Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: Brazilian giant rhubarb

Glowing Green

23 Oct 2011 225
This is the last of my glowing green leaf images...I know I put a bunch of them up but I couldn't help myself. This is my very favorite color, and this shade of green is my favorite. I love textures and macros, and I love plants...so...I really hope you all can forgive me for putting up all these images of these leaves!! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.


16 Oct 2011 212
When I was taking pictures of these cool leaves, I found a hole in one of them. Nature's window! Peekaboo! :D This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Light through the Leaf: Peace

15 Oct 2011 173
I found this amazing plant while taking a walk through my neightorhood. Isn't this neat?!

Light through the Leaf

15 Oct 2011 215
I found this cool plant while taking a walk through my neightorhood. Amazing.

Glowing Green Leaf Abstract

17 Oct 2011 229
This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Glowing Leaf

19 Oct 2011 217
I couldn't get enough of these leaves... Winner of FlickrDuel contest: +10 Color: Color: Green This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Spiny Stem Detail

08 Oct 2011 188
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my San Francisco trip images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [138 in the past couple of weeks]. Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) (Oh, and yes, I know there are really too many pictures to be uploading at one time but I have too many images I want to put into my Flickr stream so it just can't be helped!) One of the places Laura and I walked to was the Arboretum, which is a wonderful, enormous collection of plants from all over the world. This is a close-up image of a huge, unidentified plant with enormous 2-feet wide dark-green leaves. The stems and veins of every leaf are covered with spines! It bears strange fruit covered with red berries, and I'll have some pictures in the next few days. This plant was totally fascinating to me and I'd never seen anything like it before. By the way, for those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.