Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: affection

117/336: Magical Fuzzy Mushroom

29 Apr 2016 29 14 845
Here's a mushroom I photographed back in 2012, and I got lucky with some nice light too! I have mixed feelings about this picture. I remember being so upset because you will notice that the very front edge of this mushroom is not in focus. I took about 10 different pictures to make sure I had good focus and STILL, it's not crisp along that edge. I am crazy about the bokeh, but it could be a bit softer. It's not my best work, but I am proud to display it because it does have a special glow to it that has always made me stop in my tracks to look at this picture. I processed it just a few days after I took it, so I've had a long time to sit and think about this image. :D If you've read this far, I'd love to know--would you have trashed this picture or kept it. Not hurting my feelings if you vote for trash, since it's flawed. Does it matter that the front edge--which is so important to the success of this type of image--is not in focus?

109/366: Mushrooms in Love (+2 in notes)

21 Apr 2016 29 11 931
(+2 in notes) A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of two mushrooms that were joined by a droplet of rain. That same day I discovered some other special mushrooms as well. These two are obviously in love and don't care if anyone knows it! The pair of identical droplets on their stems just kills me!! :) (By the way, if you roll your mouse over the picture you'll see the other picture I posted a couple of weeks ago and also my 365 image from that day!)

95/366: We Are Family

07 Apr 2016 24 15 976
Our property has many different environments for mushrooms, so I've found lots of unique species in many sizes, shapes and colors. One day in November a couple of years ago, I glimpsed something orange near a pine tree and what fun it was to discover this beautiful family of mushrooms just waiting to have their picture taken! I called out, "One, two, three...CHEESE!!" And they all pulled in close for the perfect shot!

88/366: Together

31 Mar 2016 15 8 883
Steve and I went out one soggy day a couple of years ago so we could drive to another location in the hopes of finding some mushrooms. We found a patch of conifer forest and I popped out of the car for a look. After about 10 minutes, I looked down to see this pair of affectionate mushrooms, leaning together and joined by a droplet of rain. If you look at the base of the mushroom on the right, you'll notice that it grew up througha amall hole in the leaf that surrounds it!

"I Love You Mom!!!"

14 Nov 2013 19 9 826
Zoe is so darn cute. She loves Steve, but I am her Sun and Moon. Wherever I go, Zoe is close behind me. We do have a lot in common, I admit. Energetic, silly, goofy, sweet (I've been told! :D), affectionate, and full of fun and mischief. I was taking pictures of the dogs when she trotted by and I called her name. She stopped, turned her head and looked up at me...*click*! :D (Texture by Jerry Jones: PaperBox )

Steve Petting a Piglet

23 Aug 2011 219
This image was taken at the Josephine County Fair on August 20, 2011.

“No three words have greater power than I Love You…

30 Dec 2012 271
Romance was definitely in the air on the morning I got this picture...walking quietly along our ridgetop trail, I heard tiny voices which sounded like cooing. Creeping closer, I peeked around a tree and found this couple who were embraced in love and sing-songing to each other, "I love you....I love you more...my dear, I love you so much...my life would be nothing without you, how I love you..." Smiling as I quietly took their picture, I sank back from their intimate cuddling and remembered a quote to think about as I made my way back to my house: "Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without." ~James C. Dobson Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two (when I'm not buried in work) and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Please forgive me for not stopping by lately, I have a huge project which is taking all my time, but I'm expecting a free day hopefully tomorrow! :) Explored on December 30, 2012. Highest position: #345.

124/365: "Friendship is a word, the very sight of…

05 May 2013 20 6 864
I took the dogs out for a walk around the property before dinner and brought along my camera. When I saw this incredible glowing wild pea pod, I forgot everything else and lost myself in its radiating beauty. As I took pictures, I smiled warmly because this peapod represents the strong friendships I have with so many of my dearly loved "pod sisters/pod brothers" here on ipernity. With each of you, I have formed a common bond, each of us seeing eye to eye on so many facets of our photography, the way we think, how we feel, the closeness we feel to one another. To me, we are all connected through this tapestry of images and feelings. I love you all, and I am overjoyed whenever I find another "pea" to add to my "pod"! :D *big hugs and much love to my pod siblings* Augustine Birrell PC, KC (19 January 1850 – 20 November 1933) was an English politician, barrister, academic and author. He was Chief Secretary for Ireland from 1907 to 1916, resigning in the immediate aftermath of the Easter Rising. Wikipedia: Augustine Birrell Explored on Flickr on May 4, 2013. Highest position #6.