Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: Heceta Head Lighthouse

Coastal View South of Heceta Head Lighthouse and M…

08 Mar 2021 42 25 436
(+7 insets) Learning a Lesson About Popular Destinations During Covid Steve and I figured tourist spots had plenty of visitors but we weren't prepared for the zoo of crazy idiots out there at Heceta Head Lighthouse. However, in the end it turned out fine. I got a real eye-opener for what Steve went through every time he did our errands and shopping and we got the reward of seeing this cool lighthouse and awesome coastline. We even got to see colonies of cormorants and common murres hanging out on their huge rock! Today's Picture As we drove away from the "plague zone", we made sure to pull off at the lookout which showed the lighthouse and guesthouse seated in their beautiful settings nestled along the magnificent coastline. Looking north showed the view I shared a couple of days ago, and looking south is the view I'm showing today. What a jaw-dropping scene! There's even a peek at a little lake just inland from the coast, which has a loop hike for those who are interested. Us? We were ready to get back to our home on wheels, though we did stop at the grocery store on the way back. (I decided to go into the store to see what that was like …not recommended! Scary people being rude and stupid! :D However, I wanted to know what Steve went through and came out of the store with even more respect for what he does for us every time we need supplies.) Today's Insets The first picture is another view north that shows the lighthouse and guesthouse off in the distance but this shot shows a secluded beach without anyone on it. I thought that was interesting because the beach closer to the lighthouse is just around the next outcropping and there were people everywhere! Goes to show--no matter how crowded an area may be, if you add any challenge, only the most resolute will go. In this case it was zero! The next three insets show the guesthouse, which was originally one of a pair of lighthouse keeper's quarters. Built in 1900 to house the lightkeepers, the second house was razed in the '30's when only one keeper was needed. The last keeper moved away in 1963 when the lighthouse became automated, and from 1973-95, the house became a satellite campus for nearby Lane College. The U.S. Forestry Service then decided to turn the house into a bed-and-breakfast as a way to incorporate tourism and also generate funds for the ongoing upkeep of this historical landmark. I'm also including another picture of the beautiful forested road up to the lighthouse and its pretty fencing There's an image of the pair of giant rocks jutting from the sea, and isn't it interesting that one rock was packed with birds and the other was not? Finally, while snapping away with my Sony, zoomed in as close as I could, I managed to get a fun picture of a Common Murre flying in with a fish for its hungry family! I'd like to apologize that I've fallen behind in my commenting--projects abound as we get closer to leaving on our next trip! However, I really appreciated every one of your comments and favorites! I hope all is well with everyone. Spring is showing its face around here with greenery popping up everywhere and the season's first blossoms! Please stay safe, dry and warm! Explored on 3/8/21; highest placement #2.