Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: MacroAward

Happy Thanksgiving

11 Oct 2009 285
Just wanted to wish a very Happy Thanksgiving to my kids, all my local friends (including all those wonderful nature-nuts I tend to hang out with, LOL), relatives and friends overseas, and of course all my good Canadian Flickr friends who celebrate this special holiday. A special thought to those of you who are unable to spend the holiday with family or friends - I know it can be a tough time. By the way, I didn't have a pumpkin or a pie to photograph, but wanted something orange (which I associate with Thanksgiving), so here's the tiniest water droplet (could hardly see it!) on a sunflower petal for you. Just another attempt to figure out how to use the Raynox 250 macro lens that I bought quite a while ago, but really all I have produced with it so far are total blurs. This lucky shot was a little better than that, LOL. Of course, I think every day should be Thanksgiving Day - we have so much to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Thought of you, Suzie, needless to say : )

Lilies in the sunlight

21 Jul 2008 150
I made the mistake of calling in at the Reader Rock Garden right before going for a walk in the Erlton/Roxborough Natural Area today. For some reason, the heat was just too much, though I think the temperature was only around 26C. Recent rain had damaged all the Peonies at Reader, but I did find a few other flowers to photograph, including these two small Lilies, their heads bowed down in the sun.

Red-blue Checkered Beetle on Anemone

06 Jul 2008 181
I went for just a local walk today. Saw all sorts of things, but it was one of those walks where photo after photo was missed, when an insect flew away too quickly or a little bird was hidden by leaves. Fortunately, this brightly coloured beetle DID cooperate. Can't give an ID, so just enjoy its colours and pattern : )

Cascade of pink

13 Apr 2008 144
These Tulips smell so wonderful, as well as looking pretty.

Red Powder Puff

03 Apr 2008 194
I love these Red Powder Puff flowers! The light coming in through the ceiling in the Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo just caught this bloom nicely. "Native to Bolivia, Red Powder Puff is an evergreen shrub or small tree. It was formerly included in the legume or pea family, but has recently been shifted into the mimosa family. It typically grows 10-15’ tall in its native habitat and is a very popular flowering shrub in central and southern Florida, where it will survive year-round in the ground. Raspberry-like flower buds open to hemispherical red powder puff flower heads (to 3” across) consisting of masses of scarlet stamens. Variations in flower color exist, with some pink and white forms being available. Calliandra comes from the Greek words kallos meaning beauty and andros meaning stamen." From .

A closer look

22 May 2009 207
Just enjoying looking at something cheery and colorful : ) Can you believe that I was driving behind a vehicle yesterday morning that still had a bit of snow on it in places? Felt quite weird - must have come from south of the city, I would imagine.

White Anthurium

17 Apr 2009 160
At least, I believe it is White Anthurium, seen in the old (now demolished) Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. "Anthurium is a large genus of about 600- 800 (possibly 1,000) species, belonging to the arum family (Araceae). Anthurium can also be called "Flamingo Flower" or "Boy Flower", both referring to the structure of the spathe and spadix." From Wikipedia.

Bokeh berries

21 Apr 2009 189
LOL, I thought the title was appropriate, seeing as I didn't really get the berries in focus! Took this image in 2007 and never posted it because it was so blurry. Each time I came across it, though, there was something about the colours that I liked. Note ; don't worry, it's not your eyesight that's at fault, LOL! Oh, these are Saskatoon berries, by the way, seen down in Weaselhead.

Deep within

03 Mar 2009 192
Oops, just realized (after supper) that I haven't mentioned what this flower is! It is a pale pink Peony that was growing at the Reader Rock Garden last July. I find flower centres so fascinating - all species of flower seem to have a different kind of centre, so that should keep me going for a while, LOL.

Cherry-faced Meadowhawk

16 Aug 2008 118
This is a female Cherry-faced Meadowhawk, seen in Weaselhead Natural Area a couple of days ago. Unlike last summer, I have seen so few Dragonflies this year, so this is one of only several photos that I've managed to take.

Jewel of the lily pond

18 May 2008 145
I was so happy to see that a Water Lily was growing in the tiny pond in the Butterfly House at the Calgary Zoo when I made a visit. Rather a small, pale and less perfect flower, but it was the only one : )

Sweet Colt'sfoot

26 May 2008 130
Taken deep in the woods on a gloomy day of continuous rain = having to use flash, which I don't like using : ). It was so exciting to come across this flower!

Spring fever

30 May 2008 122
Another photo in the series I took a few weeks ago, of Daffodils bought from Safeway. There was only one flower in the bunch that had that gorgeous orange centre.

Another Tropical

05 May 2008 99
A Tropical plant growing in the Transalta Rainforest building at the Calgary Zoo.

Mid-summer colour

10 May 2008 116
Can't remember the name of this flower, but they always make quite stunning patterns. Seen growing in the gardens at the Calgary Zoo. Thanks, Suzie (Kazooze), for reminding me of the name! Much appreciated!


18 Mar 2008 144
I found this delicate photo of a Tulip centre very relaxing. I usually photograph vivid orange, red or purple Tulips, so white is a change for me.