Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Acanthis flammea
Common Redpoll
31 Mar 2018 |
A huge leap from the two tropical photos from Trinidad that I posted yesterday! On 4 March 2018, it was such a beautiful winter's day, and I decided to join seven friends for a walk down into Weaselhead in the afternoon. The previous day, a birding walk had been cancelled because the weather was so bad and the long, steep hill down to river level was very icy. It is almost unheard of for a birding walk to be cancelled! The roads were not in good condition especially the residential streets. I have lived in this city for 40 years and I don't remember ever seeing this much snow on the ground. Just crazy.
There were not a whole lot of birds to be seen on this walk, but it is always a delight to see the dainty little Common Redpolls. This female had a rather orangy coloured spot on her forehead, rather than the usual red/deep pink. I seem to remember that last winter, there were no Redpolls to be seen. Nice to see a beautiful lone Coyote travelling across the frozen, snow-covered Elbow River.
Coffee at Tim Horton's afterwards was enjoyable, as always. Thanks for a great walk, Janet, Bernie and Stephen! I always appreciate your giving up your Sunday afternoon for the rest of us.
"As energetic as their electric zapping call notes would suggest, Common Redpolls are active foragers that travel in busy flocks. Look for them feeding on catkins in birch trees or visiting feeders in winter. These small finches of the arctic tundra and boreal forest migrate erratically, and they occasionally show up in large numbers as far south as the central U.S. During such irruption years, redpolls often congregate at bird feeders (particularly thistle or nyjer seed), allowing delightfully close looks.
Some studies show that in winter, redpolls subsist almost entirely on a diet of birch seeds. They eat up to 42 percent of their body mass every day. They can store up to about 2 grams (0.07 oz.) of seeds in a stretchy part of their esophagus, enough for about a quarter of their daily energy requirement.
A few banding records have shown that some Common Redpolls are incredibly wide ranging. Among them, a bird banded in Michigan was recovered in Siberia; others in Alaska have been recovered in the eastern U.S., and a redpoll banded in Belgium was found 2 years later in China.
Common Redpolls can survive temperatures of –65 degrees Fahrenheit. A study in Alaska found Redpolls put on about 31 percent more plumage by weight in November than they did in July." Bits and pieces taken from AllAboutBirds.
Common Redpoll female
05 Mar 2018 |
A huge leap from the rainforest of Trinidad photos posted yesterday to the snowy shots posted today! Yesterday, 4 March 2018, was such a beautiful day, and I decided to join seven friends for a walk down into Weaselhead in the afternoon. The previous day, a birding walk had been cancelled because the weather was so bad and the long, steep hill down to river level was very icy. It is almost unheard of for a birding walk to be cancelled! The roads were not in good condition especially the residential streets. I have a bad feeling that my car is now stuck in the ruts outside my place - when I got home after the walk, it was almost impossible to drive over the mounds of snow that have built up over the last few months. Not sure how I am going to be able to reverse out of this spot. Guess I will find out. I have lived in this city for 40 years and I don't remember ever seeing this much snow on the ground. Just crazy.
There were not a whole lot of birds to be seen on yesterday's walk, but it is always a delight to see the dainty little Common Redpolls. I seem to remember that last winter, there were no Redpolls to be seen. Nice to see a beautiful lone Coyote travelling across the frozen, snow-covered Elbow River. I will add the leaders' list of species seen in a comment box below. Coffee at Tim Horton's afterwards was enjoyable, as always. Thanks for a great walk, Janet, Bernie and Stephen! I always appreciate your giving up your Sunday afternoon for the rest of us.
I made the mistake of checking the weather forecast for Alberta for the coming spring and summer, though of course we all know that the forecast is often incorrect. For us, it will be a cold spring followed by an above normal summer. More big storms to come - actually, March is said to be our snowiest month, anyway. Looks like it could be another year without mushrooms growing, just like last year. The temperature this morning, 5 March 2018, is -22C (windchill -29C).
"As energetic as their electric zapping call notes would suggest, Common Redpolls are active foragers that travel in busy flocks. Look for them feeding on catkins in birch trees or visiting feeders in winter. These small finches of the arctic tundra and boreal forest migrate erratically, and they occasionally show up in large numbers as far south as the central U.S. During such irruption years, redpolls often congregate at bird feeders (particularly thistle or nyjer seed), allowing delightfully close looks.
Some studies show that in winter redpolls subsist almost entirely on a diet of birch seeds. They eat up to 42 percent of their body mass every day. They can store up to about 2 grams (0.07 oz.) of seeds in a stretchy part of their esophagus, enough for about a quarter of their daily energy requirement.
A few banding records have shown that some Common Redpolls are incredibly wide ranging. Among them, a bird banded in Michigan was recovered in Siberia; others in Alaska have been recovered in the eastern U.S., and a redpoll banded in Belgium was found 2 years later in China.
Common Redpolls can survive temperatures of –65 degrees Fahrenheit. A study in Alaska found Redpolls put on about 31 percent more plumage by weight in November than they did in July." Bits and pieces taken from AllAboutBirds.
Common Redpoll in falling snow
17 Jan 2018 |
I wasn't going to post any photos this morning, as I had none that were edited. I had to spend hours yesterday, trying to contact various services to update my credit card information. My previous card had been shut down when two suspicious transactions were made about a week before Christmas - such an absolute pain! I felt totally drained at the end of yesterday - and I've had to waste hours this way on most days in the past week. Still have a few more services to try and contact before I'm cut off from them, too, and then I really, really hope that is that. A real waste of a week.
On 19 December 2017, it was the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for High River, a town to the south of Calgary. I am adding the report by Gus Yaki, the leader of our small group of 7, travelling in two cars. What Gus did not add, because he did not stay for the delicious Potluck supper after the Count, is that the forecast snow (Snowfall Warning in effect) arrived in full force in the evening and the drive back to Calgary was most unpleasant, with low visibility. Looked like there were about 10" of the white stuff on top of my fence by the next morning. Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for being so kind and picking me up in the early morning and driving me all day long, and then dropping me off for the Potluck and returning later to collect me ready for the three of us to return to Calgary. Appreciated more than I can say! Thanks, also, to Greg Wagner for organizing the Count - as usual, great job! Last, but not least, many thanks to those who organized and prepared such a wonderful feast for us all to thoroughly enjoy at the end of the day! I left home around 7:00 am and arrived home about 8:15 pm, finally getting to bed at 2:00 am and eventually waking up at noon the next day! Was I tired after a full day out, especially after only two hours sleep the previous night!
I should also add my thanks to the various property owners who very kindly gave us permission to wander round their farmyards in search of any birds. Being allowed to do this adds so much more interest to our Count day, and we really appreciate it.
One exciting sighting was a beautiful female Moose, maybe two years old! This was the very first sighting ever of a Moose in our SE quadrant of the High River Count circle. From a distance, she was barely noticeable through the falling snow.
Common Redpolls were enjoyed at some feeders. They gave me the first opportunity to take photos this season. Much as I prefer photos without feeders, I am very glad for this chance. They are such dainty little birds, and fast-moving. It always looks like a feeding frenzy when they are at the feeders.
"High River CBC, SE Quadrant, including Frank Lake. 0800-1545, Tue, 19 Dec2017. Light overcast, light snow beginning at 1100. N Wind 10kph, -07 to -06°C. Ground bare initially, 3 cm at end. Little Bow River, mostly open.
Northern Shoveler-1 f.
Northern Pintail-2
Common Goldeneye-3
Gray Partridge-8
Bald Eagle-1 ad, on Frank Lake
Prairie Falcon-1
Rock Pigeon-56
Great Horned Owl-6
Snowy Owl-1
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-17
Common Raven-4
Song Sparrow-1
Snow Bunting-150
Common Redpoll-790
House Sparrow-202
Ring-necked Pheasant tracks by observation blind.
Gord Fraser, on W side of Little Bow, just N of 594 Av, had 40 Gray Partridges this a.m.
Skunk track by observation blind
Meadow Vole-1
Mule Deer-6
Moose-1 f.
Km by Car- 58
Km on foot -5
Total km - 63
Time by car – 2 hrs
Time on foot-5 hrs
Total party hours-7 hrs"
Common Redpoll
30 Dec 2017 |
Today's weather forecast: "Extreme Cold Warning. A prolonged period of very cold wind chills is expected. Extreme cold conditions are expected to continue through the weekend." Our temperature today is -29°C (windchill -38°C) and light snow is still falling. Will this extreme cold ever end? Having just done three, day-long Counts in such bitterly cold weather, it looks like things should warm up just in time for the Fish Creek Provincial Park's annual New Year's Day Count. We will have an awful lot of snow to trudge through, though.
A video from the Weather Network website, showing how cold it is in Calgary right now:
This photo was taken yesterday, 29 December 2017, when four of us (using just one car) took part in the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the Cochrane Wildlife Reserve area. I'm not sure why it's called Wildlife Reserve, as it consists of back roads and farms just like on our other Counts. The area we covered (right on the east edge of the count circle) was east of Highway 22/Cowboy Trail (across from the Water Valley area).
The first evidence of any wildlife for me, first thing in the morning, was a Jackrabbit that was nibbling on snow-covered plants right outside our leader's house. Of course, at 7:15 in the morning, it was still dark.
Each year, I look forward to seeing several Llamas at one of the farms we call in at during our coverage. This farmer has several of these large, amusing animals, and they are always one of the highlights of this Count for me. I'm not sure how many Llamas they have - somewhere around 7? Most of these animals were given to them by other farmers who no longer wanted them.
"Llamas appear to have originated from the central plains of North America about 40 million years ago. They migrated to South America and Asia about 3 million years ago. By the end of the last ice age (10,000–12,000 years ago) camelids were extinct in North America. As of 2007, there were over 7 million llamas and alpacas in South America and, due to importation from South America in the late 20th century, there are now over 100,000 llamas and 6,500–7,000 alpacas in the US and Canada." From Wikipedia.
Another of my favourite farms to stop at has a beautiful, old dog named Fang, along with beautiful cats, and I always look forward to seeing them each year. This day, though, with a temperature of -23C all day (windchill probably at least -30C), kept cats indoors. I caught a brief glimpse of just one cat outside. The neighbouring farm, which is also included in our area, has two beautiful old, red barns and I was longing to see these again. Unfortunately, no one was home, but I did get the chance to take two rapid shots through the trees of one of the barns, from a side view, which I had only seen for the first time on last year's Count.
Another farm we stopped at had beautiful Pine Grosbeaks and Common Redpolls coming to a feeder. A joy to see these splashes of colour in a very cold, white, white world.
So, it was a very enjoyable day, though there were not all that many species or individual birds to be seen. Too cold and too much snow to spend much time searching various farmyards, and we had finished the Count by 2:30 pm. I will add a list of the bird species seen, in a comment box below. Many thanks, Dave, for driving us. You did a great job of handling roads that were not in the greatest condition, and it was greatly appreciated. The light was awful all day, and it was so difficult to see where the ditch was and where one road turned off to another. There is no way I would ever try driving on our back roads in winter! Also, a huge thank-you to the various landowners who were kind enough to allow us to wander around their farmyards. These visits make our day much more interesting!
An article from CBC News, including words from Brian Keating about how birds stay warm in such cold weather:
""Common Redpolls can survive up to 20 hours without access to food, even if temperatures drop to -54 C," Brian Keating said.
Redpolls have specially designed esophageal pouches that allow them to hold on to seeds, then later slowly digest them to provide them with energy to maintain their core at a balmy 40 C — "kinda like throwing logs on a fireplace.
Their internal temperature can be 73 degrees warmer than the surrounding air, with the two extremes being separated by less than a half a centimetre layer of feathers."
Common Redpoll with an orange spot
23 Dec 2017 |
Three more photos from our High River Christmas Bird Count - I need a change of things to photograph! I happened to notice that this Common Redpoll had an orange spot on its forehead, instead of a red one.
Four days ago, on 19 December 2017, it was the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for High River, a town to the south of Calgary. I am adding the report by Gus Yaki, the leader of our small group of 7, travelling in two cars. What Gus did not add, because he did not stay for the delicious Potluck supper after the Count, is that the forecast snow (Snowfall Warning in effect) arrived in full force in the evening and the drive back to Calgary was most unpleasant, with low visibility. Looked like there were about 10" of the white stuff on top of my fence by the next morning. Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for being so kind and picking me up in the early morning and driving me all day long, and then dropping me off for the Potluck and returning later to collect me ready for the three of us to return to Calgary. Appreciated more than I can say! Thanks, also, to Greg Wagner for organizing the Count - as usual, great job! Last, but not least, many thanks to those who organized and prepared such a wonderful feast for us all to thoroughly enjoy at the end of the day! I left home around 7:00 am and arrived home about 8:15 pm, finally getting to bed at 2:00 am and eventually waking up at noon the next day! Was I tired after a full day out, especially after only two hours sleep the previous night!
I should also add my thanks to the various property owners who very kindly gave us permission to wander round their farmyards in search of any birds. Being allowed to do this adds so much more interest to our Count day, and we really appreciate it.
One exciting sighting was a beautiful female Moose, maybe two years old! This was the very first sighting ever of a Moose in our SE quadrant of the High River Count circle. From a distance, she was barely noticeable through the falling snow.
Common Redpolls were enjoyed at some feeders. They gave me the first opportunity to take photos this season. Much as I prefer photos without feeders, I am very glad for this chance. They are such dainty little birds, and fast-moving. It always looks like a feeding frenzy when they are at the feeders.
"High River CBC, SE Quadrant, including Frank Lake. 0800-1545, Tue, 19 Dec2017. Light overcast, light snow beginning at 1100. N Wind 10kph, -07 to -06°C. Ground bare initially, 3 cm at end. Little Bow River, mostly open.
Northern Shoveler-1 f.
Northern Pintail-2
Common Goldeneye-3
Gray Partridge-8
Bald Eagle-1 ad, on Frank Lake
Prairie Falcon-1
Rock Pigeon-56
Great Horned Owl-6
Snowy Owl-1
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-17
Common Raven-4
Song Sparrow-1
Snow Bunting-150
Common Redpoll-790
House Sparrow-202
Ring-necked Pheasant tracks by observation blind.
Gord Fraser, on W side of Little Bow, just N of 594 Av, had 40 Gray Partridges this a.m.
Skunk track by observation blind
Meadow Vole-1
Mule Deer-6
Moose-1 f.
Km by Car- 58
Km on foot -5
Total km - 63
Time by car – 2 hrs
Time on foot-5 hrs
Total party hours-7 hrs"
Feeding frenzy - is the top right bird a Hoary Red…
22 Dec 2017 |
Three days ago, on 19 December 2017, it was the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for High River, a town to the south of Calgary. I am adding the report by Gus Yaki, the leader of our small group of 7, travelling in two cars. What Gus did not add, because he did not stay for the delicious Potluck supper after the Count, is that the forecast snow (Snowfall Warning in effect) arrived in full force in the evening and the drive back to Calgary was most unpleasant. Looked like there could be about 10" of the white stuff on top of my fence. Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for being so kind and picking me up in the early morning and driving me all day long, and then dropping me off for the Potluck and returning to collect me ready for the three of us to return to Calgary. Appreciated more than I can say! Thanks, also, to Greg Wagner for organizing the Count, as usual - great job! Last, but not least, many thanks to those who organized and prepared such a wonderful feast for us all to thoroughly enjoy at the end of the day! I left home around 7:00 am and arrived home about 8:15 pm, finally getting to bed at 2:00 am and eventually waking up at noon the next day! Was I tired after yesterday's full day, especially after only two hours sleep the previous night!
One exciting sighting was a beautiful female Moose, maybe two years old! I think they said it was a first sighting of a Moose in our quadrant of the High River Count circle. From a distance, she was barely noticeable through the falling snow.
Common Redpolls were enjoyed at some feeders. They gave me the first opportunity to take photos this season. Much as I prefer photos without feeders, I am very glad for this chance. They are such dainty little birds, and fast-moving. It always looks like a feeding frenzy when they are at the feeders. I'm wondering if the bird at the top right could possibly be a Hoary Redpoll, as it is lighter in colour?
Of course, seeing six Great Horned Owls during the Count was great. One in particular gave us some nice views.
"High River CBC, SE Quadrant, including Frank Lake. 0800-1545, Tue, 19 Dec2017. Light overcast, light snow beginning at 1100. N Wind 10kph, -07 to -06°C. Ground bare initially, 3 cm at end. Little Bow River, mostly open.
Northern Shoveler-1 f.
Northern Pintail-2
Common Goldeneye-3
Gray Partridge-8
Bald Eagle-1 ad, on Frank Lake
Prairie Falcon-1
Rock Pigeon-56
Great Horned Owl-6
Snowy Owl-1
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-17
Common Raven-4
Song Sparrow-1
Snow Bunting-150
Common Redpoll-790
House Sparrow-202
Ring-necked Pheasant tracks by observation blind.
Gord Fraser, on W side of Little Bow, just N of 594 Av, had 40 Gray Partridges this a.m.
Skunk track by observation blind
Meadow Vole-1
Mule Deer-6
Moose-1 f.
Km by Car- 58
Km on foot -5
Total km - 63
Time by car – 2 hrs
Time on foot-5 hrs
Total party hours-7 hrs"
Common Redpoll
20 Dec 2017 |
Yesterday, 19 December 2017, was the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for High River, a town to the south of Calgary. I am adding the report by Gus Yaki, the leader of our small group of 7, travelling in two cars. What Gus did not add, because he did not stay for the delicious Potluck supper after the Count, is that the forecast snow (Snowfall Warning in effect) arrived in full force in the evening and the drive back to Calgary was most unpleasant. Looks like there could be about 10" of the white stuff on top of my fence today. Thanks so much, Lorrie and John, for being so kind and picking me up in the early morning and driving me all day long, and then dropping me off for the Potluck and returning to collect me ready for the three of us to return to Calgary. Appreciated more than I can say! Thanks, also, to Greg Wagner for organizing the Count, as usual - great job! Last, but not least, many thanks to those who organized and prepared such a wonderful feast for us all to thoroughly enjoy at the end of the day! I left home around 7:00 am and arrived home about 8:15 pm, finally getting to bed at 2:00 am and eventually waking up at noon today, which is why I am posting so late today! Was I tired after yesterday's full day, especially after only two hours sleep the previous night!
One exciting sighting was a beautiful female Moose, maybe two years old! I think they said it was a first sighting of a Moose in our quadrant of the High River Count circle. From a distance, she was barely noticeable through the falling snow.
Common Redpolls were enjoyed at some feeders. They gave me the first opportunity to take photos this season. Much as I prefer photos without feeders, I am very glad for this chance. They are such dainty little birds, and fast-moving. It always looks like a feeding frenzy when they are at the feeders.
"High River CBC, SE Quadrant, including Frank Lake. 0800-1545, Tue, 19 Dec2017. Light overcast, light snow beginning at 1100. N Wind 10kph, -07 to -06°C. Ground bare initially, 3 cm at end. Little Bow River, mostly open.
Northern Shoveler-1 f.
Northern Pintail-2
Common Goldeneye-3
Gray Partridge-8
Bald Eagle-1 ad, on Frank Lake
Prairie Falcon-1
Rock Pigeon-56
Great Horned Owl-6
Snowy Owl-1
Blue Jay-4
Black-billed Magpie-17
Common Raven-4
Song Sparrow-1
Snow Bunting-150
Common Redpoll-790
House Sparrow-202
Ring-necked Pheasant tracks by observation blind.
Gord Fraser, on W side of Little Bow, just N of 594 Av, had 40 Gray Partridges this a.m.
Skunk track by observation blind
Meadow Vole-1
Mule Deer-6
Moose-1 f.
Km by Car- 58
Km on foot -5
Total km - 63
Time by car – 2 hrs
Time on foot-5 hrs
Total party hours-7 hrs"
Common Redpoll / Acanthis flammea
23 Nov 2017 |
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to all Americans, everywhere!
This photo was taken on a 7-hour trip to Pine Coulee Reservoir on 12 November 2017. A group of eight of us went S and SE of the city on a birding trip to one of my favourite areas. This included Pine Coulee Reservoir, Clear Lake and the Twin Valley Reservoir. I just love some of the landscape through which we drove - barren, rugged, middle-of-nowhere kind of scenery. It looks so different in each season - I think my favourite time of year is when there is a covering of snow on the empty hills, and ice on most of the water. I've still not had the courage to drive in this area myself, as I know that I might never find my way out of it.
Several previous trips had covered part of this latest drive, but much of the return drive was in a huge area that I had never been to before. Later in the drive, we crossed the main highway #2 south and travelled the backroads way, way south of the Frank Lake area, and kept going north until we got back to the city. The Twin Valley Reservoir was one of the stops we made in this new-to-me area.
Actually, the other day, I was reading my account of a trip made on 9 November 2013, and I discovered that, in fact, I HAD been to this area before. Just shows that I often have no idea where we are at any given time. Since the trip in 2013, I do have a somewhat better understanding of the area S and SE of Calgary. The following is from Terry Korolyk's account of that day, four years ago:
"The north end of Clear Lake was frozen, so, we headed north to the Twin Valleys Dam Reservoir, and, drove up the east side of it. This produced more Rough-legged Hawks,and, a Prairie Falcon. Some herds of Mule Deer and flocks of Gray Partridge were seen on the trip home via Highways 804, 799, 552, and Dunbow Road."
As on almost all these day trips out of the city, almost every bird is far, far away, needing at least binoculars and best of all, a scope. Two Great Horned Owls and a couple of tiny Common Redpolls were the only closer photos I took. This was the first time that I had seen Redpolls this year, so it was a nice sighting. They were flying back and forth from the trees to perch on a rough, wooden fence.
Also, as always happens, my camera lens turns to things other than birds. Scenic shots are always taken - after all, I feel that it is important to record the habitat of any birds seen. I have no excuse to give for photographing any old barn or homestead, other than that I LOVE to photograph them : )
Terry, you took us on such an amazing trip! So many new (or forgotten) places, to me at least. You even arranged with the weatherman for a beautiful, sunny day. It couldn't have been a better outing - so very enjoyable. Now all I need to do is look at a map and try and find roughly where we travelled! Really appreciate your carefully made lists of all species seen, and where.
Common Redpolls / Acanthis flammea
15 Nov 2017 |
"As energetic as their electric zapping call notes would suggest, Common Redpolls are active foragers that travel in busy flocks. Look for them feeding on catkins in birch trees or visiting feeders in winter. These small finches of the arctic tundra and boreal forest migrate erratically, and they occasionally show up in large numbers as far south as the central U.S. During such irruption years, redpolls often congregate at bird feeders (particularly thistle or nyjer seed), allowing delightfully close looks." From AllAboutBirds.
This zoomed and cropped photo of two little Common Redpolls was taken three days ago, on 12 November 2017. A group of eight of us went S and SE of the city on a birding trip to one of my favourite areas. This included Pine Couleee Reservoir, Clear Lake and the Twin Valley Reservoir. I just love some of the landscape through which we drove - barren, rugged, middle-of-nowhere kind of scenery. It looks so different in each season - I think my favourite time of year is when there is a covering of snow on the empty hills and ice on most of the water. I've still not had the courage to drive in this area myself, as I know that I might never find my way out of it.
Several previous trips had covered part of this latest drive, but much of the return drive was in a huge area that I had never been to before. We crossed the main highway #2 south and travelled the backroads way, way south of the Frank Lake area, and kept going north until we got back to the city. The Twin Valley Reservoir was one of the stops we made in this new-to-me area.
Actually, I have just been reading my account of a trip made on 9 November 2013, and discovered that in fact I HAD been to this area before. Just shows that I often have no idea where we are at any given time. Since the trip in 2013, I do have a somewhat better understanding of the area S and SE of Calgary. The following is from Terry Korolyk's account of that day, four years ago:
"The north end of Clear Lake was frozen, so, we headed north to the Twin Valleys Dam Reservoir, and, drove up the east side of it. This produced more Rough-legged Hawks,and, a Prairie Falcon. Some herds of Mule Deer and flocks of Gray Partridge were seen on the trip home via Highways 804, 799, 552, and Dunbow Road."
As on almost all these day trips out of the city, almost every bird is far, far away, needing at least binoculars and best of all, a scope. Two Great Horned Owls and a couple of tiny Common Redpolls were the only closer photos I took. This was the first time that I had seen Redpolls this year, so it was a nice sighting. They were flying back and forth from the trees to perch on a rough, wooden fence.
Also, as always happens, my camera lens turns to things other than birds. Scenic shots are always taken - after all, I feel that it is important to record the habitat of any birds seen. I have no excuse to give for photographing any old barn or homestead, other than that I LOVE to photograph them : )
Terry, you took us on such an amazing trip! So many new (or forgotten) places, to me at least. You even arranged with the weatherman for a beautiful, sunny day. It couldn't have been a better outing - so very enjoyable. Now all I need to do is look at a map and try and find roughly where we travelled! Really appreciate your carefully made lists of all species seen, and where.
Redpoll cafeteria
19 Feb 2013 |
We saw this distant feeder at one of the farms we called in at during the annual High River Christmas Bird Count, on 18 December 2012. I always think Common Redpolls must be one of the daintiest little birds, and so pretty.
Common Redpoll
15 Jan 2013 |
This, and a number of other, Common Redpolls were feeding on the ground in someone's yard along one of the backroads SW of Nanton, Alberta. Taken on 30 December 2012, when three of us drove all the backroads in the SW quadrant of the circle for the annual Audubon Nanton Christmas Bird Count. It was such a great day, in such beautiful scenery.
"As energetic as their electric zapping call notes would suggest, Common Redpolls are active foragers that travel in busy flocks. Look for them feeding on catkins in birch trees or visiting feeders in winter. These small finches of the arctic tundra and boreal forest migrate erratically, and they occasionally show up in large numbers as far south as the central U.S. During such irruption years, redpolls often congregate at bird feeders (particularly thistle or nyjer seed), allowing delightfully close looks."
Dainty Common Redpoll posing
09 Dec 2012 |
When friends, Dorothy and Stephen, invited me to go with them on a spur-of-the-moment drive east of the city on 7 December 2012, the main thing we were searching for was a Snowy Owl. Before we saw our first Snowy of this winter, we saw several flocks of Snow Buntings and Common Redpolls. They were flying at top speed over the fields and backroads, but we were lucky a couple of times when some of them landed on the snow-covered stubble near the edge of the road or on a barbed-wire fence. You can barely see the deep red "dot" on this female's forehead, but in better light, it looks so pretty.
Luckily, we found four Snowy Owls. The first Owl was perched on an electricity power line, way down the road and unfortunately was mobbed by a whole flock of small birds (Snow Buntings or Common Redpolls) making it fly way off across a field, before we could slowly approach. The second one was so far away, sitting on the ground in a huge field that was a mix of snow and golden stubble. I just happened to notice the tiniest white speck - probably not far off a kilometre away? - with my naked eyes. We pulled over and, sure enough, it was a Snowy. I might post a photo I took, using 48 times zoom and then heavily cropped, to give an idea, for those who have never been on a Snowy Owl search, just how difficult these birds can be to find : ) The third Owl was perched on the usual, ugly, power pole, but at least it was closer : ) The fourth owl, seen on our way back home, must have been a young one, as it was so curious about us. It just had a young look to it and really was quite cute to watch. These Snowy Owls were simply amazing to see, as always.
Little bird in a big world
10 Dec 2012 |
One of the tiny Common Redpolls that friends, Dorothy and Stephen, and I saw when we went for a drive east of the city on 7 December 2012. The main thing we were searching for was a Snowy Owl. Before we saw our first Snowy of this winter, we saw several flocks of Snow Buntings and Common Redpolls. They were flying at top speed over the fields and backroads, but we were lucky a couple of times when some of them landed on the snow-covered stubble near the edge of the road or on a barbed-wire fence. You can barely see the deep red "dot" on this female's forehead, but in better light, it looks so pretty. Ha, she looks like she really didn't want her photo taken!
Common Redpoll
17 Apr 2012 |
These small, attractive birds are amongst my favourites. They are just so dainty and so pretty with the red spot in their forehead (poll). Taken at one of the feeders that are in Weaselhead, on March 24th. I would imagine that they have all left by now, hopefully to return next winter. This seems to have been a good winter for seeing them here, though they are never easy to photograph - I just lucked out with this one and several other shots.
If you are a birder (especially if you have been birding for a while), you might get some laughs from the YouTube video below. I have watched it a few times already and it still makes me laugh - it's just so TRUE! Thanks for the link, Bonnie, and to Randy who sent it to you : )
Sh*t Birders Say
Common Redpoll
05 Feb 2012 |
This has been a great winter for the dainty little Common Redpolls - lots of them about. They are frequent and often abundant winter visitors across all of Alberta, but some years see a lot more of them than others. Towards spring, redpolls leave for their arctic breeding grounds. Photographed this female at Carburn Park on January 28th. Not the easiest of birds to photograph, as they are either in flight or in constant motion while feeding on the seeds of the Water Birch. Love their little red foreheads.
Fluffed-up Common Redpoll
21 Jan 2012 |
Took this photo two days ago, but it didn't come out much at all. A little bit of work on it and it's just about fit to post. It was taken in Weaselhead on a frigid day, -27C. Much too cold to hold the camera steady, but, as I rarely get photos of these beautiful little Common Redpolls, I was glad to have any photo.
"An abundant breeding bird of the boreal and taiga regions, the Common Redpoll is seen in North America primarily only in the winter. Even then, it generally occurs during irruptions, typically every other year."
"Weaselhead Flats lay at the mouth of the Elbow River in the southwest part of the city. The park was created in the early 1980s and occupies about 237 hectares. The origin of the name is uncertain but it is likely named after the Tsuu T'ina Chief Weaselhead who was in power at the time of European contact."
Common Redpoll
29 Jan 2012 |
Managed to get a photo or two of the Common Redpolls when I was at Carburn Park yesterday. There are plenty of these pretty little birds in the city this year. Out for the day today ....
Does anyone know that this is a female Common Redpoll for sure and not a Hoary Redpoll? Guess I should have thought of asking this sooner, not when everyone had already commented!
I uploaded today's photos really early this morning, before meeting Flickr friends Ron and Trish at Carburn Park. Trish had never seen a tiny Northern Saw-whet Owl, so that was the most important thing to do today! After that was very successfully accomplished, Ron drove us around the beautiful backroads NE and E of the city for a few hours, looking for Snowy Owls! I should mention that on two separate days, he had found a total on each day of 18 of these majestic, breathtaking birds of prey, so I was feeling really confident. Ron did what he does best - finding birds!! Even though I have seen him do this on several occasions, I still don't know how he does it. Anyway, he found a total of 12 Snowy Owls for us today! The forecast was for cloudy periods - well, all we had was cloud all the time, so I really wasn't at all hopeful that my photos would turn out. Amazingly, they seem to be OK, though I haven't looked at them properly. A bit of brightening will no doubt show up all the flaws - but, we'll see : )
I really do want to add something here - I have come across so many people (many of whom I have not met before) the last few days, while standing watching the Northern Saw-whet Owl, who have told me that they look at my photos on Flickr. I can't thank you all individually, but really want to say Thank You! for taking the time to do this. I greatly appreciate it - and it's very humbling.
Later: totally unrelated, but I came across this link for a short video showing some baby Sloths being given a bath at the The Sloth Sanctuary of Costa Rica. The link was posted by gzebear on the HEGPS (Hornby Eagle Group Projects Society) forum website. Talk about cute!!
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