spih_2's photos with the keyword: uglydoll

Icy boats

05 Jan 2019 163
These boats are not going anywhere soon. They are frozen solid! We had a winter storm a few days ago before the lake was frozen. Everything on the shore got covered with ice.

Icy and an icy tree

05 Jan 2019 1 178
We had a winter storm a few days ago before the lake was frozen. Everything on the shore got covered with ice.

Icy in an icy tree

05 Jan 2019 175
Icy loves that every branch of the tree is covered witha a thick layer of ice. We had a winter storm a few days ago before the lake was frozen. Everything on the shore got covered with ice.

Couch potatoes

03 Jan 2019 139
Icy: "Come on guys, let's go out and play ice hockey! The weather is fine: The sun is shining and the temperature is -9 C." Babo: "Ssssh! I'm watching the Cookie Channel!" Jeero: ZZZZZZZZ... (-9 C = 16 F)

Ice cream bats?

04 Nov 2018 202
Pup: How can you guys eat ice cream in November? Isn't it way too cold? Rastaban: "This week's theme is Dairy. And ice cream is the best dairy product you can get." Pup: "The theme is Diary, not Dairy! You two are completely batty!" Icy: "Why, thank you!"


27 Oct 2018 133
If your wings are short it's good to be friends with a hippogriff who can give you a ride.

More tricks

23 Aug 2018 187
Jippo: "All right, whoever jumps through the hoop gets a dozen donuts." Icy: "I'm ready!" Jippo: "Hey, no flying! That's cheating!" (Photo a Day, August 23: Brightly colored)

Cool forest

06 Aug 2018 180
Today the weather was a bit cooler so Ygg and Jeero could enjoy a walk in the forest without feeling they are melting. (Photo a Day, August 6: Enjoy)


30 Jul 2018 118
Hansel: "On a hot day like this one must drink lots of water." Juicy: "I prefer orange extract *glug* *glug* *glug*" Wage: "Easy on the orange extract, it's strong stuff!" Juicy: *HIC* (Photo a Day, July 30: Water)


28 Jul 2018 122
Hansel and Wage told that they can help me finish my raspberries... (Photo a Day, July 28: Helpful)