Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: flock

Flock of Geese at Sunset

26 Oct 2011 197
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my "Autumn Show" images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [16 in the past few days]. Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) (Oh, and yes, I know there are really too many pictures to be uploading at one time but I have too many images I want to put into my Flickr stream so it just can't be helped!) This was one of those incredibly lucky shots that you just can't plan for. Steve and I were taking pictures of the barn I showed in the last set when we heard a flock of geese overhead. I turned, aimed my camera, and hoped for the best. :) By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken during the month of October, 2011.

Soggy Birds!

22 Jan 2012 314
It has been raining like cats and dogs the past couple of days and even though we hoped for snow, we're very happy to see the downpour, as it's been unseasonably dry this year and we need the rain badly. However, the birds are getting a little tired of the wet conditions! I couldn't resist taking pictures and you know, I don't think they are very impressed with me! :D :D :D This image was taken in January, 2012.

European Starlings: Can't We All Just Get Along?

23 Jan 2012 232
In regards to our feisty, noisy new visitors, the European Starlings, I think it's only fair to share some images of their rude behavior when at the feeders! They have absolutely no manners and spend more time chasing one another from the feeders than they do actually eating! They also don't care if the part of the bird feeder they're going to land on happens to be A BIRD...were these birds raised by a pack of wolves?! :D :D :D This image was taken in January, 2012.

European Starlings: Look What I Can Do!

24 Jan 2012 222
This picture makes me laugh. Even though this male European Starling is just landing next to this female, it looks like he's showing off like a little kid trying to get attention, "Look What I Can Do?!" So funny!! :D :D :D This image was taken in January, 2012.

European Starlings: Male in Flight Beyond Perched…

26 Jan 2012 245
The female Starling I showed yesterday sat there for a few moments and we managed to get another shot showing a different male flying up to the feeder. This is the last Starling shot from our group of photos! Thank you so much for all of your enthusiastic comments about these images! They really were so much fun to take! This image was taken in January, 2012.

European Starling: Elegant Showoff

25 Jan 2012 288
While focusing on the female starling hanging out on the perch below one of the bird feeders, I captured the soft image of a male starling swooping in just beyond her. I like to think it's the male from yesterday "Look What I Can Do!", who is now showing off with an aerial show! :D This image was taken in January, 2012.

European Starlings: Beautiful Details

21 Jan 2012 280
Every day now for the past couple of weeks, we've been visited by a flock of about 20 marauding, noisy European Starlings that descend upon our feeders like feather-covered locusts. They are as beautiful as they are boisterous, and this collage is an attempt to highlight their irredescent array of colors. I have taken the liberty of pumping up the saturation a little bit, but when the sun shines on their feathers, these colors are true! They are absolutely stunning birds!! This image was taken in January, 2012.

What the HECK is Going On Down There?!!!

19 Jan 2012 1 196
This is another flock shot of the European Starlings that have started paying us visits here in southern Oregon. These birds have been introduced to several places in the world, where they have quickly made themselves comfortable but unfortunately, cause problems with indiginous species. I think they are so beautiful though, don't you?! This image was taken in January, 2012.

European Starling Male in Flight

20 Jan 2012 1 251
We have been getting visits from a new species of bird at our feeders, the European Starling. These birds zoom around in a tight flock and are noisy, aggressive, quick-moving birds that remind us of a bunch of punks that get what they want by pushing all the other birds out of the way. However, they are also stunning to see! We've been taking pictures from our kitchen window through the glass and this is a collage of a bird flying up to land on a wire crook under one of the feeders. They aren't really clear but I thought they were neat enough to share as a collage! I hope you like them! :) I have two other images uploaded today that I hope you'll take the time to see! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) This image was taken in January, 2012.