Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Red Crossbill

Cone paradise

25 Oct 2015 227
Red Crossbills are less common than the White-winged Crossbills, so it was really nice to see 25 of these beautiful birds, males and females, high up in the Spruce trees, feeding on the plentiful cones yesterday. Last year, there was a cone shortage, but this year the trees are laden with cones. I think I only have one other photo of Red Crossbills in my photostream, taken in December 2011 during a Christmas Bird Count in the city. “A stocky finch of mature coniferous forests, the Red Crossbill is dependent on the seed cones that are its main food. Its peculiar bill allows it access to the seeds, and it will breed whenever it finds areas with an abundance of cones. It may wander widely between years to find a good cone crop… Head and body of the male is deep brick red to reddish yellow, or greenish. Wing feathers blackish brown, without wingbars. Tail blackish brown. The female is uniformly olive or grayish, with greenish or greenish yellow chest and rump. Wing feathers blackish brown, without wingbars. Tail blackish brown.” From AllAboutBirds. This male Red Crossbill was seen yesterday morning at the Inglewood Bird Sanctuary, when I went on a walk with a small group of birding friends. It was around 2C when we started our walk and it was cold. Can’t believe I was wearing two fleece jackets and a fleece vest, light jacket, jeans and long-johns, woollen hat and two pairs of gloves! I will add the list of species seen, thanks to our leaders, Janet and Bernie. Thanks, both of you, for a most enjoyable walk in beautiful sunshine. It was great going for lunch at the Blackfoot Truckstop Diner afterwards, too. “Inglewood Sanctuary, Calgary. 9-11:15 a.m. Sat. Oct 24/15. Sun/cloud mix, light North wind, 2 to 5C. 1. Double-crested Cormorant - 1 2. Great Blue Heron - 1 3. Wood Duck - 13 4. Mallard - 15 5. Hooded Merganser - 1 6. Rough-legged Hawk - 1 7. Bald Eagle - 1 8. Ring-billed Gull - 20 9. Feral Pigeon - 1 10. Northern Flicker - 2 11. Downy Woodpecker - 1 12. Black-billed Magpie - 10 13. American Crow - 4 14. Black-capped Chickadee - 10 15. White-breasted Nuthatch - 2 16. Red-breasted Nuthatch - 2 17. European Starling - 20 18. RED CROSSBILL - 25 19. COMMON REDPOLL - 4 Mule Deer - 7 Porcupine - 1 Eastern Gray Squirrel - 2