Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: boxer

Zoey in the Snow

Reunited! (I wish this was my 365 pick!)

04 Feb 2013 12 5 586
About a month ago, Zoe took her favorite tennis ball on our walk, but at one point she dropped it at the edge of our frozen pond, where it rolled out onto the ice. Oh, that was a very sad panda!! I kept an eye on the ball, and yesterday I finally found it bobbing at the edge of the pond. I called Zoe over and when she saw her ball, she got very excited and cautiously scooped it up. Suddenly, all was right with the world again!! We went up to the house and I got my camera and spent the next 10 minutes tossing it for her to chase and fetch while I clicked away! I had such fun taking these pictures, I kept looking to see if I got anything good and couldn't stop laughing! This set of pictures is my very best pet portraiture to date in my opinion because I think I've totally nailed Zoe's personality!

Zoe & Moosie

29 Aug 2012 2 253
This is our extremely silly Boxer, Zoe, with Moosie using her rump for a pillow! She is the most hyperactive dog I've ever met, but the's also incredibly affectionate and sweet, and is a total clown. She loves to play and would be happy if she could run at full speed all day long! Steve was at the nearby hardware store a few years ago when he called to tell me there was a litter of Boxer puppies there and we simply must have one, so he brought me back to see them and the smallest puppy was who I fell in love with. Zoe is still a bit small but she only recently stopped growing! We don't know anything about her parents except that they are purebred, and we were happy they only cropped her tail and left her ears alone! The Boxer was bred in Germany in the late 1800's as a military dog, where it was used for guarding, attacking, delivering messages, and as a pack dog. Today, it's known as a wonderful companion, family and guard dog, and is often seen in agility, obedience and flyball events.