Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: curious

Darling Jumping Spider to Welcome Me Home!

21 Oct 2020 63 44 491
Being Home is Kind of Strange! I have to admit that it's odd to be back home in our "bricks and sticks" house instead of on the road. It's a good thing to be back before the rainy season turns any flat area into sticky, slippery mud, but since the downpours haven't started yet, both of us wish we could be out and about. However, we were out a month later than we expected and we do have lots of things to upgrade and work on--both in our trailer and in our house--so it's for the best that we're home! :) Trip Stories I'm going to post a series of pictures that show a picture of each place we went during our trip, along with a quick summary, but I haven't gotten everything organized yet. In the meantime, I'll post some pictures from home! Today's Picture Just a couple of days after we got home, I found a little black something crawling on the wall in the bathroom. Of course I knew instantly what it was--a curious little jumping spider! Are you not in love?! JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE!! THE FANCY HAIR! Hearts and flowers everywhere! :D These are my favorite spiders because they are so cute, clever and interested in everything around them. Of their eight eyes, one of the two pairs that face forward is very large with excellent vision. These awesome hunters are not dangerous and are great fun to hold on the tip of a finger! :) I do love them so! Jumping spiders, members of the Salticidae family, are the most successful group of arachnids. There are over 600 genera and more than 6000 species found worldwide with the exception of the north and south poles--why, they have even been spotted at the base of Mount Everest! Thank you all for your visits, comments and favorites! I'm doing my best to catch up and hope you will be patient with me! :D It really is so nice to be visiting once again--you're all so talented with amazing photography to enjoy! :) Explored on 10/21/20; highest placement #1.

Jumping Spider Collage

24 Jun 2013 6 4 650
Jumping Spiders are favorites for many people who like arachnids. It's easy to understand why. They are extremely curious and intelligent and will turn around to look at things, including YOU! They are fun to watch as they crawl around and they can jump quite a distance for their small size! In fact, they will often jump on your camera lens if you get too close! Jumping Spiders also have extremely good eyesight and they are easy to recognize because their main pair of eyes is very large and look like headlamps! There are over 5,000 species all over the world, and some species are so beautiful they would take your breath away! Here's one type called a Peacock Jumping Spider !

Beautiful Jumping Spider

24 Jun 2013 15 4 1097
1 more picture is in a note on the image! :) Whenever I am close to the sides of our house with my camera, I make sure to look carefully because there are often interesting creatures to photograph. This morning I was very happy to spot a spider and upon closer inspection I discovered that it was a large jumping spider! They tend to be about 1/4" around here, but this one was about 1/2" in diameter! Very unusual in coloring too, instead of being black or dark brown with a pattern, this one is light beige with a pattern. What a beauty. I got lots of pictures and thought the best thing to do would be to share one large image and a collage of three as well! I hope you like them!