keep them shut. After 14 years, at least, of everyone's complaints, all the windows are finally being replaced. Mine will be the last to be done and it sounds like mine will be done on Tuesday (depending on the weather, of course). Between now and then, I have two major, long botanizing days out, after which I can barely move, lol. There are certain things, though, that HAVE to be done before the window people knock on my door. It will feel so good once all this has been done, after being in limbo for at least seven months, not knowing when action would take place. Apologies to everyone for not commenting very much recently - this time of year, with all the botanizing trips, becomes kind of crazy. As well as a written record that is made of every species of plant, bird, insect, fungi, etc. that we see on each trip, I pick out certain of my photos to send out as a visual record of some of what we see, which always takes time to do. Life just gets insane for a few months, and I just can't keep up : )


05 Jul 2010 209
I always love to see Poppy buds with the gorgeous, crumpled petals just starting to emerge. This orange Oriental Poppy was growing at the Reader Rock Garden a few days ago. Don't you just love it when a photo turns out with a black or very dark background? Must check and see if I used flash for this one - no, I didn't, so it was just one of those lucky shots : ).

Oriental Poppy

18 Jun 2008 168
On a walk on Sunday afternoon, we passed someone's garden where there were four of these huge, brilliantly coloured Oriental Poppies growing.

Newly emerged

28 Jun 2008 152
I love the pale, crumpled petals of this Oriental Poppy, freshly emerged from the tightly packed bud. Seen at the Reader Rock Garden.

Pink Papaver

01 Aug 2007 155
I always love the centres of flowers, including Poppies. This giant pink Oriental Poppy was growing at the Reader Rock Garden.

Perfectly pink

05 Jul 2007 143
Just love these huge Oriental Poppies, seen at the beautiful Reader Rock Garden.