Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Dryas iulia

Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia

03 Nov 2015 268
Yesterday, 2 November 2015, it snowed here, but it had all gone by the end of the day. It must have snowed again overnight as I see a light dusting of white. Temperature this morning is -3C (feeling like -7C), so I guess I had better dig out my thick winter jacket. I'm fairly sure I have the correct ID for this butterfly. If anyone sees that I'm wrong, please do let me know. This photo was taken on 29 September 2015, in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. That day, my alarm clock was set for 6:30 am so that I could go on a birding walk with friends. Unfortunately, I didn't read the e-mail carefully enough, so hadn't seen that the meeting place was not where I thought. Of course, no one else showed up where I was, so I took myself off to the Calgary Zoo instead. I had planned on going there after the walk, anyway.

A quick fix

16 Nov 2014 257
This photo was taken in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo on 3 November 2014, when I spent a few hours there with my daughter. We spent just a little time in the butterfly room, most of which was spent waiting for our camera lenses to defog – took 20-30 minutes. This orange butterfly, a Julia Heliconian / Dryas Julia, was so nicely posed on a simple leaf, that I took one photo while my lens was still fogged up. You could barely see what the dull photo was of. Thought I’d try a filter in post-processing to see if the photo might be usable.

Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia

04 May 2014 3 329
Photographed this Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia butterfly in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo on 25 September 2012. This brush-footed species is popular in butterfly houses as it is active throughout the day and is long-lived. Photo of the underside view is posted in comment box below. I wanted a bright, colourful image this morning, as we are back to winter once again. Just five minutes ago, I wrote that the snow seemed to have stopped, at least for the moment, and now it has started again.

Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia

17 Apr 2014 2 261
I think I have the correct ID for this butterfly, Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia, but if anyone can correct or confirm, it would be much appreciated. Photographed in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo, on 25 September 2012. Barely any new photos have been uploaded by my contacts so far today (almost 11:00 a.m.) - or else, they just aren't showing up on my photostream. It always makes me wonder if Flickr has a problem, when this happens. Of course, it is the Easter weekend coming up, so some people are no doubt either very busy or travelling.

A new arrival

08 Apr 2010 166
One of the new butterflies to grace the Enmax Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo. Can't wait to see all the different kinds they "raise". Thanks, Art - it does look like this butterfly is a Julia Butterfly/Julia Heliconian.

Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia

09 Feb 2012 132
Taken in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo on 1st September 2011. I think I have the correct ID for this tropical butterfly. Not sure what's up with Flickr today - it won't let me replace a photo and when I click on a Set, a number of photos won't load and simply appear as a square with a red X. No doubt it will be back to "normal" tomorrow.

Julia Heliconian / Dryas iulia, fourth instar

04 Mar 2012 172
Macro shot of a tiny tropical caterpillar in the ENMAX Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo, taken on 14 October 2011. I never realized till last year that caterpillars have several different stages (just the caterpillar itself, not pupa, etc.), just to make ID even more complicated, ha - this is called the fourth instar stage. If my description is incorrect, perhaps someone could correct me - thanks! Later, found this: "Throughout the larval stage a caterpillar has to shed it's skin several times in order to accommodate further growth. The time between these sheddings is called an "instar" of which there are usually an average of five and spans two to four weeks. When we use the term a "third instar" caterpillar we are saying that it has shed twice. Immediately upon shedding it's old skin the larva fills with air. This allows the new skin to take on that size giving the caterpillar as much room as possible to grow into this new size. After each of these transformations it is possible that the caterpillar can be a different colour or appearance from the time before. Therefore, depending on which instar a caterpillar is in, understanding the instars can play a roll in the identification process." We had snow overnight - it looks beautiful out, but I really wish I had new tires on my car! One of the big Tire places is looking around for replacement tires for me, and I really hope that some can be found! It never occurred to me that I'd have a problem finding tires that fit! My Honda is about 13 years old and I bought it, second-hand, about nine years ago. The absolute last thing I want to have to even consider is replacing my vehicle!! Mid-evening, and I've just noticed that my Contacts new images page has reverted to the "old" layout of small thumbnails (which I prefer in many ways). Flickr has been strange for me in various ways for maybe the last couple of weeks. Getting a wee bit tiresome. SNOWFALL WARNING in effect for the City of Calgary.