Roger Bennion's photos with the keyword: Rotunda


29 Apr 2019 5 6 208
This is the Rotunda in Stowe Landscape Gardens that includes a statue of Venus, the Goddess of Love. Therefore, for 'Sight and Sound', I have chosen "Story of Love" by The Desert Rose Band. This song is on their 1990 album "Pages of Life", one of my all-time fave albums :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here (live version) ~ Story of Love ~ Desert Rose Band Or, album track ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Story of Love ~ Desert Rose Band I would like an electric guitar like 'wot' John Jorgenson is playing. Trouble is that I can't play any musical instrument :-)

"Luna Rotunda"

25 Jun 2016 10 8 340
This is the Rotunda in Stowe Landscape Gardens. The only tenuous link I could find for 'Sight and Sound' is "Luna Rotunda" by the Gina Pop Band :-)) Added to ~ Sight and Sound ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Luna Rotunda ~ Gina Pop Band

"Simply The Best"

06 Jan 2016 15 11 392
Explored! ~ Thank you very much :-))) I thought I was starting to catch-up. But, I see I still have 27 'Sight and Sound' posts to comment upon and lots of other posts to look at :-) So, in the meantime, here is an extremely tenuous link for 'Sight and Sound'. In moi humble opinion Stowe Landscape Gardens is "Simply The Best". Wynonna (my fave :-) recorded "Simply The Best". Therefore, job done methinks :-) Added to ~ Sight and Sound ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Simply The Best ~ Wynonna Judd As Norbert says...LOUD or Off :-)

"Alone Again Or"

19 Jan 2015 25 18 580
~ Explored! ~ Thank you very much :-))) This is a faily old candid shot taken in Stowe Landscape Gardens. Thought it was good to link this to "Alone Again Or" by Love from their masterpiece album "Forever Changes" released in November 1967. I didn't know until I looked at Wikipedia that Bryan MacLean who wrote this song "died in Los Angeles of a heart attack at age 52 on December 25, 1998 whilst having dinner with a young fan who was researching a book about Love." And, that Arthur Lee "had been diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia and died of this disease on August 3, 2006 in his home town of Memphis, Tennessee, at age 61." I also came across a version of this song by "Gold Lake". I know nowt about them but I like their version :-) I think I can have two links for Soundtrack to Life.............please :-) Added to ~ Soundtrack to Life Love - Alone Again Or ~ Love Gold Lake - Alone Again Or ~ Gold Lake


22 Oct 2014 16 16 791
Added to 'Soundtrack to Life' In the centre of the Sir John Vanbrugh designed 'Rotunda' (built 1720-1) is a gilded statue of the Medici Venus so that, for me, was an easier link to “Venus” by Shocking Blue :-) It is very sad to read that Mariska Veres succumbed to cancer in December 2006. Watch/Listen here -

Rotunda, Stowe Landscape Gardens

25 Aug 2014 5 2 388
The Rotunda contains a copy of the Medici Venus. Venus was the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Also, the Rotunda stands in the middle of Stowe Golf Course next to the 17th tee!! Hence the red markers! There were also some white markers but I didn't like them in my shot so they have been cloned out :-))

Stowe Landscape Gardens

25 May 2013 3 3 284
I don't remember us having that many sunny days so far this year! There I go again mentioning the weather :-) But, this was a glorious day. More like this, please :-)