Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: mushrooms
Mushrooms at Beverly Beach State Park (+6 insets)
23 Feb 2022 |
(+6 insets)
Wonderful Memories of Beverly Beach
Today's presentation is my last from this gorgeous park. I hope we'll get to come back to enjoy it again but we certainly soaked up its beauty over the two-week stay we had here. I was simply blown away by the greenery everywhere and loved every opportunity to take walks on the trails that looped this campground. Though the weather was often too windy or stormy to go out on the beach, I was still able to take advantage on the few opportunities when it was nice.
Today's Picture
One day Steve came back from a walk with Pumpkin on the trail around the park and told me he'd discovered a fantastic group of mushrooms on a stump. The next day we went out together and he showed me the stump…it was right off the trail and yet I'd missed it! I took some pictures with my phone and the next day I came back for more. This one showed one lovely group that posed beautifully for me!
Today's Insets
Inset #1: I found one cluster of lovely Pacific Bleeding Hearts along the trail and was very happy to get some nice pictures. What I didn't realize is that some of the flowers which I've called Bleeding Hearts are actually a related plant called Squirrel Corn. (They are named for the interesting corn-like corms that grow in their roots.) Now that I know, whenever I find white or near-white flowers, they are Squirrel Corn, not these, which are truly Bleeding Hearts ( The difference between Bleeding Hearts and Squirrel Corn ).
Inset #2: This Bristle Flower, or Piggy Back Plant, grew right next to the trail and was easy to overlook because of the brownish-looking flowers. It was only when you crouched down and stared at these tiny blossoms that you saw how beautiful their dramatic maroon and green-striped petals were!
Inset #3: Partially framed with huge Skunk Cabbage leaves, this image shows the clear water of Spencer Creek and the glowing green plants along its banks.
Inset #4: A vertical panorama of Spencer Creek with the lovely dappling on the streambed and green trees above.
Inset #5: A look up the trail to the footbridge across Spencer Creek, you can barely pick it out in this emerald forest!
Inset #6: A final look at the expansive coastline of Beverly Beach. So breathtaking, isn't it?
Thank You For Stopping By!
I am so happy that you've come to see my pictures! Things are getting crazy now with our trip set to start so soon! So much to do! I hope all is well for all of you, and please know how much it means to me that I have this wonderful community to hold me close. You're all so great. :)
Three Stunning Mushrooms at Beverly Beach State Pa…
13 Feb 2022 |
(+7 insets)
Too Many Pictures, Not Enough Time
I was looking through my folders brimming with pictures from our visit to Beverly Beach and nearby attractions and had to sigh deeply in resignation. There are just too many pictures that deserve attention and showcasing and not enough time to share them.
In fact, I am quickly running out of days to show pictures from our whole trip last year. There will be a total of 15 stops out of the 20 that I won't be able to share--what a bummer! When I first realized this a couple of months ago I tried to come up with a solution to include all of the places we visited but in the end I realized that it just doesn't matter. At some point maybe I can share them but at any event, they are all loaded up in my computer slide shows and we do see them this way. The worst thing would be if I didn't have a chance to process any pictures at all. I also have trip notes from most places we went to, so that's good too. Anyway, my takeaway is that whatever pictures I have time to share will be a treat for me and hopefully you folks will enjoy them too! :) How incredibly lucky to have so many adventures that I don't have time to share pictures from all of them!
Today's Picture
I was walking along the Spencer Creek trail one morning when I noticed a rotting log covered with a carpet of glowing moss. Nestled within it I saw this lovely trio of mushrooms that posed elegantly for this picture!
Today's Insets
Inset #1: Bristle flowers are so small and their dark maroon color so close to brown that I mistook them for dried up blossoms. One day it occurred to me that I should look closer. I literally gasped in surprise as I crouched down for a better look. These gorgeous, orchid-like flowers are just stunning with their sparkling maroon and pink stripes and bright orange-yellow pistils.
Inset #2: The jaw-dropping expanse of Beverly Beach at low tide with morning mist drifting up the hillside. All I could do was stand there and gawk. How lucky that the weather eased that day so I could experience that incredible sight. :)
Inset #3: Gorgeous dappling of algae and water plants floating on the shallow water of Beverly Creek's prehistoric-like bog. The light was just perfect to show this wondrous sight, along with the moss-covered logs and glowing plant life that grew there. This place made me glad to be alive! :)
Inset #4&5: A close-up of a horsehair fern with an even closer view to see more detail. Such fascinating plants. I wasn't surprised to learn that these living fossils are so resilient that getting rid of them is next to impossible once established.
Inset #6: One day when the weather allowed me to walk out to the beach without freezing to death or being blown away by fierce gales, I saw a man tossing sticks for his happy dog. What fun it was to watch these two enjoying a beautiful morning together!
Inset #7: The trail up and down Spencer Creek were interrupted by plenty of roots to step over. Pity the person who wasn't paying attention because they would certainly trip and go flying over these roots! I love to look at them though, and find them to be a favorite trail feature wherever I walk!
Thank You For Stopping By!
Reading your comments and seeing your stars makes me so happy, and I appreciate every one of you. I feel so fortunate to be in such a generous and warm community--let us hope that our ipernity finds the needed leadership they are looking so desperately for at this closing deadline! Hoping that everyone is doing well and finishing out your weekend on a happy, healthy note!
Explored on 2/13/22; highest placement #3.
Trio of Mushrooms at Beverly Beach State Park (+6…
05 Feb 2022 |
(+6 insets)
Oregon is Brimming with Lovely Sights
The number of beautiful places in Oregon is simply staggering, with an endless variety of landscapes and environments to appreciate. We've had the privilege of seeing many of its treasures, but honestly, we've really only scratched the surface. In fact, we haven't seen the eastern part of the state at all, which ranges from towering forested mountains to arid, sprawling deserts. And though we've spent plenty of time up and down the coastline, there are so many places we haven't seen. And, even when parks may be close together, the habitats are often entirely different, so I'm always prepared for wonderful surprises wherever we go.
Today's Picture
There were lots of beautiful mushrooms to find on my walks and this perfect group was in just the right spot for an easy picture. I often have to spend time "clearing the stage" by removing sticks, leaves, bits of grass and other distractions, but once in a while I don't have to do anything! Seated in a bed of moss, I was dazzled at the wonderful texture and shape of this group's mocha-colored caps.
Today's Insets
Inset #1: Related to Bleeding Hearts and Dutchman's Breeches, this flower's name will make you laugh-- Squirrel Corn! The name comes from its underground food storage structures which look like corn kernels. Like many wildflowers, they contain chemicals that, if consumed in sufficient quantities, can be toxic.
Inset #2: Beautiful new growth on conifers was everywhere to be seen and I loved to stare at the bright green sprigs that contrasted dramatically against the deep green of last year's growth.
Inset #3: A pair of trees, entwined for life, look like a loving green couple to me and I smiled up at them every day as I passed by. Aren't they wonderful?
Inset #4: The number of plant species that grew along the Spencer Creek trail was ridiculous and reminded me of a rain forest in the number and variety. For many days, I walked by clusters of what looked like dried-up brown flowers before I stopped and took a closer look. They weren't dried up at all, nor were they brown! They were so small I didn't notice them for what they were--tiny Bristle Flowers in stunning tones of striped magenta, pink and maroon.
Inset #5: A vertical panorama of Spencer's Creek show the majesty of what I saw every day. Dappled stripes, shadows and sparkles on the shallow steam, and the stunning greenery that stretched for the sky.
Inset #6: A pile of bull kelp on the sand at Beverly's Beach grabbed my attention in this image; in the distance a man threw a ball for his dog on this moody and magical day.
Thank You For Coming By!
I appreciate all of your visits, comments, and stars so much. With February rolling out before us, the promise of spring gets stronger with every passing day. Twinkling frosty mornings greet me and I hope that your weekend and upcoming week are full of pretty days too!
Explored on 2/5/22; highest placement #2.
Micro Mushroom Trio! (+7 insets!)
13 Jan 2020 |
(+7 insets!)
I'm not quite ready to get back to posting my travel pictures so today I wanted to share another picture--along with insets--of the adorable micro-mushrooms which are found on some of the younger oak trees on our property during the fall and winter.
The funny thing about these little dolls is that I totally missed them for years and years as I wandered around out property taking pictures. As keen an eye as folks may think I have, it's obviously very easy to miss an endless array of tiny treasures--including these adorable little guys.
Last year I posted a trio of pictures to show just how eensy-weensy these mushrooms are. I took a picture to show the tree. Then another a lot closer so you could see there are little somethings on the tree, and of course the main picture which shows the amazing little stars of the show. (I've included that set as insets too)
One observation I find interesting is that only very rarely do I find these micro mushrooms on older trees with thick bark. Not sure why. I thought I might find them when the bark had moss and lichen on it for more cracks and crevices but no, except for the rare exception I only find these tiny mushrooms on younger saplings. Isn't that fascinating? I would love to know why this is!
In any event, I've got another trio of pictures to show you a distant, closer, and in-your-face picture of a fabulous threesome who are hanging out under a cluster of moss. I often go to this sapling when searching for these little mushrooms and they are there again this year! So cute!
You'll also see a couple of snowy shots! Today a very cold storm is rolling in and as I was marching up and down my driveway this morning in the rain, it slowly turned into snow! We haven't had much of that this season but I'm including a couple of snowy pictures I captured early last year which turned out nicely.
Pam, I loved reading about your rockhounding past! *high five* It is such fun! I am not sure what I'll do with all of the polished stones which I'll be gathering as time goes on but they sure will be nice to have! I have gone ahead and bought a book on basic rockhounding so I can learn the geology and so forth, and also a couple of identification books for this region. What an enjoyable thing to do! I'm surprised that you haven't shared any pictures of your rocks with us! I, for one, would love to see some of your prizes! :) Here's hoping it's warm and cozy for you today! *BIG HUGS*
Explored on 1/13/20; highest placement #1.
Pictures for Pam, Day 116: Micro Mushroom Pair in…
06 Mar 2019 |
(+3 insets)
Yesterday I mentioned the Spring-like weather we've had for the past few days. Whaever possessed me?! Today it's miserable, cold and raining! It makes me laugh because I should know better than to spout off about the lovely weather. Mother Nature refuses to be predictable!
I noticed that I haven't posted any mushroom pictures for a while so I thought it would be fun to share a little presentation I put together..
A few years ago I was creeping around on our property looking for mushrooms. I wasn't having a lot of luck but I kept hunting. I looked on the forest floor. I looked on the moss clinging to the trees. I looked under logs. Nothing. Feeling bored, I began studying the bark on the oak trees very closely. There are countless varieties of lichen and mosses to appreciate which appear in a rainbow of colors and I think they are extremely interesting.
As I was studying the bark, I suddenly found myself staring at one of the tiniest mushrooms I'd ever seen! It was peeking out from a crevice, as cute as can be. And then I noticed another one...and another! Why, these itty-bitty mushrooms were all over the bark and I'd never noticed them until now. What a huge surprise!
I have shared pictures of these little darlings in the past but it occurred to me that it might be fascinating for viewers to get a better understanding of how small these mushrooms really are. Along with my main image showing this pair of micro-sized beauties, there are two insets. One of them shows the tree at a normal distance and a circle that shows where the mushrooms are hiding. The second picture is a lot closer to show you what the environment looks like, and yet, those mushrooms are still quite small. In fact, each of them is perhaps 1/8" in size...they really are so very tiny!! If you enjoy these pictures, I have another presentation like this one that I'll share those at some point too. (I'm also including a colorful sunrise I got a while back!)
Pam, I did a search for "tiny" on your photo stream and lo' and behold, I discovered your tiny bracket fungus pictures ! They are TERRIFIC!!! I especially love that you took pictures at various distances away as well, just like I did with my little presentation! *high five*
Explored on 3/06/19, highest placement, #4.
Pictures for Pam, Day 59: Marin Mushrooms
07 Jan 2019 |
I have been spending a lot of time looking through the pictures I took while I was down in San Anselmo visiting my brother and his wife. So many photos! (over 1400!!) So many subjects! One of the nicest things was just being out of my usual local. In a new place there are so many more opportunities to find something different and unusual. And then again, there are usual favorites as well!
Nathalie, who is my younger brother's wife, took us on two hikes while we were there. Both of them started by merely walking out the door, going down the drive and up the road to the open space that was literally 5 minutes away. This public-accessible open space is filled with trails, meadows, and forest for all to enjoy. Marin County, where San Anselmo is found, has nearly 250 miles of trails and 16,000 acres of land that is set aside for recreation. Needless to say, it's a haven for anyone who loves the outdoors.
On our first hike, I kept my eyes open for mushrooms, and boy did we hit the jackpot! Today's picture features a beautiful group that were sitting on the side of a hill, easy to get at and prepare for pictures. Nathalie was interested to see what I was doing and Steve helped me pull away leaves and dirt. I was very hopeful that I'd get some good shots and when I finally got to see them on the computer I couldn't resist diving into this image the moment I saw it! Hooray!
Pam, I loved to see the video of your dogs playing in your pond! That was sooooo cute. We also have a seasonal pond and it's finally filling up after a fairly dry autumn and early winter. Watching your dogs playing in the water reminded me of the fun that our Boxer had running in and out of the water when it was full. What a silly dog...how I miss her. It was such fun to think about those great memories though! I hope you are feeling good today my dear!
Explored on 1/7/19, highest placement, #1.
Pictures for Pam, Day 30: Mushroom Pair
09 Dec 2018 |
(1 inset picture)
The morning fog made its way through our valley and then gradually dissipated, leaving a bright and beautiful day ahead of me. Walking up and down our road for my daily exercise, I kept looking up at our steep hillside, thinking about the ridge line trail. I wouldn't go up there for a couple of reasons. Partly because, by the time I got up to the top of the hill, I was miserably depressed over the sight of the countless dead trees. The other part was because I used to go up there with our Basset and Boxer, Moosie and Zoey. But a year ago we lost our dear Moosie, and our darling Zoey passed away in August. Our hearts have been broken by this horrible loss and walking along the ridge line was just too much.
Since discovering that the hillside is covered with new saplings and young plants of all sorts, I feel like I can deal with the memories of Moosie and Zoey if I go up there for a stroll. The happy realization had me wiggling with excitement because I haven't been up there for over a year. It was time for a macro photo safari!!
After lunch I popped into my boots and knee pads, packed my macro flash in my backpack, grabbed my camera and off I went! Up to the top I climbed and stood by my favorite tree, the Madrone which was now ringed with vibrant new growth. I turned to look down at our house and the valley below and realized that Moosie and Zoey wouldn't want me to feel sad. They'd want me to have a great time up here, just like they did when we came up here together.
Such silly dogs! They'd chase each other all over and I'd have to keep telling Moosie to come along because he was such a slave to that nose of his. Seeing him trotting jauntily along the trail, his ears flopping back and forth, never failed to make me laugh. With her energetic puppy personality, Zoey was always joyfully running around investigating everything but made sure to stay close to Moosie or me. It was always a good time when we went and all of us would sleep well that night! :) (I have included an inset picture which I took of Moosie and Zoe playing on the ridge line trail.)
I strolled along the path and had a great time. The Oak, Madrone and pine forest was so pretty—rarely visited by people, it's a wonderfully wild place. It was also perfect mushroom weather—humid and cool with moist soil—and I soon spotted a tiny little guy just waiting for the lime light! I spent the next hour or two discovering and photographing lots of tiny mushrooms before the sun grew heavy on the horizon and prompted me to go home. It had been a super experience and after I got home and told Steve about my trip, he asked me to take him up there so he could take pictures too! Moosie and Zoey would be so proud! :)
Today's picture was actually taken a few days ago when I went up on the hillside the first time. On my way up I found this darling pair of mushrooms, and ever since I've been thinking about the mushrooms along the ridge line trail. Although I got plenty of nice pictures on my walk today, I figured it would be perfect to share this pair as my first mushroom picture since getting my creative mojo back!
Pam, you would love the ridge line trail. It's hard to get up to the top of the hill, but I know you would enjoy meandering along the fire trail which is brimming with lovely woods all around. I imagine you oohing and ahhing over the endless beauty there. I thought about you a lot, and how thankful I am to you for bringing back my creative spirit and the courage to face things that hurt me...now I can visit our hill and the ridge line trail too! *huggggs*
Explored on 12/9/18, highest placement, #5.
131/366: Dramatic Mushrooms
13 May 2016 |
It's pretty awesome to have a husband who knows the right equipment to purchase. Long before I had any interest in photography, he bought a very nice Canon flash for macro photography. He was playing around with our then new Canon 5D, but I took one look at that setup and said NO WAY. It all seemed to be way too much.
Fast forward about 5 years. I'd become an avid photographer, owned a Canon 5D Mk II, and finally had the interest to try using our Twin Lites. I was motivated to try because low light + small subjects + handheld = too much noise if you have your settings right. I had to give in. Although having a flash setup adds bulk and weight, the results made me an instant fan. Look at this lovely family! :)
117/336: Magical Fuzzy Mushroom
29 Apr 2016 |
Here's a mushroom I photographed back in 2012, and I got lucky with some nice light too!
I have mixed feelings about this picture. I remember being so upset because you will notice that the very front edge of this mushroom is not in focus. I took about 10 different pictures to make sure I had good focus and STILL, it's not crisp along that edge. I am crazy about the bokeh, but it could be a bit softer. It's not my best work, but I am proud to display it because it does have a special glow to it that has always made me stop in my tracks to look at this picture. I processed it just a few days after I took it, so I've had a long time to sit and think about this image. :D
If you've read this far, I'd love to know--would you have trashed this picture or kept it. Not hurting my feelings if you vote for trash, since it's flawed. Does it matter that the front edge--which is so important to the success of this type of image--is not in focus?
109/366: Mushrooms in Love (+2 in notes)
21 Apr 2016 |
(+2 in notes)
A couple of weeks ago I posted a picture of two mushrooms that were joined by a droplet of rain. That same day I discovered some other special mushrooms as well. These two are obviously in love and don't care if anyone knows it! The pair of identical droplets on their stems just kills me!! :) (By the way, if you roll your mouse over the picture you'll see the other picture I posted a couple of weeks ago and also my 365 image from that day!)
95/366: We Are Family
07 Apr 2016 |
Our property has many different environments for mushrooms, so I've found lots of unique species in many sizes, shapes and colors. One day in November a couple of years ago, I glimpsed something orange near a pine tree and what fun it was to discover this beautiful family of mushrooms just waiting to have their picture taken! I called out, "One, two, three...CHEESE!!" And they all pulled in close for the perfect shot!
278/365: "A happy family is but an earlier heaven.…
06 Oct 2013 |
1 more picture above in notes! :)
Yesterday I had to move one of our ladders over to the place we store them, and as I set it down, I discovered a bunch of wonderful mushrooms there! Since I'd already gotten my PIcture of the Day, I decided to wait until today because I knew they would be perfect as my star image! :) How wonderful to find this family of mushrooms!
George Bernard Shaw (26 July 1856 – 2 November 1950) was an Irish playwright and a co-founder of the London School of Economics. Although his first profitable writing was music and literary criticism, in which capacity he wrote many highly articulate pieces of journalism, his main talent was for drama, and he wrote more than 60 plays. He was also an essayist, novelist and short story writer. Nearly all his writings address prevailing social problems, but have a vein of comedy which makes their stark themes more palatable. Issues which engaged Shaw's attention included education, marriage, religion, government, health care, and class privilege. Wikipedia: George Bernard Shaw
Pair of Mushrooms
26 Sep 2013 |
2 more pictures above in notes! :)
The mushroom in the back is the one I used for my Picture of the Day, and I love this mushroom for it's incredibly long stem! It's about 2" tall compared to the mushroom in the back, which is only about 1" tall!
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