Roger Bennion's photos with the keyword: Draining Board

SSC 16 Nov 2019

15 Nov 2019 16 27 264
Explored! Thank you very much :-) SATURDAY SELF-CHALLENGE 16 NOVEMBER 2019 MINIMALISM IN STILL LIFE I have a drawer packed to the brim with all manner of cables, electric plugs, connectors, audio plugs with cables, video plugs with cables, photography cables and connectors etc. etc. etc. I rarely go the drawer and I am reluctant to throw away anything in case it might be needed one day :-) When I was trying to find something for this week's Challenge I thought I would look in the drawer. And, I found these items that I believe are RCA connectors. They are, apparently, also known as phono connectors or phono plugs. They are used for analog or digital audio or analog video. I would have liked the plugs to have been quite a bit smaller in the frame. But, I have run out of time :-) And, for 'Sight and Sound' I figured that any combination of audio and video would work :-) I found audio and video by The Pointer Sisters. Absolutely adore their version of Bruce Springsteen's "Fire" :-) In my opinion a truly sensational performance :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Fire ~ The Pointer Sisters

Macro Mondays 2.0 (11 Nov 2019)

10 Nov 2019 16 13 398
Explored! Thank you very much :-) MACRO MONDAYS 2.0 TOPIC 126: THICK / THIN 'Mecklenburg-Foto' used batteries in the last Topic and it gave me the idea to use batteries for this week's Topic because I figured I must have some thick and thin batteries in the drawer :-) Thank you to Mecklenburg-Foto :-) I promise to use a different background at some point in the future :-) Honest :-)) Now, for 'Sight and Sound' ~ I don't know much about Golden Earring but they recorded "Chargin' Up My Batteries" and this is my 'Sight and Sound' choice :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Chargin' Up My Batteries ~ Golden Earring ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Or, here ~ Chargin' Up My Batteries ~ Golden Earring


09 Feb 2019 22 22 552
SATURDAY SELF-CHALLENGE 9 FEBRUARY 2019 PATTERNS IN COLOUR And, for Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Patterns ~ Simon & Garfunkel