Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: fuzzy

214/366: Crazy Hair Day

04 Aug 2016 27 10 794
Would you just LOOK at the crazy hair on this Pasque flower that's gone to seed? We are talkin' outa' control, takin' the frizz level to MAXIMUM! On the same estate as yesterday's picture, I found a patch of this goofy "grass" and spent the next while trying to capture the glory of all this frizz. This picture makes me very happy because it shows the marvelous feather-like detail and this-way-and-that mini stems, and then you also get to see the blur of a few others beyond. I would like to extend a big THANK YOU to Karen Forsyth over on Facebook for letting me know that this isn't actually a crazy grass but instead, a Pasque flower that's gone to seed! I had no idea! :D

119/366: Touch Me!

01 May 2016 13 7 660
When I visited my friend Elaine's garden a few years ago, I was delighted to find both flowers and decorative plants to photograph. When I found this Sage plant, I was immediately taken by its beautifully fuzzy leaves and two-toned color. I experimented to try to get an interesting image and found success in a very shallow focus on the front leaves. What surprised me was the wonderful bokeh the fuzz provided! I feel a very strong urge to pet the leaves, and am so disappointed that my computer monitor isn't soft and fuzzy! :D Thanks Pam, for letting me know this is Sage! :) I asked Elaine and she confirmed it: SAGE! :D

1-10 Project: 2 Pumpkin Flowers

05 Aug 2014 72 31 1997
If you would like to see how my pumpkin patch is doing, here's my latest blog! Part 11: Dreams of a Big Flower Garden: Pumpkin Patch Update! I meant to post my picture yesterday but my internet was out all weekend and we didn't get service back until yesterday morning. By the time we had internet again I was full to the gills with other things I needed to do, so I decided to post my picture today! There are four others doing this project with me, and if you'd like to jump in, we'd love to have you! You can catch up when you can! :) 1-10 Project Buddies Chrissy Valfal (Valerie) Jenny McIntyre Rachel Explored on August 6, 2014. Highest placement, #5.

Fuzzy Fly Doing the Superman!

20 Aug 2013 6 3 530
Here's the fly buzzing from one flower to another, I love how his back legs are flung out behind him and his front legs are more out in front, like he's doing the Superman! :D

Fuzzy Fly Landing on Star Thistle

20 Aug 2013 31 11 1159
I totally deserve awards for getting non-blurry pictures of this fly! Honestly, this small fly was all over the map! It was flitting from one blossom to the next, swooping in, hovering for a nano-second, and swooping out, and then it would do it again many times at the same flower and then move around to another flower. I thought it would be a very silly challenge, so of course I had to try!

Love is in the Air: Mating Fuzzy Flies

30 Jul 2013 14 11 1026
I went down to check on the baby caterpillars today and at the top of the bush I found this pair of mating flies! AMAZING! Can you believe my luck? Mating insects two days in a row!!!

Royal Weed Dressed for the Opera!

23 Feb 2012 236
[best appreciated at full size against black] I found this dried up dandilion (or similar type flower) down by our front gate and loved its fuzzy, fashionable appearance! To me, it looks like it has very fancy hair, fluffy fur shoulders, a stylish 18th century ruffle around its neck, and has its "hand" posed on its hip as if to say, "Yes, I AM that cool! And now, I am ready for a night on the town"! :D This image was taken in February, 2012.

Bird's Nest? No! Weed Nest! :D

13 Mar 2012 291
[best appreciated at full size against black] Sometimes, a dried up weed can be the coolest thing ever!! I found this along our road and immediatly pounced on it! "Little weed, you may be dead, but you look MAHVELOUS!! Now hold still while I take your picture!" As I set up my shot, it occurred to me that this looks a whole lot like a bird's nest on its side! Neato! :) I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) NOTE! If you're a new visitor, I hope you'll take a look at my profile to find out a little more about me and how important all of you are to my experience here on Flickr! www.flickr.com/people/sfhipchick/ This image was taken in January, 2012.

Fuzzy Flower: The 105th Flower of Spring & Summer!

27 Jul 2012 297
This is another really weird flower that grows on our property. They grow only about 4-6" tall and the flowers are only about 1/3" in diameter. When I first saw thema couple of years ago, I kept waiting for the flower to open up...but I finally realized that they ARE open! The buds are round and fuzzy, and open up to reveal these odd, fuzzy faces! I've never seen anything like them, and no amount of searching around on the web has helped me to discover more about them. They grow all over our hillside and our lower forest as well. If you happen to know what they are, please tell me! :D