Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: Sainfoin

Sainfoin / Onobrychis

25 Jul 2019 195
This morning, I have added 10 images taken at Carburn Park, on 2 July 2019. As keeps happening, I have fallen way behind with editing and posting my photos. This was an evening walk with a group of friends. Though I rarely go on any evening walks, I knew this one would finally get me over to Carburn Park. It's always a delight to see a gathering of American White Pelicans on the Bow River. They like to rest on the gravel bars and either sleep or preen. Such exotic looking birds and they almost look like they don't belong here. Two other things I was happy to see were a scattering of beautiful, pink Sainfoin flowers. This is the only location where I have seen them. The other thrill was when a huge American Beaver swam past us when we were walking along the trail at the edge of the river. We were able to see just how huge it really was when it climbed up on to the bank not many feet away from us, and began eating the tall grass. Sainfoin has been grown in parts of Europe and Asia for hundreds of years. Various strains have been introduced to North America as a forage crop since about 1900. I think Carburn Park is the only location in the city where it grows. Belongs to the Pea family and blooms June-August. It is considered a weed, but, as usual, a very beautiful weed. I love the deep pink stripes on the petals. "Like many plants with a long period of human use, it is known by many common names. In English, it is commonly called sainfoin from the French for "healthy hay". Sometimes it is called holy hay--a confusion of "saint" for "sain". Healthy hay is a fitting moniker. It is nutritionally comparable to alfalfa and equally, if not more, palatable to livestock. In addition, research has shown that it inhibits nematode parasitism in ruminants due to its high tannin content. A good report on the use of sainfoin as a feed crop is available on Feedipedia: Onobrychis viciifolia, while images of the species growing as a field crop are available via the Alberta Native Plant Council. As a crop, the plant is considered a good environmental choice: it forms a deep tap root that helps soil stabilization, its roots house nitrogen-fixing bacteria that improve the soil, and its melliferous flowers attract bees and birds. A fine, clear honey has been produced in areas where the plant is cultivated. Lastly, it is more tolerant of drought and cold than other forage crops like alfalfa and clover. Despite its many benefits, it has largely been replaced by alfalfa and clover in the past century. The main drawback is its poor regrowth after cutting and resultant lower production." From UBC Botany Photo of the Day website.

Sainfoin / Onobrychis

25 Jul 2019 225
This morning, I have added 10 images taken at Carburn Park, on 2 July 2019. As keeps happening, I have fallen way behind with editing and posting my photos. This was an evening walk with a group of friends. Though I rarely go on any evening walks, I knew this one would finally get me over to Carburn Park. It's always a delight to see a gathering of American White Pelicans on the Bow River. They like to rest on the gravel bars and either sleep or preen. Such exotic looking birds and they almost look like they don't belong here. Two other things I was happy to see were a scattering of beautiful, pink Sainfoin flowers. This is the only location where I have seen them. The other thrill was when a huge American Beaver swam past us when we were walking along the trail at the edge of the river. We were able to see just how huge it really was when it climbed up on to the bank not many feet away from us, and began eating the tall grass. Sainfoin has been grown in parts of Europe and Asia for hundreds of years. Various strains have been introduced to North America as a forage crop since about 1900. I think Carburn Park is the only location in the city where it grows. Belongs to the Pea family and blooms June-August. It is considered a weed, but, as usual, a very beautiful weed. I love the deep pink stripes on the petals. "Like many plants with a long period of human use, it is known by many common names. In English, it is commonly called sainfoin from the French for "healthy hay". Sometimes it is called holy hay--a confusion of "saint" for "sain". Healthy hay is a fitting moniker. It is nutritionally comparable to alfalfa and equally, if not more, palatable to livestock. In addition, research has shown that it inhibits nematode parasitism in ruminants due to its high tannin content. A good report on the use of sainfoin as a feed crop is available on Feedipedia: Onobrychis viciifolia, while images of the species growing as a field crop are available via the Alberta Native Plant Council. As a crop, the plant is considered a good environmental choice: it forms a deep tap root that helps soil stabilization, its roots house nitrogen-fixing bacteria that improve the soil, and its melliferous flowers attract bees and birds. A fine, clear honey has been produced in areas where the plant is cultivated. Lastly, it is more tolerant of drought and cold than other forage crops like alfalfa and clover. Despite its many benefits, it has largely been replaced by alfalfa and clover in the past century. The main drawback is its poor regrowth after cutting and resultant lower production." From UBC Botany Photo of the Day website.

Sainfoin / Onobrychis viciifolia

05 Sep 2016 2 2 323
Sainfoin has been grown in parts of Europe and Asia for hundreds of years. Various strains have been introduced to North America as a forage crop since about 1900. I happened to notice several plants growing at Carburn Park when I was on a birding walk on 1 September 2016. I think this is the only location in the city where it grows. Belongs to the Pea family and blooms June-August. It is considered a weed, but, as usual, a very beautiful weed. I love the deep pink stripes on the petals. "Like many plants with a long period of human use, it is known by many common names. In English, it is commonly called sainfoin from the French for "healthy hay". Sometimes it is called holy hay--a confusion of "saint" for "sain". Healthy hay is a fitting moniker. It is nutritionally comparable to alfalfa and equally, if not more, palatable to livestock. In addition, research has shown that it inhibits nematode parasitism in ruminants due to its high tannin content. A good report on the use of sainfoin as a feed crop is available on Feedipedia: Onobrychis viciifolia, while images of the species growing as a field crop are available via the Alberta Native Plant Council. As a crop, the plant is considered a good environmental choice: it forms a deep tap root that helps soil stabilization, its roots house nitrogen-fixing bacteria that improve the soil, and its melliferous flowers attract bees and birds. A fine, clear honey has been produced in areas where the plant is cultivated. Lastly, it is more tolerant of drought and cold than other forage crops like alfalfa and clover. Despite its many benefits, it has largely been replaced by alfalfa and clover in the past century. The main drawback is its poor regrowth after cutting and resultant lower production." From UBC Botany Photo of the Day website. This walk was to look for Warblers especially, though it turned out to be a rather quiet morning, bird-wise. Without binoculars, I didn't really see any Warblers, except for a few little Yellow-rumped Warblers. As always, it was great to see a number of American White Pelicans and quite a few Double-crested Cormorants - these two species always seem to like to hang out together. Cormorants are not small birds, but they are completely dwarfed by the size of the Pelicans. This was the first week of the fall birding session and it felt so good to catch up with people I haven't seen for a while - I miss so many of the walks for one reason or another. Our bird walks come to a stop during the summer months, as things slow down with the birds. We were divided into two groups, so each person didn't necessarily see everything on the list. I will add our leaders' list of species seen: FFCPPSoc. 2016 Autumn Birding, Carburn Park, SE Calgary, 0915-1200 Thurs., Sept 01, 2016. Mostly sunny, breeze, 14-23°C. Two groups. 1. Canada Goose 30 2. Wood Duck 8 3. Gadwall 8 4. American Wigeon 12 5. Mallard 40 6. Blue-winged Teal 1 7. Green-winged Teal 2 8. Common Goldeneye 8 9. Common Merganser 10 10. Ruddy Duck 1 11. Pied-billed Grebe 2 12. Double-crested Cormorant 40 13. Great Blue Heron 1 14. Osprey 4 15. Cooper's Hawk 1 16. Swainson's Hawk 4 17. Killdeer 1 18. Spotted Sandpiper 2 19. Franklin's Gull 70 20. Ring-billed Gull 150 21. California Gull 8 22. Herring Gull 6 23. Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) 2 24. Belted Kingfisher 5 25. Downy Woodpecker 2 26. Northern Flicker 15 27. Merlin 1 28. Least Flycatcher 1 29. Black-billed Magpie 4 30. American Crow 6 31. Tree Swallow 1 32. Black-capped Chickadee 10 33. White-breasted Nuthatch 1 34. House Wren 1 35. American Robin 10 36. Gray Catbird 1 37. European Starling 5 38. Cedar Waxwing 6 39. Yellow Warbler 2 40. Yellow-rumped Warbler 4 41. Common Grackle 300 - Two flocks seen simultaneously 42. House Finch 1 43. American Goldfinch 1 Coyote-1 Eastern Gray Squirrel-10 White-tailed Deer-1

Sainfoin / Onobrychis viciifolia Scop.

17 Aug 2015 260
Sainfoin has been grown in parts of Europe and Asia for hundreds of years. Various strains have been introduced to North America as a forage crop since about 1900. I just happened to notice this single flower growing at the edge of the Bow River at Carburn Park yesterday, 16 August 2015, when I was on a birding walk. I think this is the only location in the city where it grows. Belongs to the Pea family and blooms June-August. It is considered a weed, but, as usual, a very beautiful weed. I love the deep pink stripes on the petals. "Like many plants with a long period of human use, it is known by many common names. In English, it is commonly called sainfoin from the French for "healthy hay". Sometimes it is called holy hay--a confusion of "saint" for "sain". Healthy hay is a fitting moniker. It is nutritionally comparable to alfalfa and equally, if not more, palatable to livestock. In addition, research has shown that it inhibits nematode parasitism in ruminants due to its high tannin content. A good report on the use of sainfoin as a feed crop is available on Feedipedia: Onobrychis viciifolia, while images of the species growing as a field crop are available via the Alberta Native Plant Council. As a crop, the plant is considered a good environmental choice: it forms a deep tap root that helps soil stabilization, its roots house nitrogen-fixing bacteria that improve the soil, and its melliferous flowers attract bees and birds. A fine, clear honey has been produced in areas where the plant is cultivated. Lastly, it is more tolerant of drought and cold than other forage crops like alfalfa and clover. Despite its many benefits, it has largely been replaced by alfalfa and clover in the past century. The main drawback is its poor regrowth after cutting and resultant lower production." From UBC Botany Photo of the Day website. Yesterday's walk was to look for Warblers and several species were seen by at least some of the group. Group size was much too large even after splitting in half, but I think everyone was so thankful that it wasn't raining, unlike the previous day of heavy rain, that they came out to enjoy the sunshine. I enjoyed seeing the Merlin, a number of Double-crested Cormorants, and several Pelicans that flew overhead. Without binoculars, I didn't really see any of the Warblers, except for a quick glimpse of a Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Sainfoin / Onobrychis viciifolia

08 Sep 2014 339
Sainfoin has been grown in parts of Europe and Asia for hundreds of years. Various strains have been introduced to North America as a forage crop since about 1900. I came across this plant growing at Carburn Park on 2 September 2014, when I was on a birding walk - I think this is the only location in the city where it grows. Belongs to the Pea family and blooms June-August. It is considered a weed, but, as usual, a very beautiful weed. I love the deep pink stripes on the petals. "Like many plants with a long period of human use, it is known by many common names. In English, it is commonly called sainfoin from the French for "healthy hay". Sometimes it is called holy hay--a confusion of "saint" for "sain". Healthy hay is a fitting moniker. It is nutritionally comparable to alfalfa and equally, if not more, palatable to livestock. In addition, research has shown that it inhibits nematode parasitism in ruminants due to its high tannin content. A good report on the use of sainfoin as a feed crop is available on Feedipedia: Onobrychis viciifolia, while images of the species growing as a field crop are available via the Alberta Native Plant Council. As a crop, the plant is considered a good environmental choice: it forms a deep tap root that helps soil stabilization, its roots house nitrogen-fixing bacteria that improve the soil, and its melliferous flowers attract bees and birds. A fine, clear honey has been produced in areas where the plant is cultivated. Lastly, it is more tolerant of drought and cold than other forage crops like alfalfa and clover. Despite its many benefits, it has largely been replaced by alfalfa and clover in the past century. The main drawback is its poor regrowth after cutting and resultant lower production." From UBC Botany Photo of the Day website.

Sainfoin / Onobrychis viciifolia

11 Sep 2011 191
Sainfoin has been grown in parts of Europe and Asia for hundreds of years. Various strains have been introduced to North America as a forage crop since about 1900. We came across this plant growing at Carburn Park on 23rd June 2009 - I think this is the only location in the city where it grows. Belongs to the Pea family and blooms June-August. It is considered a weed - but, as usual, a very beautiful weed. Image used on UBC Botany Photo of the Day website, 8 April 2013.


23 Sep 2007 149
This beautiful plant was introduced from Europe as a forage crop. This was the first time I had seen the plant growing wild in the city (maybe a couple of months ago).