Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: Marcel Proust

35/365: "The real voyage of discovery consists not…

04 Feb 2013 2 434
Last year I was amazed to find ferns growing on our property, as I was convinced they didn't grow here. I decided to see if I could find them today, and I was successful! Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust (French pronunciation: ​[maʁsɛl pʁust]; 10 July 1871 – 18 November 1922) was a French novelist, critic, and essayist best known for his monumental À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time; earlier translated as Remembrance of Things Past). It was published in seven parts between 1913 and 1927. Wikipedia: Marcel Proust

117/365: "Let us be grateful to people who make us…

28 Apr 2013 395
Today is a good example of why a 365 Project can be very hard! Specifically, TIME CRUNCH! It's 11:45pm right now and I'm running as fast as I can to put this picture up before I turn into a pumpkin! :D Steve and I were invited to spend the afternoon at a new friend's home and have dinner with Elizabeth and her charming husband, Richard, and six others (Hi Robin & Michael! :D). It was such an amazing day! In fact, I was asked to take pictures of some of Elizabeth's STAGGERING collection of daffodils...there were so many kinds it was mind-boggling! Hundreds of pictures later, and after an AMAZING dinner and fantastic conversation, Steve and I came home and I decended on my computer to copy over the 700+ images I took *GASP* and quickly look through just a few before selecting this image for my 365! These are some of the daffodils that were in a vase and I really like how they show so many kinds all in one, beautiful group. Valentin Louis Georges Eugène Marcel Proust (French pronunciation: ​[maʁsɛl pʁust]; 10 July 1871 – 18 November 1922) was a French novelist, critic, and essayist best known for his monumental novel À la recherche du temps perdu (In Search of Lost Time; earlier translated as Remembrance of Things Past). It was published in seven parts between 1913 and 1927. Wikipedia: Marcel Proust