Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: book

Caught in the act

06 Jan 2018 195
HELP is needed to find the two amazing men who stopped (in brutal, -30C weather) to help save the life of one of our birder/photographer friends, who was in a very serious vehicle accident. Mike, who is in hospital with a broken jaw, broken wrist, and two broken legs, really, really wants to meet his two rescuers so that he can thank them for saving his life. Everyone is using the social media on Facebook in an attempt to find these two good Samaritans, and I thought I would add it here, too, in the hope that someone out there might just know the hoped-for information. It would mean so much to Mike! His many friends would be so happy, too. I will add the link to today's Global TV News article. Of course, it is possible that the two rescuers might see the News today and hopefully come forward. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* A blurry shot, but posting this image just for the memory. I was on the veranda at the Asa Wright Nature Centre on the island of Trinidad and happened to look down at a group of people heading out on a birding walk. This man already had his bird book open, at a Hummingbird page. This rapid shot just puts a smile on my face. This adventure was only the second holiday of any kind, anywhere, that I have had in something like 30 or 35 years! The other holiday was a wonderful, one-week trip with my dear friends from England, Linda and Tony, when we went down south to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons in September 2012. I have had maybe half a dozen weekends away, including to Waterton National Park, which have helped keep me going. Six birding/photographer friends and I decided that we would take this exciting trip together (from 12-21 March 2017), spending the first two or three days on the island of Tobago and then the rest of the time at the Asa Wright Nature Centre on the nearby, much larger island of Trinidad. We decided to take a complete package, so everything was included - accommodation at both places, all our food, and the various walks and day trips that we could choose from. Two of my friends, Anne B. and Brenda, saw to all the planning of flights and accommodations, which was so very much appreciated by the rest of us. I could never have done all this myself! We were so lucky with our flights, as we were just in time to get Black Friday prices, which were 50% off! What a time we had, seeing so many beautiful and interesting things - and, of course, everything was a lifer for me. Some of these friends had visited Costa Rica before, so were familiar with some of the birds. There was a lot more to see on Trinidad, so we were glad that we chose Tobago to visit first and then spend a longer time at Asa Wright. It was wonderful to be right by the sea, though, at the Blue Waters Inn on the island of Tobago. Just gorgeous. The Asa Wright Nature Centre, on Trinidad, is such an amazing place! We stayed in cabins up or down hill from the main building. Really, one doesn't need to travel away from the Centre for birding, as so many different species visit the Hummingbird feeders that are right by the huge, open veranda, and the trees of the rain forest high up the mountainous road. The drive up and down this narrow, twisting, pot-holed road was an adventure in itself! Never would I ever do this drive myself - we had a guide who drove us everywhere in a minibus. I had read many accounts of this road, lol! There was enough room for two vehicles to pass each other, and the honking of horns was almost continuous - either to warn any vehicle that might be coming fast around the next bend or as a sign that drivers knew each other. The drive along this road, from the coast to Asa Wright, took just over an hour each way. I still miss the great food that was provided every single day at Asa Wright and even the Rum Punch that appeared each evening. I never drink at all, so I wasn't sure if I would even try the Punch - glad I did, though, as it was delicious and refreshing. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were all served buffet-style, with a great variety of dishes from which to choose. To me, pure luxury. So very, very grateful to have been invited to be part of this amazing adventure. This is a video that I came across on YouTube, taken by Rigdon Currie and Trish Johnson, at many of the same places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here again, so that I won't lose it. I also came across the following 27-minute YouTube video of the flora and fauna of Trinidad, filmed by John Patrick Smith in February 2015.

Wild Edible Mushrooms of British Columbia

03 Dec 2017 290
This is the cover of a newly published book, "Wild Edible Mushrooms of British Columbia" by Tom Cervenka, published by Northern Bushcraft Publishing. I also have copy of his previously published book, "Wild Edible Berries of Alberta". Tom said he will be working on a book covering the wild edible mushrooms of Alberta, too, though many are similar to the British Columbia species. "This field guide covers the wild edible mushrooms of British Columbia that are most suitable for novice mushroom pickers. Learn how to confidently identify mushrooms based on key characteristics and how to distinguish look-alikes. This comprehensive and lightweight guide is ideal for backpackers, hikers, and other nature enthusiasts. It includes: - over 120 full color photos of edible mushrooms - 50 detailed species descriptions that assume no knowledge of mycology - clear descriptions of the key features of each edible mushroom - 80 look-alike mushrooms and how to tell them apart - culinary notes, including tips on preparation and preservation Personally, I never, ever pick and eat wild mushrooms, but several of my friends do. This is something that they grew up with and so have accumulated lots of knowledge about which species are safe to eat. However, just one mistake and you could be in a lot of trouble. As our main Naturalist always says: "All mushrooms are edible, some only once."

Geometry can be such a challenge

27 Aug 2016 2 1 255
Normally, I never post photos of people on the Internet, especially my own family. However, last night, I was looking for a certain photo and happened to come across this very old one of my son, taken so many years ago. We were living in Borneo (Far East) at the time, which was where my son was born, and his Dad, who loved Math, was working on a Math Degree in his spare time - for fun. Many years later, he finally got his Degree. My son, like most people, never felt the same way about Math. Anyway, every time I see this picture, it always makes me smile, so I thought I would add something totally different to my photostream this morning. I spent ages on trying to adjust the colour from the original (which is not the photo seen here), but in the end, I gave up.

Robert Bateman - Life Sketches - a Memoir

13 Nov 2015 150
For the last two days, I was completely torn as to whether to go to Robert Bateman's book-signing evening here in Calgary. This was a man I had always wanted to meet, but the bookstore where he was going to be was located in a large shopping area that I always avoid at all cost. The tangle of roads in and out of it is so confusing and I knew that it was not the best place to be driving in the dark, with very poor night sight! My good friend Sandy made a last minute decision to go herself and, after meeting her half way, she drove us the rest of the way, which was wonderful! The line-up in the store was quite long when we got there early and it continued to grow all evening! Thanks so much for doing this, Sandy! This author took his time with each keen buyer of his new book - filled with sketches and paintings not seen before. Even by the time it was eventually our turn, he was so relaxed and took time to chat - a real people person. Hard to believe this gentleman is 85 years old! After our most rewarding visit, we stayed in the store and had a drink - for me it was peppermint mocha. The kind of drink I never, ever buy, lol. It kept me wide awake and up till about 5:00 am this morning! Fortunately, I didn't have to go anywhere and I slept till almost 1:00 p.m, hence my very late posting on Flickr. "Robert Bateman has been a keen artist and naturalist from his early days. He has always painted wildlife and nature, beginning with a representational style, moving through impressionism and cubism to abstract expressionism. In his early 30's he moved back to realism as a more suitable way to express the particularity of the planet. It is this style that has made him one of the foremost artists in his genre." "Robert Bateman’s realistic painting style, featuring wildlife in its habitat, encourages the viewer to closely observe the natural world. Besides being one of Canada’s best-known artists, he is a naturalist, recognized by the Audubon Society as one of the 20th century’s “heroes of conservation”. He is a spokesman for many environmental and preservation issues, using his art to raise millions of dollars for these causes. Robert’s honours and awards are numerous, including Officer of the Order of Canada. He has been awarded twelve honorary doctorates and has three schools named after him. He has been the subject of many films and books that include The Art of Robert Bateman [1981], The World of Robert Bateman [1985], An Artist in Nature [1990], Natural Worlds [1996], Thinking Like a Mountain [2000], Birds [2002] and New Works, [2010] as well as several children’s books." "Bateman's art reflects his commitment to ecology and preservation. Since the early 1960's, he has been an active member of naturalist and conservation organizations., now on a global scale. He has become a spokesman for many environmental and preservation issues and has used his artwork and limited edition prints in fund-raising efforts that have provided millions of dollars for these worthy causes. He says, "I can't conceive of anything being more varied and rich and handsome than the planet Earth. And its crowning beauty is the natural world. I want to soak it up, to understand it as well as I can, and to absorb it… and then I'd like to put it together and express it in my painting. This is the way I want to dedicate my life."" To see all his artwork, follow the link below: (painter)

Life-long friends, Anne and Linda

20 Feb 2012 240
That's me on the left, with my younger friend, Linda, who grew up into an amazing woman and an even more amazing friend. This is the person (over in England) who arranged my brother's funeral just over a year ago, helped sort through every single item in his house and sent me photos of each thing by e-mail so that I could choose which precious items I wanted saving. All these things were carefully shipped over to Canada for me a few months ago. She, and my other friends, gave up a year of their lives to do all this - and many other things, too numerous to mention. Thanks, Linda - how proud your parents would be, to have raised a daughter like you!

Seeds: Time Capsules of Life

28 Jan 2011 164
Two days ago, my doorbell rang and this absolutely stunning book was in my hands - finally! Having waited many months for a complimentary copy to arrive, I came to the conclusion that perhaps my requested photo wasn't needed after all. I didn't feel comfortable e-mailing to check on this, but eventually after maybe a year, that's what I did. I learned that yes, my photo of One-sided Wintergreen was included, and that a book had been sent to me many months earlier - but obviously had got lost somewhere between England and Canada. I decided to go through Amazon and then, when the date for shiipping was postponed and I thought that maybe they just didn't have a new copy of this book, I went through a different company. So, more than a year later, I finally have this stunning book in my hands. It's a coffee table book, 12" by 11", 264 pages of the most amazing microscopic photos of seeds from all over the world (along with text). A book where science and art come together in the most wonderful way, thanks to the two very talented authors! "Rob Kesseler is a visual arts professor and artist. Since 2001 he has been working with microscopic plant material at London's Royal Botanic Gardens. Wolfgang Stuppy is a seed morphologist for the Millennium Seed Bank at London's Royal Botanic Gardens. His work furthers the bank's efforts to safeguard 24,000 plant species from around the globe." From Firefly Books. I love the fact that Prince Charles wrote the Preface for this book, and it makes me smile when I read his first sentence: "Anyone who has observed a snowflake through a magnifying glass knows that some of Nature's most exquisite handiwork is on a miniature scale ...." Reckon I can relate to this guy, lol! I feel honoured to have my VERY humble photo included in this book - I just happened to have a photo of something that they needed. I always feel honoured to have my photos published, but have to admit this has a very special meaning to me, including a tie with my old home country, England, that I haven't been able to visit in 32 years! "In 1997, Papadakis founded a new publishing house, Papadakis Publisher, with his daughter Alexandra. In addition to books on architecture and the decorative arts the company broadened its scope to include books on natural science, including the acclaimed series Pollen, Seeds and Fruit in association with the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, leading to his election as a Fellow of the Linnean Society. Pollen and Seeds were awarded a joint gold medal by the American Independent Publishers’ Association in 2006 as Outstanding Books of the Year." For information about Kew Gardens, England, and their Millennium Seed Bank:- For information about the Publisher, Andreas Papadakis:-

A delightful little book

31 Dec 2009 151
About a year ago, I was one of the photographers who were contacted by Lark Books, requesting the use of a photo for their book FOCUS: LOVE. They picked out my yellow Tulip with tiny red hearts image that you can see in the centre of the front cover - it's also just inside the book and on the inside back cover, as well as on page 79. Love the way the "O" in FOCUS is cut out, to reveal a bright red heart. Yesterday, I received a complimentary copy of this book and just HAD to show it here because I think it is such a delightful little book, full of inspiration. (Oh, and no, I don't make any money from the sale of this book, ha). There are 180 pages and the price in Canada is $19.50 ($14.95 US). Due to be released in February 2010. Congratulations to the creators of this book and congratulations to all the photographers who have shared their work. If you are included, I would love to hear from you!

One of my photos

13 Oct 2007 145
I was amazed to be told that one of my photos had been chosen to be included in the recently published "The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Alberta". It's a beautiful, coffee-table book! Comment from Bird Studies Canada (BSC): 12 October 2007 – After seven years of extensive fieldwork and data analysis, The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Alberta: A Second Look, is now available. This high-quality publication from the Federation of Alberta Naturalists details the distribution, status, and preferred habitats of more than 270 species of birds nesting in the province." It is a "comprehensive, full colour, (LARGE), hardcover book". I think I submitted about 6 or 8 images last year, and feel very lucky to be included. I believe this is the fifth book that I've been lucky enough to be published in, plus three magazines (which include a beautifully produced children's magazine in Israel!). OK, now, to bring me back down to earth (!), I need to go and sort out and clean my ancient fridge which is dying, ready for a new one to be delivered on Monday. It's proving to be a bigger task than I thought - taking away precious time on Flickr, LOL!

The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Alberta front cover

13 Oct 2007 131
I was amazed to be told that one of my photos had been chosen to be included in the recently published "The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Alberta". It's a beautiful book! Comment from Bird Studies Canada (BSC): 12 October 2007 – After seven years of extensive fieldwork and data analysis, The Atlas of Breeding Birds of Alberta: A Second Look, is now available. This high-quality publication from the Federation of Alberta Naturalists details the distribution, status, and preferred habitats of more than 270 species of birds nesting in the province." It is a "comprehensive, full colour, (LARGE), hardcover book". I think I submitted about 6 or 8 images last year, and feel very lucky to be included. I believe this is the fifth book that I've been lucky enough to be published in, plus three magazines (which include a beautifully produced children's magazine in Israel!). OK, now, to bring me back down to earth (!), I need to go and sort out and clean my ancient fridge which is dying, ready for a new one to be delivered on Monday. It's proving to be a bigger task than I thought - taking away precious time on Flickr, LOL!