Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Common Grackle

Common Grackle with a tiny fish

30 Jun 2019 1 1 89
Tonight, I am all up-to-date again, apart from the rest of my Texas trip images. These 17 images were taken on a quick visit to a wetland within the city. I never seem to get there at a good time of day, meaning that there were not all that many ducks nearby, and the edge of the wetland was in shadow. I saw enough to make the trip worthwhile, though. Common Grackles are birds I love to see and photograph and the one in my photos caught a tiny fish. Two or three tiny Coot babies were out for a swim, and I managed to rescue a couple of photos that really should have been deleted. While I was standing there, a couple and their daughter came by and asked if I knew what the bird was that was hanging out in the shade of the bushes by the water. They didn't think it was a Great Blue Heron because its neck was so short. It took me a while to find the bird and, when I zoomed in, I was able to confirm that it was a Black-crowned Night-Heron. Our weather has been ridiculously mixed recently, from sunshine to storms and flooding. The clouds were quite spectacular when I was at the wetland.

Common Grackle

30 Jun 2019 80
Tonight, I am all up-to-date again, apart from the rest of my Texas trip images. These 17 images were taken on a quick visit to a wetland within the city. I never seem to get there at a good time of day, meaning that there were not all that many ducks nearby, and the edge of the wetland was in shadow. I saw enough to make the trip worthwhile, though. Common Grackles are birds I love to see and photograph and the one in my photos caught a tiny fish. Two or three tiny Coot babies were out for a swim, and I managed to rescue a couple of photos that really should have been deleted. While I was standing there, a couple and their daughter came by and asked if I knew what the bird was that was hanging out in the shade of the bushes by the water. They didn't think it was a Great Blue Heron because its neck was so short. It took me a while to find the bird and, when I zoomed in, I was able to confirm that it was a Black-crowned Night-Heron. Our weather has been ridiculously mixed recently, from sunshine to storms and flooding. The clouds were quite spectacular when I was at the wetland.

Common Grackle

30 Jun 2019 48
Tonight, I am all up-to-date again, apart from the rest of my Texas trip images. These 17 images were taken on a quick visit to a wetland within the city. I never seem to get there at a good time of day, meaning that there were not all that many ducks nearby, and the edge of the wetland was in shadow. I saw enough to make the trip worthwhile, though. Common Grackles are birds I love to see and photograph and the one in my photos caught a tiny fish. Two or three tiny Coot babies were out for a swim, and I managed to rescue a couple of photos that really should have been deleted. While I was standing there, a couple and their daughter came by and asked if I knew what the bird was that was hanging out in the shade of the bushes by the water. They didn't think it was a Great Blue Heron because its neck was so short. It took me a while to find the bird and, when I zoomed in, I was able to confirm that it was a Black-crowned Night-Heron. Our weather has been ridiculously mixed recently, from sunshine to storms and flooding. The clouds were quite spectacular when I was at the wetland.

Young Common Grackle

30 Jun 2019 50
Tonight, I am all up-to-date again, apart from the rest of my Texas trip images. These 17 images were taken on a quick visit to a wetland within the city. I never seem to get there at a good time of day, meaning that there were not all that many ducks nearby, and the edge of the wetland was in shadow. I saw enough to make the trip worthwhile, though. Common Grackles are birds I love to see and photograph and the one in my photos caught a tiny fish. Two or three tiny Coot babies were out for a swim, and I managed to rescue a couple of photos that really should have been deleted. While I was standing there, a couple and their daughter came by and asked if I knew what the bird was that was hanging out in the shade of the bushes by the water. They didn't think it was a Great Blue Heron because its neck was so short. It took me a while to find the bird and, when I zoomed in, I was able to confirm that it was a Black-crowned Night-Heron. Our weather has been ridiculously mixed recently, from sunshine to storms and flooding. The clouds were quite spectacular when I was at the wetland.

Common Grackle after a bath

27 May 2019 1 1 132
One of the new problems on Flickr today is having comments and faves not appear. If you get a first comment or make a first comment on someone else's photo, that comment will disappear. The comment is listed under the "bell", but does not appear under the photo. The "bell" stated that I had a comment under each of the five photos I posted today. These were the first comments to be made. Two of the comments stayed, but there was no sign of the other three. The same with faves - some show up, others don't. Other people are having the same problem and have reported it to the Help Forum. On 23 May 2019, Flickr was unusable and some of the channels on TV were also not working. Combined, these two things made me decide that enough is enough, and that I needed to go for a short drive. My first stop was at a local pond in the city, where I enjoyed seeing this Lesser Scaup, a Coot, Mallards, and a Common Grackle or two. It was also fun to come across a small group of children with their "care-givers". I identified a Coot for them and told them that it was not a duck and that their babies were so ugly that they were very, very cute. I did see one Red-necked Grebe swimming, but I didn't venture further along the path as I zoomed in on two Police officers checking out a parked car along the pathway. After spending a bit of time at this location, I drove westwards to my "usual" area, wondering if I would see Mountain Bluebirds and a Snipe. I was in luck with both. This is the area that my small "team" covers for the annual May Species Count, so I was curious as to what I/we might see. The 23rd annual Count took place yesterday, 26 May. The weather was good (3C - 17C) - no sign of the rain that we've been getting on far too many days recently. However we desperately need the moisture. There are already wild fires in Alberta and the number will only increase over the summer. There were nine of us on the May Species Count, travelling in two cars. We were out for 7 hours, travelling 52 km in our Count area, and saw 66 bird species. I will add the list of species in a comment box below so that I will be able to look back in a year's time and remind myself of what we saw in 2019.

Common Grackle / Quiscalus quiscula

12 May 2017 175
The last 7 images that I have just uploaded were taken yesterday afternoon, 11 May 2017, at a pond in Calgary. Love seeing these beautiful Common Grackles, though I didn't catch much iridescence on this one. Much as I would rather not interrupt my Trinidad photos, I did want to post these local birds and plants, otherwise I might forget. Sorry that I have added so many photos, and at such a fast rate! Seeing my calendar filling up rather quickly, I know that I will be getting various chances to take photos, and it would help greatly if I can get my holiday photos finished. This morning, I finished the last few photos taken at Manzaniila Beach, Trinidad. From there, we drove the Nariva Swamp area, which is mainly agricultural habitats with some wetlands. Some good birding there and I will be posting various new species. Also, at least a couple of plants that we enjoyed seeing, especially the Sacred Lotus. This is one of my favourite things to photograph in the Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. "Common Grackles are blackbirds that look like they've been slightly stretched. They're taller and longer tailed than a typical blackbird, with a longer, more tapered bill and glossy-iridescent bodies. Grackles walk around lawns and fields on their long legs or gather in noisy groups high in trees, typically evergreens. They eat many crops (notably corn) and nearly anything else as well, including garbage. In flight their long tails trail behind them, sometimes folded down the middle into a shallow V shape." From AllABoutBirds.

When black isn't really black

06 Jun 2015 153
This photo was an accident, but I thought it was still too pretty to delete : ) I was taking photos of this gorgeous Common Grackle, when it disappeared from sight and then suddenly popped up much closer than I was expecting. I cropped the sides of the photo to make it square, but other than that, this is how the photo was taken : ) Though these birds seem to be unpopular, I love to see them and try and capture their iridescent beauty. They appear to be a black bird, but when the sun catches them, they come alive with colour. "Common Grackles are blackbirds that look like they've been slightly stretched. They're taller and longer tailed than a typical blackbird, with a longer, more tapered bill and glossy-iridescent bodies. Grackles walk around lawns and fields on their long legs or gather in noisy groups high in trees, typically evergreens. They eat many crops (notably corn) and nearly anything else as well, including garbage. In flight their long tails trail behind them, sometimes folded down the middle into a shallow V shape." From AllABoutBirds. Two days ago, on 4 June 2015, it was a dry day, though a thunderstorm was forecast. After grey skies and rain the previous couple of days, I felt like going for a drive. Started at a wetland in SW Calgary, where I saw the usual Lesser Scaup and Redheads. The male Redhead did not like any of the other ducks around him and would chase away each one in turn. Quite the bully! Also managed to get a few more shots of a Common Grackle, including this one, though they move fast and seemingly constantly. From there, I drove some of my usual backroads SW of the city. The clouds were building up quite dramatically, and I stopped at one wetland where they were reflected quite beautifully. I didn't see all that many birds, but was content to get a few chances to photograph a pair of Mountain Bluebirds, Tree Swallows, an Eastern Kingbird, and a Savannah Sparrow. No Wilson's Snipe this time, though I thought I had one on a distant fence post. Turned out to be a Mourning Dove - only the second time I've ever seen one on a fence post. Also saw a Swainson's Hawk which flew and landed on a high power pole near where the Bluebirds and Tree Swallows were nesting. The Tree Swallows, in true fashion, were causing the Bluebirds enough stress by flying and landing just a foot or two away from the Bluebirds' nesting box. The male Bluebird did such a great job of chasing away its rather beautiful, iridescent neighbours - which I also enjoy photographing. So, a short trip, but one that I always enjoy, especially each spring.

Showing off his colours

28 May 2015 252
Anyone else feeling totally worn out from trying to make everything work on the new Flickr set-up??? There are still many things that just will not work and I am spending so much more time here than I should be (words no doubt echoed by many people)! If you only post a photo with no description, tags, groups, albums, etc., it probably works OK, but nearly everything I try to do finds a problem. Yesterday, I learned that only a few photos can be seen in any album, instead of the full number - not good! Not sure, but I think this has now been fixed. You might want to just check your albums. I wish this photo of a Common Grackle had been much sharper, but the light wasn't good where it was. Decided to post it anyway, as the colours of the iridescent feathers are so beautiful. Yesterday, 27 May 2015, I had a volunteer shift and afterwards, as the sun was shining, I called in at the Reader Rock Garden. There is rain in the forecast for most of the next 12 days, which will drive me crazy, so I thought I'd better make the most of the blue sky while I could. Alberta is bone dry everywhere, with wildfires especially further north. Actually, one was burning near Water Valley the day after my daughter and I were there. So, much as I really dislike the rain, we desperately need it. From the Garden, I drove through the adjoining Union Cemetery and then another nearby cemetery, and then called in at a wetland in SW Calgary, where I found this Grackle. Normally, I just don't see Grackles, so I'm always happy when I do see one. "Common Grackles are blackbirds that look like they've been slightly stretched. They're taller and longer tailed than a typical blackbird, with a longer, more tapered bill and glossy-iridescent bodies. Grackles walk around lawns and fields on their long legs or gather in noisy groups high in trees, typically evergreens. They eat many crops (notably corn) and nearly anything else as well, including garbage. In flight their long tails trail behind them, sometimes folded down the middle into a shallow V shape." From AllABoutBirds.

Common Grackle / Quiscalus quiscula

09 May 2015 199
Flickr did not save a description I had just typed here. Just one of the many problems I - and no doubt, many of you - are experiencing this morning, thanks to all the new changes on Flickr. What a mess they have made of something that worked just fine!! Great difficulty or impossible to add tags. When something has been done to one of the photos, I can't get back to my photostream - have to close Flickr and open in a new tab, etc., etc.. When I open my photostream in a new tab, the most recent changes have not always been saved. And all those extra tags that Flickr has added to each photo! The tags "pet" and "dog" were added to my photo of a wild Moose suffering from a bad case of tick damage, lol! I always tag all my photos carefully and, with almost 11,000 images on my photostream, there is no way I could ever go through every photo deleting Flickr's inappropriate extra tags! A couple of days ago, on 7 May 2015, I joined friends to go on a birding walk at the south end LaFarge Meadows, accessed off 194th Ave. The weather was beautiful, though the temperature was only 7C-11C, and the birds were so far away : ) I did manage to get a distant shot of two of the three Trumpeter Swans (both juveniles) that were near the river. A Bald Eagle flew overhead and a Great Blue Heron flew in the far distance. A little Savannah Sparrow posed in a small tree for us and a Muskrat was seen in the large pond by the river. The reported list is as follows, though I didn't see many of these birds myself: 1. Canada Goose-15 + two families with young 2. Trumpeter Swan-3 juv. 3. Gadwall-4 4. American Wigeon-40 5. Mallard-30 6. Blue-winged Teal-42 7. Cinnamon Teal-3 8. Northern Shoveler-6 9. Canvasback-6 10. Redhead-1 m 11. Ring-necked Duck-6 12. Common Goldeneye-3 13. Common Merganser-5+ 14. Red necked Grebe-3 15. Great Blue Heron-2 16. Osprey-2+ 17. Bald Eagle-2ad. (adult on nest feeding young) 18. Sharp-shinned Hawk-2 (1 m/1 f.) 19. Swainson’s Hawk-3+ (includes one dark morph) 20. American Coot-100 21. Killdeer-4 22. GREATER YELLOWLEGS-1 23. SOLITARY SANDPIPER-2 24. SPOTTED SANDPIPER-5 25. Franklin’s Gull-380 26. white-headed gull sp.-1 heard 27. Black-billed Magpie-3 28. American Crow-2 29. Common Raven-3 30. Tree Swallow-20 31. Northern Rough-winged Swallow-1 32. Bank Swallow-1 33. American Robin-2 34. European Starling-1 35. CLAY-COLORED SPARROW-1 heard 36. Savannah Sparrow-15 37. Song Sparrow-3 38. Red-winged Blackbird-6 (5 m/1 f) After the walk, I decided to call in at a wetland in SW Calgary, hoping that at least a few of the birds would be close enough for photos. I met a delightful, enthusiastic and knowledgeable photographer/birder while I was there, and she showed me the area accessed from a point that I had never tried before. I had hoped to maybe see a Common Grackle at this wetland and, sure enough, this one was down near the water's edge. Just managed to find a gap in the line of trees and shrubs and got this single, lucky shot before the bird flew off. Many people don't like Grackles, but I see them so rarely and I think they are beautiful birds. "Common Grackles are blackbirds that look like they've been slightly stretched. They're taller and longer tailed than a typical blackbird, with a longer, more tapered bill and glossy-iridescent bodies. Grackles walk around lawns and fields on their long legs or gather in noisy groups high in trees, typically evergreens. They eat many crops (notably corn) and nearly anything else as well, including garbage. In flight their long tails trail behind them, sometimes folded down the middle into a shallow V shape." From AllABoutBirds. WHY PHOTOGRAPHERS GET SUCH A BAD NAME! Shown on The Weather Network.

Beautiful mix of colours

23 May 2012 146
Common Grackle, photographed during a three-hour bird walk from Bankside to Mallard Point, Fish Creek Park, on May 21st.

Elegance of the Common Grackle

05 Nov 2011 209
I only rarely see a Common Grackle (Quiscalus quiscula) - mainly, I think, because I'm just not in the right kind of place. To me, they are beautiful birds, but they don't seem to be very popular with many people. Photographed this very obliging one in south west Calgary on May 21st. "The 32 cm (13 in) long adult has a long dark bill, pale yellowish eyes and a long tail; its feathers appear black with purple, green or blue iridescence on the head, and primarily bronze shine in the body plumage .... The range of this bird expanded west as forests were cleared. In some areas, it is now considered a pest by farmers because of their large numbers and fondness for grain. Despite a currently robust population, a recent study by the National Audubon Society of data from the Christmas Bird Count indicated that populations had declined by 61% to a population of 73 million from historic highs of over 190 million birds." From Wikipedia.

Common Grackle

16 May 2007 134
Not a good photo at all but I think this was the closest I had ever been to a Common Grackle and it's certainly the only photo I have taken that shows some of the gorgeous irridescent blue.

Common Grackle

17 May 2007 132
You can see a bit of the irridescent blue on this bird's head and neck, and the very noticeable eye.