Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: immature

Swainson's Hawk, immature

18 Jul 2019 1 339
"July 20, 2019 marks the 50th anniversary of the first humans landing on the Moon on July 20, 1969 as part of NASA's Apollo 11 lunar mission." People are remembering this exciting, successful event this week. I was trying to remember where I was when this all took place, so I checked. In the week before, we flew from Seria, Brunei, Borneo, back to England for a short while. On the journey from Borneo, we spent 6th - 13th July in Hong Kong, then in Rome, Italy, from 14th - 18th July, arriving in Birmingham, England, at my parents' house on 18th July. We ended up in Holland in October 1969 and returned to Borneo about a week before Christmas 1969. So, I am guessing that we were with my parents when the Moon Landing took place. My parents never had a TV, and I can't remember if we watched it at any friend's house. So much packing, travelling and chaos : ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 11 July 2019, it turned out to be such a great day, with some much-appreciated sightings. I must have spent about 9 hours driving and almost every inch of my body ached like crazy at the end of it. Total distance driven was 461 km, leaving home at 8:45 am and arriving back home 12 hours later, at 8:45 pm. Now, each summer, I try and do two or three longer (for me) drives, to make sure I don't lose the courage to do this. Weather-wise, it was a beautiful, sunny day, with plenty of white clouds Unlike when I did this drive in August 2018, there was no smoke from any wildfires, thank goodness. It was a good day for Hawks, seeing some on the way south and a few on the way home. I did spot one Ferruginous Hawk, but it was perched on a very distant fence post. I'm also wondering if one of the 'hawks' was actually an immature Golden Eagle - seen in photo #4 posted this morning. I saw it from a fair distance and I remember thinking what a large hawk it was. Stopping at an angle in the middle of the road, I managed to get one shot before it took off and a couple just as it was doing so. A couple of Common Nighthawks also helped make my day. For several years, I had longed to see one of these unusual birds and, finally in 2017, I managed to find four of them. In 2018, I was able to find just one. These birds are 9½ inches from the tip of bill to the tip of tail. Very strange looking birds, and always a thrill to see one. "On warm summer evenings, Common Nighthawks roam the skies over treetops, grasslands, and cities. Their sharp, electric peent call is often the first clue they’re overhead. In the dim half-light, these long-winged birds fly in graceful loops, flashing white patches out past the bend of each wing as they chase insects. These fairly common but declining birds make no nest. Their young are so well camouflaged that they’re hard to find, and even the adults seem to vanish as soon as they land." From AllABoutBirds. "North America has 13 nighthawk populations. All but one are in decline and the species is considered threatened in Canada and several U.S. states." My actual destination on 11 July 2019 was the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre, near Lethbridge. I know some people feel that photographing birds that are not out in the wild is cheating. I kind of agree, though I think it's fine as long as someone says where a photo was taken. This Centre is a wonderful place that rehabilitates and releases (whenever possible) various birds of prey - hawks, owls, Bald Eagles, Turkey Vultures,and Golden Eagles. Some of these birds act as Wildlife Ambassadors, too, including educating the public away from the Centre. Sometimes, a bird is used as a foster parent, too. I love the changing scenery as one drives south, and my drive was timed perfectly to catch the golden Canola fields. Maybe half way, I pulled over to take a few photos of an old barn and there was a truck just pulling away. I thought the guy might have been taking photos, too. We got talking and one of the things we both said was that we had never seen a blue field of Flax Later in my drive, guess what I found : ) Looked beautiful, with blue on one side of the road and a field of yellow Canola on the opposite side. This was definitely a rewarding day, full of sightings of all kinds. My favourite kind of day!

Young Common Grackle

30 Jun 2019 50
Tonight, I am all up-to-date again, apart from the rest of my Texas trip images. These 17 images were taken on a quick visit to a wetland within the city. I never seem to get there at a good time of day, meaning that there were not all that many ducks nearby, and the edge of the wetland was in shadow. I saw enough to make the trip worthwhile, though. Common Grackles are birds I love to see and photograph and the one in my photos caught a tiny fish. Two or three tiny Coot babies were out for a swim, and I managed to rescue a couple of photos that really should have been deleted. While I was standing there, a couple and their daughter came by and asked if I knew what the bird was that was hanging out in the shade of the bushes by the water. They didn't think it was a Great Blue Heron because its neck was so short. It took me a while to find the bird and, when I zoomed in, I was able to confirm that it was a Black-crowned Night-Heron. Our weather has been ridiculously mixed recently, from sunshine to storms and flooding. The clouds were quite spectacular when I was at the wetland.

Day 3, Whooping Crane colt flexing its wings, Aran…

17 Apr 2019 197
Yay, I have finally finished posting Whooping Crane photos! They are such special, ENDANGERED birds that I felt I should document them in reasonable detail. Also, I doubt I will ever get the chance to see them again. What an amazing, fascinating time we spent with them, especially this family of three. Thank you, Lori, captain of the Lady Lori boat, for this wonderful experience! Something that will never be forgotten. This private tour for four friends and myself was arranged in Calgary beforehand. I would definitely recommend this trip to anyone! Aransas Bay Birding Charters: What a wonderful family, with the youngster (colt) learning how to preen and how to catch food, especially from watching Dad. Our presence seemed to have zero affect on these Cranes, as they went about their daily routines. So neat to know that all these Whooping Cranes will fly north to Alberta, my own province, where they will spend the summer. Wise birds, avoiding our many months of brutal winter weather up north! This is a Youtube video that shows the capture of a wild Whooping Crane adult and a tracking device being attached: "Before human interference, there were believed to be 15,000 to 20,000 whooping cranes, which fell to roughly 1,400 in 1860 and then plummeted to an all-time low of 15 birds in 1941. All signs pointed towards the end of the whooping crane. The 15 surviving whooping cranes all belonged to one flock that migrated between Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada and the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas. Conservationists worked with local, federal, and international governments to protect the flock and encourage breeding. Their efforts paid off slowly as the numbers reached 57 by 1970 and 214 by 2005." "Cellular Tracking Technologies is privileged to be working with the scientists employed by both the US and Canadian federal governments in the international team effort to monitor and protect the last remaining natural population of the Whooping Crane (Grus americana). The so-called “Wood Buffalo-Aransas” population is the only remaining group of Whooping Cranes that has continued to nest, migrate, and overwinter in the traditional areas where they were first documented by Western ornithologists. The entire Whooping Crane species consists of only 437 wild individuals among four populations, three of which were artificially reared and reintroduced to the wild, plus 162 individuals in captivity (as of 2011). However, the only surviving remnant of the naturally-occurring Whooping Crane population is the Wood Buffalo-Aransas flock, consisting of only 283 individuals (as of the winter of 2011-12). This is the only group of Whooping Cranes that has managed to continually pass on the traditional ways of life of this species, in an unbroken chain of chick-rearing and parenting by birds that can live more than 30 years in the wild. The vital nesting grounds lie in the vast Wood Buffalo National Park, the largest national park in Canada. The park is an immense area, a sprawling 17,300 square miles (44,807 km²), spanning northeastern Alberta into the southern Northwest Territories. Amazingly, Wood Buffalo National Park is larger than nine US states. The equally vital wintering grounds lie in southern Texas, along the Gulf of Mexico. In winter, Whooping Cranes are seafood aficionados, preying on blue crabs and clams in the brackish Gulf Coast marshes. Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, near Rockport, TX, is one of the few areas of protected public property where people can reliably visit and expect to see these rare and special birds. This is also the exact area where Hurricane Harvey came ashore as a powerful Category 4 storm on 26 August 2017, with sustained winds of 130 mph (209 km/h). Hurricane Harvey went on to set records for both the astounding amounts of rainfall in the Houston metropolitan area, as well as the cost of the damage inflicted to human structures. The storm is currently tied with 2005’s Hurricane Katrina as the costliest tropical cyclone to hit the United States. Luckily, the Whooping Crane population was still up in Canada when the storm hit." From link below.

Day 3, Whooping Crane colt, Aransas, Texas

17 Apr 2019 231
I added 8 new photos this morning, all of Whooping Cranes. Maybe another half dozen photos and a video and I will have finished with the Whooping Cranes and can move on to other species. What a wonderful family, with the youngster (colt) learning how to preen and how to catch food, especially from watching Dad. Our presence seemed to have zero affect on these Cranes, as they went about their daily routines. So neat to know that all these Whooping Cranes will fly north to Alberta, my own province, where they will spend the summer. Wise birds, avoiding our many months of brutal winter weather up north! This is a Youtube video that shows the capture of a wild Whooping Crane adult and a tracking device being attached: "Before human interference, there were believed to be 15,000 to 20,000 whooping cranes, which fell to roughly 1,400 in 1860 and then plummeted to an all-time low of 15 birds in 1941. All signs pointed towards the end of the whooping crane. The 15 surviving whooping cranes all belonged to one flock that migrated between Wood Buffalo National Park in Canada and the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge in Texas. Conservationists worked with local, federal, and international governments to protect the flock and encourage breeding. Their efforts paid off slowly as the numbers reached 57 by 1970 and 214 by 2005." "Cellular Tracking Technologies is privileged to be working with the scientists employed by both the US and Canadian federal governments in the international team effort to monitor and protect the last remaining natural population of the Whooping Crane (Grus americana). The so-called “Wood Buffalo-Aransas” population is the only remaining group of Whooping Cranes that has continued to nest, migrate, and overwinter in the traditional areas where they were first documented by Western ornithologists. The entire Whooping Crane species consists of only 437 wild individuals among four populations, three of which were artificially reared and reintroduced to the wild, plus 162 individuals in captivity (as of 2011). However, the only surviving remnant of the naturally-occurring Whooping Crane population is the Wood Buffalo-Aransas flock, consisting of only 283 individuals (as of the winter of 2011-12). This is the only group of Whooping Cranes that has managed to continually pass on the traditional ways of life of this species, in an unbroken chain of chick-rearing and parenting by birds that can live more than 30 years in the wild. The vital nesting grounds lie in the vast Wood Buffalo National Park, the largest national park in Canada. The park is an immense area, a sprawling 17,300 square miles (44,807 km²), spanning northeastern Alberta into the southern Northwest Territories. Amazingly, Wood Buffalo National Park is larger than nine US states. The equally vital wintering grounds lie in southern Texas, along the Gulf of Mexico. In winter, Whooping Cranes are seafood aficionados, preying on blue crabs and clams in the brackish Gulf Coast marshes. Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, near Rockport, TX, is one of the few areas of protected public property where people can reliably visit and expect to see these rare and special birds. This is also the exact area where Hurricane Harvey came ashore as a powerful Category 4 storm on 26 August 2017, with sustained winds of 130 mph (209 km/h). Hurricane Harvey went on to set records for both the astounding amounts of rainfall in the Houston metropolitan area, as well as the cost of the damage inflicted to human structures. The storm is currently tied with 2005’s Hurricane Katrina as the costliest tropical cyclone to hit the United States. Luckily, the Whooping Crane population was still up in Canada when the storm hit." From link below.

Day 2, Crested Caracara immature / Caracara cheriw…

12 Apr 2019 2 3 220
The Crested Caracara is one of my favourite birds to see and photograph, and we were so lucky that this one was perched in a bare tree close to the road. Wish we had them up here in Alberta : ) This one is brown rather than black, so I am guessing it is an immature bird. Just added 9 more photos this morning, still from Day 2 of our 13-day trip to South Texas. Another 3 or 4 images and I will be ready to start on Day 3, our second full day in South Texas. A day on a tiny boat, watching Whooping Cranes and other species. Having posted so many images from basically our first full day, I rather think I will have to be somewhat more 'disciplined" in my choices, or I will never finish : ) Had hoped to finish Day 2 today - almost there. Later morning, on Day 2 of our holiday, 20 March 2019, after our drive to The Big Tree and then along the Lamar Beach Road area, we went to the Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary. This is a small, 6.25 acre nature sanctuary that exists in Rockport itself. Such a peaceful place to wander, watching for plants and butterflies as well as birds. There is a small pond, where we watched a young White Ibis, a Great Egret and a Snowy Egret all feeding together. Lovely to see their reflections in the water, too. A couple of nights ago, I was Googling and came across an article from 19 March 2019, telling about a group of students who chose to spend their Spring Break week helping to tidy the Sanctuary. Good for them! "The Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary is a mixture of oak motte and native grasses. This is the original location of the famed Rockport Cottages, operated by Connie and Jack Hagar. Mrs. Hagar moved to Rockport in 1935 and devoted her life to documenting birdlife in the Rockport area." From link below. After spending some time at this Sanctuary, we went to the Aransas First Cove Harbor Wetlands Sanctuary, followed by eventually finding the Newbury Park Hummingbird Garden. This was definitely not what we were expecting - just a small area of grass and trees with picnic tables. However, we did see a beautiful Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly and a small, purple Winecup flower. Afterwards, a repeat drive along Cape Velero Drive and area turned up some nice birds, too.

Day 2, young White Ibis, Connie Hagar Cottage Sanc…

10 Apr 2019 167
Later morning, on Day 2 of our holiday, 20 March 2019, after our drive to The Big Tree and then along the Lamar Beach Road area, we went to the Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary. This is a small, 6.25 acre nature sanctuary that exists in Rockport itself. Such a peaceful place to wander, watching for plants and butterflies as well as birds. There is a small pond, where we watched a young White Ibis, a Great Egret and a Snowy Egret all feeding together. Lovely to see their reflections in the water, too. I will get to those photos shortly. Last night, I was Googling and came across an article from 19 March 2019, telling about a group of students who chose to spend their Spring Break week helping to tidy the Sanctuary. Good for them! "The Connie Hagar Cottage Sanctuary is a mixture of oak motte and native grasses. This is the original location of the famed Rockport Cottages, operated by Connie and Jack Hagar. Mrs. Hagar moved to Rockport in 1935 and devoted her life to documenting birdlife in the Rockport area." From link below. After spending some time at this Sanctuary, we went to the Aransas First Cove Harbor Wetlands Sanctuary, followed by eventually finding the Newbury Park Hummingbird Garden. This was definitely not what we were expecting - just a small area of grass and trees with picnic tables. However, we did see a beautiful Pipevine Swallowtail butterfly and a small, purple Winecup flower. Afterwards, a repeat drive along Cape Velero Drive turned up some nice birds, too.

White-necked Jacobin immature, Trinidad

04 Feb 2018 1 281
Thank goodness that at least some of the birds we saw on Trinidad & Tobago were close enough for better photos : ) This photo was taken on 19 March 2017, at the Asa Wright Nature Centre on the island of Trinidad. We had got back from the morning Oilbird hike and were waiting to set out for Caroni Swamp. "The white-necked jacobin (Florisuga mellivora) is a large and attractive hummingbird that ranges from Mexico, south to Peru, Bolivia and south Brazil. It is also found on Tobago (sub-species F. m. flabellifera) and in Trinidad (sub-species F. m. mellivora) Other common names are great jacobin and collared hummingbird. The white-necked jacobin is a widespread inhabitant of forest, usually being seen at a high perch or just above the canopy. It is less common at lower levels, except near hummingbird feeders. The approximately 12 cm long male white-necked jacobin is unmistakable with its white belly and tail, a white band on the nape and a dark blue hood. Immature males have less white in the tail and a conspicuous rufous patch in the malar region. Females are highly variable, and may resemble adult or immature males, have green upperparts, white belly, white-scaled green or blue throat, and white-scaled dark blue crissum (the area around the cloaca), or be intermediate between the aforementioned plumages, though retain the white-scaled dark blue crissum. Females are potentially confusing, but the pattern on the crissum is distinctive and not shared by superficially similar species. These birds usually visit flowers of tall trees and epiphytes for nectar, and also hawk for insects." From Wikipedia. This adventure was only the second holiday of any kind, anywhere, that I have had in something like 30 or 35 years! The other holiday was a wonderful, one-week trip with my dear friends from England, Linda and Tony, when we went down south to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons in September 2012. I have had maybe half a dozen weekends away, including to Waterton National Park, which have helped keep me going. Six birding/photographer friends and I decided that we would take this exciting trip together (from 12-21 March 2017), spending the first two or three days on the island of Tobago and then the rest of the time at the Asa Wright Nature Centre on the nearby, much larger island of Trinidad. We decided to take a complete package, so everything was included - accommodation at both places, all our food, and the various walks and day trips that we could choose from. Two of my friends, Anne B. and Brenda, saw to all the planning of flights and accommodations, which was so very much appreciated by the rest of us. I could never have done all this myself! We were so lucky with our flights, as we were just in time to get Black Friday prices, which were 50% off! What a time we had, seeing so many beautiful and interesting things - and, of course, everything was a lifer for me. Some of these friends had visited Costa Rica before, so were familiar with some of the birds. There was a lot more to see on Trinidad, so we were glad that we chose Tobago to visit first and then spend a longer time at Asa Wright. It was wonderful to be right by the sea, though, at the Blue Waters Inn on the island of Tobago. Just gorgeous. The Asa Wright Nature Centre, on Trinidad, is such an amazing place! We stayed in cabins up or down hill from the main building. Really, one doesn't need to travel away from the Centre for birding, as so many different species visit the Hummingbird feeders that are right by the huge, open veranda, and the trees of the rain forest high up the mountainous road. The drive up and down this narrow, twisting, pot-holed road was an adventure in itself! Never would I ever do this drive myself - we had a guide who drove us everywhere in a minibus. I had read many accounts of this road, lol! There was enough room for two vehicles to pass each other, and the honking of horns was almost continuous - either to warn any vehicle that might be coming fast around the next bend or as a sign that drivers knew each other. The drive along this road, from the coast to Asa Wright, took just over an hour each way. I still miss the great food that was provided every single day at Asa Wright and even the Rum Punch that appeared each evening. I never drink at all, so I wasn't sure if I would even try the Punch - glad I did, though, as it was delicious and refreshing. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were all served buffet-style, with a great variety of dishes from which to choose. To me, pure luxury. So very, very grateful to have been invited to be part of this amazing adventure. This is a video that I came across on YouTube, taken by Rigdon Currie and Trish Johnson, at many of the same places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here again, so that I won't lose it. I also came across the following 27-minute YouTube video of the flora and fauna of Trinidad, filmed by John Patrick Smith in February 2015.

A cute, young face

03 Feb 2018 11 8 535
Police notice for Calgary, afternoon of 3 February 2018: "ROAD CLOSURE UPDATE: Deerfoot Trail is now closed in both directions from McKnight Boulevard to Anderson Road due to poor driving conditions and multiple collisions. Please find alternate routes and drive safe! The weather has created winter driving conditions on all roads throughout the city. Please slow down, leave extra room between vehicles and ensure your lights are on if you are out and about today. If you do not need to be on the roads today, we are recommending that you not travel." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rick Mercer's video "Plus 1 in Canada". I can so relate to this - so funny! And, yes, it's snowing AGAIN today, heavily. Temperature early afternoon is -21C (windchill -31C). Yet another day at home. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thought I'd better post three more local photos today, instead of more green rainforest shots, before I lose all my Contacts : ) As far as my Trinidad & Tobago trip is concerned, I have more or less finished with photos of mangrove trees and other greenery, and will be posting a few (distant) bird images. This young, light-coloured Great Horned Owl was just so perfect and seemed to be a great character. Three adults tethered nearby were also quite pale in colour. I know some people feel that photographing birds that are not out in the wild is cheating. I kind of agree, though I think it's fine as long as someone says where it was taken. I have seen and photographed many wild owls in their natural habitat, but I still love seeing them at the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale, southern Alberta. Last summer (2017), we had practically no 'normal' summer days. Most were too hot thanks to an almost endless heatwave, and also too smoky thanks to all the wildfires in British Columbia and Alberta. The weather forecast for 3 August 2017 looked good; sunshine all day, with rain forecast on several of the coming days. I decided to finally do a drive all the way down south to near Lethbridge, so that I could again visit the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre in Coaldale. The previous year (2016), I did this drive for the very first time on my own and I wanted to make sure I didn't lose my courage to do it again. During the 511 kms that I drove, I had to ask for help with directions twice - both times in the same small hamlet. It was a hot day, with a temperature of 31C when I was at the Centre. Though the forecast was for sun all day, there was no mention of the smoke haze that completely blocked out the mountains and pretty much the foothills, too. Very quickly, I was almost tempted to turn around and come home, but I had noticed rain in the forecast for the coming days. I reckoned I would still be able to photograph the fairly close birds at the Centre, which worked out fine. Amazingly, I managed to make myself get up early that morning, and set off just before 8:30 am. My intention was to drive straight to Coaldale without stopping anywhere en route. Not an easy thing for me to do, as I much prefer driving slowly along the back roads rather than the less interesting highways. However, I knew it would take me a few hours to get there and I wanted to have as much time as possible down there. On the way home, I drove one dusty, gravel road, but saw nothing but a couple of Horned Larks perched on fence posts. A couple of old barns (that I had seen before) and a few scenic shots, were more or less all I took. I finally arrived home at 8:30 pm, after a 12-hour day, totally tired out, and my car was just about out of gas. So happy to have been down there again, though.

Immature White-necked Jacobin

05 Jan 2018 3 2 250
This photo of an immature White-necked Jacobin (Hummingbird) was taken at the Asa Wright Nature Centre, on the island of Trinidad, on 17 March 2017. Poor light, so I ended up with a very grainy image. "The white-necked jacobin (Florisuga mellivora) is a large and attractive hummingbird that ranges from Mexico, south to Peru, Bolivia and south Brazil. It is also found on Tobago (sub-species F. m. flabellifera) and in Trinidad (sub-species F. m. mellivora) Other common names are great jacobin and collared hummingbird. The white-necked jacobin is a widespread inhabitant of forest, usually being seen at a high perch or just above the canopy. It is less common at lower levels, except near hummingbird feeders. The approximately 12 cm long male white-necked jacobin is unmistakable with its white belly and tail, a white band on the nape and a dark blue hood. Immature males have less white in the tail and a conspicuous rufous patch in the malar region. Females are highly variable, and may resemble adult or immature males, have green upperparts, white belly, white-scaled green or blue throat, and white-scaled dark blue crissum (the area around the cloaca), or be intermediate between the aforementioned plumages, though retain the white-scaled dark blue crissum. Females are potentially confusing, but the pattern on the crissum is distinctive and not shared by superficially similar species. These birds usually visit flowers of tall trees and epiphytes for nectar, and also hawk for insects." From Wikipedia. This is a video that I came across on YouTube, taken by Rigdon Currie and Trish Johnson, at many of the same places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here again, so that I won't lose it. I also came across the following 27-minute YouTube video of the flora and fauna of Trinidad, filmed by John Patrick Smith in February 2015. This adventure was only the second holiday of any kind, anywhere, that I have had in something like 30 or 35 years! The other holiday was a wonderful, one-week trip with my dear friends from England, Linda and Tony, when we went down south to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons in September 2012. I have had maybe half a dozen weekends away, including to Waterton National Park, which have helped keep me going. Six birding/photographer friends and I decided that we would take this exciting trip together (from 12-21 March 2017), spending the first two or three days on the island of Tobago and then the rest of the time at the Asa Wright Nature Centre on the nearby, much larger island of Trinidad. We decided to take a complete package, so everything was included - accommodation at both places, all our food, and the various walks and day trips that we could choose from. Two of my friends, Anne B. and Brenda, saw to all the planning of flights and accommodations, which was so very much appreciated by the rest of us. I could never have done all this myself! We were so lucky with our flights, as we were just in time to get Black Friday prices, which were 50% off! What a time we had, seeing so many beautiful and interesting things - and, of course, everything was a lifer for me. Some of these friends had visited Costa Rica before, so were familiar with some of the birds. There was a lot more to see on Trinidad, so we were glad that we chose Tobago to visit first and then spend a longer time at Asa Wright. It was wonderful to be right by the sea, though, at the Blue Waters Inn on the island of Tobago. Just gorgeous. The Asa Wright Nature Centre, on Trinidad, is such an amazing place! We stayed in cabins up or down hill from the main building. Really, one doesn't need to travel away from the Centre for birding, as so many different species visit the Hummingbird feeders that are right by the huge, open veranda, and the trees of the rain forest high up the mountainous road. The drive up and down this narrow, twisting, pot-holed road was an adventure in itself! Never would I ever do this drive myself - we had a guide who drove us everywhere in a minibus. I had read many accounts of this road, lol! There was enough room for two vehicles to pass each other, and the honking of horns was almost continuous - either to warn any vehicle that might be coming fast around the next bend or as a sign that drivers knew each other. The drive along this road, from the coast to Asa Wright, took just over an hour each way. I still miss the great food that was provided every single day at Asa Wright and even the Rum Punch that appeared each evening. I never drink at all, so I wasn't sure if I would even try the Punch - glad I did, though, as it was delicious and refreshing. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were all served buffet-style, with a great variety of dishes from which to choose. To me, pure luxury. So very, very grateful to have been invited to be part of this amazing adventure.

White-necked Jacobin immature, Trinidad

08 May 2017 2 1 226
This photo of an immature White-necked Jacobin (Hummingbird) was taken at the Asa Wright Nature Centre, on the island of Trinidad, on 17 March 2017. Poor light, so I ended up with a very grainy image. "The white-necked jacobin (Florisuga mellivora) is a large and attractive hummingbird that ranges from Mexico, south to Peru, Bolivia and south Brazil. It is also found on Tobago (sub-species F. m. flabellifera) and in Trinidad (sub-species F. m. mellivora) Other common names are great jacobin and collared hummingbird. The white-necked jacobin is a widespread inhabitant of forest, usually being seen at a high perch or just above the canopy. It is less common at lower levels, except near hummingbird feeders. The approximately 12 cm long male white-necked jacobin is unmistakable with its white belly and tail, a white band on the nape and a dark blue hood. Immature males have less white in the tail and a conspicuous rufous patch in the malar region. Females are highly variable, and may resemble adult or immature males, have green upperparts, white belly, white-scaled green or blue throat, and white-scaled dark blue crissum (the area around the cloaca), or be intermediate between the aforementioned plumages, though retain the white-scaled dark blue crissum. Females are potentially confusing, but the pattern on the crissum is distinctive and not shared by superficially similar species. These birds usually visit flowers of tall trees and epiphytes for nectar, and also hawk for insects." From Wikipedia. This is a video that I came across on YouTube, taken by Rigdon Currie and Trish Johnson, at many of the same places we visited on Trinidad and Tobago. Not my video, but it made me feel like I was right there still. Posting the link here again, so that I won't lose it. This adventure was only the second holiday of any kind, anywhere, that I have had in something like 30 or 35 years! The other holiday was a wonderful, one-week trip with my great friends from England, Linda and Tony, when we went down south to Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Tetons in September 2012. I have had maybe half a dozen weekends away, including to Waterton National Park, which have helped keep me going. Six birding/photographer friends and I decided that we would take this exciting trip together (from 12-21 March 2017), spending the first two or three days on the island of Tobago and then the rest of the time at the Asa Wright Nature Centre on the nearby, much larger island of Trinidad. We decided to take a complete package, so everything was included - flights (we were so very lucky to get Black Friday prices, which were 50% off!), accommodation at both places, all our food, and the various walks and day trips that we could chose from. Two of my friends, Anne B. and Brenda, saw to all the planning of flights and accommodations, which was so very much appreciated by the rest of us. I could never have done all this myself! What a time we had, seeing so many beautiful and interesting things - and, of course, everything was a lifer for me. Some of these friends had visited Costa Rica before, so may have been familiar with a few of the birds. There was a lot more to see on Trinidad, so we were glad that we chose Tobago to visit first and then spend a longer time at Asa Wright. It was wonderful to be right by the sea, though, at the Blue Waters Inn on the island of Tobago. Just gorgeous. The Asa Wright Nature Centre, on Trinidad, is such an amazing place! We stayed in cabins up or down hill from the main building. Really, one doesn't need to travel away from the Centre for birding, as so many different species visit the Hummingbird feeders that are right by the huge, open veranda, and the trees of the rain forest high up a mountainous road. The drive up and down this narrow, twisting, pot-holed road was an adventure in itself! Never would I ever do this drive myself - we had a guide who drove us everywhere in a van/small bus. I had read many accounts of this road, lol! There was just enough room for two vehicles to pass each other, and the honking of horns was almost continuous - either to warn any vehicle that might be coming fast around the next bend or as a sign that drivers knew each other. The drive along this road, from the coast to Asa Wright, took just over an hour each way. Even after a few weeks, I still miss the great food that was provided every single day at Asa Wright and even the Rum Punch that appeared each evening. I never drink at all, so I wasn't sure if I would even try the Punch - glad I did, though, as it was delicious and refreshing. Breakfast, lunch and dinner were all served buffet-style, with a great variety of dishes from which to choose. To me, pure luxury. So very, very grateful to have been invited to be part of this amazing adventure.

Common Goldeneye

03 Mar 2015 289
Two days ago, on 1 March 2015, I went on part of a bird walk with friends, at the east end of Fish Creek Park. One of the things we wanted to check on was the pair of Great Horned Owls that have nested there for quite a few years. Sure enough, the male was perched high up in a tree not far from the nesting snag. The female was on the nest, but out of sight because of the deep cavity. All being well, once young ones hatch and grow bigger, she will gradually be forced higher and eventually she will be seen. I so rarely take photos of waterfowl any more, but took a quick couple of shots of these Common Goldeneye that were swimming in the middle of the river. They just seemed so far away, but I guess it was worth at least trying to get a shot of them. I think I'm right in saying that the bird at top right is an immature male? I can never remember the difference between "immature" and "juvenile" - need to look that up again. The temperature today, 3 March 2015, is -10C (windchill -17C). Tomorrow morning is forecast to be -17C (windchill -23C) and soaring to 1C in the afternoon. After that, it looks like we should have a string of warmer days, unless things change. March is supposedly our snowiest month, but so far there is no sign of it for the next couple of weeks. This winter has been so incredibly mild for much of the time - wonderful!

One of two young brothers

05 Nov 2014 255
A couple of days ago, on 3 November 2014, my daughter and I spent a few hours at the Calgary Zoo. I rarely visit the Lion enclosure, but I’m glad we went on Monday, as the lions were reasonably active – at least the males were, while the females looked on. African lions live on the plains and savannahs of East, Central and Southern Africa. The Calgary Zoo has four of these animals – 2 males who are brothers and 2 females. The two male lions were born at the Smithsonian National Zoo in Washington, D.C. on September 22, 2010 ((corrected from 2012) and arrived at the Calgary Zoo late July 2012 . "They are of the lion subspecies krugeri (Panthera leo krugeri) and since their parents are directly from South Africa they are considered founders in the Species Survival Program and North American population. The two females are about 18 years of age, so there are no plans to breed them with the immature males. However, it is expected that the Species Survival Plan will eventually see breeding-age female lions transferred to Calgary to be paired with the male lions.” Their Conservation Status: Vulnerable. “Lions are the only cats that live in groups, which are called prides. Prides are family units that may include up to three males, a dozen or so females, and their young. All of a pride’s lionesses are related, and female cubs typically stay with the group as they age. Young males eventually leave and establish their own prides by taking over a group headed by another male. Only male lions boast manes, the impressive fringe of long hair that encircles their heads. Males defend the pride's territory, which may include some 100 square miles (259 square kilometers) of grasslands, scrub, or open woodlands. These intimidating animals mark the area with urine, roar menacingly to warn intruders, and chase off animals that encroach on their turf.” From National Geographic.

Baby Burrowing Owl

25 Mar 2009 263
Not a good quality photo, as it was taken indoors. When a friend and I went down to the Coaldale Bird of Prey Centre in the summer of 2007, this little guy and two (?) others were in an open crate inside the Visitor Centre. They were about one month old. Interesting that their eyes are white, but they will become yellow when they become adults. One of the workers there lifted them out and on to the floor, where they "explored" their freedom, including pecking on my shoe, LOL. Just adorable little things. Later in the day, I had an adult Burrowing Owl sitting on my arm : )

Golden Eagle

11 Jan 2011 287
It's probably just about the worst photo you've ever seen, but hey, do YOU have a photo of a Golden Eagle, ha, ha? I really just wanted this as a record for my Birds of Alberta Set. I do have lovely close shots of a Golden Eagle, but not taken in the wild. If you only knew how far away this beautiful bird was - and the light was really low. All I captured was a black silhouette, but lighened it to this. Didn't get photos of the other FOUR Golden Eagles we saw that day - they were more or less little specks on the tops of poles in the far, far, far distance. The Eagle above was a slightly bigger, dark blob. Seen on the Audubon Christmas Bird Count in the Nanton area on January 2nd, south of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Four of us covered the south west quadrant of the Count circle. January 13th: just had an e-mail from a person who also did the Nanton Bird Count, but a different quadrant of the area circle, saying that: "MY THINKING IS THAT THE EAGLE ACTUALLY IS A JUVENILE BALD EAGLE. THE MASSIVE BILL AND THE WHITE FLECKING IN THE PLUMAGE RULES OUT GOLDEN EAGLE. FROM A DISTANCE, AND BECAUSE OF THE NUMBER OF GOLDENS IN THE AREA, I CAN UNDERSTAND THAT IDENTIFICATION BEING MADE." Anyone have any ideas? Sorry it's such a poor photo for ID.


07 Oct 2009 302
I know this is "just" a Gull, but I kind of liked the diagonal pose and the way the tail (or are they the wing?) feathers are crossed. The colour of the water along the edge of the lagoon in Bowness Park was also different from what I would normally see, and I thought it went well with the colouring of the bird. As I type, Calgary is under a Wind Warning, and we are going through a real wind storm, with rain just starting, too. Have visions of my roof being lifted off, I'm in such an exposed place. Spent this morning walking in South Glenmore Park, by the Glenmore Reservoir, wearing a fleece jacket and my thick winter jacket ... brrr! Temperatures will be around 2C or 4C for the next few days. Nothing to photograph this morning, so I decided to go over to the Zoo for the afternoon, where I attempted to take photos even though it was far too windy for much success. Was hoping to get a few last photos before our weather turns for the worst. Winter is definitely on its way - possibly a bit of snow again overnight.

Young Pine Grosbeak

07 Mar 2009 256
We were lucky to see this young Pine Grosbeak a little more out in the open on 3rd March, in Weaselhead. Pretty birds and a species that I don't usually get to see, especially close (though this is a cropped image!). I have an old T-Con 1.7 from when I had my very first digital camera (Olympus C750UZ). Finally I bought an adaptor tube so that I can now use it with my Panasonic point-and-shoot. I have to admit that I find it a nuisance, as I can't use it for most of my photos. However, the tube cost me just $39, so I thought I might as well give it a try.

Surprise, surprise

27 Jun 2011 127
Not sure who was more surprised, this young Great Horned Owl who had been sitting in the grass, or myself! I had searched for this family, but eventually gave up. Stopped to photograph a mushroom and when I stood up, found myself staring at this beautiful bird though the trees. It had its eyes closed, but then realized I was there. Thanks to zoom and cropping, it looks as if I was really close. So, feeling on a great natural high, I slowly made my way back towards my vehicle. I noticed a white truck had pulled off the road behind me, on to a grassy pull-off. Two men were out of the truck and clsoe to my car, which made me a little uncomfortable. They drove further on down the road and when I reached my car, I noticed a bright pink "ticket" tucked under my wipers. Fortunately, it was only a warning and I was "told" that they had noted my plate number! Thanks, friend Phil, for telling me to park there, as it was closer to the trees than the new parking lot and so a shorter distance to drag my painful body, ha, ha! Just so thankful my car wasn't towed! Just had a great day out today, from 6:45 a.m. to 8:30 p.m., exploring some wonderful forest belonging to Joanne Susut. She inherited this land, which she has named Spirit Rocks Sanctuary, from her parents and has donated it to the Nature Conservancy of Canada. It was about two and a half hours' drive north of Calgary, to near Rimbey. The day started off with rain and ended with rain, but luckily not a drop fell while we were walking. Four of us went from Calgary and we met up with three delightful and very knowledgable ladies there. Thanks so much, Joanne, for letting us explore your land - we appreciated it greatly and enjoyed spending this time with you and your friends. After about an hour's sleep last night, I feel dead tired tonight, and I still have to get things ready for a day out at the eastern edge of the mountains with friends tomorrow.

Hopper on Broadleaf Gumweed / Grindelia squarrosa

12 Sep 2010 204
This young (?) Grasshopper was hiding out in a Gumweed flower when a few of us went to botanize Horseshoe Canyon, near Drumheller, in the Alberta Badlands (Dinosaur country!) on 21st August. This is a common native plant of western North America, though I don't see it very often. The underside of the flower is gummy. Also called Curlycup Gumweed. Belongs to the Sunflower family.

25 items in total