Colin Dullaghan's photos with the keyword: stand-process

Holliday Bank at f45

29 Jun 2015 2 285
I was determined to shoot with a Kodak No. 3A Autographic camera I found in an antique shop. It was in pretty rough condition, and I'm not sure the seller even knew how to open it! But, I figured, a dark cloth wrapped around the bellows should minimize the many light leaks, stopping the lens way down should cut down on my having to guess about focus too much, and some foam-rubber spacers should let me spool a roll of 120 film across the (enormous) film gate. I was right! Next experiment may be 4x5 ortho film -- I won't even have to cut it down; the back of this camera is *that* big.

You Make Me So Very Happy

Artists' Studios

24 Nov 2014 260
Lakeside, Michigan

Downstream Revisited

Down the Garden Path

Out and Away

24 Nov 2014 204
Taken behind Clyde Butcher's gallery in southwest Florida.


24 Nov 2014 251
A highlight of the "Hernia Challenge," in which I tried to photograph roughly the same stuff with an RB67 and a 4x5 monorail, to see if there was a clear advantage to the larger format in my photography. After lugging, I guess, about 40 lbs of equipment through the woods, I determined that the RB holds up pretty well.

Make Way

24 Nov 2014 218
Severed limb toward the bottom of a gigantic evergreen in our front yard.

Off and Rolling

24 Nov 2014 219
My daughter recently learned how to ride without training wheels. It was as impressive as it was inevitable.

River Reflection

29 Jan 2014 3 293
Scan of a print made when I finally started getting decent results in the darkroom. I over-burned the sky, I realize, and the negative proved a good bit tougher to print than I'd initially thought, but overall I'm comfortable sharing. Still, though. I must admit that the other digital version of this -- the one I edited digitally from a scan of the negative -- reveals a lot more detail in the trees and water. It'll be a good day when I'm getting better results in the wet darkroom than in the digital version.


28 Jan 2014 3 419
I was told that the White River, as it was renamed by, um, White people, got its name from the Delaware Indians who called it "Wahpihani," meaning "Great White River," because of the visible limestone bed beneath much of it. But now, as I try to verify this to write this caption, I see that Michael McCafferty, in "Native American Place Names of Indiana," says this is hooey. Well. It's still lovely.

Vince's Spot

28 Jan 2014 1 291
The way pets seek out sunbeams, it just begs for a picture.

Not a Barn

28 Jan 2014 1 251
This *corn crib,* as its owner explained to me, sits off SR13 in Madison County, Indiana, just south of the town of Elwood. I think it is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.

19 items in total