Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: Vancouver Island
Qualicum Cheeseworks and HFF! (Set 1 of 2) (+8 ins…
28 Feb 2020 |
(+8 insets!) (please view large!)
Trip Talk: Visiting Morningstar Farm
If you can believe it, on the same day that we went to Englishman River Falls and Little Qualicum Falls, we also visited the Qualicum Cheeseworks! It was actually our first stop because it was a mere 10 minutes' drive from our campsite so we began our day there (I have included a map inset that shows the three locations we visited that day so you can see how close all three destinations were).
I was really excited about visiting this cheesery because it wasn't just a store to buy dairy products from. Instead, the shop was located on their busy farm which was also a totally accessible tour destination. Visitors are offered a self-guided tour map that included clear signage along the way and explanations of what happens on a dairy farm. Other than the complete cow-to-dairy process, there was also petting area to meet farm animals, antique equipment to look at and even a video area with seating to watch their farm presentation! How cool is that?!
Steve and I were extremely impressed by the Qualicum Cheesework's operation. We are fascinated by how things work so getting a chance to look behind the scenes of a dairy farm was so much fun!
Today's Pictures
My main picture isn't really beautiful but it does show the main stars of Morningstar Farm! Every day the cows are fed in the main barn and nearby is a robotic milking system which cows line up to go into! They are treated to the most delicious food inside, individually blended for each cow and based on the data gathered by the special collars they wear!
The process goes like this: a gate opens, a cow enters the milking machine area and the gates close behind her. A milking machine washes and disinfects her udder, attaches onto her teats, checks to make sure the milk is free of issues and then proceeds to milk her. When no more milk is detected from any teat, the machine then detaches and pulls away, the gate in front of the cow opens and out she walks! Meanwhile, the next cow is waiting for the gate to open so she can have her turn! This entire process takes less than 10 minutes per cow and results in content and happy cows which aren't over-milked and have current information on their health and well-being. I invite you to watch this video which shows what a robotic milking operation looks like--it's totally fascinating! Video: how automatic milking works (By the way, you'll also see an automatic rotary brush as an enticement for the cows and Morningstar Farm has one too! It's so funny to watch the cows turn this way and that to get the brush scrubbing exactly the right spot!)
Insets include pictures of a day-old Holstein calf licking Steve's hand and another one which shows it relaxing in its softly bedded stall (there were three other babies for company!); there's a picture of workers using farm equipment with a grain silo in the background, an image of a darling goat and finally three pictures of lovely pair of Welsh ponies relaxing in the warm sunshine.
Pam, I can't remember if you mentioned living on a dairy farm before. I think you grew up on a farm though, yes? You lucky stinker. I know it's a lot of hard work but it was always a dream of mine to live in such a place. It's no wonder the James Herriot books continue to be favorites to this day! I would love to stay at a farm for a week sometime to get the opportunity to experience this life. :) Hey, thanks for your lovely comments on my last presentation--you left me all a-glow! :D *BIG HUGS from southern Oregon* :D
Explored on 2/29/20; highest placement #7.
Outrageously Lovely Little Qualicum Falls! (Set 1…
23 Feb 2020 |
(+4 insets!) (Please view large for a proper look! :) (Scroll down to "Today's Pictures" for information about the insets)
Trip Talk: Big Fun at Little Qualicum Falls
After our fantastic adventure at Englishman River Provincial Park, we couldn't imagine finding another waterfall and hike that would equal that experience. Well, we were about to be delightfully corrected! Heading along the beautiful Alberni Highway, we drove 13.5 miles (21.9 km) northwest to the trailhead for Little Qualicum Falls.
Getting to the trailhead turned out to be a bit of a challenge, however. Arriving at the Google Map location, we didn't see any signs to direct us to a parking lot. We wondered if we were actually supposed to just pull off onto the shoulder, but that couldn't be right. Driving up and down the road a couple of times, we finally spotted a tiny road leading into a very small--but nicely paved--parking lot. "How did we miss that?!" we both exclaimed…a parking lot sign titled with Little Qualicum Falls was right there--it just wasn't obvious unless you knew where to look. There was exactly one spot left and Steve maneuvered our long truck expertly into place.
The trail that led from the parking lot was equally unobtrusive but we were soon wowed by the unfolding beauty before us. A glowing, vibrant forest welcomed us as we took in the beautiful environment complete with the twitters and calls of birds near and far.
Soon we heard the telltale sound of rushing water and saw water racing down a boulder-strewn chasm below. What a sight! Peeking over the side of the trail as we went, we found ourselves totally blown away by the views we saw. How can nature be so beautiful?! WOW!!
Working our way up the trail and across a well-constructed bridge, we eventually came to an observation lookout and found ourselves staring in awe at the gorgeous two-levels of Little Qualicum Falls…WHAT A SIGHT! The shape of the falls, the way the logs seemed to arrange themselves so perfectly around the base of the main drop…the color of water in the pools and stream…the rocks and formations…it was just jaw-dropping!!
The only thing which ruined the remarkable beauty of this place was the chain-link fencing along the edge of the deep chasm. They were annoying eyesores but unfortunately this place has a history of people falling to their deaths so the fencing is necessary. It took a bit of looking around but we were able to get plenty of nice angles through various holes in the fence and over the top.
When we had satisfied our exploration of the area, we found a nice place for our lunch and enjoyed the views and the sound of crashing water cascading over the falls, tumbling topsy-turvy down the streambed towards the sea. What a joy to behold such incredible beauty! How lucky we were to get the opportunity to see this lovely place! Neither of us will ever take for granted our good fortune that allows us to explore the world.
At one point on the meandering hike back to the truck, I noticed movement just off the trail. Investigating closer, I was delighted to find a garter snake on the hunt for lunch. While I was slowly crept nearer, stepping carefully over branches and around trees--clicking away with my Sony camera--a kid-filled family walking past noticed me and wondered what I was looking at. I told them it was a snake and if they approached quietly they might get a glimpse too...so, one by one they copied my stealthy movement and because the garter snake was relaxed and unafraid, they were able to see it too! Everyone stood frozen, appreciating its beauty until it silently slipped away into the brush. Then we chatted about snakes for a few minutes before we all headed off on our hikes again! What a fun memory for this day!
Today's Pictures
My main picture shows the awesome double-levels of Little Qualicum Falls, complete with logs that got stuck on the way down! This was a sight we stared at for a long time…it was just so beautiful!
My first inset is a wide panorama showing the bridge up to the Falls and starring Steve in the middle! Other insets include some of the gorgeous views as we hiked the trail up to the Falls and finally, a pictures of the darling garter snake that allowed me to take its picture. I hope you enjoy the show! :)
Pam, have you ever seen a "double-decker" waterfall like this one? What a special sight! We are amazed at the beautiful shapes that waterfalls can create and this particular one almost seems man-made because it's so pretty. I like to do long-exposure shots of waterfalls but they require tripods and we didn't have one with us today. Have you ever fooled around with long-exposure? I looked in your stream but didn't find any, though you may have a trove of these which you never uploaded. :) It's a fun skill to work on if the conditions are right and you're in the mood! Anyway, I'm sending a virtual *hug* your way on this soon-to-be-rainy day!
Explored on 2/24/20; highest placement #1.
Bridge over Englishman River Falls (Set 2 of 2) an…
21 Feb 2020 |
(+6 insets…please be sure to look, there are some pretty views of the park and waterfall!)
Trip Talk: Enjoying Beautiful Englishman River Provincial Park
There is something extra wonderful about the parks on Vancouver Island. I believe the forests here are healthier because I feel such strong and vibrant energy from them. Don't get me wrong--the forests we visited in Oregon and Washington were also glowing and rich, but it seems that global warming has not affected this place as much as others. Or whatever it is…less people, a more wild state…I cannot tell you exactly what it is but I do know that the feeling of immersion was remarkable and has stayed indelibly in my mind.
Established and protected in 1940, Englishmen Provincial Park has always been a very popular destination for locals and tourists alike. Visitors are drawn by its pair of gorgeous waterfalls and lovely forest trails which give hikers a glimpse of the park's 240 acres (97 hectares). For some historical background, Wiki says the following:
According to a local legend, indigenous people in the area found the skeleton of a Caucasian man near the waterfalls, thus giving the river its current name; the river was given its name because "an Englishman was drowned while attempting to cross." Spanish mapmakers originally named it the "Rio de Grullas," presumably because of the large number of great blue herons living at its estuary (grulla being Spanish for "crane")."
I must admit my confusion regarding the two waterfalls because Steve and I only saw one. I wasn't sure where the other one was but apparently we missed it. However, when I was looking up historical information for my post today, I suddenly saw the answer to my question! There on the wiki page was a picture of the second waterfall…and when I looked at my pictures, I was delighted to see that I'd gotten a wonderful picture of it after all! The only difference was that there was no water flowing over the falls in my picture--in other words, the water level had dropped by the time we visited in August…which of course makes sense! Many waterfalls cease to flow in the dry months of the year. (I have included a picture of the second waterfall with an attribution to the author-- DG Brown --noted on the picture)
Today's Pictures
My main picture today features one of the two bridges that cross the Englishman River on the way to the top of the waterfalls. The picture by itself wasn't all that interesting so I took some creative license with a few filters--I hope you like the outcome! I thought it would be perfect for the day--HAPPY FENCE FRIDAY!
My first inset shows the second waterfall--without the waterfall! I laughed out loud when I found the picture on Wikipedia because I instantly recognized the rocks and deep canyon that form the area. You'll see my added inset from DG Brown that shows what the waterfall looks like. The cool thing to me is that the huge rock jammed into place, which is the basis for the waterfall, is really neat looking and something you'd miss when the water flows over it!
Other insets include a picture of water rushing down the narrow canyon, complete with logs stuck in place; there's a close-up of water crashing over the waterfall, a view of lovely water making its way around rocks in a slower part of the river, and finally, another breathtaking forest view that we saw along our hike. I hope you like the show! :)
Pam, I was amused to learn that the photos in the link I sent you were from an area not even remotely close to you. *wipes egg from face* LOL, oh well! Thanks for the info on the place that is actually near you, what a bummer that it's not a very impressive, boo! Well, hopefully you can enjoy some watery beauty through my photography and tales! Anyway, it's an absolutely gorgeous day here which started with sparkling frost and promises to warm up to be tee-shirt weather! Maybe your day is equally lovely! *BIG HUGS from southern Oregon*
Explored on 2/21/20; highest placement #1.
Lovely Englishman River Falls (Set 1 of 2) (+5 ins…
19 Feb 2020 |
(+5 insets!) (even prettier full size!) :D
Trip Talk: Two Breathtaking Waterfalls in One Day!
Our jaw-dropping evening at Parksville gave us a pretty good indication that our adventures here would be fantastic--that sure turned out to be true! :)
Our first morning after we set up at Parksville, we decided to check out a couple of waterfalls that everyone raved about--Englishman River Falls and Little Qualicum Falls. They both included beautiful hikes and both of us were really excited as we ate breakfast and prepared our lunch of various cheeses, sausages and other tasty treats.
Walking through the Forest to Englishman River Falls
This lovely provincial park was located mere moments from our campsite and its close proximity to the nearby towns of Qualicum Beach, Coombs and Parksville meant it was a popular destination for the locals too. It also has an very popular campground but sadly for us, the many campsites are small and have no electrical or sewer hookups. (These "old-style" campgrounds without amenities are standard for the many provincial parks on Vancouver Island. The restrictions of these "primitive" sites also meant we couldn't include them in our reservations.)
The most popular features of Englishman River Falls Provincial Park are the wonderful rock-slab beaches along the river. Perfect for relaxing with the family on this lovely, warm Sunday, Steve and I felt a pang of regret that we didn't pack swimsuits, but kept this in mind for the future. As we headed out of the parking lot to begin our hike, we were amused to see little kids squealing in excitement as they ran circles around their parents. They carried all-important, brightly-colored buckets and shovels in their tiny hands, but not a stitch on their adorable little bodies!
Once we were on the main trail we found ourselves alone in blissful solitude and Steve and I enjoyed a beautiful hike through dappled forest on well-cared-for trails. The path lead along the picturesque fast-moving river to some lovely view-points to see the Falls, which included a pair of handsome bridges that we crossed to get up to the Falls themselves. Steve and I had a very wonderful, relaxing walk accented with plenty of photos!
Today's Pictures
My main picture shows the Englishman River Falls and I think you'll agree that the sight is a breathtaking one! Steve and I stood for a long while, marveling at the strong-flowing water cascading into the chasm below. Due to its location, there wasn't any way to photograph the entire waterfall but I was really happy with this view!
Insets include an abstract of the rushing water and some of the beautiful forest scenery we encountered along the way.
Pam, I looked through your pictures because I was sure I'd see waterfalls but WOW! There aren't any! I did see though, that there are some really beautiful waterfalls not that far from where you live. ( Waterfalls near you ). I'm going to bet you've visited some of them! Steve and I are crazy about these water features so whenever we have the chance we will go to see them! How is the weather treating you these days? For us, freezing mornings and gorgeous sunny days lately! It won't last forever but we're enjoying the sunshine and lovely, warm afternoons while they are here! Sending *hugssssss* your way!
Explored on 2/20/20; highest placement #2.
Baynes Sound and the Reeking Wall of Stench! (+6 i…
17 Feb 2020 |
(+6 insets!) (please enlarge for an immersive feeling! :D)
NOTE! PLEASE BE ADVISED--War & Peace Door Stop Ahead!
Today post is really, really long, and what's more, most of what I’m talking about doesn't even have pictures to illustrate! I wanted to write about the wonderful experience of this day, even though there are only a few images to share. Please scroll down to Today's PIctures to learn more about the main image and insets.
Trip Talk: A Day of Adventures, Starting with an Art Fair!
For nearly a month before Steve and I left on our Vancouver Island trip, I spent time poring over every area that we'd be staying; as I looked, I built an itinerary of activities and highlights. The point was to have a nice selection of choices so each day we had a number of options.
Both of us enjoy going to festivals, markets, craft fairs and any type of parade or other event that looks like fun. The 100-mile (160km) radius around Nanaimo and Parksville was overflowing with endless possibilities to be had and it was really hard to pare it down to a reasonable group, but I did my best! The fact of the matter is that this area would be a perfect place to stay for a solid six months—there really are that many wonderful things to do and experience!
While looking around the 'net, I learned about a fantastic art show called the Filberg Festival. This show is held every year in a town that turned out to be just an hour's drive north of Parksville. The event attracts some of the best artisans on Vancouver Island--and abroad as well--and is a Must Not Miss for anyone who loves this sort of thing. In other words, we couldn't wait!
We got up early that day and enjoyed the scenic drive to Comox, finally arriving to park conveniently nearby. It wasn't hard to know which way to go—just follow the stream of people flowing down the upscale shop-filled streets towards the festival! The gradually increasing sound of upbeat world-style music also told us we were getting close and made us even more giddy. Held on the grounds of a historic park and ringed by high, ivy-covered fencing, we entered the vast estate grounds with wide eyes and huge smiles. Steve led the way with jovial conversation as we got our tickets and hand stamps. Minutes later we were moving towards the tantalizing artwork just visible at booths at the edge of the festival.
The Amazing Filberg Festival
SO MANY BOOTHS! Stretching out in long rows in a fairly haphazard fashion, the seemingly countless kiosks were filled with every kind of artwork and high-end crafts that you could imagine. Paintings, woodworking items, jewelry and murals. Big and small clockworks, tiny electric art-doo-hickies, gorgeous ceramics and even food-as-decadent artwork to eat! Glass-blowing marvels, metal artwork, intricately sown quilts and one-of-a-kind clothing. Racks brimming with beautiful hats of all kinds, incredible gameboards made from exotic woods, dazzling windchimes that filled our ears with nature's music...it went on and on. The variety and exquisite quality of nearly everything presented was simply boggling! A key reason of this show's exceptional quality was the fact that every vendor was juried and only the best artisans were given the nod to be there. It was, without question, the very best art and craft-type show we'd ever visited. WOW!
Many happy, awe-struck hours were spent there as we soaked up this delicious and amazing show. The reverberating sound of music and deep drum beats immersed us even more as we walked around and we had an absolutely fabulous time. In fact, we couldn't help repeating how totally blown away by all that was offered.
You may think it's odd but we didn't buy a single thing! The fact is, we aren't souvenir collectors like we once were. And in any event, we expected the prices would be inflated and beyond our means. However, though the asking prices were often jaw-dropping and laughably ludicrous, we were also surprised by the number of reasonable prices too. We did keep our eyes open in case something screamed at us to bring it home, but in the end we were happy to just look, and that was fine with us.
I know what you're thinking: where are the pictures?!! Well, guess what? We didn't take any! Over the years we've learned that vendors don't often like their wares photographed. Some are fine with it—they even encourage photography—but a great many are less than enthusiastic and some will bounce up and down with fury that you would dare to photograph their goods. That adds up to a great big NOPE! in our books. Much better to just enjoy the day and remember the fun we had. And that's exactly what we did!
(If you're interested in seeing pictures of some of the superior craftsmanship offered at the Filberg Festival, here are some images of the festival crowds, the grounds and musicians (click) . I also found a page which shows some artwork exhibited by one artist...it's amazing!! Wanda Designs: Painted Teapots Finally, there is a very interesting video about the history of the festival and also shows the quality of the art found at this event (click). )
Royston Ship Wrecks
After we were completely satisfied, we left the show and headed back towards Parksville. On the other side of the large bay where the festival was held, there was a place we didn't want to miss. Often missed by travelers, Royston is the home of 14 scuttled ships that were intentionally sunk to make a breakwater for calmer waters in the area.
Unfortunately we arrived at high-tide and that meant that most of the wrecks were below water. BUMMER! We weren't able to see much but we still had a great time taking pictures and enjoying the incredible beauty of the area. To make matters worse, I found out after we got back that I'd forgotten to replace the memory card in my Sony camera—so all of the pictures I took that day were merely vaporware. BUMMER SQUARED! However, I did have a few shots from my phone so at least I can share a couple.
Researching the Royston Wrecks turned up some very interesting history. Royston was once the home to many busy lumber mills (closed now) which floated logs down the coast from Comox Harbor to the mills in Royston. The area's rough waters and unpredictable seas could be very dangerous, so a host of decommissioned ships were strategically positioned and then sunk to create calm waters in the bay. (In case you're interested,... I found a video which shows some of these ships when they were in their hey-day . I was unexpectedly moved nearly to the point of tears to see what they used to look like and now, just rusted skeletons. The video is fascinating and somewhat heartbreaking to see!
Our First Eagle Sighting!
After our visit to Royston, we continued our drive down the lovely coast—when suddenly Steve gasped and pulled over, yelling, "IT'S A BALD EAGLE!!!" He rolled down his window so we could get a good look. Sitting at the very edge of some rocks leading into the bay was indeed, a real, live Bald Eagle! It was so far away that our hasty phone pictures merely show a dark blob with a white head but we were beside ourselves with joy! We've only seen one in the United States—and we weren't even positive the white-headed raptor flying away from us was a Bald Eagle. However, the bird we were goggling at right then was absolutely and without a doubt, a Bald Eagle! HOORAY!!!
We hopped out of the truck with the hopes of slowly approaching just a bit closer, but as we were crossing the highway, the regal bird leaped into the air, flapped his wings and took off over the water and out of our lives forever. Oh the sad, mournful tears of defeat! :D (Of course, I wouldn't have been so bummed had I known that just a few days later I'd get a Bucket List picture that makes me beam every time I see it!)
We Found a Local Seafood Shop!
Once again heading south, Steve and I jabbered happily about our first Bald Eagle sighting while we enjoyed the lovely coastal route along the many named bays from Comox to Parksville.
Then Steve saw a run-down seafood shop and said the name, "Baynes Sound Oyster Co." With a grin, he pulled into the parking area and added, "Let's get some!"
You must understand something about Steve. He loves seafood. Fish, octopus, shrimp, crabs…you name it, he loves it! In fact, his enthusiasm and stellar ability to coax me with the right fish was so good that he was even successful at turning me into a sushi fiend, when I wouldn't even consider it in the past! I didn't have a problem with cooked fish. But raw fish? Who was he kidding?! But I have to laugh because it's true--sushi is my favorite food, and it's all because of Steve!
We'd been trying to find a seafood store that wasn't priced for tourists and this place was exactly what we were looking for! The place was basically a wreck. Baynes Sound Oyster Company operated its retail business out of a run down, dingy white building in dire need of a paint job. The cringe-worthy sight was complete with a sign that was nearly impossible to read. We could tell it was obviously a place where locals bought their seafood. Where's the fish?! We're all in!
Opening the classic, creaky, old-time door with a jangling bell on a string to alert the keeper, we stepped in and I wrinkled my nose at the smell. Quickly recovering my manners, I repaired my expression to a pleasantly smiling one and looked around at the meager attempt to create a shop. A long, low, glass-lined freezer stared back at us. Next to it was a worn counter and an old cash register. Cobwebs hung in the corners of the dingy walls, flickering fluorescent tubes offering the only light in the otherwise dim cave.
A crusty old man, roused from whatever he'd been doing beyond our view, stood and shuffled over with a rather crabby look on his face. I don't think he was very happy to be interrupted but resigned himself to waiting on us. Steve struck up a lively conversation to break the silence and soon they were jabbering away. We picked out some lovely-looking red snapper for our dinner and Steve picked out a large tub of shucked oysters.
The oysters, I might add, would be ALLLLLL for him. The only way I'll eat oysters or clams is in a chip dip. Otherwise, no way, Jose! I've tried them over and over again, and they're either nasty chewing gum or a glob of the most horrendous er, sorry, phlegm I've had to choke down. No can do honey, they're all for you! "MORE FOR ME!!" is always Steve's delighted answer, though to be honest, he really wishes that I enjoyed them so we could share the goodies when he buys them.
Braving Hell's Wall of Stench!
I spotted something on the side of the building as we approached the shop so I told Steve I was stepping outside for some pictures before we left. Thanking the owner, I left and headed towards the side of the building.
That's when it hit me.
A wall of stench so foul that I felt all of my hair begin to curl. And fall out. I couldn't help myself from exclaiming, "OMG…THE SMELL!!!" It was so horrible and strong that the air felt thick and difficult to walk through.
I rounded the corner. There was the source of this unbelievable, putrid cloud of doom. Multiple enormous piles of oyster shells glowered down at me from a staggering height of six feet or more. Next to the piles was an entire MOUNTAIN of fuming shells which blocked the view of the bay beyond. The hill of stink breathed its wafting, foul breath at me and I imagined this is what Jabba the Hut must smell like. Seriously gross.
With watering eyes and a rigid determination, I took pictures of the fetid mounds. I wondered mockingly…could I possibly be losing years of my life as I stood here trying not to vomit?! Chuckling to myself, I couldn't deny how cool those piles of shells looked. Smelly or not, I loved the shapes of these cast-off piles!
Then I noticed the bay beyond the shop and boats moored there. SO PRETTY! What a contrast, eh?!
With all the pictures I wanted to take, I did an about-face and got out of there as fast as I could. Still, I had to literally fan my body before I got into the truck and even after I did that, Steve wrinkled his nose and stared at me. "WHAT is that SMELL!!!" LOL! What a wonderful last stop on our adventurous day!
Today's Pictures
My main picture today is the boat-filled bay out behind the Baynes Sound Oyster Company. I am surprised how peaceful it turned out looking. Especially with such horrendous smells so close by! In fact, I believe every one of those vessels used for gathering oysters, so the stink is everywhere! RUN AWAY!! :D
Insets include my itty bitty eagle pictures, two from the Royston Wrecks site and two images of the mounds of reeking oyster shells!
Pam, what you think about seafood? I know you love it but what's your favorite? And what do you hate? Along with oysters and clams, I won't eat octopus or squid (rubbery and awful--and even cooked well I hate it), any sea urchin-type stuff, nor will I eat strong "fishy" tasting fish like mackerel or anchovies…EWWWW!!! I love trout, salmon, steelhead, bass, and all sorts of other fish like sole, flatfish, snapper, tuna, and plenty of others…as long as it's not strong-flavored, I'm all over it! And of course, sushi is my favorite! #1: Hamachi sashimi! What about you? I know you love fish--I don't remember if you told me your favorites or least favorites though! :) *HUGS FROM SOUTHERN OREGON* :)
Explored on 2/17/20; highest placement #4.
Three Slices of Sunset Heaven at Surfside! (+2 ins…
10 Feb 2020 |
(+2 insets!) (you won't be disappointed at the full-size version!) (please scroll down to "Today's Pictures" for information about the insets)
Updates from the Home Front
I am still trying to thaw out from my morning tromp up and down the driveway--it was a mere 26.5°F / -3°C when I stepped out this morning…YIKES! But I couldn't ask for a more beautiful start to the day. A bright and sunny day with cloudless sky, sparkles greeted me everywhere I turned and as I walked, it was like a spangled parade of twinkling brilliance accenting every step. My feet crunched solidly on the frozen ground and I was amused that the pile of rocks I used to keep track of my laps was frozen solid to the larger rock slab they sat on. Carefully stepping on the stones loosened some of them but alas, a couple refused to budge from their bond and I was forced to use a couple of substitutes to take their place. Heh…
Trailer Updates
It's been too cold for Steve to do a lot of work on the trailer but he's done what he can if ever the temperature cooperates. Our shop is not heated or insulated very well, and is intolerable to work in if it's too cold. I don't blame him! Even though the trailer is comfortable, much of Steve's work involves use of the shop's many essential tools so there's just no getting around this roadblock. However, he was able to finish an important step a couple of days ago and both of us are ecstatic!
The Problematic Entertainment Center
One of the things we wanted to address was the "entertainment center" that came with the trailer when we purchased it. This standard feature, found in most trailers, included a nook with a stereo and flat-screen television attached to the wall. Below all of this was a faux fireplace behind glass that actually uses a heater to simulate warmth coming from the artificial wood and graphical fire.
Our Artificial Fireplace…is Actually AWESOME!
We first thought the fireplace was the ultimate in cheesy, artificial stupidity. But slowly we came to realize that it was not only ok--it was actually wonderful! True, the fireplace is the pinnacle of fakery--you can even change the color of the "fire" and "glowing embers" to a variety of choices--OH BROTHER! But then something wonderful happened: we gave the dumb thing a chance and of all things, had to admit that it was pretty awesome. Changing the color of the flames from gold to purple or blue or green…that was so much fun! (I found this video in on YouTube which shows something vaguely similar to ours (click) We also recognized that the heat that came from the "fire" was wonderful and surprisingly accurate--intensely hot like a real fire if you were too close, cozy and warm if you sat back on the lovely entertainment lounge chairs that sat opposite to the entertainment center. We love our cheesy fireplace now and it reminds us of fun things we had years ago like lava lamps and plasma nebula globes.
That TV Has To Go…We Need the Space for Something USEFUL!
However, the television aspect of this center was a big, huge NOPE! At first Steve tried to convince himself that it was nice and that we'd use it a lot, but I wouldn't leave him alone about it. I kept reminding him, "DUDE...we'll NEVER EVER use it. We don't WATCH tv except for an hour at night to camp Chicken* before bed, and that's in the bedroom!" Finally he admitted that it was a horrible waste of space. What's more, there was no place to put our espresso machine and grinder, nor did we have enough room for our electronic charging area. The obvious choice would be to pull out the tv and turn it into a coffee bar with a cabinet above for the charging stuff and electronic gadget storage.
*"Camping Chicken" is a nightly ritual where I climb into bed and put the sheets over my legs to make a cave. Our parrot, Pumpkin, goes into this cozy space to clean her feathers and settle down while we watch a tv show or part of a movie. After the show we coax her out from where she's snuggled down next to her "pet foot" and after kisses, we put her into her night cage's sleeping tent.
Creating the Coffee Bar
After a bunch of issues along the way--we tried putting in tiles, only to discover that they lifted and the grout cracked horribly. It then occurred to us, er…duh?...we never considered the fact that an RV in motion is like a nonstop earthquake...tiles would have NEVER worked. We would need a one-piece solution..but what?
As a lucky find, Steve was wandering around a home-improvement store one day and discovered a one-piece, 4ft counter kit that would PERFECTLY slide into that spot! The color scheme also went exactly right with the coach! And so with all ducks in a row, Steve installed and siliconed the counter into place and finally, with peacock tail at full and glorious display, ushered me over to take a peekie at his workmanship.
It was absolutely marvelous! The counter is better than the tile could have ever been and actually looks as if it were an original installation--how cool is that?! And without the tv in place, there's a wealth of extra room. In fact, during our first plan to put tiles in place, we ended up gaining 1.5 feet of extra space! The removal of the tv and the mechanism that held the tv was nearly a foot of valuable depth that we recovered. Then, upon further investigation, we discovered that the wall behind the tv, when removed, revealed another half-foot of unused space! Every inch of room in a trailer is at a premium and having this newfound, spacious area was a total windfall for us!
We now have a gorgeous, spacious area for our beloved espresso machine, the coffee grinder, and all of the implements that go with it. The surface is perfect and just right for the daily mess which happens when making coffee.
And, now that the counter is finished, Steve will be able to get started on the electronics cabinet above the coffee bar…hooray! :)
Today's Pictures
Our sunset walk out along the water at Parksville's Surfside RV Park was almost too wonderful for words. I ended up with so many great pictures that I couldn't bear the thought of lumping them all together in one gaudy presentation without giving at least a couple of them a "main shot" position. So today's star is a panorama which shows some of the amazing driftwood found along the shores here, accented by the setting sun and beautiful fading light. The insets show two other sunset pictures, each of which I thought merited a look. I hope you like them too! What an evening for memories it was!! :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY PAM!!! I hope you have a super day!!
Pam, I know that you are moved by sunsets/rises just as much as I am, so I went to remind myself of some of your lovely pictures. Wow, wow, wow. Yeah, no two are ever the same and all of them are so special in their own colorful way! What a joy to behold your fine imagery and also, the graphical creativity that you let loose on some of your pictures. Outstanding and breathtaking. Thank you for the show! *BIG HUGS from southern Oregon*
Explored on 2/10/20; highest placement #2.
A Sunset to Remember in Parksville, Vancouver Isla…
06 Feb 2020 |
(+7 insets!) (you can see the edgelit clouds better in full size!) :)
Trip Talk: Up the Coast from Nanaimo to Parksville!
After our too-short stay at our Nanaimo-based campground, we pulled up stakes and made the 40-minute drive to our next destination, Surfside RV Resort in Parksville. We were really happy to arrive at our next campsite so soon and since it was such an easy drive, we were able to go out and explore after getting our RV set up!
Goats on the Roof and Country Store
We decided that a drive around the area would be fun so we set off to go see a very popular country store with an unusual claim to fame. The store was set back on a hillside and had a grass-covered roof. On that roof were a group of goats! People come from near and far to see the goats up there, and we wanted to see as well!
As it turned out, the blatant tourist trap of it all really turned us off, though we should have known better to begin with. The goats are actually kept on the roof. People milling around taking pictures of them made us feel like we were part of a crowd of mindless sight-seers and though I took my own shots, I felt a bit duped by the experience. The store was definitely overpriced but it was actually worth seeing. Vast selections of anything you could think of, mostly in the gourmet-food sector, it was really neat to see so many interesting varieties they had to offer. In fact, we ended up going home with a lovely marbled Porter cheddar cheese that wasn't expensive and turned out to be delicious and beautiful too! (If you'd like to see the sort of cheese we got, here's an article which shows pictures o f "alcohol-marbled cheeses" )
Wandering around outside the store, we found an enormous area filled with statuary for sale. They were fun to look at and I took some pictures, one of which you'll see as an inset. We also went around behind the store and saw a really cool old log cabin which I'm sharing a picture of too.
Ultimately though, we were very underwhelmed with our experience at this tourist trap and just as well because it was time to head back for dinner. What a surprise we had in store…Mother Nature was about to make up for that bland experience!
A Sunset to Remember
After we'd had a lovely dinner, Steve and I decided to take a walk along the park's beautifully manicured path that went along the coastline. There was plenty of time to watch the sun go down and as the moments ticked by, the views got prettier and prettier. Adding to the drama, there were folks out on the bay enjoying themselves in kayaks and paddleboards. Steve and I enjoyed the challenge of trying to get pictures of them fully-silhouetted in the beam of sunshine in the water. It was such a lovely evening and we got piles of pictures! In fact, I was at a loss of how to properly share the images I got because there were so many that turned out very nicely. So, my solution is to present four sets of pictures so I can give a proper show that isn't too repetitive, I hope! :)
Today's Pictures
Today's main picture is a favorite for its light and wonderful mood. It really gives a feeling of what it was like to be out there that evening…the experience was amazing and so breathtaking! The insets show my best silhouetted person in the sunbeam, followed by a friendly fellow paddling into the sunbeam, droplets of water edge-lit in the glowing light. Finally, a silhouetted view of a paddleboarder looking back to see her friends in kayaks nearby. What a lovely way to experience that wonderful evening. A glorious occasion which we will never forget.
Pam, have you ever played the "people in the sunbeam" game like we did? It's a grand bit of fun, especially because they were always paddling around, we were on the move, and everything was always changing up. I haven't tried it on a beach but it would be the same thing to sit in the sand and capture people silhouetted against the waves with the sun beaming past them…fun stuff. I hope you are having a nice day! :) *BIG HUGS* from southern Oregon!
Explored on 2/06/20; highest placement #4.
Exploring Newcastle Island (Saysutchun) (+10 inset…
01 Feb 2020 |
(+10 insets!) (This image looks best at full size! :D) (Please scroll down to Today's Pictures for more information about the insets)
A Proper Exploration of the Island
Steve and I finally felt satisfied with our visit to the amazing tidal flats and made our way back over to the trailhead to begin our hike along the coast. On one side, deep, thick, healthy forest headed up and away towards the center of the island while the trail hugged the edge of the coast on the other side, with wonderful views of the ocean all the way.
Seafaring vessels could be seen in a constant stream and we would often stop and look out between the trees to watch as they went by. Smaller ones were common--sailboats, yachts, jet boats, fishing boats and others we couldn't identify. Large watercraft made their presence known as well--container ships and oil tankers cruised silently by far out on the water and ferries too--huge ones unlike the cute little guy we rode on to get to the island. Of course we couldn't resist taking lots of pictures and you'll see plenty included today as insets.
The weather couldn’t have been better on this wonderful day--it was overcast and cloudy but perfectly comfortable! I wondered if it would be terribly windy but it was just right—a bit of breeze but nothing strong or blustery. How lucky we were. There have been plenty of times when it's been raining on a day that we'd hoped to go on a hike; other times it might be sunny but the wind was just furious and miserable! You always throw the dice when it comes to the weather and we always appreciated good fortune!
Into the Forest We Go!
Eventually the coastal trail headed inland and we disappeared into the shadowy forest with its tall trees of mixed species. Most were conifers that filled the air with their rich, pungent pine aroma and muffled the sounds of our footsteps as we walked on the needle-covered path. Making our way through the forest, I could not help feeling a warmth of gentle presences around me—more than just the trees that I normally felt. I sensed there were others around us and it was a bit peculiar to me as I have only felt this on a rare occasion. Who knows if it was just me wanting to feel that there was more going on here than just a cool island with a lovely hiking trail. All I can tell you is that it was very different and I felt very good there.
Through the trees we saw the forest opening up with flashes of water beyond. It was a beautiful small lake covered with lily pads and water plants, dead conifers spiking up to the sky in the center. Logs littered the edges, some of which were covered by moss and dense thickets of plants. We were enchanted by the beauty of this lovely, emerald gem, and enjoyed the view for many long moments, taking in all the details we could before we took pictures to remember this special place by.
Walking on towards our bikes, it wasn't long before we arrived--along with our massive appetites! We pulled out our spread of cheese and sausage, bbq pork rinds and fauxtato salad, along with lots of water, and sat on a driftwood log for our feast. How nice that we were back at the tidal flats to sit and look out at that wonderful place again.
What a Ride!! AKA: WHEEEEEE!!!! :D
Once we were satisfied and ready for a bike ride, we got everything stowed away, put on our backpacks and helmets and off we went! Both of us have recently replaced our old mountain bikes and cannot believe how easy it is to make it up steep hills now. The new gearing on current bikes is really impressive, so instead of pushing our bikes up these fairly substantial hills, we rode all the way up without stopping! AMAZING! Both of us were gasping for breath when we finally reached the crest but felt extremely pleased with our successful climb.
As it turned out, we'd gotten the hardest climb out of the way and the rest of our ride was full of fabulous screaming downhills, zipping through the forest on nice, wide trails and plenty of lovely views accented with glimpses of the ocean through the trees. It was a fantastic ride and we were totally exhilarated as we finally emerged from the cover of trees and arrived back at the visitor's kiosk.
Island Stewardship and a Wave Goodbye
There was just a few minutes before the ferry arrived so we looked around at some of the interesting informational displays they'd set up to describe the island's history and explain the plans they had for the future. The island had gone through many changes through the years. It had been used as a fish salting plant, a shipyard, a sandstone quarry and even a luxury resort. However, today it is a protected marine park and set up for its traditional purpose—a medicinal healing destination and a place for First Nation people to come together for special events. We were very impressed that these gentle folk had returned this island to a better place and felt extremely glad for the opportunity to explore its beauty.
When we saw the little ferry approaching in the distance, we waved to the friendly fellow there who was now talking to another couple and walked our bikes down the ramp to the dock. What a fantastic day it was--what a great adventure! We were so happy that we'd gotten the chance to visit.
Today's Pictures
The main image today shows the beautiful lake that we found on our hike—Mallard Lake—and I think you'll agree that it's pretty cool. I could have easily spent an entire day taking pictures here, and it's probably a good thing that I didn't have my macro lens with me or I'd still be there!
Insets include lots of boats that we saw, a panorama of the forest, a view of the ocean through the trees, another picture of the pond, and a pretty feather that I noticed on the trail. I hope you like the show! :)
Pam, this place really was so very magical. Everything about Saysutchun was special. The experience of visiting this place would have been so nice to share with you but I hope that my writing and pictures have captured the experience well enough that you can picture it for yourself! I hope all is well with you, it's been cold and wet here but otherwise very nice! *BIG HUGS from southern Oregon* :)
Explored on 2/02/20; highest placement #10.
Newcastle Island's (Saysuchun's) Amazing Tidal Fla…
30 Jan 2020 |
(+9 insets!) (please scroll down to "Today's Pictures" for inset information)
Trip Talk: Off We Go On Our Island Adventure!
After chatting with the friendly fellow at the visitor's kiosk, we hopped on our bikes and took off down a trail which led to the island's popular coastal path, passing lovely forest on one side and wide open ocean views on the other. Bikes weren't allowed on the coastal trail because it can be rough in places, though we were told it wasn't enforced if we really wanted to ride. Steve and I liked the idea of hiking for some of our visit though. Looking at the map, we could see that the coastal trail met with another which led through the forest back to our bikes; at which point we could ride up and into the center of the island for a complete tour! A perfect plan!
Arriving at the trailhead for our coastal trail hike, we locked our bikes up and then turned to look out towards the ocean. It wasn't so much looking as it was gawking at the sight before us. A vast tidal flat lay before us, laden with mollusk-covered boulders, rocks and seaweed. Piles of driftwood in all sizes--from small chunks to 30-foot logs--rimmed the edge of the flats in a huge jumble. Countless shells were everywhere with larger mounds settled at the base of the driftwood. We don't remember seeing anything like this before and we were suitably impressed. Taking careful footsteps through the shells, we made our way out onto the huge rock plates that formed the base of the tidal flat. Our feet sunk deeply into the slippery layer of shell-based mixture and it occurred to me that I could spend hours here just examining handfuls of shells, driftwood, seaweed and pebbles.
It was nice to get out to the solid rock base where the walking was much easier. We were then stunned to see the boulders strewn everywhere, each covered by thousands of mollusks of various sizes--tiny snail-shaped periwinkles, tall, turban-shaped whelks, cone-shaped limpets, long, pointed augers and volcano-shaped barnacles a-plenty. Most were very small but there were lots of large mussels clinging together in masse too. Tiny crabs skittered about in little pools. Different varieties of seaweed lay about here and there, washed in from where they grew just off-shore. Overhead the gulls flew, calling back and forth to one another. There was a nice breeze out but not a strong wind and Steve and I had a great time wandering along, heads down and moving towards the ocean beyond.
Looking up from time to time, we couldn't help noticing an enormous container ship sitting far out on the water. Staring at the immense boat reminded me that Vancouver Island and the many smaller islands dotting the area are very important for transportation of cargo and to a lesser degree, fuel too. There's a good reason why. Due to the proximity to the mainland of Canada and Washington--as well as the closest port to Japan—Vancouver Island is the perfect area for ships along their world-wide routes. Appreciating the sight, I was able to get some good zoomed-in shots with my Sony and looked forward to identifying the ship when I got home.
The G2 Ocean Grouse Arrow
This is a shipping vessel that travels the world with its vast capacity for cargo. Researching information for this post, I learned that the Grouse Arrow is currently located off the Kuril Islands archipelago north of Japan and south of Russia. After we saw it in August, it travelled to China where it stopped at four ports of call including Shanghai! It's now on its way to Port Mellon, an area north of Vancouver Island known for being one of the world's biggest producers of wood pulping and paper. Isn't that fascinating?! I just love being able to discover information about these globe-trotting vessels!
The Mystery of the Hole-Covered Rocks
As Steve and I wandered around the tidal flats, we noticed holes bored into many of the rocks and boulders but I couldn't remember how they were formed. As it turns out, the holes in these deeply-etched stones are bored by a mollusk called a Piddock or "Angel Wing" (named for the similarity when a shell is opened up completely). I remember seeing zillions of oblong shells laying everywhere, but at the time I thought they were some sort of mussel. No, they were the shells from Piddocks. These industrious bivalves grind holes into rocks by latching on with their muscular foot and slowly turning the ends of their modified shells around and around to; in time they eventually create burrows which contain their entire length. AMAZING! Interestingly, the extremely strong shells, when exposed to air and heat, become so brittle that finding complete shells is uncommon. That's the truth—I spent some time looking for complete shells and it was quite a challenge, given the piles of fragments heaped up where the tides receded. Now that I know why it makes sense that I couldn't find them easily.
Today's Pictures
My main picture today features one of the lovely mollusk-covered rocks with the tidal flat stretching out to the ocean beyond. In the far distance you can see the cargo container, the G2 Ocean Grouse Arrow .
Insets include a pair of panoramas which show the amazing tidal flats and a marvelous row of mollusk-covered boulders. I've also included a close-up of the G2 Ocean Grouse Arrow along with pictures of one of the life-encrusted pools, an itty-bitty crab next to an open mussel shell with a tiny auger shell above it, a fun rock artwork and finally, a series of three pictures showing the rocks and boulders riddled with deep holes ground out by Piddock mollusks!
Pam, I know you love the sea. This was a place you would adore. A healthy tidal area overflowing with life to appreciate was so wonderful to explore and enjoy. The views from near and far, the smell of the salt-water air, ocean birds flying overhead, it was very magical in this healing place. I thought of you often as we ambled out to the sea's edge. I hope you like this show...it's just one of many! *BIG HUGS* from southern Oregon.
Explored on 1/30/20; highest placement #2.
Arriving at Newcastle Island (Saysutchun)! (+4 ins…
27 Jan 2020 |
(+4 insets) (this picture is super at full-size!)
Our visit to Newcastle Island-- Saysutshun --was really wonderful and I got lots of pictures which I've finally finished processing. I wanted to present them in a logical order so I'll be rolling them out in four more presentations including this one. :) I hope you enjoy the show!
Setting Foot on Saysutshun
The short ferry ride to Saysutshun was lovely and we enjoyed taking pictures as we approached the island's harbor. Many boats were moored outside the main cove and it was neat to see the variety of sizes and types.
Steve helped get the bikes off the ferry and we made our way up to the visitor's booth, where we were greeted by a very gentle and knowledgeable man and his big smile. Speaking in his soft voice, we were given a map of the island and suggestions on where we should go to make the most of our visit.
He told us about the spiritual power of this place and I did not doubt a word of what he was saying. I felt it vividly the moment we arrived. There was a very strong sense of spiritual energy that emanated from the island, something that was very surprising and wonderful to me. Although I'm not religious in the traditional sense, I consider myself to be very spiritual and in touch with the planet and its life forms. I could feel this energy strongly from the island itself but also from the man who was speaking to us. It was totally fascinating to me. Steve could feel that there was something a bit different going on but for me it was very strong. Cool. (If you'd like more information, this is a link to the island's culture and history page (click) .
Today's Pictures
My main picture shows the boats we saw moored outside and at the mouth of the island's harbor. Saysutshun offers moorage to visitors and residents and I can see why it's such a popular place for boaters to come and stay!
Insets include more pictures of the boats as well as an extremely wide, 360 degree panorama of the view from the visitor's kiosk. You can see my bike on one side near the kiosk and on the left, one of their wonderful totems which is set up at a meeting area complete with a host of benches. Finally, there is a picture of the lovely tribal artwork adorning the visitor's kiosk.
Rock Tumbling Update
After reevaluating the rocks over a week ago, I pushed most back to the first step but allowed others to go on to the second step, and yesterday I washed them all off and put them in a pan of water to appreciate how they were coming along.
WOWZERS!!! It was really wise to be more critical of every rock and its realistic progress because the difference in quality of tumbling was blatantly obvious! About 95% of the rocks in Step 2 looked AMAZING. Silky smooth and with very few divots or rough spots, I gave the green light to almost every one to head to Step 3--the Pre-polish stage! I'm so excited…they'll be heading to the final stage in another week, and just WAIT until you guys see these beauties, they are just GORGEOUS!!
The Step 1 rocks were also in great shape and though I had to hold back a large handful, I've placed all of the ones that are ready go to go Step 2 into a jar where they will sit until I get enough rocks that will fill a tumbler. In the meantime, I filled the second tumbler with all of the rocks that I decided to re-run as Step 1's and added a few new rocks to fill the tumbler. There are some seriously gorgeous rocks in that batch…heh…every batch…:D…and it will be such fun to share pictures of the polished beauties!
Pam, I hope all is well in your world! Feeling a bit better each day I hope! You've been on my mind as I gather rocks, I am sure you would love them all as much as I do! *BIG HUGS* from southern Oregon!
Explored on 1/27/20; highest placement #1.
Duncan, the City of Totems! (+13 insets)
29 Dec 2019 |
(+13 insets) (please scroll down for information about the insets!)
Trip Talk: Moving North to the Fabulous Hub Area of Nanaimo!
The second location of our Vancouver Island trip at Living Forest took us 50 miles (80km) north from our first site at Malahat Mountain. We'd been through Nanaimo during the motorcycle trip we'd been on some years before but only had an hour or two to visit. How excited we were to spend a whole week in the area! The Living Forest campground might not have been ideal but the location was fantastic and perfect for our upcoming adventures.
Duncan, the City of Totems!
The day after we arrived at Nanaimo, we headed off to Duncan, known for its seemingly countless totems erected in the heart of town. In fact, there is a walking tour, complete with green footsteps to show the way. I was a happy little kid with my camera as we made our way from totem to totem, stopping at each placard to read about each carved and painted statue.
The indigenous population is proud and thriving on Vancouver Island and wherever they can, local tribes call attention to their history and importance to the community. Duncan's totems are almost all located on the traditional lands of the Cowichan people (Quw'utson), the most populous group in British Columbia. The city began back in 1887, sharing space with the Cowichan tribes. Today both communities are so intertwined that all decisions are made together, taking care to respect everyone's wishes.
Each of the symbol-laden totems represent aspects of history, heritage and mythical legend; many are meant to represent a single house with its stories, passed down through the generations. Duncan began its collection of totems in 1985 and is one of the world's largest, currently at 44 as of 2018. It is meant to share this sacred tradition of the Cowichan people and is also a wonderful way to attract visitors.
Duncan's Shops Were Fun Too
As Steve and I wandered along the meandering trail of green footprints, we stopped here and there at various little shops, including "The Olive Station." Steve was initially excited because the name sounded like a tasting bar for olives--something that he adores. Instead, it was filled with an equally delightful bounty--countless kinds of flavor-infused olive oils and balsamic vinegars. (Be sure to click on the link above to see pictures of this cool store!) We spent nearly an hour there as we chatted with the owner and tasted the dizzying varieties. Although it was really hard to make final decisions, we left with two bottles of olive oil in White Truffle and Tuscan Herb and a Balsamic vinegar in Cara Cara Orange-Vanilla. These lovely gourmet treats are something we've savored for special salads and we only wish they were affordable so we could order them nonstop!
Not Just Totem Poles!
There were other wonderful artistic sights to discover too. Murals, bronzes, traditional-styled artwork and tattoo-like touches painted on walls were really fun to discover--even the graffiti was sometimes photo-worthy! Walking through a square, I noticed a striking Asian sculpture that immediately made me think of Confucius. What do you know? That's what it was, and this one had historical meaning, left on a tasteful plaque that I'm including:
Confucius Statue
This statue of Confucius was donated by the Wah Sing Chow Family. It is dedicated to the Chinese pioneers who, from the early 1890s, established a Chinatown in the heart of Duncan that stood here for nearly 70 years. The Chinese community continues to make a unique contribution to Duncan's heritage. Wah Sing Chow (b. 1898) arrived in Duncan in 1908. After graduating from high school he studied law and became a human rights activist. He advocated for Chinese immigrants to be treated equally and was a respected community leader until his death in 1962.
Cowichan Valley Museum
Although we don't generally visit museums, the charming building which housed the Cowichan Valley Museum basically sucked us inside, and what a treat it was! Nearly an hour we spent there, gob-smacked by the eyefuls everywhere we turned our heads. Historical items were placed on every available surface, adorning the walls and ceilings, the floors were covered with historical rugs, and there was even a room set up to show what an old store looked like so many years ago. And every single thing came with its own description of what it was. Truly mind-boggling, Steve and I would move a few steps and just stare, looking from one item to the next and appreciating everything. The sheer amount of time that went into the displays, the information provided, it just completely and utterly blew us away. When we finally left, we both agreed that this particular museum was one of the very best we've ever visited! (Please be sure to visit the link above to see some pictures of the museum so you get an idea of what we saw!)
Today's Pictures
I am posting a selection of totems that we saw, but have decided not to include the placard descriptions for every one because I think it's just too much. Instead, I've included text for the totems in the main image as insets placed on each totem. (If you are interested in knowing more about all of the totems, there is a complete listing on Duncan's Walking Tour of Totems )
In addition to the totem poles, I have included murals, graffiti and artwork we found around town.
Pam, I hope that you had a peaceful, joyful Christmas. You've been in my thoughts and I'm hoping for the best in the coming days for your procedure! *BIG HUGS from southern Oregon*
Explored on 12/30/19; highest placement #3.
East Sooke Regional Park, Part 3: Wild Coastal Bea…
12 Dec 2019 |
(+10 insets!) (view large for more fun details!)
ACK! Where Have I Been?!
My apologies for the absence and my lack of visits. I'm guilty of diving into an online game that I love, and it's swept me away with its extreme engagement. The game of RIFT allows me to do things I cannot do in real life and every once in a while I just gotta go be a magical being. I'm not "full" yet so I won't be around here very much until I'm satisfied. I'm going to do my best to post and visit but please forgive my lag in participation!
Today's Pictures
Today I'm posting the last set from our incredible hike at Eastern Sooke Regional Park. Places like this are why we love to travel. Our eyes were opened to the extreme beauty of Vancouver Island's southern coastline and we learned the difference between normal hiking trails in Canada vs. the US. Although this particular trail turned out to be the most extreme of the entire trip on the island, it made us aware that trails tend to be a bit tougher and wild, with assumptions that the hiker is naturally careful and fit enough to take on challenges along the way. Game on! We loved it so much!
My main picture shows another lovely coastal view, accented by Secretary Island in the distance. If you look on the beach in the lower left you'll see the enormous driftwood tree stump that I shared in my last set (I'll add the picture again as an inset).
Insets of our hike include: a neat panorama of the beach at the beginning of the hike which will give you a sense of the beauty of the area, a group of mushrooms I found, some atmospheric forest images, dried peapods with peas inside, and an oil tanker in the misty distance.
I'm also posting pictures of an old bus that was parked at the RV campground we were staying at. It was so old and decrepit that I couldn't resist immortalizing it! Of course I needed to find out more. First off, there are many people who have taken old busses and turned them into travel coaches. The front of this bus has a backwards sign reading "Re-Tyred" and I expect that it has seen a lot of country in its day. Digging further, I learned that this was one of the busses used in Canada's Greyhound fleet, made by Motor Coach Industries in 1950. I am so happy I took pictures because they turned out really well! :)
Finally, I'm including a picture of our Grey Wolf trailer and our truck, parked at our Malamat Mountain RV campsite. This location turned out to be perfect for us. Only about 30 minutes from Victoria, just minutes from Goldstream Provincial Park and about 45 minutes-hour from East Sooke Regional Park, it was a very nice hub to base our southern Vancouver Island adventures. The RV "resort" was a bit run-down but nice enough. Many people actually lived there full-time, something we noticed a lot of on our travels. There was a very homey quality to the place and our experience there was very nice.
Pam, what's the weather like for you right now? It's been raining cats and dogs on and off for the past few days. I'm glad because it's been an extremely dry fall and early winter and we really need to get the water table rebuilt. Is it dry where you live too? I sure do hope that you are feeling well and shoring up your energies for your upcoming procedure. I'm very happy to read that things are moving along…now you just need to set the appointment! *GREAT BIG HUGS from southern Oregon*
Explored on 12/13/19; highest placement #5.
East Sooke Regional Park, Part 2: Lovely Coast and…
08 Dec 2019 |
(+9 insets!) (Please scroll down to Today's Pictures for inset information)
Continuing with Our Vancouver Island Trip!
The drive out to East Sooke Regional Park on Vancouver Island was really beautiful and took us on twisting roads with lovely views of forest and coast. I'd seen pictures and read reviews--the Coast Trail was raved as a MUST NOT MISS hike, and so we went! They were right, and this walk turned out to be one of the most scenic coastal hikes we'd ever been on in our lives!
This lovely park features more than 50km amongst its dozens of trails that showcase Sooke's breathtaking forest and coastal scenery. The area was historically prized for its natural resources--logging, mining and fishing--but today you'd never know how important it was in this regard. Instead, this park is now a jewel for all who love the outdoors, with facilities for picnics and group outings as well as challenging remote trails which require a pickup if an entire hike is attempted.
We would very much love to go back to this area and spend a couple of weeks traversing its trails. The jaw-dropping beauty was astonishing and though we didn't get to see as much as we wanted to, our choice of the most popular Coastal Trail was perfect.
One of the things we weren't prepared for was how much climbing and scrambling we would be doing to follow the trail. In fact, there were many places where the only way we knew where to go was to search out the little yellow trail markers which pointed the way. It was a lot of fun though, and both of us are in fine shape for arduous treks and so we loved the adventure of occasionally needing to find our way!
Now, had the trail been straight and easy to negotiate, we might have been able to walk the extent of this amazing out-and-back hike, but it was not to be. It didn't help that we started later than we wanted to and took longer to get to the trail head than we expected. As we set out on the wide, straight walkway that made a beeline from the parking lot out to the trail head at the coast, we wished we'd had our bikes with us. The park, however, didn't allow them.
Once we got to the start of the Coast Trail, it soon became obvious why bikes were denied—at least on this trail. Almost immediately there were rocks and roots on the path and some very steep bits on an extremely narrow path. Then we found ourselves imitating billy goats as we crawled up and over huge, mountainous chunks of lichen and moss-covered rocks. I couldn't help myself from stopping to appreciate the colorful succulent, sedum, which clung in great clumps to crevices in the stone. How odd, I thought, to find this plant here, of all places! In any event, we were soon laughing hysterically at our desire to ride our bikes on this trail. Hah! Even the most masterful of mountain bike riders would not be able to negotiate some of the areas we traversed. Bike riding indeed!
And so in the end, we had to turn around much earlier on the trail than we'd hoped. However, as we usually do, we found a fine place for our lunch and sat with a beautiful view of the coast to look out on. We munched happily on our sausage, cheese, and fauxtato salad (incredible potato salad made with cauliflower) and talked blissfully about this amazing place we were so lucky to have the chance to visit.
Today's Pictures
My main picture is one of the amazing coastal views that we got to see along the trail. The cove that's dotted with floating bull kelp had us both picturing how wonderful it would be if we were scuba diving there, though it would certainly be very cold!
The insets I'm sharing show some of the cool finds we discovered along the way. It was such a treat to find a number of mushrooms and I was very happy that my Sony was able to take nice pictures that I could share! Other images include the wide, sun-dappled path out to the coast, lots of coastal views and forest highlights as well. ENJOY!
Pam, I know you love places like this and Steve and I mentioned you in our conversation as we sat eating our lunch. I don't think you would have appreciated the extremely strenuous nature of the hike though! It was sometimes such a treacherous climb that the little yellow trail signs—literally pounded into the rock face—showed a picture directing people to take turns one by one, so as to keep rocks from falling onto the person below! YIKES! Still, it was great fun and heck, we'd just pick you up and piggy-back you along for the ride! HAH! Ok, well, Steve would do that part but I'd take pictures! :D :D Hope this cold, rainy and misty day is treating you well in your neck of the woods! *BIG HUGS* from southern Oregon!
Explored on 12/09/19; highest placement #20.
East Sooke Regional Park, Part 1: Gorgeous Coastli…
08 Nov 2019 |
(+10 insets!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Pictures" for image information)
Trip Talk: A Much Heavier Trailer Means More Upgrades to the Truck
When you buy an RV that's built better, it weighs a LOT more. The RV industry has many tiers of build qualities because they want to have models available for every vehicle out there, whether it's wise or not. They are so focused on making money that they sacrifice safety, quality, and common sense to get customers. A large number of the trailers out there are marketed as being very light so that lower-end, less powerful vehicles can pull them. We learned the hard way what that really means: flimsy construction using materials that cannot handle the stresses of being on the road and the countless issues that come up along the way.
Our Forest River Cherokee Grey Wolf 26DBH only weighed about 6200 pounds when empty and had a maximum capacity of about 7800 pounds. That lightweight, shoddy construction translated into a trailer that crumpled with the stress of travel (isn't that what it's supposed to do--TRAVEL?).
In comparison, our new Keystone Avalanche 365MB is about 13000 pounds empty--more than TWICE the weight of the Grey Wolf!!--and a cargo capacity of 2500 pounds, which would be 15500 pounds if fully-loaded! Everything about this trailer is much more substantial and better made (Not saying we haven't found tons of janky workmanship as we've gotten to know it. However, unlike the Grey Wolf, there haven't been any missing screws, bolts, framing or lowest-tier options).
This being said, our new trailer is HEAVY! The good news is that our truck is easily powerful enough to pull it and got the trailer home just fine, and up our hill too. However, there are a couple of issues we weren't comfortable with. First of all, when the RV is hooked up to the hitch, the truck suspension is pushed down more than it should be--it's a weight-based stress that's called "squatting." Eventually this would ruin the suspension and makes for a rougher ride.
The solution for this was a suspension addition called truck air bags, which Steve installed one afternoon. They can be inflated to the desired pressure so when we're not hauling the RV Steve will deflate the pressure, and when we are towing the RV he can pump them up. You should have seen the beaming expression on Steve's face when he tested them out and saw that the truck no longer "squats" when the RV is hooked up! We were so happy. Steve also took the time to show me the affect the RV had on the truck when the airbags weren't installed. I could clearly see the place where the suspension was bottoming out. Not a good thing at all. So now our truck will have the proper suspension to handle our big trailer!
The other problem was much more serious: our brakes. Yes, the RV has its own brakes and they engage when the brakes in the truck are used. However, it's still not enough. We can't tell you how many stories we've read about people burning out their brakes on long hills, having accidents or near misses because their brakes couldn't handle the weight of the RV in an emergency. A normal combination of RV and truck brakes would be fine if you didn't factor in all of the hills and mountain passes. It's the long, continuous need for braking that causes the problems, but here too, there are solutions: compression release engine brakes or exhaust breaks.
If you've ever noticed the loud "machine gun/jackhammer-like" sound of a semi when it's going down a hill, you're hearing what's called "engine breaking." Instead of the normal method of slowing down a vehicle with friction or magnetic brakes, the compression and release of pressure of a running engine is used to slow the vehicle down.
Another version of this system is exhaust brakes. This type of engine braking is better for an engine and more effective. It works by closing off the exhaust path from the engine, creating backwards pressure which then slows the engine and thus, the speed of the vehicle.
I don't know about you but I never understood the whole deal about big-rig trucks and the methods used to slow them down. I knew that with a manual-shift car, you can downshift to slow your car down instead of/in conjunction with normal breaking. However, I didn't realize how important and effective engine breaking was for extremely heavy vehicles.
Steve's known that non-commercial trucks can have an engine brake installed but didn't need to consider it for our first trailer. However, the story changed once we got our new trailer. Thinking about the countless mountain passes we've gone over gave us the heebie-jeebies and it was obvious that if we hoped to travel around the country, we needed to make sure our truck was able to handle those hills without wearing out the brakes.
So, a couple of days ago we brought the truck to a shop that installs these brake systems and now we have the security of Pacbrakes ready for our next adventure. As pricey as such a system may be, we will actually save a lot of money over the long run because the normal brakes on both truck and trailer will last much longer, and the wear and tear of our truck will be better as well.
Today's Pictures
On the third day at our first "hub" of our Vancouver Island, located at the southern end, we went to a place called East Sooke Regional Park. Wild and rugged, there are 31 miles (50km) of trails to enjoy there. We decided to go on part of their Coastal Trail and it turned out to be one of the most incredible hikes we'd ever been on. This main picture shows a beach at the start of the coastal trail and gave us a clue on the level of beauty we'd be seeing. One aspect of that particular spot was a huge surprise. My phone, which was supposed to have zero Canadian cell coverage, had extremely fast internet there because the beach pointed directly at the northern edge of Washington in the United States! Once we left the area though, I lost the connection. It was really fun to have awesome coverage for that brief moment though! :)
Inset 1: The coastal views were spectacular and this panorama looked out on a breathtaking waterscape. Pay attention to that little islet. You'll see Secretary Island on display in seven pictures among my 3-part presentation of this remarkable place.
Inset 2: This little bridge crossed a tiny creek that emptied out at one of the many little beaches along the Coastal Trail. The thick, healthy forest you see was typical of all the trails along the ocean's edge and we were so happy to be surrounded by so much lush foliage.
Inset 3: The Coastal Trail couldn't follow the edge of the land at all times because of the rough and rocky terrain. Instead, it was more of a beautiful forest trail which popped out along the edge whenever possible. Here's another pretty scenic shot with Secretary Island accenting the view.
Inset 4: You can just make out the trail in the lower left in this forest image. Densely packed with a huge variety of plants, this was the usual terrain and it never got old!
Inset 5: There weren't a lot of boats in this area but this sporty fishing boat got my attention as it sped by.
Inset 6: At the half-way point in our hike we had lunch at this rock-strewn hillside spot which looked out over the ocean. I remember a tasty highlight which Steve came up with…you take a barbecue pork rind, spread liverwurst on it and top with a slice of hard sausage. DELICIOUS!! (Stop wrinkling your nose, pork rinds are AWESOME and 100% keto!) The yellow-jacket wasps in the area were very keen on our offerings too but after we smacked a few into oblivion the others gave up and left us in peace.
Inset 7: I was delighted to find fungus of various types along the trail. I think this is a type of bracket fungus and I just love the texture of the pores.
Inset 8: This group of mushrooms looks like they have decorative edging!
Inset 9: Imagine my excitement when I looked down and saw an ORCHID! I instantly thought of my good friend, Ron Hanko, who's dedicated a large chunk of his life to these beautiful flowers. This is the Elegant Piperia Orchid (Piperia elegans), a flower which can be found in Canada's British Columbia and south to central California and as far east as Montana.
Inset 10: Elegant Piperia is also known as Coast Piperia, Hillside Rein Orchid, and Hillside Bogorchid. The tall spikes are composed of many dozen tiny, tightly-packed blossoms which deserve a close-up to really show lovely they are.
Pam, were there pretty coastal hikes you used to frequent when you lived in England? I have certainly learned that England has a gamut of terrain types so I wouldn't be surprised if you used to walk on trails similar to this one. This hike was exactly what we'd been hoping to experience--and then some. The incredible beauty of this trail could not be properly captured In pictures but I did my best! Here's hoping all is well with you my dear! I have played around with the Circle demo you told me about and once I get one that really floats my boat, I'll post it for you! :)
Explored on 11/09/19; highest placement #1.
Victoria's Butterfly Gardens, Part 4: Even More Be…
02 Nov 2019 |
(+10 insets!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Pictures" for image information)
Trip Talk: Victoria Butterfly Gardens...The Show Continues!
Visiting a butterfly garden is something everyone should do if you have the chance. Have you ever done a Google Search to find out if there is a butterfly house nearby? You may find yourself surprised! In my case, by including "Near Me" along with "Butterfly House" I learned of a place just two hours away! It has butterflies during summer months, along with other attractions in the area for us to enjoy when visiting. What fun! It will be something to look forward to right in our own backyard!
Steve and I spent about an hour or two at the Butterfly Gardens and every time we walked around the enclosure we'd see many things we hadn't noticed the last time around. It's just so profusely planted and filled with animals to discover, it was wonderful.
Today's Pictures
My main picture today features a Red Postman butterfly, which can be found in Mexico, Central and parts of South America. It's named for the way it follows a daily route, just like a mail carrier! :) There are between 20-40 subspecies which often interbreed because of overlapping territories. The resulting hybrids are an interesting blend but are often sterile. If you'd like more information, I found a fascinating web page which has many pictures of these butterflies and includes their locations.
Inset 1: Check out this gorgeous Zebra Mosaic Butterfly! I am crazy about its pattern!
Inset 2: I got some very nice details on this otherwise unremarkable and unidentified brown butterfly. I cannot help myself from trying to figure out what species each butterfly is but it's often a lost cause. Did you know there are over 17,500 species around the world? It's no wonder I rarely find the exact species when I look!
Inset 3: There is a wonderful display at the Butterfly Gardens where their caterpillars are raised. This one was enormous and I enjoyed watching it move along the underside of a stem, munching leaves as it went. What a crazy shape and color…and if you can see, there's another small caterpillar at the top of the image too.
Inset 4: A lovely pair of butterflies feeding on a slice of grapefruit. The more visible butterfly is a Malachite--thank you Anne Eliot for the positive id!--but the other one? Nope, can't tell you what species it is, though I looked and looked! It's so hard to resist searching, even though it's usually hopeless! :D Let me know if you come up with something! :)
Inset 5: There was a pair of macaws to admire, a Blue-and-Gold and this one, the magnificent Green-Wing. Are you surprised I didn't say it was a Scarlet Macaw? I have a link here, which shows a picture of a Blue-and-Gold, a Scarlet and a Green-Wing Macaw so you can see the difference!
Inset 6: These Guzmania Bromeliad flowers got my attention where they bloomed next to the main path in the Butterfly Gardens. I had some fun changing the path's color to something more attractive!
Inset 7: A trio of Blue Sky Vine flowers that hung down from where they were growing on some tropical trees. These beauties are officially called Thunbergia grandiflora and part of a group of about 100 species. These plants are fast-growing and if the conditions are good, will establish themselves easily, often becoming invasive.
Inset 8: Imagine my delight when I found an area of a pond that was covered with lily pads and flowers! They are one of my favorite water plants and I think this one is an Egyptian Lotus.
Inset 9: This Blue Sky Vine tendril turned and began twining up itself, creating a natural green hangman's noose! In the background you can see a group of flowers in bokeh. :)
Inset 10: The textures of this leaf were too much for me to resist! Sadly I didn't get any crisp pictures of the entire leaf but I believe it was from a Canna Lily plant.
Pam, I'm not at all surprised to learn that you've gotten pictures of 53 species where you live, but WOW!!! That's just amazing to me!! I don't dare count the species I've captured but it's probably only about 20 or so I reckon. I'd hoped to find more butterflies this season while we traveled around but unfortunately there weren't many opportunities where I could just chill out and wait for butterflies to visit. We're hoping that our future travels will include much longer stays here and there so I can correct this extreme frustration. Truly, I was pretty unhappy that we couldn't just BE more often because we felt we needed to maximize on each location. I had visions of sitting by a moist place where butterflies gathered for minerals and water and spending an hour just taking pictures. Or finding an area full of flowers which had bunches of butterflies to capture images of. However, I did get a few pictures which made me really happy! We'll accommodate for Being In the Moment as we work out the kinks of our travels! :) Oh--and it sounds like we're both experiencing the same chilly mornings! *BIG HUGS from southern Oregon* :)
Explored on 11/03/19; highest placement #4.
Victoria's Butterfly Gardens, Part 1: Insectarium…
28 Oct 2019 |
(+10 insets!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Pictures" for image information)
Trip Talk: Victoria Butterfly Garden's Mind-Blowing Insectarium
If you can believe it, the next five sets of pictures I'll be showcasing from our Vancouver Island trip are also from Victoria! You may be wondering if we ever left the city after the zillions of pictures I've been sharing from this lovely city and its amenities. Trust me, we did. But I cannot leave this place until I've shown just a bit more!
As you know, Steve and I spent the day staggering drunkenly around Butchart Gardens as we did our best to capture the beauty that overwhelmed us everywhere we looked. What you may not know is that we weren't actually there all day. We took a break!
Mid-day we left the park and had a picnic lunch at the Mediterranean Garden, situated next to Butchart's vast parking lot. Then we hopped into the truck and drove about 10 minutes to the other attraction of the day…the Victoria Butterfly Gardens!
I've been to a captive butterfly exhibit once before when Steve and I visited one at the local county fair. The experience surprised me and left me feeling totally delighted because it was so much better than I ever expected. (Here is a link if you'd like to see pictures from my visit to Butterfly Adventures ) Knowing that a temporary butterfly exhibit could be such fun, I was sure that Steve and I were going to have an incredible time at a year-round establishment…and I couldn't wait!!
Entering the building, the warm, humid air threatened to fog up my glasses and I began to wiggle with excitement. We were greeted warmly as we paid our entry fee and soon pulled open a glass door to slip into their new exhibit, the Insectarium.
Do you know what a leaf-cutter ant is? Steve and I were lucky enough to see them when we went to Costa Rica many years ago and I remember how transfixed we were while we watched them carrying bits of leaves along a trail that went on and on, disappearing into the forest and out of sight.
The second I stepped inside the Insectarium I was faced with what reminded me of the world's biggest ant farm! Measuring about six-feet tall and long, it was about two feet wide and made of clear glass. Inside was a colony of leafcutter ants and they were busy! A steady stream was carrying large pieces of leaves along a branch and eventually into their nest which we had a view of as well. I was totally transfixed by the show and did my best to take pictures but the lighting was dim and I was using my older Canon 5D Mark II so the results were mostly garbage (This otherwise incredible camera isn't fantastic in low-light situations if you want to do macro...too much grain!). I did manage to get one picture to share so you get an idea of what we saw. I could have watched for an hour but there were other exhibits to see and Steve was finally successful at peeling me away from the ants.
Only to find the next display full of the largest stick bugs I'd ever seen! They were so cool as they stood motionless and nearly invisible with their exceptional camouflage. What fun to see them up close. Steve pointed out a baby one so small it was climbing on the leg of one that was more than 10x its size! Sadly my pictures didn't turn out but maybe Steve's pictures did, in which case I'll post one at some point down the road. Suffice to say, it was really cute!
The insectarium had metallic-colored insects too, which seemed made of plastic they were so bright and shiny! There were all sorts of other insects, arachnids and other creepy-crawlies to see as well. I took lots of pictures with the hopes that at least a few would come out and that was a good idea. Most were garbage but I did get a few to share today!
Today's Pictures
Today's main picture was taken shortly after Steve and I entered the enormous butterfly exhibit. I'll tell you more about that wondrous place in my next post but for now just trust me when I say that it was incredible! :) The butterfly I captured was sitting on a leaf near the entrance and I was so happy to discover the picture turned out so well. I don't know what species it is though…if you've got a name for me I would love it!
Inset 1: This is a Malaysian Wood Nymph stick insect! (Thank you, Maeluk, for positive identification of this insect!) Looking through all of my Insectarium pictures, I was delighted to find this one with its shallow dof and cool bokeh. Just enough focus to work, hooray!
Inset 2: This was the only leafcutter ant picture that came out well enough to share…the depth of field is just a bit too shallow, what a shame! You can see its impressive spines though, how cool is that? These ants are found in Central and South America and to my utter surprise, as far north as Texas, Arizona, western Louisiana and southern California! Interestingly, the high altitude of New Mexico does not support this normally tropics-based ant.
Inset 3: A pair of amorous metallic-green beetles of unknown species. I spent some time trying to identify these two but I had no luck. If I'd been clever, I'd have taken a picture of the signs on the insect displays but it didn't even cross my mind! Boo!
Inset 4: This is a praying mantis that looks a lot like a stick bug! I'm not sure what species It is, maybe a Ghost Mantis but I don't know…the head's not right for that one.
Inset 5: When Steve and I entered the butterfly exhibit, we saw a building that was brimming with dozens of developing cocoons in all stages. Butterflies were in the process of hatching, drying their wings and crawling around the enclosure. The facility has as many as 70 species on display and unfortunately they didn't have identification of many butterflies I got pictures of.
Inset 6: This is a close-up of some of the cocoons that were developing…aren't they cool?!
Inset 7: This is a view of one of the butterfly feeding stations. They placed sliced fruit of many kinds on a table and the butterflies were ravenous for the offerings!
Inset 8: I wish I'd thought to have Steve stand next to these leaves so you could see how ginormous they are. The larger of the two was probably as tall as I am (5'4" or 64")!! I knew they grew very large in the wild but I don't remember ever seeing plants like this grown in an exhibit!
Inset 9: These are Golden Trumpet Vine blossoms which grew on a huge vining bush!
Inset 10: A dainty purple blossom of the bromeliad, "Neoregelia carolinae ‘Tricolor’"
Pam, I don't know what your feelings are about insects other than those that land on flowers but I am going to bet that you'd go hoggggggggg-wild over the Insectarium exhibit that Steve and I saw at the Butterfly Gardens. It was hilarious to listen to other folks coming through. They simply could not keep their voices down because they were all so blown away at everything they saw. It made me giggle, but at the same time, I was busy oohing and ahhing myself! Talk about being transformed into a little kid, that place was incredible! Here's hoping that you're feeling a little better today…*BIG WARM HUGS*
Explored on 10/28/19; highest placement #6.
Victoria's Butchart Gardens, Part 1: The Sunken Ga…
29 Sep 2019 |
(+10 insets) (bigger is better for lovely details!)
Trip Talk: Marvelous Butchart Gardens
When I began to figure out the itinerary of our trip to Vancouver Island, there was one place we were definitely going to visit: Butchart Gardens in Victoria. Listed as one of the top 10 gardens in the world, this 55-acre horticultural masterpiece simply cannot be missed--especially for a person like me who's crazy about macro and flower photography! When I visited their website, the beauty and opulence of the grounds had me so excited that I could barely wait!
Another reason we wanted to go was memorial in nature. Steve has often told me how much his mother loved Butchart Gardens. Although we could only take her there in our thoughts and hearts, we would dedicate the day to her. I wished I'd gotten to meet Steve's mom, but it felt nice to know we could go to a place that she loved so dearly.
We hoped to avoid a weekend visit but ended up going on a dreaded Saturday. And as predicted, it was totally swamped with thousands of people. However, we were pleasantly surprised to discover that everything about Butchart was set up for huge volumes of people. From their uniquely organized parking lot to masterfully designed paths winding through the gardens, this place handled the enormous crowds easily with plenty of room for everyone!
When we arrived, we were directed by a team of helpful attendants to our spot in the vast parking lot. Before walking to the entrance, we used a parking app that saves your location so you can find your way back to your car. We didn't need to bother. Butchart actually has every aisle of parking marked with an enormous brightly colored banner with an animal and a number to make it really easy to remember where your car is. We'd never seen this before and thought it was totally brilliant. (There's nothing like leaving a venue of some sort and realizing that you have absolutely ZERO idea where your car is in the literal acres of cars laughing at you…Steve has a story of wandering around a football stadium parking lot for HOURS before finally discovering where he'd parked the car.)
There is nothing about this park which isn't beautifully manicured, elegantly designed, or perfectly landscaped. Both of us were totally blown away from the second we entered the parking lot…and by the time we arrived at the ticket booth we realized that Butchart Gardens was going to be even more incredible than we'd imagined. It turned out to be a totally mind-blowing experience and I would end up taking over 1,000 pictures during our visit!
To be honest, I've been working on this folder for days and STILL I haven't taken a close look at most of the pictures! I recognize that I simply won't be able to process all of the "winners" that I captured that day. However, I'll have at least five presentations to share from our day at Butchart Gardens and hopefully you'll get a sense of this incredible place.
Today's Pictures
My main image is the classic, iconic display of Butchart's most dazzling gem and the heart from which this Eden sprang--The Sunken Garden. If you can believe it, this place was once a limestone quarry! Robert and Jennie Butchart built a cement plant here in 1904, but as the quarry was exhausted, Jennie envisioned a garden to take the quarry's place. Dirt was carried in by horse and wagon for literally YEARS in order to create this lovely place. As decades passed, more and more landscaping was lovingly nestled into the sprawling 55 acres. Eventually the entire estate was turned into different sections which include, among others, the wondrous Japanese, Italian, and Rose Gardens. It is a wonder, just standing there and looking down into that garden. But of course we did more than just look from afar. After all…I had my macro lens with me, heh.
Inset 1: Gorgeous Lantana blossoms opening up in lemon and magenta…how incredible these flowers are!
Inset 2: Be still my heart, it's Candy-Striped Gazania, *SQUEEEEE*!!!! Too beautiful for words!!
Inset 3: This periwinkle blue Clematis stretches elegantly up to the heavens. I'm crazy about vining flowers and some day I would like to have an assortment of these huge favorites of mine!
Inset 4: I noticed a large, unassuming succulent growing below a huge flowering bush and the flash of what looked like glowing tendrils immediately caught my eye. Upon a closer inspection I could see that these weren't tendrils at all, but a sort of fraying at the edge of the sturdy leaves. I love finding gems like this, it makes me feel like I won a prize! :D
Inset 5: Glowing leaves are magnetic to me and these enormous and colorful canna leaves always blow my mind when I see them. Absolutely breathtaking. I cannot resist taking picture upon picture of these amazing plants! (more pictures coming in other presentations!)
Inset 6: Everywhere you looked there were planters filled with collections of flowers paired with lovely foliage plants, and these rainbow coleus leaves were as pretty as the flowers they were accenting! I couldn't resist having some fun with them and I used a filter which intensified the colors and created a psychedelic glowing blacklight effect. (I have another version of this which shows the normal beauty of this plant but will have it in another presentation.)
Inset 7: This ridiculously colorful gold and wine-colored rudbeckia stood by itself in front a wall of short, orange marigolds and screamed for attention, which I gladly gave. After I'd taken pictures and moved on a bit, I heard Steve yell, "OMG Janet, did you see this flower?!! It's incredible!" I looked over and grinned happily, as Steve was now falling all over himself to take pictures of the floral diva! :)
Inset 8: After several hours stumbling in flower-filled ecstasy, Steve and I left the main part of the park and walked out to the parking lot to have our lunch. This grand display, just 100 feet from our parked truck, was the Mediterranean Garden, surrounded by a perfectly manicured lawn. How would you like to lay out a picnic blanket, spread out lunch and enjoy this sight as you nibbled goodies?! That's just what we did!
Inset 9: As we brought our lunch into the Mediterranean Garden, we found a bunny enjoying the grass and we were delighted to see it hopping around while we arranged our lunch. There were many bun-buns in the Butchart Gardens and they weren't scared of people so they didn't instantly disappear and we could enjoy their cuteness!
Inset 10: Throughout the park were many sculptures and tasteful artwork. I really liked this piece but its setting made the birds' pretty details hard to appreciate. So I challenged myself to see if I could create a pretty collage which made the sculpture stand out. I hope I succeeded!! :)
Pam, Pam, Pam…how you would love this place. There aren't words grand enough to describe how incredible and vast this garden is. Think about it: 55 acres, totally covered with ornate landscaping! I've got loads of pictures and they might give you a clue but you have to experience this place to understand it! Just as I thought about Steve's mom as we walked around this stupendous place, I also thought about you. *BIG HUGS*
Explored on 9/29/19; highest placement #1.
A Day Walking in Victoria, Part 3--Water Taxis, Ho…
22 Sep 2019 |
(+ 7 insets) (best at full size!)
Trip Talk: Where Would YOU Most Like to Travel?
I wonder if you are like me…if asked that question, I simply can't answer with a single destination. How do you prioritize a favorite place to go when the world is simply bursting with incredible locations! Maybe that's an easy question for some of you but I am very interested in so many things that it's really hard to say. So basically, when Steve tossed "Vancouver Island" into the air as a place we should visit in our RV, I immediately said, "LET'S GO!" :)
Vancouver Island is such a cool place because it has basically everything I love! Unspoiled nature and wilderness, quaint little towns, fun touristy places, a deep history of indigenous people and also of explorers and settlers. There are simply endless activities to be involved in--basically you name it and you'll be able to find it somewhere on the island! I'm not kidding…think about something you're interested in--I bet it's available!
Our walking adventure in Victoria really couldn't have been nicer. The biggest requirement was that we didn't make any hard-fast plans--except for making sure we visited a few places that couldn't be missed. Then we just started to stroll.
I didn't get any pictures of the lovely street fair we stumbled upon but we really enjoyed visiting and chatting with the many talented artists there.
Walking along the harbor, we found ourselves wandering into Victoria's Fisherman's Wharf. There we discovered another surprise! Along with being a traditional place to dock fishing vessels and sell the catch of the day, this place is also home to dozens of adorable house boats! I'd seen pictures and read about the boats but I wasn't prepared for just exactly how fun it would be to see them in person!
Steve and I strolled up and down the docks and enjoyed looking at the quirky, unique, and colorful houses. Both of us agreed that it would be really fun to sleep overnight in one of these homes but thinking about living in a place like this had us shaking our heads…how would you like to live in a place where thousands of tourists are peering into your windows every day? NOPE! But it sure was fun to visit!
There was also a regular stream of darling water taxis which picked up and dropped off passengers. We simply couldn't get enough of these little boats and their fun paint jobs. The green taxis were cute but the ones we were crazy about were the yellow ones with the black and white checks! We wanted to OWN one of them! :D
Today's Pictures
Taking the main picture today was one of those instances where you say, "Quick! Raise your camera, it's perfect!" I'm glad my reaction was fast enough because I got a great angle of a water taxi (and a view of one coming up behind it!) and also a few house boats and their reflections. Lucky me!! How could I resist making this my Picture of the Day?! :D (To be honest, I would have loved to pick most of the insets as main spotlights but I could only choose one! *cry*)
Inset 1: This was perfect to turn into a selective color image because otherwise the picture was too busy. I was so happy with the way it turned out that I wish I could have made it my main shot!
Inset 2: The green water taxis were really cute too but they really couldn't compare to the yellow ones with checks! Having to ride in a green one would be like going on a carousel and being forced to ride a stationary animal instead of the ones that goes up and down!
Inset 3: Would you just LOOK at all of those fabulous boats?! WOW! So pretty!
Inset 4: Another boat picture complete with more reflections!
Inset 5: This serious fishing boat made me think of the Orca II from Jaws…though these two boats are completely different.
Inset 6: This was our first view of the house boats at the wharf…aren't they amazing to see?!
Inset 7: I took a picture of this crazy character while Steve and I were visiting the house boats. At the time I didn't realize that there were three others hidden around the area which represented the other Winds. After I got home and looked at my pictures, I noticed this artwork and saw there was a group of pictures under it which showed what the other Winds looked like, along with descriptions of each Wind:
The Four Winds: They represent the main four winds and weather conditions around Vancouver Island
South West Wind (Pineapple Express): This wind originates from an "atmospheric river" which affects the West Coast of North America. It is a strong and persistent flow of atmospheric moisture and is associated with heavy precipitation from the waters adjacent to the Hawaiin Islands. Atmospheric rivers are typically several thousand kilometers long and only a few hundred kilometers wide, and a single one can carry a greater flux of water than the Earth's largest river, the Amazon. (Artist: lvise Dogloni Major)
North West Wind: This wind is considered to be the more violent and dangerous than the rest. It brings frigid air from the continent, which moves over the coastal inlets and fjords. In the fall, it becomes a dense fog, espeically in the inside passage between Vancouver Island and the Mainland. This wind brings fog, that's why he's blowing a horn.
North East Wind (Squamish): This most well-know arctic outbreak wind on the British Columbia coast. It bursts out of Howe Sound, past Bowen Island and onto the Strait of Georgia. Locals named it the Squamish after the small town that lies at the head of the sound's inlet. Common conditions associated with arctic outbreaks include gale or storm force winds, moderat to heavy snowfalls and squalls, and, over the waters, severe icing, high waves, rough seas and poor visibility. This wind brings cold weather and fog, that's why he's wearing a fur hat and holding a lantern.
South East Gale: Can cause very high seas and severely affect boats.
Pam, would you like to live on one of these house boats? They are so darn cute and full of character. I think it would be really fun for a while...but I like my peace and quiet so I think it would get really old after a while. Plus...the wharf smells as it should: like FISH...so *wrinkles nose* ... I wouldn't want to be there for too long! Love to eat the fishy. Don't love to smell the fishy! :D
It's raining here today...hopefully you are having nicer weather! *BIG HUGS from southern Oregon!
Explored on 9/22/19; highest placement #1.
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