Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: fenceline

One of my favourite views

07 Mar 2017 307
We are back into serious winter weather again! This morning, 7 March 2017, the temperature is -14C (windchill -23C), with snow forecast for tonight and the next four days. Apparently, March is our snowiest month. I was looking at a folder of winter photos taken just over a year ago, on 3 January 2016, during a Nanton Christmas Bird Count. Thought I'd post another shot taken along this particular road, as this is one of my favourite views. Some years, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the town of Nanton is held late in December. Other years, it ends up being held early January, sometimes delayed because of really bad weather. The Count that took place on 3 January 2016, was part of the 2015 Bird Count. As you can see, the weather was bright and sunny for us this day. What you can't see was that it was very cold for the first part of the day, then warming up to a more pleasant cold later on! I think it was -21C when we started. On the January 2014 trip for the 2013 Count, on the hour-long drive south of Calgary, we hit -34C (-29.2F)!!!!! Again, this year, there was no or very little wind, which makes all the difference. Also, the only walking we had to do was when we called in at various farms and acreages. We drove through such beautiful scenery when we were covering the SW quadrant of the Christmas Bird Count circle that centered on the town of Nanton. A landscape over which the occasional Golden Eagle soars (we saw 5!) and in which some years - but definitely not this day! - numerous Sharp-tailed Grouse wander on the ground or perch in trees. I think the highlight of the day, certainly for me, were all the beautiful Pine Grosbeaks that we saw. We had been told about a farm family who had lots of these Grosbeaks at their feeders, and we are so glad that we arranged to call in. We also saw a Gray Jay there, to add to our species list. My small group of 4 friends and myself, travelling in two cars, did see 5 Golden Eagles, too, which was a thrill, but they were way off in the distance and I couldn't get any closer photos I absolutely love this area SW of Nanton! Some of these backroads (not this one) are extremely steep and almost look vertical when seen from a distance. Some years, the whole area is white, covered in deep snow, so that you can't tell where the roadside ends and the ditch begins. This Count, it wasn't too bad, thank goodness, though I might have felt differently if I had been one of the two drivers for our group! Around lunch time, we returned to the Truch family's place as we happened to be very nearby, and ate our lunch in the warmth of their cosy home. After driving (being driven, for me, which is always pure luxury) the backroads from about 8:00 a.m. till around 3:30 p.m., we returned to the wonderful home of the Truch family. Not only do Bill and Leah Truch and their son, Mike, always welcome everyone with open arms, they also provide a much-appreciated breakfast snack for us and then, at the end of the day, a delicious supper. Have to say that I love travelling these scenic backroads, but I also really enjoy getting together with everyone afterwards. This is one of my favourite Bird Counts, and perhaps the most favourite. Just before leaving for Calgary at the end of the day, we were shown the family's Llamas, two Donkeys, Peacocks, and several tiny white Quail. I should have taken photos of these animals when it was daylight. Thanks so much for doing all the driving, Tony and Andrew, and thanks, Leah, Bill and Mike for all the effort and time you put into your warm welcome! It was another well-organized Count, Mike, as usual - thanks.

Dreaming of spring

12 Feb 2017 219
"Thirteen keen birders showed up for the trip this morning (28 January 2017) at 8:00 a.m. The initial meeting place was Fish Creek Glennfield. After car pooling, We planned to meet again at the Truck Stop south of Nanton. From here, we drove West along 533 to our starting point-William's Coulee. Most of the day was spent birding in the Western half of the Nanton Christmas Bird Count circle. Our target for the trip was Golden Eagle, and the birds didn't disappoint. We found six, plus one more bird that we thought may have been a duplicate, so was not counted. We watched a group of four adult Bald Eagles, and thirty Ravens feasting on a carcass. Sharp-tailed grouse numbers came in at 44, but the four groups that we saw only gave us quick glimpses. A late afternoon treat was a Prairie Falcon circling over the parked cars, and giving everyone a great look. A second Prairie Falcon was found in a coulee, several kilometres to the East. Thanks to everyone who came out to enjoy the day, take in the beautiful scenery, and help spot the birds. Golden Eagle 6 Bald Eagle 7 Rough-legged Hawk 1 Prairie Falcon 2 Great Horned Owl 5 Sharp-tailed Grouse 44 Gray Partridge 10 Common Raven 40 Black-billed Magpie 25 European Starling 10 Rock Pigeon 5 Tony Timmons" I absolutely love this whole area, so I couldn't resist going on Tony's day trip. The scenery is spectacular and, even if no birds had been seen, I would still go, just to be driven in this seemingly endless area of foothills, with the Rocky Mountains in the distance. Though this is winter, we were surprised at how little snow was on the ground. I think the temperature got up to about +11C, but the wind was very strong - too strong to be able to hold my camera steady. For me, the highlights of the trip were the scenery and a Spruce tree in which three (though I only saw two) Great Horned Owls were hiding. Also, I loved the sight of a herd of horses who made their way in our direction, against a beautifully wild landscape. How different this whole area would look in the summer time. A most enjoyable day, Tony! Thanks so much for giving up a Saturday for us - much appreciated! Pat, thank you for the ride out there, and Tony for the ride the rest of the day.

Snow turns something ordinary into beautiful

05 Jan 2017 231
Two afternoons ago, on 3 January 2017, on the spur of the moment, I decided to drive SE of the city and see if I could find a Snowy Owl or possibly even a Short-eared Owl. The temperature was -11C, windchill -20C. The sun was shining, which makes all the difference. I had no idea what the winter roads would be like and quickly found out that on the main highway south, there was enough snow left on the road, for much of the drive, to hide the lines showing the different lanes - something that I never like. Once I reached the area I wanted to start looking, each side road looked too snow-covered for my liking, so I ended up staying on two of the main roads - seeing nothing but a barn and a shed or two - and a Great Horned Owl (photo posted yesterday)! I had seen and photographed the owl barn (not the one in this photo) before and I had also recently seen a photo of it with a Great Horned Owl perched on it, posted by a friend. I had not set out to drive quite that far, as Snowy Owls were what I had really wanted to search for. Also, experience told me that just because an owl (or any bird) is seen in a place by one person, it doesn't mean that it will be there again on a different day. I was certainly lucky this time! From that far away, to anyone driving by, the owl looked just like part of the barn. So, a short, limited drive, but the owl was a highlight. More snow is forecast on quite a few of the coming days, so I'm not sure when I will be brave enough to try another drive, especially along any backroads. "Bitter cold ahead for Alberta in January" is what the weather network says. Getting stuck in the middle of nowhere in spring or summer is one thing, but to get stuck when the temperature is in the -20's is something very different.

Winter walking

04 Jan 2017 1 212
One week ago, on 27 December 2016, nine of us took part in the annual Sheep River/Priddis/Turner Valley Christmas Bird Count. Our time was spent travelling by car, driving the backroads SW of the city and calling in at several farms. I took part in this Count last year but had missed it for a few years before that. I believe I had only ever done it once before (December 2007?), a few years ago, and that time I was with friends covering a different section of the count circle. I remember it as being very slow and extremely unrewarding, This time, like last year, our area was in the centre of the count circle and I'm so glad I decided to go again. A great stop was at Rod Handfield's place (this photo was not taken there). Some of us go there very occasionally on botany trips and he always has the best mushrooms and other fungi growing in his forest in the fall. Rod and his wife have such a beautiful cabin there. A Gray Jay gave us a few photo opportunities there, which was appreciated. Not the best lighting, but usually these birds are difficult to photograph, so it was nice to see one close. Rod is always so delightfully hospitable!! Thanks so much, Donna, for driving half of us - so much appreciated! This also meant that we were lucky enough to see two tiny Northern Pygmy-owls after the Count, too. A beautiful sunny day really helped - not all that cold (for Alberta!). A lot of snow everywhere (almost 8"), but that was OK, as we did so little walking. A great day! I will add the list of species seen, in a comment box below.

Following the fenceline

12 Dec 2016 3 2 316
I'm posting my 'daily three' at the unearthly hour of 3:15 am on 12 December 2016, as I just could not get to sleep - most unusual for me. I guess they will be buried under all the photos posted at a more reasonable time. I was looking at a folder of winter photos taken almost a year ago, during a Nanton Christmas Bird Count. Thought I'd post this one, showing the kind of scenery we will be travelling soon. It will be interesting to find out how much snow there is on the ground this year. Some years, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the town of Nanton is held late in December. Other years, it ends up being held early January, sometimes delayed because of really bad weather. The Count that took place on 3 January 2016, was part of the 2015 Bird Count. As you can see, the weather was bright and sunny for us this day. What you can't see was that it was very cold for the first part of the day, then warming up to a more pleasant cold later on! I think it was -21C when we started. On the January 2014 trip for the 2013 Count, on the hour-long drive south of Calgary, we hit -34C (-29.2F)!!!!! Again, this year, there was no or very little wind, which makes all the difference. Also, the only walking we had to do was when we called in at various farms and acreages. We drove through such beautiful scenery when we were covering the SW quadrant of the Christmas Bird Count circle that centered on the town of Nanton. A landscape over which the occasional Golden Eagle soars (we saw 5!) and in which some years - but definitely not this day! - numerous Sharp-tailed Grouse wander on the ground or perch in trees. I think tthe highlight of the day, certainly for me, were all the beautiful Pine Grosbeaks that we saw. We had been told about a farm family who had lots of these Grosbeaks at their feeders, and we are so glad that we arranged to call in. We also saw a Gray Jay there, to add to our species list. My small group of 4 friends and myself, travelling in two cars, did see 5 Golden Eagles, too, which was a thrill, but they were way off in the distance and I couldn't get any close photos I absolutely love this area SW of Nanton! Some of these backroads (not this one) are extremely steep and almost look vertical when seen from a distance. Some years, the whole area is white, covered in deep snow, so that you can't tell where the roadside ends and the ditch begins. This Count, it wasn't too bad, thank goodness, though I might have felt differently if I had been one of the two drivers for our group! Around lunch time, we returned to the Truch family's place as we happened to be very nearby, and ate our lunch in the warmth of their cosy home. After driving (being driven, for me, which is always pure luxury) the backroads from about 8:00 a.m. till around 3:30 p.m., we returned to the wonderful home of the Truch family. Not only do Bill and Leah Truch and their son, Mike, always welcome everyone with open arms, they also provide a much-appreciated breakfast snack for us and then, at the end of the day, a delicious supper. Have to say that I love travelling these scenic backroads, but I also really enjoy getting together with everyone afterwards. This is one of my favourite Bird Counts, and perhaps the most favourite. Just before leaving for Calgary at the end of the day, we were shown the family's Llamas, two Donkeys, Peacocks, and several tiny white Quail. I should have taken photos of these animals when it was daylight - but maybe I can do it next year. Thanks so much for doing all the driving, Tony and Andrew, and thanks, Leah, Bill and Mike for all the effort and time you put into your warm welcome! It was another well-organized Count, Mike, as usual - thanks. Can't wait for this year's Christmas Count, in about two and a half weeks' time!

McDougall Memorial United Church

13 Sep 2016 1 1 283
On the way home from a day in Kananaskis with my daughter three days ago, on 10 September 2016, we stopped briefly at the old McDougall Memorial United Church. I love this little country church, especially the long, photogenic fence line leading up to it from the parking lot. The church was built in Carpenter's Gothic style of architecture. A sign had the following words on it: "The historic church at the end of this pathway was constructed in 1875. At that time, native people were still hunting bison on the prairies. The young nation of Canada was only eight years old; the Canadian Pacific Railway still nine years in the future. And this church would become the heart of a thriving community, Morleyville, and for a time the largest settlement in what would be southern Alberta. The story of this church is really the story of Rev. George McDougall who moved to western Canada with his family in 1862 to minister to the fur traders and native people. In 1873, the McDougalls established the first mission in the region and built this church. In doing so, they wrote an important chapter of Alberta's settlement history". After George McDougall's tragic death in a snowstorm, his body was brought back to the church at Morleyville and laid to rest.,_Alberta This was the second day in a row that I did a long drive that I had never done myself, and had longed for years to be brave enough to do. On the Friday, I drove way down south as far as the Coaldale Bird of Prey Centre (drove 496 km that day). Then, on the Saturday, my daughter came with me to Kananaskis and I drove the HIghway 40 loop, going south via Turner Valley and then coming home via 1X and Highway 1A. I had been to Coaldale maybe five times before with various friends, and I had been to Kananaskis quite a few times over the years with friends. What a way to introduce a new car to life with Anne Elliott, lol! By the end of yesterday, it was so dirty from all the dust gathered, especially along the rough, gravel Spray Lakes/Smith-Dorrien trail (only drove part way along this mountainous road).. Also covered in splattered insects which were unlucky enough to fly into my car. If I had been able to do these drives a bit earlier in the summer, I would have done so and not on consecutive days. However, I would never have taken my 17-year-old car, for a start. Then, when I checked the Bird of Prey Centre's website the other day, I discovered that Saturday was the last day it would be open before closing till next May. As far as the Kananaskis trip was concerned, there has already been snow in some areas of the mountains, and I definitely did not want to risk doing my very first drive there in snow. So, two wonderful days, for which I am truly thankful! A few weeks ago, I went with friend, Pam, for a long day out in Kananaskis (the mountain area of the Rocky Mountains that is closest to Calgary). What a great day we had, seeing so many different things in such beautiful scenery. The trip with my daughter followed a good part of the trip I was on with Pam, which was great. Our first stop was at Highwood House, a very convenient place to stop for things like coffee, washrooms, gas station. All the Hummingbird feeders have been taken down now that the Hummingbirds have left. From there, we drove north to Rock Glacier to see the little Pikas (also called Rock Rabbits). I'm pretty sure we saw just two individuals and managed to get some rather distant shots. As usual, they were darting all over the massive scree (talus?) slope, busily collecting plants to store and dry in their "caves", ready for the winter months. There was very light rain while we were there, but that cleared up for the rest of our journey. A couple of short YouTube videos in case anyone wants to hear and see these absolutely cute creatures: Further along, we called in at Boulton Bridge, as I wanted to do a quick check to see if there were many mushrooms around. Recently, I had been there with friends, Dorothy and Stephen, and we found lots of interesting mushrooms to photograph. Saturday was very different and it was obvious that the peak of the season is already over. Trying to find Buller Pond, where I had stopped with Pam the other week, we ended up at an area called Peninsular, part of Lower Kananaskis Lake. I don't remember ever having been to this area before. A drive part way along the Spray Lakes/Smith-Dorrien trail, followed by continuing along Highway 40 past Barrier Lake, brought us to Highway 1. We crossed over and found 1X, which then took us to Highway 1A leading to Cochrane. From there on, I was on very familiar driving ground. Many thanks, Rachel, for coming out with me. We had a great day in such magnificent scenery with enough wildlife to keep us happy (Pikas, Bighorn Sheep and a tiny Chipmunk who was munching on a bright red berry).

McDougall Memorial United Church

25 May 2016 1 287
Today, 25 May 2016, my birthday started off with my computer installing Windows 10 to replace my Windows 7! This happened while I was away from my computer, having a very late supper last night. No idea how it was able to do THAT without my permission! (Later: I now see that this is an automatic update, free until 29 July 2016). I eventually managed to restore my computer to how it was with Windows 7. Talk about panic! Once that was done, I immediately got yet another Blue Screen of Death! I stayed up all night, finally getting to bed about 7:00 this morning (for three hours' sleep), backing up the last few months' worth of photos (many thousands) and various odds and ends to an external drive. I was so hoping I wouldn't wake up to find Windows 10 installed again.. I wanted to find out a few things before even thinking about Windows 10, such as will all one's e-mails be saved if one changes to Windows 10? Also, do My Pictures photo folders remain the same?? I have visions of all my photos disappearing : ( So much for getting out for the day on my birthday day, lol! However, I did have a lovely day out on 22nd May, with my daughter, so I'm very lucky. In connection with this, Flickr member, Brent Michael, added a very helpful comment under my next image (old church with fenceline). I will post his words here, in case anyone else had the same concerns as myself: "Just happened to me yesterday as well. I had stopped 10 from updating a couple times before, but I let it go this time. Everything was still there once the update was complete. All my pictures, Lightroom, etc. My browser still had all my bookmarks, my documents were all there. and yes, all my emails were still there as well. All my folders in Lightroom and Windows were just as they were before. Windows 10 works differently so like with all software updates you have to relearn how to do certain things, which isn't as easy as it was 30 years ago! But I am still unhappy that Windows did this on its own without my permission as well. That's not cool! Good luck with yours!" Thanks so much, Brent - all good info to know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE on the FLIPLIFE website that I discovered recently was displaying thousands of our 'stolen' images (mine are all copyright protected, too) and displaying them for free download (including original size) to anyone who wanted them. Something made me check Google again last night and I was unable to go directly to their website. It now works through an itunes app, which you have to download. As a comment on the Help Forum says: "The video on the Fliplife for apps site is soooo nice, laying out all the thousands of..... stolen photos." Flickr staff are looking into this, again - thanks for the very quick response and action! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 3 March 2016, I set my alarm clocks with the intention of getting out earlier than usual, but it was yet another failed attempt. Eventually, though, I did get out on my drive NW of the city, hoping that I might just be lucky enough to see a Great Gray Owl again. This time, there was no sign of one, despite four pairs of eyes searching at various times. Makes me feel even more grateful that I had better luck on 28 February. Many people drive all the way there and return disappointed. As always, it's all about timing and luck : ) The only other things I saw on this drive were four White-tailed Deer, maybe half a dozen Common Ravens, and an adult Bald Eagle - all seen from a great distance. I don't know if the fact that it was a very windy afternoon was keeping wildlife hidden out of the wind. On the way home, I decided to drive a bit further west towards the mountains as far as the old McDougall Memorial United Church. I love this little country church, especially the long, photogenic fence line leading up to it from the parking lot. This photo was taken from part way along the path. The church was built in Carpenter's Gothic style of architecture. A sign had the following words on it: "The historic church at the end of this pathway was constructed in 1875. At that time, native people were still hunting bison on the prairies. The young nation of Canada was only eight years old; the Canadian Pacific Railway still nine years in the future. And this church would become the heart of a thriving community, Morleyville, and for a time the largest settlement in what would be southern Alberta. The story of this church is really the story of Rev. George McDougall who moved to western Canada with his family in 1862 to minister to the fur traders and native people. In 1873, the McDougalls established the first mission in the region and built this church. In doing so, they wrote an important chapter of Alberta's settlement history". After George McDougall's tragic death in a snowstorm, his body was brought back to the church at Morleyville and laid to rest.,_Alberta

Dandelions - of course : )

25 May 2016 236
Today, 25 May 2016, my birthday started off with my computer installing Windows 10 to replace my Windows 7! This happened while I was away from my computer, having a very late supper last night. No idea how it was able to do THAT without my permission! (Later: I now see that this is an automatic update, free until 29 July 2016). I eventually managed to restore my computer to how it was with Windows 7. Talk about panic! Once that was done, I immediately got yet another Blue Screen of Death! I stayed up all night, finally getting to bed about 7:00 this morning (for three hours' sleep), backing up the last few months' worth of photos (many thousands) and various odds and ends to an external drive. I was so hoping I wouldn't wake up to find Windows 10 installed again.. I wanted to find out a few things before even thinking about Windows 10, such as will all one's e-mails be saved if one changes to Windows 10? Also, do My Pictures photo folders remain the same?? I have visions of all my photos disappearing : ( So much for getting out for the day on my birthday day, lol! However, I did have a lovely day out on 22nd May, with my daughter, so I'm very lucky. Today, 25 May 2016, my birthday started off with my computer installing Windows 10 to replace my Windows 7! This happened while I was away from my computer, having a very late supper last night. No idea how it was able to do THAT without my permission! (Later: I now see that this is an automatic update, free until 29 July 2016). I eventually managed to restore my computer to how it was with Windows 7. Talk about panic! Once that was done, I immediately got yet another Blue Screen of Death! I stayed up all night, finally getting to bed about 7:00 this morning (for three hours' sleep), backing up the last few months' worth of photos (many thousands) and various odds and ends to an external drive. I was so hoping I wouldn't wake up to find Windows 10 installed again.. I wanted to find out a few things before even thinking about Windows 10, such as will all one's e-mails be saved if one changes to Windows 10? Also, do My Pictures photo folders remain the same?? I have visions of all my photos disappearing : ( So much for getting out for the day on my birthday day, lol! However, I did have a lovely day out on 22nd May, with my daughter, so I'm very lucky. In connection with this, Flickr member, Brent Michael, added a very helpful comment under my next image (old church with fenceline). I will post his words here, in case anyone else had the same concerns as myself: "Just happened to me yesterday as well. I had stopped 10 from updating a couple times before, but I let it go this time. Everything was still there once the update was complete. All my pictures, Lightroom, etc. My browser still had all my bookmarks, my documents were all there. and yes, all my emails were still there as well. All my folders in Lightroom and Windows were just as they were before. Windows 10 works differently so like with all software updates you have to relearn how to do certain things, which isn't as easy as it was 30 years ago! But I am still unhappy that Windows did this on its own without my permission as well. That's not cool! Good luck with yours!" Thanks so much, Brent - all good info to know. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- UPDATE on the FLIPLIFE website that I discovered recently was displaying thousands of our 'stolen' images (mine are all copyright protected, too) and displaying them for free download (including original size) to anyone who wanted them. Something made me check Google again last night and I was unable to go directly to their website. It now works through an itunes app, which you have to download. As a comment on the Help Forum says: "The video on the Fliplife for apps site is soooo nice, laying out all the thousands of..... stolen photos." Flickr staff are looking into this, again - thanks for the very quick response and action! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This photo was taken yesterday afternoon, 24 May 2016, when I went for just a short drive SW of the city. After a couple of days of rain, the sun came out and I reckoned I had better make the most of it. On the way, I called in at a wetland in SW Calgary and was glad to see the Red-necked Grebe. Just drove my usual back roads, seeing some of the usual birds - Mountain Bluebirds, Wilson's Snipe, Red-winged Blackbirds.

A winter day in southern Alberta

22 Jan 2016 208
Some years, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the town of Nanton is held late in December. Other years, it ends up being held early January, sometimes delayed because of really bad weather. The Count that took place two days ago, on 3 January 2016, was part of the 2015 Bird Count. As you can see, the weather was bright and sunny for us this day. What you can't see was that it was very cold for the first part of the day, then warming up to a more pleasant cold later on! I think it was -21C when we started. On the January 2014 trip for the 2013 Count, on the hour-long drive south of Calgary, we hit -34C (-29.2F)!!!!! Again, this year, there was no or very little wind, which makes all the difference. Also, the only walking we had to do was when we called in at various farms. We drove through such beautiful scenery when we were covering the SW quadrant of the Christmas Bird Count circle that centered on the town of Nanton, Alberta. A landscape over which the occasional Golden Eagle soars (we saw 5!) and in which some years - but definitely not this day! - numerous Sharp-tailed Grouse wander on the ground or perch in trees. I absolutely love this area SW of Nanton! Some of these backroads are extremely steep and almost look vertical when seen from a distance. Some years, the whole area is white, covered in deep snow, so that you can't tell where the roadside ends and the ditch begins. This Count, it wasn't too bad, thank goodness, though I might have felt differently if I had been one of the two drivers for our group! This year, my small group had 5 people, in two cars. I think the gorgeous Pine Grosbeaks were the highlight of the day for me. We had been told about a farm family who had lots of Grosbeaks at their feeders, and we are so glad that we called in. We also saw a Gray Jay there, to add to our species list. My small group of 4 friends and myself, travelling in two cars, did see 5 Golden Eagles, too, which was a real thrill, but they were way off in the distance and I couldn't get any close photos. Most of the time, the Grosbeaks were at the feeders, but, much as I prefer to not have feeder shots, I was still happy to get the chance to photograph these birds up close. Around lunch time, we returned to the Truch family's place as we were very nearby, and ate our lunch in the warmth of their cosy home. After driving (being driven, for me, which is always pure luxury) the backroads from about 8:00 a.m. till around 3:30 p.m., we returned to the wonderful home of the Truch family. Not only do Bill and Leah Truch and their son, Mike, always welcome everyone with open arms, they also provide a much-appreciated breakfast snack for us and then, at the end of the day, a delicious supper. Have to say that I love travelling these scenic backroads, but I also really enjoy getting together with everyone afterwards. This is one of my favourite Bird Counts, and perhaps the most favourite. Just before leaving for Calgary at the end of the day, we were shown the family's Llamas, two Donkeys, Peacocks, and several tiny white Quail. I should have taken photos of these animals when it was daylight - but maybe I can do it next year. Thanks so much for doing all the driving, Tony and Andrew, and thanks, Leah, Bill and Mike for all the effort and time you put into your warm welcome! It was another well-organized Count, Mike, as usual - thanks. Can't wait for next Christmas!

In the bleak midwinter

05 Jan 2016 181
Some years, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the town of Nanton is held late in December. Other years, it ends up being held early January, sometimes delayed because of really bad weather. The Count that took place two days ago, on 3 January 2016, was part of the 2015 Bird Count. As you can see, the weather was bright and sunny for us this day. What you can't see was that it was very cold for the first part of the day, then warming up to a more pleasant cold later on! I think it was -21C when we started. On the January 2014 trip for the 2013 Count, on the hour-long drive south of Calgary, we hit -34C (-29.2F)!!!!! Again, this year, there was no or very little wind, which makes all the difference. Also, the only walking we had to do was when we called in at various farms. We drove through such beautiful scenery when we were covering the SW quadrant of the Christmas Bird Count circle that centered on the town of Nanton, Alberta. A landscape over which the occasional Golden Eagle soars (we saw 5!) and in which some years - but definitely not yesterday! - numerous Sharp-tailed Grouse wander on the ground or perch in trees. I absolutely love this area SW of Nanton! Some of these backroads are extremely steep and almost look vertical when seen from a distance. Some years, the whole area is white, covered in deep snow, so that you can't tell where the roadside ends and the ditch begins. This Count, it wasn't too bad, thank goodness, though I might have felt differently if I had been one of the two drivers for our group! Around lunch time, we returned to the Truch family's place as we were very nearby, and ate our lunch in the warmth of their cosy home. After driving (being driven, for me, which is always pure luxury) the backroads from about 8:00 a.m. till around 3:30 p.m., we returned to the wonderful home of the Truch family. Not only do Bill and Leah Truch and their son, Mike, always welcome everyone with open arms, they also provide a much-appreciated breakfast snack for us and then, at the end of the day, a delicious supper. Have to say that I love travelling these scenic backroads, but I also really enjoy getting together with everyone afterwards. This is one of my favourite Bird Counts, and perhaps the most favourite. Just before leaving for Calgary at the end of the day, we were shown the family's Llamas, two Donkeys, Peacocks, and several tiny white Quail. I should have taken photos of these animals when it was daylight - but maybe I can do it next year. Thanks so much for doing all the driving, Tony and Andrew, and thanks, Leah, Bill and Mike for all the effort and time you put into your warm welcome! It was another well-organized Count, Mike, as usual - thanks. Can't wait for next Christmas!

Golden Eagle along the fenceline

05 Jan 2016 264
A closer look at one of the five beautiful Golden Eagles that we saw two days ago. This is the closest photo I managed to get, but it's close enough to see the difference in colour of the head compared to the rest of the body. Such spectacular birds, and a species that I so rarely get the chance to see. I have added a previously posted, much closer shot of a Golden Eagle from the Coaldale Bird of Prey Centre in a comment box below. "The Golden Eagle is one of the largest, fastest, nimblest raptors in North America. Lustrous gold feathers gleam on the back of its head and neck; a powerful beak and talons advertise its hunting prowess. You're most likely to see this eagle in western North America, soaring on steady wings or diving in pursuit of the jackrabbits and other small mammals that are its main prey. Sometimes seen attacking large mammals, or fighting off coyotes or bears in defense of its prey and young, the Golden Eagle has long inspired both reverence and fear." From AllAboutBirds. Some years, the annual Audubon Christmas Bird Count for the town of Nanton is held late in December. Other years, it ends up being held early January, sometimes delayed because of really bad weather. The Count that took place two days ago, on 3 January 2016, was part of the 2015 Bird Count. As you can see, the weather was bright and sunny for us this day. What you can't see was that it was very cold for the first part of the day, then warming up to a more pleasant cold later on! I think it was -21C when we started. On last year's trip in January (for the 2013 Count, but delayed), on the hour-long drive south of Calgary, we hit -34C (-29.2F)!!!!! Again, this year, there was no or very little wind, which makes all the difference. Also, the only walking we had to do was when we called in at various farms. We drove through such beautiful scenery when we were covering the SW quadrant of the Christmas Bird Count circle that centered on the town of Nanton, Alberta. A landscape over which the occasional Golden Eagle soars (we saw 5!) and in which some years - but definitely not this Count! - numerous Sharp-tailed Grouse wander on the ground or perch in trees. I absolutely love this area SW of Nanton! Some of these backroads are extremely steep and almost look vertical when seen from a distance. Some years, the whole area is white, covered in deep snow, so that you can't tell where the roadside ends and the ditch begins. This Count, it wasn't too bad, thank goodness, though I might have felt differently if I had been one of the two drivers for our group! Around lunch time, we returned to the Truch family's place as we were very nearby, and ate our lunch in the warmth of their cosy home. After driving (being driven, for me, which is always pure luxury) the backroads from about 8:00 a.m. till around 3:30 p.m., we returned to the wonderful home of the Truch family. Not only do Bill and Leah Truch and their son, Mike, always welcome everyone with open arms, they also provide a much-appreciated breakfast snack for us and then, at the end of the day, a delicious supper. Have to say that I love travelling these scenic backroads, but I also really enjoy getting together with everyone afterwards. This is one of my favourite Bird Counts, and perhaps the most favourite. Just before leaving for Calgary at the end of the day, we were shown the family's Llamas, two Donkeys, Peacocks, and several tiny white Quail. I should have taken photos of these animals when it was daylight - but maybe I can do it next year. Thanks so much for doing all the driving, Tony and Andrew, and thanks, Leah, Bill and Mike for all the effort and time you put into your warm welcome! It was another well-organized Count, Mike, as usual - thanks. Can't wait for next Christmas!

Fog is not good for birding

28 Apr 2014 2 239
Yesterday, Sunday (27 April 2014), I went with friends to Frank Lake for the day. It started off extremely foggy with a touch of hoarfrost. Perhaps not the ideal weather for seeing birds, but the fog did eventually clear and the sun came out. It turned out to be a beautiful day and most enjoyable. We saw 53 bird species - all, except for two owl nests, were extremely distant, so any photos I took are so far away. Have to admit that I was fascinated by the hoar frost and (melting) ice crystals, so I spent some time taking photos these while my friends checked out the lake for distant sightings of birds. Before long, every ice crystal had melted and our winter wonderland vanished. Caught a distant glimpse of two White-faced Ibis, and several Snow Geese flew over. Greg Wagner from High River came to check out the lake while we were there, and he drew our attention to a Clarke's Grebe, which was a great sighting. Thanks, Greg! Three of the owl nests had young ones that could be seen, but through a tangle of branches, so useless for photos. The one nest had very young owlets, still with white feathers. Thanks, Tony, for leading this trip to one of my very favourite areas! Your trips are always very successful and so enjoyable.