Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Gallinago
Wilson's Snipe
16 Jul 2019 |
This morning, 16 July 2019, I woke up to find that it's raining - again! It definitely feels like it has rained almost every day for weeks. "Risk of a thunderstorm" seems to be the norm these days. Our temperature is only 11C (windchill 9C) at 10:00 am..
Yesterday afternoon, I just needed to get out for a quick drive, so, despite the forecast for rain, I drove SW of the city along several usual roads. I soon discovered that one of the roads I was going to drive had roadworks going on - oiling the road. With a car that was already covered in dead insect "splats", from my 12-hour drive south of the city, the last thing I wanted was to add oil to the mix. So, yesterday's drive ended up being very short; just a couple of hours in total. Amazing what one can come across in a short time, though.
A Wilson's Snipe was perched on a fence post, giving me yet another chance for a few photos. A Red-winged Blackbird was perched on another fence post, happily and noisily displaying its scarlet and yellow shoulder patches. Down a different road, a fluffy Tree Swallow fledgling sat on the barbed-wire by its nesting box, all alone.
"Though the long tradition of “snipe hunt” pranks at summer camp has convinced many people otherwise, Wilson’s Snipes aren’t made-up creatures. These plump, long-billed birds are among the most widespread shorebirds in North America. They can be tough to see thanks to their cryptic brown and buff coloration and secretive nature. But in summer they often stand on fence posts or take to the sky with a fast, zigzagging flight and an unusual “winnowing” sound made with the tail." From AllAboutBirds.
According to Fisher and Acorn's book, "Birds of Alberta", "the common Snipe is both secretive and well camouflaged, so few people notice it until it flushes suddenly from a nearby grassy tussock. As soon as the Snipe takes to the air, it performs a series of quick zigzags - an evasive maneuver designed to confuse predators. Because of this habit, Snipes were among the most difficult birds to shoot (in the days when shorebirds were hunted for sport), and skilled sportsmen were known as "snipers" - a term later adopted by the military."
Leaving the area, ready to go home, I came across two immature Red-tailed Hawks, both perched on the same wooden beam at the top of a utility pole. Such beautiful birds.
Further on, I suddenly decided to drive up a road that I don't think I have ever driven before. What a treat I discovered - a gorgeous old barn! Absolutely made my day.
Wilson's Snipe, having a stretch
28 Jun 2019 |
Yesterday evening, 27 June 2019, I was out at a birding meeting. As well as being a chance to get together with friends, it was also a surprise celebration for the 90th birthday of the wife of our main Naturalist. Everyone loves Aileen - a very smart lady who knows so much about birding and botany and all sorts of other things. She is always the same, every time you see her, so welcoming and sweet, yet a very strong person. We are all in awe that she is still able to occasionally join us for a walk or even a trip - if she is not too busy with something else! Her husband, our Naturalist, at the age of 87, can still out-walk many of us (me definitely included!). No one knows how he manages to organize so many birding walks, botany walks, out-of-town day or half-day trips, and endless other activities such as caring for their double-lot garden in which they grow a lot of vegetables (and, of course, flowers, including so many native plants).
As well as celebrating Aileen's birthday, we also watched an excellent, beautifully-filmed and produced video titled "Birding and Botany on the Southern Alberta Walk with Gus Yaki” by Marshall Netherwood, who accompanied Gus and others on a cross-Alberta "walk" a while ago. This video held one's attention every second. It was also announced last night that Gus has just been awarded some special award for all the volunteering he does, and has done for so many years.
Oh, boy, what weather we had yesterday! I got caught in a heavy rainstorm on the drive home from the meeting. Little did I know that other roads around me were badly flooded! Only today did I see photos and videos of the roads that had turned into rivers. There is flooding in the city and in lots of places in Alberta. Much as we need moisture, especially the farmers, we definitely do not need serious flooding.
Sorry for flooding my photostream with photos of Wilson's Snipe and Mountain Bluebirds. Decided to keep them more or less together, rather than posting them here and there. I still have a few images from a couple of very recent short walks, but I also have several walks and trips that are coming up soon. I suspect my Texas photos are not going to get done for some time yet!
Wilson's Snipe
28 Jun 2019 |
Yesterday evening, 27 June 2019, I was out at a birding meeting. As well as being a chance to get together with friends, it was also a surprise celebration for the 90th birthday of the wife of our main Naturalist. Everyone loves Aileen - a very smart lady who knows so much about birding and botany and all sorts of other things. She is always the same, every time you see her, so welcoming and sweet, yet a very strong person. We are all in awe that she is still able to occasionally join us for a walk or even a trip - if she is not too busy with something else! Her husband, our Naturalist, at the age of 87, can still out-walk many of us (me definitely included!). No one knows how he manages to organize so many birding walks, botany walks, out-of-town day or half-day trips, and endless other activities such as caring for their double-lot garden in which they grow a lot of vegetables (and, of course, flowers, including so many native plants).
As well as celebrating Aileen's birthday, we also watched an excellent, beautifully-filmed and produced video titled "Birding and Botany on the Southern Alberta Walk with Gus Yaki” by Marshall Netherwood, who accompanied Gus and others on a cross-Alberta "walk" a while ago. This video held one's attention every second. It was also announced last night that Gus has just been awarded some special award for all the volunteering he does, and has done for so many years.
Oh, boy, what weather we had yesterday! I got caught in a heavy rainstorm on the drive home from the meeting. Little did I know that other roads around me were badly flooded! Only today did I see photos and videos of the roads that had turned into rivers. There is flooding in the city and in lots of places in Alberta. Much as we need moisture, especially the farmers, we definitely do not need serious flooding.
Sorry for flooding my photostream with photos of Wilson's Snipe and Mountain Bluebirds. Decided to keep them more or less together, rather than posting them here and there. I still have a few images from a couple of very recent short walks, but I also have several walks and trips that are coming up soon. I suspect my Texas photos are not going to get done for some time yet!
Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
16 Jun 2019 |
Three days ago, on 13 June 2019, I was invited to visit the acreage where friend, Jackie, now lives. The 16 photos taken there and posted yesterday afternoon are all on private land, so no location is given, for obvious security reasons. Jackie has only been there for the last few months, but is loving life in such a nature Paradise. So much wildlife and plant life, and I can't think of anyone more perfect to be living there, enjoying every new sighting and loving all the regulars. Thank you so much for inviting me, Jackie, and it was great to catch up with everyone!
Perhaps the main creature that I was really hoping I would see was the beautiful Thirteen-lined Groundsquirrel. I had seen them in Weaselhead in a couple of places, and in Waterton Lakes National Park.
Obviously, the information below is now outdated, but still of interest. Just makes me feel even luckier than ever : )
"The Thirteen-lined or Striped Ground Squirrel, if it still exists here, may be the rarest mammal in the Calgary area today...... Calgary sightings: The only known location in Calgary where this species has been sighted is in South Glenmore Park, to the northwest of the park building. It was last reported on 28 April 2002 and 6 June 2002. A population occurs near Millarville (south of Calgary), where one was reported on 17 April 2005. " From the great talkaboutwildlife website, which no longer exists.
"The thirteen-lined ground squirrel is strictly diurnal and is especially active on warm days. A solitary or only somewhat colonial hibernator, it often occurs in aggregations in suitable habitats.
In late summer, it puts on a heavy layer of fat and stores some food in its burrow. It enters its nest in October (some adults retire much earlier), rolls into a stiff ball, and decreases its respiration from between 100 and 200 breaths per minute to one breath about every five minutes. It emerges in March or early April.
The burrow may be 15 to 20 feet (4.6 to 6.1 metres) long, with several side passages. Most of the burrow is within one to two feet (about half a meter) of the surface, with only the hibernation nest in a special deeper section. Shorter burrows are dug as hiding places. This ground squirrel's home range is two to three acres (0.8 to 1.2 ha).
Its primary diet includes grass and weed seeds, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and crickets, but it may also eat mice and shrews; it will viciously attack and consume cicadas if able to catch them. This squirrel sometimes damages gardens by digging burrows and eating vegetables, but also devours weed seeds and harmful insects.
It is well known for standing upright to survey its domain, diving down into its burrow when it senses danger, then sometimes poking out its nose and giving a bird-like trill. It has a maximum running speed of 8 mph (13 km/h) and reverses direction if chased." From Wikipedia.
After visiting Jackie, I decided to drive and see if any of my regular birds were out and about. Luckily, they were, so this morning I have posted 9 shots, including Wilson's Snipe, Mountain Bluebirds, and Eastern Kingbird.
"Though the long tradition of “snipe hunt” pranks at summer camp has convinced many people otherwise, Wilson’s Snipes aren’t made-up creatures. These plump, long-billed birds are among the most widespread shorebirds in North America. They can be tough to see thanks to their cryptic brown and buff coloration and secretive nature. But in summer they often stand on fence posts or take to the sky with a fast, zigzagging flight and an unusual “winnowing” sound made with the tail." From AllAboutBirds.
According to Fisher and Acorn's book, "Birds of Alberta", "the common Snipe is both secretive and well camouflaged, so few people notice it until it flushes suddenly from a nearby grassy tussock. As soon as the Snipe takes to the air, it performs a series of quick zigzags - an evasive maneuver designed to confuse predators. Because of this habit, Snipes were among the most difficult birds to shoot (in the days when shorebirds were hunted for sport), and skilled sportsmen were known as "snipers" - a term later adopted by the military."
Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
06 Jun 2019 |
Well, 24 hours ago, I was so relieved that I was all caught up with my recent photos, leaving me with just the last few days of our 13-day birding trip to South Texas to sort through, edit and post. Then, yesterday, I happened to check the weather forecast and discovered that we were in for a few days of rain. That settled it, I knew I had better go for a short drive, and ended up going to my 'usual' places.
Four of the birds I saw and was able to photograph were a Wilson's Snipe, a Black Tern on a fence post, a Mountain Bluebird against a field of yellow, and a female American Goldfinch who was hanging out with a pair of Bluebirds.
By the time I got out SW of the city, a few dark clouds were rolling in and it was windy. I remember the wind slightly ruffling the Snipe's feathers, but the other three birds were having a hard time keeping their balance, especially the Tern.
Though these birds didn't come with the excitement of being lifers for me, I get just as much enjoyment from finding and taking photos of these birds that I have seen before, many times over the years. Which is just as well, as I so rarely see a new bird species, except for when I am fortunate enough to go on special trip like the one to South Texas. It also feels good to be able to share a few 'better' photos, when I post so many that are just record shots : )
"Though the long tradition of “snipe hunt” pranks at summer camp has convinced many people otherwise, Wilson’s Snipes aren’t made-up creatures. These plump, long-billed birds are among the most widespread shorebirds in North America. They can be tough to see thanks to their cryptic brown and buff coloration and secretive nature. But in summer they often stand on fence posts or take to the sky with a fast, zigzagging flight and an unusual “winnowing” sound made with the tail." From AllAboutBirds.
According to Fisher and Acorn's book, "Birds of Alberta", "the common Snipe is both secretive and well camouflaged, so few people notice it until it flushes suddenly from a nearby grassy tussock. As soon as the Snipe takes to the air, it performs a series of quick zigzags - an evasive maneuver designed to confuse predators. Because of this habit, Snipes were among the most difficult birds to shoot (in the days when shorebirds were hunted for sport), and skilled sportsmen were known as "snipers" - a term later adopted by the military."
Wilson's Snipe
01 Dec 2017 |
Before posting any further snowy photos, I thought I had better add a few different images. I can't wait for spring to arrive, bringing with it the return of the Wilson's Snipe. Having said that, I can't complain about the weather we have been having. A fair amount of sun, and no bitterly cold temperatures. This morning, it is only 0C, and supposed to rise to 6C this afternoon. Have various important errands I have to run, otherwise I would jump in my car and go for a drive. One thing is to sort out setting up an ipad mini that I just bought - never had a smart phone or any kind of tablet, so this is all foreign to me and I have to go back to the store/hotspot. Anyone who can do this easily deserves a medal!!
Late afternoon on 5 May 2017, I dragged myself away from my computer and went for just a short drive SW of the city. The weather forecast was for sun and cloud, but it was far too cloudy for good light. I was hoping to see Mountain Bluebirds, but I only saw a couple of them and they were in flight. A Wilson's Snipe, one of my favourite birds to see and photograph, was already there, perched on a fence post, so I came home happy. This photo was taken from driver's seat, looking through passenger seat window. Why do newer vehicles have a huge console in the front, so that one can't slide across to the other seat?! Manufacturers need to be considerate to Birders, lol!
"Though the long tradition of “snipe hunt” pranks at summer camp has convinced many people otherwise, Wilson’s Snipes aren’t made-up creatures. These plump, long-billed birds are among the most widespread shorebirds in North America. They can be tough to see thanks to their cryptic brown and buff coloration and secretive nature. But in summer they often stand on fence posts or take to the sky with a fast, zigzagging flight and an unusual “winnowing” sound made with the tail." From AllAboutBirds.
According to Fisher and Acorn's book, "Birds of Alberta", "the common Snipe is both secretive and well camouflaged, so few people notice it until it flushes suddenly from a nearby grassy tussock. As soon as the Snipe takes to the air, it performs a series of quick zigzags - an evasive maneuver designed to confuse predators. Because of this habit, Snipes were among the most difficult birds to shoot (in the days when shorebirds were hunted for sport), and skilled sportsmen were known as "snipers" - a term later adopted by the military."
Wilson's Snipe / Gallinago delicata
16 Jun 2017 |
When I've had no luck finding the birds that I set out to hopefully find, I know I can usually rely on Mr and/or Mrs. Snipe to be standing on a fence post. These are one of my favourite birds to photograph. This one was seen yesterday evening, 15 June 2017, when I went for a drive SW of the city.
"Though the long tradition of “snipe hunt” pranks at summer camp has convinced many people otherwise, Wilson’s Snipes aren’t made-up creatures. These plump, long-billed birds are among the most widespread shorebirds in North America. They can be tough to see thanks to their cryptic brown and buff coloration and secretive nature. But in summer they often stand on fence posts or take to the sky with a fast, zigzagging flight and an unusual “winnowing” sound made with the tail." From AllAboutBirds.
According to Fisher and Acorn's book, "Birds of Alberta", "the common Snipe is both secretive and well camouflaged, so few people notice it until it flushes suddenly from a nearby grassy tussock. As soon as the Snipe takes to the air, it performs a series of quick zigzags - an evasive maneuver designed to confuse predators. Because of this habit, Snipes were among the most difficult birds to shoot (in the days when shorebirds were hunted for sport), and skilled sportsmen were known as "snipers" - a term later adopted by the military."
Yesterday morning, I decided to join friends for a botany walk in North Weaselhead. We saw a good variety of species, including a few quite special ones, such as Striped Coralroot (orchid) and Indian Breadroot. Thanks for a great walk, Barry! We also saw a tiny Ruby-throated Hummingbird.
After going for coffee with a couple of the botany people (thanks so much, Peter!), I went home for lunch and then decided to drive SW of the city, in the hope of maybe seeing a Great Gray Owl and/or a Bobolink. No luck with an owl, but, with a lot of patience, I did finally see a Bobolink. I only had very distant views, so managed to get only photos to post for my records. I did better a year ago, but it is early still.
It was so nice to bump into Bonnie and her neighbour, Russel(l), on my drive. They mentioned a road that I had never been on before and I decided to give it a try. Such a beautiful road, though I had no idea where I was the whole time. When I got home and checked on Google, I was surprised to see just where I had driven.
Wilson's Snipe
06 May 2017 |
Late yesterday afternoon, 5 May 2017, I dragged myself away from my computer and went for just a short drive SW of the city. The weather forecast was for sun and cloud, but it was far too cloudy for good light. I was hoping to see Mountain Bluebirds, but I only saw a couple of them and they were in flight. A Wilson's Snipe, one of my favourite birds to see and photograph, was already there, perched on a fence post, so I came home happy. This photo was taken form driver's seat, looking through passenger seat window. Why do newer vehicles have a huge console in the front, so that one can't slide across to the other seat?! Manufacturers need to be considerate to Birders, lol!
"Though the long tradition of “snipe hunt” pranks at summer camp has convinced many people otherwise, Wilson’s Snipes aren’t made-up creatures. These plump, long-billed birds are among the most widespread shorebirds in North America. They can be tough to see thanks to their cryptic brown and buff coloration and secretive nature. But in summer they often stand on fence posts or take to the sky with a fast, zigzagging flight and an unusual “winnowing” sound made with the tail." From AllAboutBirds.
According to Fisher and Acorn's book, "Birds of Alberta", "the common Snipe is both secretive and well camouflaged, so few people notice it until it flushes suddenly from a nearby grassy tussock. As soon as the Snipe takes to the air, it performs a series of quick zigzags - an evasive maneuver designed to confuse predators. Because of this habit, Snipes were among the most difficult birds to shoot (in the days when shorebirds were hunted for sport), and skilled sportsmen were known as "snipers" - a term later adopted by the military."
It feels good to take a short break from going through my Trinidad & Tobago photos - not to mention posting them! - but I know I must plod on. Today, I will start going though Day 6 of our 8-day trip (plus two travel days). This day includes a wonderful hot lunch at the beach, which we so enjoyed. More new birds, whose names I have already forgotten, so I will have to look them up. New plants, including beautiful Water Hyacinth and the amazing Sacred Lotus (which I had only ever seen growing in the Conservatory at the Calgary Zoo). I love photographing their spectacular seedpods.
For now, though, I must have breakfast/brunch - with a small sprinkling of chocolate powder, bought on Day 5 of our Trinidad trip, over my Stoked Oats. Then, back to editing ....
Lichens and all
14 May 2013 |
I'm always happy if I come across a Wilson's Snipe perched on a fence post : ) When they are on the ground amongst dried grasses, they are almost impossible to see, their feathers make such perfect camouflage. Noticed this one when I went for a short drive SW of the city on 10 May 2013 - and it had even chosen a reasonably photogenic, lichen-covered perch. I was just waiting for the bird to turn slightly more sideways, when - you guessed it! - a truck came barrelling down the noisy, gravel road in the opposite direction, and off flew the Snipe, lol. Happy to get any shots, though.
"Wilson's Snipe (Gallinago delicata) is a small, stocky shorebird. This species was considered to be a subspecies of the Common Snipe (G. gallinago) until 2003 when it was given its own species status. Wilson's Snipe differs from the latter species in having a narrower white trailing edge to the wings, and eight pairs of tail feathers instead of the typical seven of the Common Snipe. Its common name commemorates the American ornithologist Alexander Wilson.
Adults are 23–28 cm in length with a 39–45 cm wingspan. They have short greenish-grey legs and a very long straight dark bill. The body is mottled brown on top and pale underneath. They have a dark stripe through the eye, with light stripes above and below it. The wings are pointed." from Wikipedia.'s_Snipe
A friend pointed out yesterday that I have a dead car headlight, so I can't go anywhere till I have had it (and the other one) replaced. When I called in at a car place late yesterday afternoon, it was getting too late for them to do it, so I must go back earlier this time. This morning started off nice and cool and rather overcast. Not sure if the sun is struggling to come out.
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