Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: shy

Funnel Spiders...Wolf Spiders?

04 Sep 2013 20 7 1156
4 more picture above in notes! (the last two were taken a while back. They are much better quality than the ones I took today, and worth looking at! :) This morning I was walking around in our smaller meadow and the sun was making all the webs from the funnel spiders glow and shimmer. I have never been successful taking interesting pictures of their webs...they look incredible with the sun lighting them up, but pictures cannot capture this--or to be more accurate, I have not learned how to take a good picture of them. However, I did have a lot of fun creeping over to the webs to see if I could take pictures of the spiders! They are very shy and reclusive, and if they sense anything nearby, they will disappear down their hole instantly. Today I got pictures of THREE different spiders!! They're not fantastic in quality but they are very interesting to look at, I think, so I've included the other two images as insets for you to see, and also two very nice pictures I got a while back which are extremely clear!