Roger Bennion's photos with the keyword: Dan Fogelberg

SSC 1 Feb 2020

01 Feb 2020 17 12 371
SATURDAY SELF-CHALLENGE 1 FEB 2020 PANORAMIC PHOTOGRAPHY Have been away for a few days.....again :-) Some problems since we returned so I am falling behind...but I will catch-up...eventually :-) This is modern architecture in Aylesbury. My little Nikon P7800 has a panoramic (16x9) setting so this is what I used. I did have to do a little bit of work on straightening some horizontal and vertical lines that had gone somewhat out of alignment but I think I have kept to the 16x9 format :-) And, for ~ Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Windows and Walls ~ Dan Fogelberg ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Or, listen here ~ Windows and Walls ~ Dan Fogelberg

"Full Circle"

05 Dec 2017 2 6 322
If this is an original ceiling in the Examination Schools in Oxford it dates from 1882. On this basis the lights are some 130 years more recent :-) The lights are circular and there are circles in the ceiling. So, that makes it easy for me to link my photo to "Full Circle" by Gene Clark from his 1973 album "Roadmaster" :-) Added to ~ Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Full Circle ~ Gene Clark Also, until just t'other day, I didn't know that Dan Fogelberg recorded Gene's song :-) ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ Listen here ~ Full Circle ~ Dan Fogelberg Funny how the circle turns around First your up and then your down again Though the circle takes what it may give Each time around it makes you live again Funny how the circle is a wheel And it can steal someone who is a friend Funny how the circle takes your flight And if it's it right it brings it back again Funny how the circle turns around You think your lost and then you're found again Though you always look for what you know Each time around it's something new again