Anne Elliott's photos with the keyword: sheds
Four in a row
27 Aug 2017 |
Eleven years ago today, I posted my very first photo on Flickr - of a Savannah Sparrow seen in Weaselhead/North Glenmore Park : ) Amazing how time flies!
This photo was taken two days ago, on 25 August 2017, when I at last did a long-overdue drive east of the city. This is my least favourite direction in which to drive from the city and I have to say it stresses me out so much. Once I reach the back roads, I can relax a little, but I am always worried about getting lost. I added a bit of filter in post-processing, to get rid of some of the heat distortion.
The best few minutes in the five and a half hours I was out were when I came across a beautiful Swainson's Hawk juvenile perched on a fence post. Finally, a hawk perched along a back road, where I could stop. Amazingly, not one single vehicle came along while I was there. It felt so good to get a few photos of a hawk in the wild, unlike the ones I photographed recently at the Alberta Birds of Prey Centre. I had really hoped I would see a perched hawk and, in fact, I had seen another one earlier in my drive, though that one was more distant. That's all I needed, to make me feel happy and that the drive was worthwhile.
For the first time ever, and after having driven past the location other times, I stopped at Weed Lake (south end). Lots of birds, but most were really too far to photograph. Still, I was happy to see a Killdeer and what I think was a little Semipalmated Plover close enough to get a few shots. One disturbing thing I found on the path was a large dead, white bird with a long neck. There were two cylindrical canisters on top of the remains - looks like these were empty fireworks. No idea how long this body had been there, or if anyone else has seen it there. Added later: apparently, this dead Swan has been there since at least April of this year.
They were gone, but now 'they' are back
30 Apr 2017 |
I am doing a superb job of bombarding everyone with photos - sorry! My main aim is to work on and finish all the photos from my trip mid-March to Trinidad & Tobago. However, I am getting the odd day when I go out and needless to say, I take photos, even though I really don't need/want any more to look through and edit.
This photo is from the day before yesterday, 28 April 2017, when I spent the day with my daughter. She was not up to a long day's drive, so we went to the Saskatoon Farm for breakfast and a wander round their grounds. I always love to see and photograph their Artichokes and Sunflowers, at any season.
Afterwards, we called in at Spruce-it-Up Garden Centre, which neither of us had visited before. From there, I drove westwards as far as the Priddis area, where we had hoped to see a few birds. Not too much to be seen, though we did see a very welcome little Yellow-rumped Warbler, various hawks including this rather distant, Rough-legged Hawk perched on a lichen-covered fence, American Kestrels, and several Mountain Bluebirds.
We also stopped to take a quick shot of this new row of five red sheds. The originals had been removed by new owners who are turning the field into a Market Garden, I believe. A friend had told me a while ago that the wonderful, well-known "Famous Five" granaries had been torn down. More recently, he mentioned that it looked like they were being rebuilt. I wonder if someone told the owners that the original ones were very popular and were photographed by a lot of people. The new ones have no character compared to the old ones, but I guess they will weather in time. Unfortunately, the new entry road is high, so the view of the sheds is partially blocked.
We had typical weather - a mix of sun, cloud, rain and even a few snowflurries, but at least it didn't rain heavily all day. Thanks for an enjoyable day, Rachel! Lovely to spend it with you.
I have two back-to-back day trips coming up, so editing time will be very scarce. I have to get up in the middle of the night for the second trip (just after 2:00 am, which is roughly the time I go to bed!), or I may even stay up the whole night to make sure I don't oversleep. What we birders/photographers do for the chance of taking photos!
Under a stormy sky
08 Nov 2016 |
Today is THE day - voting for the next U.S. President. May the BEST person win.
On 5 July 2016, I finally drove down SE of the city to the Frank Lake area. I have missed almost all the shore birds this year and knew that if I didn't go very soon, they would all have left.
As it was, I saw very few birds of any kind. I drove straight to the blind/hide, where everything was quiet, other than a few Coots with their teenage kids, several Ruddy Ducks including a female lying on her nest, a Marsh Wren that I could hear but not see, a couple of Red-winged Blackbirds, maybe three White-faced Ibis flying by, a few Tree Swallows and a rather handsome Barn Swallow. No Soras, no Eared Grebes. As soon as I had left the blind and taken a few steps down the boardwalk, I was totally taken by surprise by a Black-crowned Night Heron that flew overhead, being chased by a small shorebird. The Heron was letting out a very loud 'hoarse scream' that sounded almost human-like. Just managed to get a rapid shot of the Heron before it flew out of camera view, just for my own record. I so rarely see a Night Heron, though I did see and photograph a beautiful juvenile that was hanging out at Lafarge Meadows in Fish Creek Park last year (2015) and a fairly recent, close adult east of Calgary.
From the blind area at Frank Lake, I drove eastwards and eventually came to Mossleigh, where I stopped at the three grain elevators to take photos. Can't remember if I had been there just once or maybe twice before. On the way, I stopped to photograph an old homestead which, until recently, I have usually seen and photographed in winter, not summer.
The weather forecast was for a risk of thunderstorms, though fortunately there was just a tiny bit of short-lived rain. The previous week, there had been tornadoes north and south of Calgary, but there was no Tornado Warning in effect on this day. A great kind of sky when a few of the fields were turning bright yellow from the Canola crops. However, a real challenge for my camera, which had developed another problem - when I tried to focus on something, it went in and out of focus rapidly and 'shuddered', making it most unpleasant to view as well as making it very difficult to see what I was taking. This was not the usual difficulty of getting the camera to focus. Such a pain, especially as I absolutely had to have a working camera for a weekend trip to Waterton.
A few hours later, it was time to return home after several very enjoyable hours out. More of a cloud, scenery and old barn trip than a birding trip, but those of you who know me, know I love photographing all of the above.
A very interesting and informative website, with a lot of information about this row of old elevators, is found at the following link. I find myself returning often to Chris and Connie's site to read about other places they have visited. It's well worth a visit to read about their travels.
According to the website at the above link:
" Update: May 2013. The lineage of the Mossleigh grain elevators has been cleared up. One was built for P&H, one for Pioneer which was later taken over by P&H, and finally one was built for the Searle Grain Company, later UGG and finally P&H. All were built in 1930 but it’s not clear exactly when they changed hands. A forth elevator used to sit here (UGG) but it was destroyed by fire in the 1960s.
Update: September 2013. It’s understood that plans are in place to use the track that remains along the subdivision for some sort of tourist train, operating out of the nearby Aspen Crossing campground/garden centre complex. Time will tell if this will come to fruition – Aspen Crossing as it turns out, does have some rail cars sitting on a section of subdivision track just west of Mossleigh."
Mossleigh grain elevators
10 Aug 2016 |
My car woes are almost over, for which I am truly thankful. The day before yesterday, I finally ordered a new vehicle to replace my 17-year-old car. Now I just have to wait 2-3 weeks (hopefully no longer!) for it to arrive. Fortunately, I can still drive my old, very noisy (dead muffler) car as far as the grocery store, which was my biggest concern. No drives for up to three weeks, which will be really hard, knowing that I am missing all the birds AND the mushrooms .... sigh. One and a half days have now passed.
On 5 July 2016, I finally drove down SE of the city to the Frank Lake area. I have missed almost all the shore birds this year and knew that if I didn't go very soon, they would all have left.
As it was, I saw very few birds of any kind. I drove straight to the blind/hide at Frank Lake, where everything was quiet, other than a few Coots with their teenage kids, several Ruddy Ducks including a female lying on her nest, a Marsh Wren that I could hear but not see, a couple of Red-winged Blackbirds, maybe three White-faced Ibis flying by, a few Tree Swallows and a rather handsome Barn Swallow. No Soras, no Eared Grebes. As soon as I had left the blind and taken a few steps down the boardwalk, I was totally taken by surprise by a Black-crowned Night Heron that flew overhead, being chased by a small shorebird. The Heron was letting out a very loud 'hoarse scream' that sounded almost human-like. Just managed to get a rapid shot of the Heron before it flew out of camera view. I so rarely see a Night Heron, though I did see and photograph a beautiful juvenile that was hanging out at Lafarge Meadows in Fish Creek Park last year (2015) and a very recent, close adult east of Calgary.
From the blind area at Frank Lake, I drove eastwards and eventually came to Mossleigh, where I stopped at the three grain elevators to take photos. Can't remember if I had been there just once or maybe twice before. On the way, I stopped to photograph an old homestead which, until recently, I have usually seen and photographed in winter, not summer.
The weather forecast was for a risk of thunderstorms, though fortunately there was just a tiny bit of short-lived rain. The previous week, there had been tornadoes north and south of Calgary, but there was no Tornado Warning in effect on this day. A great kind of sky when a few of the fields were turning bright yellow from the Canola crops. However, a real challenge for my camera, which had recently developed another problem.
A few hours later, it was time to return home after several very enjoyable hours out. More of a cloud, scenery and old barn trip than a birding trip, but those of you who know me, know I love photographing all of the above.
A very interesting and informative website, with a lot of information about this row of old elevators, is found at the following link. I find myself returning often to Chris and Connie's site to read about other places they have visited. It's well worth a visit to read about their travels and detailed research.
According to the website at the above link:
" Update: May 2013. The lineage of the Mossleigh grain elevators has been cleared up. One was built for P&H, one for Pioneer which was later taken over by P&H, and finally one was built for the Searle Grain Company, later UGG and finally P&H. All were built in 1930 but it’s not clear exactly when they changed hands. A forth elevator used to sit here (UGG) but it was destroyed by fire in the 1960s.
Update: September 2013. It’s understood that plans are in place to use the track that remains along the subdivision for some sort of tourist train, operating out of the nearby Aspen Crossing campground/garden centre complex. Time will tell if this will come to fruition – Aspen Crossing as it turns out, does have some rail cars sitting on a section of subdivision track just west of Mossleigh."
Old, abandoned farm
03 Apr 2015 |
On 30 March 2015, I went SE of Calgary, driving the backroads through the farmlands. I had been meaning to drive further than I'd driven in that area, and this day I went as far as Vulcan. Just like I have done a few times before, I went on Google and Google Earth beforehand, searching for any barns that were in the new part of my drive. Nothing truly spectacular, but I did manage to find a few that made the drive worthwhile. 234 km total, 5 1/4 hour trip.
I was so looking forward to reading about this old homestead and the barns and sheds that share the same old farmyard. So far, after just a quick Google search, I have found nothing about the history of the site. I posted a couple of closer views of the site the last couple of days.
The weather was beautiful, with a sky full of clouds for at least the first part of my drive. What you can't see is that it was very windy, as it so often is in this whole area. You also can't see all the bees that were buzzing round my car a couple of times when I got out to take a few photos.
Barn with a difference
15 Feb 2015 |
This photo was taken three days ago, 12 February 2015, which was spent SE of the city, with friends Cathy and Terry. They picked me up around 7:00 am and I think I was home somewhere around 7:30 pm, after a great day of searching for owls, barns, and anything else that caught our eye. The weather was beautiful. The temperature reached a brief high of 13C around 1:00 and 2:00 pm, which felt so good, especially for mid-winter.
Many of the roads we travelled along were roads that I had driven on myself, some of them a number of times. A few of the roads were new to me, which was a treat, including a "trail" that was so deeply rutted and snow-covered that I'm amazed that we ever got out of there! I think my friends were amused that I fell asleep on this very rough track - after only an hour and a half's sleep the previous night, on top of always being very sleep-deprived, I'm really not surprised. This track and another backroad that was new to me led to a few old barns that I really appreciated being shown, including the one in this photo. It was an unusual shape, that I don't think I've ever seen before - more square than rectangular. We weren't able to see it from a different angle, unfortunately. It's strange how some fields in the whole area were more or less bare and yet others had a lot of snow covering the stubble, with piles of snow lining the edges of the road.
As far as wildlife was concerned, we saw 11 owls - 8 Snowy Owls and 3 Great Horned Owls. The Snowies, other than the one perched on the "Wrong Way" sign that I posted the other day, were all extremely distant, so my photos are of white specks in a nice setting, ha. If I hadn't been with two people who can spot "everything", I'm sure that I would never have found most of these owls!
Other birds included a flock of Snow Buntings, plus two individuals that were perched on a fence - haven't checked yet to see if I have a sharp enough photo. Another bird we saw was a beautiful Falcon perched on an electricity pylon - not a large bird, so presumably a Prairie Falcon, not a Gyrfalcon. Also a group of Grey Partridge that suddenly flew before we had noticed them. We had to deal with a lot of heat distortion during the day, so some photos are far from sharp.
Many thanks, as always, Cathy and Terry, for a great day out, including the delicious chili you made and brought along. A fun and rewarding day! Really appreciated being with you, doing what we all enjoy so much. Thanks, too, for giving me time to photograph the various barns we came across!
A barn with a difference
17 Nov 2014 |
Yesterday, 16 November 2014, I joined a few friends for a most enjoyable day of birding SE of the city, in the Frank Lake area. I love this whole area, so usually jump at the chance to go there, especially with friends who are great birders. I stayed behind (painful back) while the others walked almost to the blind, but I was happy photographing scenery, bright orange lichens, and anything else that caught my eye : ) This meant that I didn’t see all of the birds on Andrew’s careful list and report, but I was happy to see the Great Horned Owl especially. It was sitting inside a long, dark barn, at the far end, so the lighting wasn't good at all. Felt so good to get my “owl” fix! It was also good to know that there are at least a few Common Redpolls around so far, this winter. The long winter months seem kind of “empty” when these dainty little birds don’t visit us. All three of the photos I’ve posted today were taken on yesterday’s trip. I think the only birds I was able to photograph were the owl and the Ring-necked Pheasants. This barn, that was way off in the distance, was a different shape from many/most of the barns I usually see, and I don't remember noticing it before. Posted just for the record.
I will use Andrew’s account of the day – I never keep a list myself. Thought that one or two of you might just be interested to know what’s around so far this “winter”, SE of the city. Many thanks, as always, Andrew, for a most enjoyable and rewarding day out of the city. Thanks, too, for your detailed report.
“We had eight participants. A nice break from recent weather. The temperature stayed right around -3 deg C all day, with mostly clear sunny skies. There was an occasional biting wind.
We basically circled the lake area and walked down to the outfall near the blind.
There were still a few pheasant hunters around. Apparently the final release was delayed to this weekend because the province is averse to releasing birds when the temperature is below -10 deg C.
Number of Checklists: 4
Number of Species: 20
Checklists included in this summary:
(1): Sutherland's Shelterbelt (and immediate area)
Date: Nov 16, 2014, 9:00 AM
(2): Frank Lake--NW lookout/blind
Date: Nov 16, 2014, 10:10 AM
(3): Frank Lake--Basin 2 (Southeast Corner)
Date: Nov 16, 2014, 11:30 AM
(4): Frank Lake Basin 3
Date: Nov 16, 2014, 12:00 PM
47 Canada Goose -- (1)
1 Tundra Swan -- (2)
6 Mallard -- (2)
1 Northern Shoveler -- (2)
9 Redhead -- (2)
4 Ring-necked Pheasant -- (3)
1 Prairie Falcon (3)
2 Bald Eagle -- (2),(4)
1 Rough-legged Hawk -- (1)
3 Killdeer -- (2)
10 Rock Pigeon (Feral Pigeon) -- (1)
3 Great Horned Owl -- (1),(4)
5 Black-billed Magpie -- (1),(2),(3),(4)
16 Common Raven -- (1),(2),(3),(4)
48 Horned Lark -- (3),(4)
8 Black-capped Chickadee -- (1)
8 Snow Bunting -- (4)
4 American Tree Sparrow -- (1),(3)
40 Common Redpoll -- (1)
8 House Sparrow -- (1)
The few Snow Buntings we saw were all mixed in with larger flocks of Horned Larks. The Prairie Falcon appeared suddenly and spooked the group of Pheasants before flying off into a nearby tree.
Andrew Hart”
A beautiful country barn
25 Oct 2014 |
In the afternoon on 23 October 2014, I finally did a drive south of the city and found an old barn that I really wanted to see, plus a few others. The photos of this barn that I had found on the Internet must have been taken by trespassing, or possibly before a No Trespassing sign was placed there, as I could only get a view of the back of the barn, seen in the above photo, from the road, lol! On this drive, or rather when looking at Google Earth the previous evening, I discovered that as well as having no sense of direction, I also have no sense of distance, lol!
Then I went in search of two grain elevators joined together by a long, low building. The most northerly one is one of the oldest in Alberta (built in 1905 I think, but certainly before 1909). I had pulled over and parked, taken a few shots right into the sun unfortunately and was just checking them back in the car. I was conscious of a man in a bright orange sweater approaching close to my car. When he stopped by my car, I opened the door – he seemed a bit puzzled as to what I was doing there, so I explained that I was photographing the elevators. Ha, it was the private owner of the elevators! I read on the Internet that he has a furniture manufacturing company in the long, low building that joins the two elevators together. I asked him if there was a better place to photograph them, and he said to take the previous little road. Much better! Some nice old train cars parked near them, too. Maybe I was parked on private ground when the owner was talking with me.
After the elevators, I explored a few other new-to-me roads further south and ended up not far from the Saskatoon Farm. Called in and had quiche again : )
This day had started well, too. I found an e-mail from friend, Sandy, saying that they had just seen a Barred Owl in one of the local parks. Thanks to Sandy, I got over there just before noon and bumped into a few of my friends who had just finished a walk. Two of them said they would come with me and look for it again – and we found it!! This was the first 100% wild Barred Owl I’d ever seen. I had seen a family of them near Edmonton, when we went to see ones that had been banded. They were wild birds, but I still hoped to one day see a completely wild one (no nesting box). Thursday's owl was beautiful – crummy light, with a mix of harsh sunlight and dark shadows, but a few shots came out well enough.
Added character and detail
02 Oct 2014 |
There was just something I liked about seeing this row of five small granaries/sheds. Though not as photogenic as the red "Famous Five" granaries SW of Calgary, I ended up taking several shots of these rather plain ones. After just regular editing, I thought I'd try adding an editing filter and see what happened. This added so much more detail and character, so I decided I would post it. Looking at the sky, you can tell what kind of weather it was that morning - not what we wanted at all, ha.
Three days ago, on 29 September 2014, I finally drove out across the prairies to an area that lies NE of Calgary, that I had longed to go to for so many years. It must have been 30+ years ago that I first saw one particular area of the Badlands of Alberta. A few times, I had been fairly close when I went on several botany trips out that way, but when you are carpooling, you can't just go wherever you want. So, my youngest daughter and I decided that we both wanted to make this trip, All summer, we have been waiting for a day on which she didn't have to work and where the weather forecast was for no rain on the day or there had been no rain the previous day. The Bentonite Clay in the area becomes treacherously slippery when wet. The forecast for yesterday was for a mainly sunny day - at last, we were going!
I think this was the longest day of driving I had ever done, especially to, and in, an area that I'd never driven to before. For anyone who doesn't know me, I have battled a driving phobia for decades, plus I have no sense of direction, lol! Thankfully, my daughter has an amazing sense of direction, so I knew we wouldn't be stuck out on the prairies in the middle of nowhere. A typical question at too many intersections went as follows: me - "Do we go left?"; my daughter - "No, we go right", lol!
I met my daughter at 8:00 am. and I got home shortly before 9:00 pm. Much of that time was spent driving; the rest was spent wandering round three main areas - The Hoodoo Trail, Dorothy and Rowley, in different directions from the town of Drumheller (known for its remarkable dinosaur findings). The forecast was far from accurate on our drive out to the Badlands and I began to wonder if we'd made a mistake going on this trip on that particular day. However, knowing that snow would be returning very soon ("returning" because we had two snowstorms on 9 and 10 September!), I was beginning to feel rather desperate and really didn't want to risk not getting out there this year. The afternoon was less cloudy and we did have some sun.
Our main destinations were the Hoodoo Trail, the almost-ghost-town of Dorothy (calling in at Wayne as well), and the historic hamlet of Rowley that lies north of Drumheller. I had longed, for a long time, to see the two small, old churches that are to be found in Dorothy, as well as the old grain elevator. Both churches have been restored, which is good in some ways but they have lost some of their weathered character.
From Dorothy, we drove over 11 bridges to call in at Wayne, and then we then drove to Rowley to see the old grain elevators and to wander round this very small, historical place. There are actually three elevators there. Dorothy felt and looked almost deserted, whereas Rowley was beautifully kept.
From Rowley, we made our way back across the prairies to Calgary. I had planned on getting back before it got dark as I no longer like night driving and very rarely do it, but we didn't quite make it. On the return drive, the last sighting was a Great Horned Owl that was perched part way up a power pole. Well done, Rachel, spotting this welcome bird! Not easy to see in the dark. By the time I got home, I was so tired and my arms were so painful from driving, but, what a great day we had!!
One of these things is not like the others
03 Feb 2014 |
Back to falling snow and colder temperatures today. I had planned to meet a couple of friends at a city park this morning, but we've just cancelled, as the roads will be really bad.
On 25 January 2014, I spent an amazing day south of Calgary with friends Cathy and Terry. I had found an e-mail on my computer around 12:45 a.m., just as I was about to turn off my computer for the night. Did I want to go birding tomorrow and, if so, to meet at 8:00 a.m.? A full day of excitement and enjoyment left me tired out, but so happy. I had been missing being out and taking photos, feeling lethargic and extremely tired, so this invite was welcomed with open arms. The crazy weather soared to a balmy 11C, but a lot of the day was colder, with a strong wind! Along one of the roads, we came across these and other bright red granaries/sheds - I always love to see anything bright red in a snowy, wintry setting.
Can you believe that we saw 16 owls (oops, when I first posted this info under a previous photo, we thought we had seen 17, but after viewing all their photos and videos, my friends reckon that we "only" saw 16, ha. SIXTEEN! 8 Snowy Owls and 8 Great Horned Owls. The closest Snowy Owl was seen when it was early evening and the light had gone, and my photos are all blurry. The other owls were little more than a tiny speck in the far, far distance, but I still managed to get some kind of shot of some of them, using 48x zoom plus cropping. Perhaps I should add that maybe 15 of the owls that were seen would never have been seen by less experienced birders (and I include myself in that category!). My friends have brilliant eyes when it comes to spotting owls! Just left me shaking my head each time they found one! I'm not too bad at finding owls, but not at that distance!
An interesting link, with the information below, that answers the question: "WHY ARE BARNS USUALLY PAINTED RED?"
"If you've ever driven through a rural area, it's likely that you've seen the red barns that speckle the farming landscape. There are several theories as to why barns are painted red.
Centuries ago, European farmers would seal the wood on their barns with an oil, often linseed oil -- a tawny-colored oil derived from the seed of the flax plant. They would paint their barns with a linseed-oil mixture, often consisting of additions such as milk and lime. The combination produced a long-lasting paint that dried and hardened quickly. (Today, linseed oil is sold in most home-improvement stores as a wood sealant). Now, where does the red come from?
In historically accurate terms, "barn red" is not the bright, fire-engine red that we often see today, but more of a burnt-orange red. As to how the oil mixture became traditionally red, there are two predominant theories. One is that wealthy farmers added blood from a recent slaughter to the oil mixture. As the paint dried, it turned from a bright red to a darker, burnt red. The other is that farmers added ferrous oxide, otherwise known as rust, to the oil mixture. Rust was plentiful on farms and is a poison to many fungi, including mold and moss, which were known to grown on barns. These fungi would trap moisture in the wood, increasing decay.
Regardless of how the farmer tinted his paint, having a red barn became a fashionable thing. They were a sharp contrast to the traditional white farmhouse. As European settlers crossed over to America, they brought with them the tradition of red barns. In the mid to late 1800s, as paints began to be produced with chemical pigments, red paint was the most inexpensive to buy. Red was the color of favor until whitewash became cheaper, at which point white barns began to spring up. Today, the color of barns can vary, often depending on how the barns are used."
Couldn't resist RED
27 Jan 2014 |
The day before yesterday (25 January 2014), I spent an amazing day with friends Cathy and Terry, south of Calgary. I had found an e-mail on my computer around 12:45 a.m., just as I was about to turn off my computer for the night. Did I want to go birding tomorrow and, if so, to meet at 8:00 a.m.? A full day of excitement and enjoyment left me tired out, but so happy. I had been missing being out and taking photos, feeling lethargic and extremely tired, so this invite was welcomed with open arms. The crazy weather soared to a balmy 11C, but a lot of the day was colder, with a strong wind! Along one of the roads, we came across these and other bright red granaries/sheds - I always love to see anything bright red in a snowy, wintry setting.
Can you believe that we saw 17 owls? SEVENTEEN! I didn't photograph quite every single one, but my friends will let me know exactly how many of each owl we found, once they've gone through their photos. It was something like 10 Snowy Owls and 7 Great Horned Owls. The closest Snowy Owl was seen when it was early evening and the light had gone, and my photos are all blurry. The other owls were little more than a tiny speck in the far, far distance, but I still managed to get some kind of shot of some of them, using 48x zoom plus cropping. Perhaps I should add that maybe 16 of the owls that were seen would never have been seen by less experienced birders (and I include myself in that category!). My friends have brilliant eyes when it comes to spotting owls! Just left me shaking my head each time they found one! I'm not too bad at finding owls, but not at that distance!
The row of five
31 Mar 2010 |
Too dark? Maybe just a little. Later - actually, the version you see here is a slightly lightened version. I liked the row of puffy clouds just above the rooftops. Have to dash out in ten minutes for my volunteer shift, after which I want to go and see if I can find the Mute Swan (a rarity in Calgary). And then I have to go shopping for a new alarm clock - mine didn't work this morning - have had it quite a few years. See ya later!
I am so happy - I took a better look at the buttons for lowering my car windows and discovered a small lever, which I decided to push over to the right. Never used this before. Anyway, my front passenger window went DOWN - yay! Had been wondering how much it was going to cost me to have it repaired, as I do need to be able to roll the far window down when I'm birding the backroads. Maybe I caught this lever somehow a few weeks ago. Such a relief!
The old and the new
06 Jan 2008 |
On 30th December, I was out from 6:10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., taking part in a Christmas Bird Count on the Cochrane Reserve, north-west of Calgary. Not sure of the exact number of bird species we saw, but it was around 23. This assortment of buildings, old and new, were on one of the farms that we called in at.
Three in a row
23 Feb 2013 |
Another photo taken SE of Calgary in the Blackie area on 3 February 2013, when I spent the day with friends, driving the backroads, hoping to see Snowy Owls - and anything else beautiful. How I love our beautiful Alberta landscapes!
The touch of winter
12 Nov 2012 |
It's the "Famous Five" again : ) Took a drive SW of the city a couple of afternoons ago, 10 November 2012, expecting to see a lot more snow on the fields. Some roads were more snow-covered than others. Plenty of snow at the edges of the roads, though, so I had to be careful that I didn't pull off the road more than a few inches, as I really didn't want to find myself stuck. It felt so good to finally have a sunny day after two or three weeks of overcast, dreary weather!
Got my sheds in a row
05 Jan 2010 |
Yet another view of the "famous five" red sheds south of Calgary : ) I had been looking forward to seeing them surrounded by piles of snow, but I found that there was far less snow than I had been expecting. Still pretty, though, I thought, including the curves of the tracks.
Got home 45 minutes ago (7:15 p.m.) from a long day's Christmas Bird Count in the Snake's Head/Sundre area, north west of Calgary. This was our final Count. My alarm was set for 3:50 a.m., though it took me a while to drag myself out of bed after only one hour of sleep! An overcast day today with a few snowflakes and a temperature, I think, of around -12C.
All in a row
15 Apr 2007 |
Saw this row (there were several others in the row) of red, weathered, wooden sheds in a farmers field on Thursday. I was exploring a few side roads off Highway 22X, going west from Calgary towards the mountains.
16 Apr 2007 |
Three of the weathered sheds I saw on a drive westwards from Calgary a few days ago.
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