Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Limenitis arthemis

White Admiral on Cow Parsnip

28 Jun 2017 269
Yesterday, 27 June 2017, the sun was shining and, for the first time in quite a while, it wasn't windy, just a very slight breeze. I used to love going to this garden, usually after I had been volunteering in the same part of the city. Since I stopped volunteering (after a volunteer 'career' of 37 years at several places!), I haven't been going. Yesterday, I decided I had better go, or the plants would be in seed before too long. I discovered that the usual gravel road that I take, leading down to the bottom of the Garden, was closed yesterday afternoon - maybe road repairs? Or maybe it was connected to the fact that the nearby Stampede Grounds must be getting ready for the start of Stampede Week here in the city. I was too late for the beautiful Showy Lady's-slippers, and the area where the Snake's Head Fritillary / Fritillaria meleagris used to grow had been dug over, for some improvement reason. However, there were plenty of other species to enjoy and photograph, including this White Admiral butterfly that landed on a Cow Parsnip flower. "The White Admiral is a widespread common to abundant species found across Canada. It is found as far north as the tree line. There are two generations each year, one on the wing from June to August and a later one in September. They are typically encountered sunning themselves on roads and clearings in wooded areas. (Layberry et al, 1998)." From

White Admiral

05 Feb 2015 229
Thought I'd better quickly dig into my archives and find three things that are not winter scenes, owls or wildlife. Much as I love those three, I'm feeling the need for colour and something different. Recently, the main thing I have been seeing and photographing is the tiny, uncommon (in Alberta) Northern Pygmy-owl. I try to spread those photos out a little bit, but you are probably all getting weary of seeing this little guy/gal : ) Make the most of today, as I can't promise that I won't be back to the owl tomorrow or the next day, lol. I rarely get to see a White Admiral butterfly, so was happy to see this one during a late afternoon stroll at the Reader Rock Garden on 4 July 2012. "The White Admiral is a widespread common to abundant species found across Canada. It is found as far north as the tree line. There are two generations each year, one on the wing from June to August and a later one in September. They are typically encountered sunning themselves on roads and clearings in wooded areas. (Layberry et al, 1998)." From