Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: RV
We're Home! And Look at the Adorable Least Chipmun…
19 Oct 2020 |
(+2 map insets!)
Hello everyone!!
We're finally home, safe and sound! Steve and I arrived a week ago from our epic 3-month "Covid Summer" RV trip around western Oregon, and with a few days to settle in, I'm finally ready to start posting again!
What a blast we had! :) To be honest, if we didn't have a bunch of upgrade projects lined up for the next few months, we'd have been happy to just turn around and head out and find out what it means to be a "snowbird!"
Wow, what a difference from last year's camping season! A year ago we returned home from our six-week trip to Vancouver Island, Canada, and both of us were totally wrecked. The trailer was damaged and we were totally exhausted from the stress of the many problems we experienced along the way. It took us months to recover from that trip…despite all the fun we managed to have between the worries, the negatives hung over us for a long time.
As I've reported in the past, we didn't think travelling would be in the cards for 2020, what with Covid-19 taking over and throwing a wrench in the works. Staying safe was our priority and our rural home was our sanctuary. As summer approached, we learned that Oregon State Parks were opening up for reservations in June and we wondered if camping was a crazy idea. Then, when Steve's sister reported that camping in California was working out just fine, we pulled our heads out of the sand and made some reservations at nearby campgrounds. Who knew if the campgrounds would be shut down again? We prepared ourselves with the understanding that we might have to turn around and go home at any point but it was worth a try, right?
Our Covid-19 Camping Trip Was a Complete Success!
Our adventure started at the end of June and lasted through the beginning of October and included a two-week pitstop at home to add upgrades to the truck and trailer. We drove over 1500 miles on Oregon's scenic highways and back roads, enjoying breathtaking settings along the coast as well as deep forest and high-desert alpine forests too.
We managed to avoid many threats and stressful situations during our adventure:
Covid-19: First of all, we kept out of the corona virus' reach by staying away from people. Steve was our shopping hero and braved the stores when needed, being sure to protect himself wherever he went with a mask, rubber gloves and sanitizer. Whenever we were out hiking or biking, zooming around on our scooters, making the rounds with Pumpkin or just going on my morning walk, we made wide berths around passersby and never left the trailer without a ready-to-use mask in a pocket. Chatting with people was always done at a 6-feet distance, though we did have to gently remind folks who forgot when they wanted to see Pumpkin up-close in her hiking cage (we don't blame them, she's amazing! :D).
Wildfires & Smoke: The fire season in Oregon (and California too) has been historic, with over one million acres burned so far. And, even though we're headed into the fall rainy season, there are still six huge wildfires that aren't completely contained. Thankfully, Steve and I were able to avoid the fires and smoke, though it did require the cancellation of several campsites and unexpected stays in other areas. It seemed like the entirety of Oregon was socked in by literally the worst smoke on the planet, but we got lucky. Our perfect oasis was found at lovely Fort Stevens, where we spent 14 blissful days in an idyllic escape from Oregon's troubles and only the rare whiff of smoke on one day!
Our House Didn't Burn Down!
On September 8, the Willamette Valley became socked in with smoke and caused us to flee the campground at Champoeg State Heritage Area and stay at L.L. Stub Stewart for a few days. That day, one of the biggest wildfires in Oregon erupted just a few miles from our home and would go on to burn almost 33,000 acres (they are still drenching hotspots as I type this post). Once we became aware of the fire, we watched the news nervously and worried more and more as the size grew quickly and marched in all directions--including towards our home. The Rogue River created a protective line but if wind combined with bad luck, embers could have easily jumped over and burst into flames. After a couple of very tense weeks, the first containment was underway…and it was the side headed towards our home! We were so relieved.
We also learned a very important lesson about making sure our most precious valuables were safe-guarded if we were away. Our pictures. My journals. Priceless sentimental keepsakes. Our important paperwork. Irreplaceable files. What a terrible loss all of this would have been. We count our lucky stars that we have a chance to fix these issues for the future.
Fun Was Had!
With three months out, we had a lot of great adventures! Hiking together, going on my wonderful morning walks/hikes, walking around campgrounds with Pumpkin, taking pictures, riding our bikes, taking our boat out on lakes, fishing, hanging out in our hammocks and in our "easy-up" in our "easy-up" shelter, reading, playing video games--the list goes on and on! So much to chat about, so many pictures to post…it's hard to know where to begin. I'll try to keep it simple, though I've already included a book to read here, heh!
Today's Picture (and map graphics)
Our last campground stay was at LaPine State Park and one morning I took my Sony along to capture some of the gorgeous things I saw when I stepped out of the trailer to start my day.
Oh, Those Darling Chippers!
Near the end of my walk I made my way along a trail that hugs the Deschutes River, keeping my eyes open for "fluffy buddies." I caught glimpses of the many resident squirrel species that were always nearby--the elegant mink-chocolate Douglas Squirrel with its light-colored underbelly, the huge Western Grey Squirrel and smaller introduced Eastern Grey Squirrel. But of course there were also chipmunks! At least two of these small, striped squirrel species were found in great numbers around the park, including the larger Townsend Chipmunk and everyone's favorite, the tiniest of all--the Least Chipmunk!
I was lucky enough to get pictures of little chippers along the way and then, to my great delight, I saw a pair of tiny cutie-pies jump onto a log and stand nose-to-nose, just for me! What luck that I got a nice image of this pair to share with you today!
I am also sharing a couple of graphics which show the places that we stayed during our trip this summer. You'll notice that we didn't get to the eastern side of the state but certainly enjoyed the west coast and central parks to our fullest!
I hope everyone had a safe and wonderful summer. I apologize for my sporadic posting over the past few months and lack of visiting! I'm looking forward to stopping by to say hi in the next few days!
Explored on 10/20/20; highest placement #5.
Joseph Stewart State Park, Set 1: Lost Creek Lake…
16 Nov 2019 |
(+10 insets!) Please view large, you'll love it!! (for photo info, please scroll down to "Today's Pictures")
Steve and I arrived home yesterday afternoon from our 4-night stay at Joseph Stewart State Park and it went PERFECTLY!!
Everything went as we'd hoped! We got everything packed, the trailer attached to the truck hitch, and away we went! The roads were clear, the weather was perfect and we encountered no problems whatsoever on the 45-minute drive to the park.
The exhaust brakes are AWESOME! There is a fairly long hill up and then down the other side on the way and we were delighted that our truck purred the whole time. Everyone knows that feeling safe is priceless and it was just wonderful to experience how smoothly and easily the truck slowed the trailer down. Also, the brakes are quiet! What a great system and a perfect decision to add them to the truck. By the time we got home, both of us felt completely confident that we would be able to take our new trailer wherever we wanted to go! Hooray!
Getting into our campsite was a dream--backing up and maneuvering into position is so much easier! And when it came time to level the trailer…all he has to do is press a button! Our Avalanche has its own automatic system so we don't have to do anything but watch! No more ramps! No more leveling apps that never work! No more stress! YESSSS!
Our stay was fabulous! Surrounded by lovely parkland on all sides, we enjoyed marvelous weather every day. The mornings started out cold and cloudy and became warm and sunny in the afternoons.
And my…what posh accommodations we have now! The Avalanche is a huge step up from our comparatively junky Grey Wolf. Granted, the Grey Wolf wasn't horrible but it was well-used and left us increasingly unhappy with its multitude of problems and shortfalls.
Highlights of our New Coach:
Living Room and Kitchen: The living room, with its 10' ceiling, is very inviting and has a cozy (electric) fireplace, a large sofa and extremely comfortable lounge chairs (our last coach had a tiny couch but no living room at all!) The dining area has actual chairs at the table instead of needing to slide into a dinette booth. The kitchen has an ISLAND, lots of counterspace and a deep, 2-part sink with a very nice multi-function faucet. There's a super stove and oven and a huge microwave! The refrigerator and freezer are twice as large as the unit in the Grey Wolf--nearly as large as the one in our home!
Windows: This coach is absolutely filled with windows! The Grey Wolf was like a cave with its few small windows. The Avalanche has windows everywhere, and most of them are very big! They're tinted so we can look out and nobody can see in until it gets dark, at which point we pull down the blinds! :) The height of our coach allows us to have wonderful views and we enjoy just looking outside with happy smiles on our faces!
Bathroom: The bathroom is small but includes a very spacious shower with sliding glass doors instead of a flimsy shower curtain. The mirror is well-lit! This might seem like a small thing but a badly lit mirror will drive you crazy! The Grey Wolf's bathroom mirror had such horrible illumination that our additional lighting couldn't correct the situation…it was so annoying!
Bedrooms: We both have proper bedrooms, each with doors!! (Steve snores so we sleep separately, thus getting a good night's sleep and Steve isn't pummeled all night! :D) For this trip, my bed was the couch which folds out into a bed, topped with a memory foam mattress. The situation isn't ideal because the bed fills the room entirely. Eventually we'll have a twin-size bed to replace the couch and it will be exactly right!
Our Visit:
We had a very relaxing stay and just enjoyed being there. We had bacon and eggs or steak omelets for breakfast and for dinner we ate steaks, roasted chicken, and even cooked hotdogs over our propane fire pit! And of course, we enjoyed our lovely espressos with cream!
Pumpkin had a fabulous time too. She really loves the coach and RV life in general because she gets so much attention and one day we took her on a very nice walk that had her full of song! Joseph Stewart State Park really is a marvelous place!
Steve and I would happily move there forever except for one thing: ZERO internet. Steve gets the tiniest blip of data so he can read the news but that's about it. However, we knew this from our first trip so we were prepared for being cut off while we were away.
I spent my time relaxing, wandering around taking pictures, processing my images, writing, treasure hunting with my metal detector and doing crosswords. Steve relaxed, added mud flaps to the truck, fiddled around with a few things in the coach, and played video games. Both of us played with Pumpkin too, which is always fun. In other words, our trip was pure bliss!
Today's Pictures:
During our walk with Pumpkin, we ended up looking out over Lost Creek Lake and of course, I just had to take a panorama! I hope that you look at it full-size as it's quite a sight! :D You can see that the water level is quite low right now but will fill up again with the upcoming storms.
My insets: I had a lovely time strolling around and just "being in the moment" with my camera. The set today includes bunches of wonderful things I found as I nosed around, including a picture of an oak tree I featured from our last trip (I've included an inset to show the original), a picture of our truck and trailer, mushrooms, leaves, a pretty little foot bridge in the forest, and an oak tree with the biggest burl I've ever seen!
Pam, I hope you are doing well…I wish you could have looked out on the water at Lost Creek Lake and toddled around with me on my strolls. It was such a treat to be there. Neither of us felt hurried or obligated to fill our days with a million things. It was wonderful. I hope that you're feeling well! SENDING HUGS!!!
Explored on 11/16/19; highest placement #1.
Autumn in Northern California and...We're Home! (…
26 Oct 2019 |
(+8 insets!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Pictures" for image information)
Trip Talk: Monumental Road Trip
What a crazy couple of weeks we've had! First Steve drove 750 miles from our home in southern Oregon down to Fontana, California, to go to the West Coast RV Show. He then spent several exhausting days researching nearly 100 different RV coaches (out of over 1,000 spread out over 1 million square feet of sprawling show area). He narrowed down the RV choices to about three that fit our needs and finally we decided on the one that fit us best.
He then drove all the way back home with a whole lot of education regarding RVs and a game plan for the future. Originally we planned to wait for at least three-six months before making a purchase on a new rig. However, our Grey Wolf sustained structural damage on a past trip (because it was basically a horribly-built, flimsy aluminum can) and we were uncomfortable using it anymore. Amazingly, we were offered the chance to trade in our Grey Wolf towards the price of a new RV! The deal was so sweet that we couldn't pass it up.
So suddenly we were thrown into another whirlwind of commotion! We needed to empty the Grey Wolf, remove all of the things we'd added, and do any cosmetic repairs we could. At the same time, Steve needed to research and order a new hitch for the truck because we were moving from a bumper-pull to a 5th-wheel trailer (Did I mention that Steve's never pulled a 5th-wheel before?!)! Instead of having a shop install the hitch, Steve decided to take on the project himself (because he's that amazing!)! There were a few bumps along the way but Steve was successful and our truck was adorned with a fantastic hybrid hitch that was ready to pull our new trailer!
This past Sunday, Steve, Pumpkin and I hopped in the truck and left with our empty Grey Wolf. We drove down to the dealership in Downy, California, over the course of two grueling days. The first day's distance was eight hours but we were on the road for about twelve when all was said and done. We dragged our exhausted bodies into a KOA campground to fall face-first into bed that night. The next day we drove another four hours' distance, plus a few more for various stops along the way. Let's not forget the numbing southern California traffic...the last eight miles took us two HOURS! Have I mentioned how much I hate Los Angles? It's unbelievable!
We pulled into the dealership late Tuesday and dropped off the Grey Wolf and Steve showed me our new coach!! It was AMAZING!! It was SO BIG and BEAUTIFUL!! I could hardly believe that it would be our new home on the road...it really was a dream coach and the type that Steve and I had walked through before just wishing we could have something like that someday. Looks like that day had arrived...wow!
That night we stayed at a fun Air BnB residence and enjoyed leftovers from home for our dinner. The next morning we presented ourselves at the RV dealership at 9am and spent the next five hours going over everything and being shown all the details. Steve crawled all over the coach checking off an exhaustive list to make sure everything was as it should be.
Finally we went into finance and spent an hour getting the reams of documents signed. It was actually more intensive than when we bought our house and that's because we were basically purchasing a house on wheels. By the time we got out of there our heads were spinning. Just crazy.
Because of California State Tax laws, we couldn't actually drive away with our new trailer and instead, our trailer would be driven to Ashland, which is the first big town in Oregon after you cross the border. We coordinated with the driver and made plans to meet there in a couple of days. We pulled out in our truck and watched as the driver pulled away with our new baby...Steve and I could hardly believe it. We had a brand new RV!!
To be honest, we were very happy that we weren't driving the RV all the way home. Dealing with insane traffic and crazy drivers in southern California is really not a good way to start pulling a 5th wheel trailer for the first time!
Along our drive back to Oregon, we passed our driver twice which was such fun! Once on the first day as we headed up the "Grapevine" out of the Los Angles area, and then again as we entered Oregon on the second day! Actually, when we caught up to them in Oregon, we merely pulled in behind and followed them to Ashland where we parked in a large parking lot to make the switch from their truck pulling the Avalanche to ours.
Once the drivers left us with our trailer, Steve spent about an hour doing final preparations of the hitch. At last we were ready to take on our new behemoth! Confident as Steve was, he couldn't deny being nervous. He didn't even get to practice. However, everything went as smoothly as can be! The hitch worked perfectly. We did our customary "brake check" and all was well. There was a very nervous moment when the truck gave a brake error regarding the trailer, but everything was working properly and Steve felt it would be ok to drive.
We pulled out with our colossal rig behind us and what do you know? Our truck pulled it just fine! Steve wasn't sure if we should try to avoid the freeway for now but I pointed out that there would be some traffic so it wouldn't be too hectic of a drive and might actually be a lot more stressful to drive on surface streets. Back onto I-5 we went...and it was no problem at all!! Just as we'd read, hauling a 5th-wheel was indeed much easier than a bumper pull! To Steve's great relief, the break error resolved itself and as the miles passed, we both started to relax. We were doing it!!
We got to our exit and with every turn we made, our smiles grew and our comfort increased. The trailer pulled like a dream! Soon we were pulling up to our gate, I opened it wide, and in came Steve and our new RV!! We stopped there and walked up to our house to make sure everything looked ok. Our hill is fairly steep and both of us were pretty nervous about this last part.
But we needn't have been worried. Steve walked back down and minutes later, our truck was easily hauling our ginormous trailer right up the hill as if it was nothing special!! Not long after that, the trailer was backed into position and the two of us were beside ourselves with joy! WE DID IT!!! STEVE DID IT!! And Steve couldn't stop exclaiming how easy it was to maneuver the trailer! HOORAY!!!! *HIGH FIVE TO US*
Today's Pictures
This is going to be quick because I need to get this posted!! The main picture was a lovely view on our way down through northern California, at a place called Shasta City. Other pictures include views of Mt. Shasta and the devastating wildfire damage from the horrible Redding Fire a couple of years ago. Also a picture of a part of the endless, vast almond orchards of Merced County in central California...did you know that 80% of the world's almonds are grown in Merced County? You would be totally blown away by the miles and miles and miles of almond trees that grow there. I cannot even wrap my mind around all those 100's of miles of trees!!
Explored on 10/26/19; highest placement #11.
Ferry from Washington to Vancouver Island, a Pair…
08 Sep 2019 |
(+4 insets) (bigger is better!)
I've done some thinking about how I should approach my trip pictures and posts here on ipernity. I have so many things to talk about and countless pictures to go through that I'm going to have two parts of each post: Trip Talk and Today's Pictures . This way, if you only want to know about the pictures, you can scroll down to that part. And this way it won't matter if the main subject has absolutely nothing to do with the pictures…such as today! Now is the time to go get a cup of coffee or perhaps a bottle of wine? Let's get this party started!! :)
Trip Talk
Traveling to Vancouver Island and spending five weeks there was an amazing experience. Neither of us had been on such a long trip before and even the planning took many weeks. We had our share of problems, as can be expected.
Pumpkin Couldn’t Go On Our Trip!!!
One of the worst surprises was when—just a few days before we were set to leave—we discovered that we wouldn’t be able to bring our parrot with us. We were so upset that our first thought was to cancel the entire trip. However, at that point we couldn't afford NOT to go, as so many of our accommodations had been paid for already.
The good news was that the vet where we board her would be able to accommodate her while we were gone. Also, the fact is that Pumpkin has such a good time staying there that we refer to her boarding place as “Camp Chicken”. We worried if she’d be able to forgive us for leaving her for six weeks but we had nothing to fear. As we hoped, our weekly calls revealed that Pumpkin was having a blast and was loved by the staff as well. Steve and I had the hard part, which was managing our feelings. Pumpkin is like our child—can you imagine being separated from your little one with basically no warning—and for six WEEKS? It was really, really hard to deal with that, but what else could we do? Both of us missed her so deeply that we had to just shut down those thoughts. We purposely didn’t talk about her, though she was so often on our minds. The only thing that made our painful longing bearable was knowing that she was doing great and having full days of fun entertainment with lots of attention.
To tell you how much we wanted to see her, we TRIED to change our plans so we could get back sooner, but nothing was possible. The last five days of our trip revolved around Labor Day weekend and the non-existence of camping spots anywhere except for totally overpriced spots we couldn’t—wouldn’t—afford. As it was, Steve made reservations for those last five days months ago and even then, finding anything was next to impossible. We were good and truly stuck with our full itinerary, so we did our best to not think about her.Wretched.
We DID make one alteration to our plans though. Since the trailer is so big, we planned to drive home, drop off the trailer and then return to pick up Pumpkin. This would surely threaten to kill us as we’d be literally driving right past the town where she was staying…and the added time would be nearly two hours. UGH!! However, before we started driving that morning, I showed Steve how we could drive the truck and trailer around the block where there would be room for our rig while we picked up Biscuit (Pumpkin). At first he didn’t think it would be wise, but when we were nearly there, Steve changed his mind and we pulled off the freeway to pick up Pumpkin! It turned out to be an easy situation and there was even a place for us to parallel park just out front! PERFECT!!
When we stepped inside the office, not a minute had passed before we heard Pumpkin’s sweet whistling melodies from where she was housed. It was all we could do to keep from running into the back to get her! “CHICKEN!!!” I squealed in anticipation, bouncing up and down and beaming back at Steve. A few minutes later her cage was carried out to us and Steve and I were just coo-coo at the sight of her.
She not only remembered us, the sight of us made her equally excited and as Steve took her out of her cage and held her up to his face for a kiss, Pumpkin’s dear vocalizations were so sweet and full of undeniable joy and longing too. What an amazing reunion for all three of us. Stepping onto my offered finger, I held Pumpkin up to my face for a kiss and cooed at her while she made wonderful purring chirps and whistles that were so full of love…all three of us were just so happy to be a family again. All was well. Our family was once again complete.
And, I’m so pleased to report that Pumpkin never punished us with bad behavior to let us know how angry she’d been that we were gone for so long. You may be aware that companion animals will sometimes act up to let you know they were upset at a long parting. I certainly wouldn’t have blamed Pumpkin for lashing out at us but she never did. How blessed we are to have this angel of a bird in our lives!
Today's Pictures
My main picture is a pair of islands that Steve and I saw while on the ferry ride from Anacortes, Washington to Sidney, Vancouver Island. The ferry was HUGE! I mean…REALLY HUGE!!! There were many RVs and trucks loaded on as well as dozens of cars. Everyone drove onto the ferry in designated aisles demarcated by lines and workers directed each vehicle into position. It was just amazing to me that we drove our rig--nearly 60 feet long--onto a BOAT, which would carry us to an island in Canada! CRAZY!
The ride took over an hour and we were free to stay in our truck or walk around the ferry if we liked. We met a man with an adorable Boxer and spent time chatting with him while we showered the dog with affection…we sure do miss our Boxer, Zoey, and the lovely fawn-colored beauty was fun to see!
Inset 1 : This was a view from Anacortes while we were waiting for the ferry.
Inset 2 : After two days of driving, pulling into the ferry terminal was incredibly exciting for us!
Inset 3 : Here's a view from the truck on the ferry!
Inset 4 : I am including a picture of what the ferries look like as well as a map showing our route from Anacortes to Sidney.
We were both really worried about going through customs because we had so much food with us. However, I'd done my homework and even though many websites written by travelers to Canada have said you can't bring ANY food, I figured out that you merely have to let the agent know what you have when they ask. I did forget to toss the apples--fruit is a no-no--so Steve popped into the RV to retrieve them. Another agent peeked inside our trailer, using a stick to push the bedroom curtain aside, just to see that everything was normal looking. Steve offered to let him come in but the man declined and soon we were off and starting our adventure on Vancouver Island!!
Pam, would you agree that going through Customs is one of the worst hells on the planet?! Heh…it gets worse every time I go through, although our experience with land-based customs was nothing at all! I hope all is well with you, I'm sending my *BIG HUGS* your way!!
Explored on September 7, 2019. Highest placement, #3.
Lake Billy Chinook at The Cove Palisades State Par…
22 Jun 2019 |
(+1 inset)
Holy cow, what an adventure we are having!
Steve and I are now at a lovely state park called L.L. Stub Stewart and will be here until at least Wednesday we think.
We were supposed to be in Tillamook today but an enormous wrench was thrown into the works…
Our truck's transmission decided it no longer had the will to live and left us on a long and winding gravel road as we were heading out from L.L. Stub Stewart towards the coastal community of Tillamook, Oregon.
Long story short, all is well and we are happy and safe with a wonderful site arranged for as long as we need it!
I'm sharing a view from the rim of the 600-foot canyon of The Cove Palisades which looks down into the beautiful Lake Billy Chinook . We went on a hike from our campsite up to the top and around a loop trail which took us many enjoyable--though very hot--hours to complete. Incredible, breathtaking views the whole way, with countless flowers and interesting plants and trees to appreciate.
I'm also including an inset…WE CAUGHT FISHIES!!! Hooray!!! After some bumpy failures on previous days, Steve caught his first fish one morning while fishing from the shore of Lake Billy Chinook. We learned that a small and adorably cute fishing boat was only $70 for 4 hours! The next day we got up early and soon found ourselves in a spot that was well-known to be a prime fishing spot. It WAS! Steve caught 2 7" Small-mouth Bass, a 12" California Squawfish (invasive junk fish which eats trout and salmon eggs and fry) and a gorgeous 16" Rainbow Trout! I caught a small but lovely silvery shimmering 8" land-locked salmon called a Kokanee! Both of us were beside ourselves with excitement and pride. We'd actually caught our DINNER which would give us two night's meals, hooray!
I would love to spend more time chatting but I'm out of time! We will be hopping on our bikes after brunch and heading down the "rails to trails" path that leads between the town of Banks past L.L. Stub Stewart all the way out to Vernonia. It's a 22-mile paved path in total length and today we'll be doing the length between L.L. Stub Stewart and Vernonia. Two days ago we went to Banks and back and it thoroughly kicked our er…behinds with its slow but steady climb from Banks back to our campground. Today's ride will be a lot less strenuous. A good thing as we need groceries today and will be loaded down with full backpacks on the way back!
Much love to you, Pam, to you, Marie-Claire, and to all of you who have visited in the past days!
Explored on 6/23/19; highest placement, #1.
Pictures for Pam, Day 164: Macro Monday: Nature's…
23 Apr 2019 |
Steve and I woke up at about 6:45am this morning, SO EXCITED to go our very first RV adventure! We were almost completely packed and only had a few last things to pack before we were ready to leave. After a delicious breakfast of eggs and sausage, we got on our way at about 10am. A quick stop at a ranch store for few necessities and we aimed towards our destination of Upper Klamath Lake!
The drive was incredibly beautiful as it always is, but I don't know if I've ever seen this trip during the vibrant glowing greens of spring. Combined with a bright, sunny day, it was postcard-pretty on our 1.5 hour drive from our home to our camping spot! We were so keyed up, excited and nervous, but we listened to music and just chilled out. Steve had no issues with pulling our "home away from home" and our full-ton, long-bed diesel truck pulled it as if it wasn't pulling anything! Hooray!
Once we got there, the folks at the campsite were there to help direct Steve in the back up and positioning of the trailer but armed with walkie-talkies, I was able to do the job just fine and Steve got the trailer in place on the first attempt! He's so awesome! :D
Getting set up was fast and easy and soon we were sitting down to hamburgers for lunch, YUM! Afterwards, Steve set up a hammock and enjoyed his handiwork with a well-deserved nap. :) Molly (our dog) and Pumpkin (our bird) both settled in with enormous happy smiles on their faces! They absolutely love this RV deal…heh…YES! Pumpkin was whistling non-stop and Molly was completely entertained by everything she saw. We couldn't be happier.
Upper Klamath Lake is just GORGEOUS!!! I'll be sharing plenty of pictures but just didn't have time to post anything but my image for Macro Monday today.
I took my older Mark II camera and went on a quick photo shoot but I wasn't happy with what I got so after lunch I grabbed the Mark III and spent more time wandering around. So many neat things to take pictures of! I ended up getting a whole bunch of really neat images that would have worked for Macro Monday but in the end, the picture I chose has a real magical feeling about it and that is the perfect mood for the day! :)
Pam, I hope that you have had a nice day! You are in my thoughts and it would be such fun to teleport you to my side so you could be here in this lovely place too! *BIG HUGS* from Upper Klamath Lake!! :)
Explored on 4/23/19, highest placement, #4..
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