Roger Bennion's photos with the keyword: Mathematical Institute

Andrew Wiles Building

15 Oct 2019 7 8 397
A photo taken earlier this year. The main building is the Andrew Wiles Building in Oxford. It is the Oxford University Mathematical Institute. It opened in 2013. The building in the background is a small part of the Radcliffe Observatory. Construction started in 1772 and it opened in 1794. For 'Sight and Sound' I was looking for a mathematics link :-) I found one list that included Bob Dylan's "Love Minus Zero/No Limit". The explanation being it is "a love song that seamlessly blends in the relationship between mathematics and romance. According to Bob Dylan, the song title is a fraction and the formula for a good relationship". .......Of course I knew this :-))) I was going to use an original version but the only one I could find on YouTube didn't really sound like Bob to me!! I am, therefore, using Rick Nelson's version :-) Added to Sight and Sound : Pictures & Music ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪ Listen here ~ Love Minus Zero/No Limit ~ Rick Nelson & The Stone Canyon Band

Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford

18 Jul 2015 9 12 1604
There is always someone who wants to walk into my shot at the very moment I press the shutter :-)) Anyway, this is one of my fave buildings in Oxford to photograph. It is the Mathematical Institute named after Andrew Wiles the Oxford professor who proved Fermat's Last Theorem, one of history's most difficult mathematical problems. I would have probably proved the Theorem myself but Andrew beat me to it :-)) The tiling in front of the building is Penrose tiling, named after the mathematician Roger Penrose who invented it in the 1970s. Allegedly, no matter where you stand the pattern never repeats :-)

Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford

16 Jun 2015 11 8 568
Back to the Andrew Wiles Building :-)

Orb'd Andrew Wiles Building :-)

01 Oct 2014 8 12 493
Andrew Wiles Building (6) I should note down exactly wot I do sometimes :-) Think there might have been some HDR goin' on here as well but who knows :-))

Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford (3)

04 Jul 2014 5 7 498
I don't know the lady but I was pleased her dress seemed to 'match' the architecture :-)

Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford (2)

02 Jul 2014 5 7 525
I expect this Building will feature fairly extensively in my photostream :-) It is the home of the Oxford University Mathematical Institute.

Andrew Wiles Building, Oxford (1)

27 Jun 2014 4 2 464
I thought it would be a good idea to get back over to Oxford and take a look at Oxford University's Mathematical Institute. It is now clear to me that this Building will have the same 'photographic draw' as the Biochemistry Building :-) The £70m building, that opened on 3 October 2013, is named after Andrew Wiles the Oxford professor who proved Fermat's Last Theorem, one of history's most difficult mathematical problems. I was also working on this but Andrew beat me to it :-)))