Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: boy

Mohawk Boy Holding Up Pumpkin

Monster Pumpkin Boy

28 Oct 2011 252
We had a lot of fun taking pictures of kids carrying pumpkins, especially the really heavy ones. Brings back memories: "Janet, you can have ANY pumpkin in this patch, but you must be able to carry it all the way to the car!" My pumpkin would start out HUGE but as I made my way closer to the car...well...I'd exchange it for one a little bit smaller...and after another hundred feet, gee, that (smaller} pumpkin there is just the right size and it's not so heavy! LOL...when I finally got my pumpkin to the car, it was always about half the size of the one I started out with!! This image was taken at Seven Oaks Farm in Central Point, Oregon on October 22, 2011.

Mr. Cutie Pie

28 Oct 2011 217
This absolutely adorable little guy has one of the very best smiles I've ever seen in my life! What a little doll! My favorite portrait of our photo shoot! This image was taken at Seven Oaks Farm in Central Point, Oregon on October 22, 2011.

Boy in Pumpkin Cut-Out

29 Oct 2011 196
What a beautiful smile on this boy's face! He was very happy to let me take his picture while his parents stood by! This image was taken at Seven Oaks Farm in Central Point, Oregon on October 22, 2011.

This is MY Pumpkin!!!!

30 Oct 2011 167
This little guy was extremely proud of his fabulous find!! :D This image was taken at Seven Oaks Farm, in Central Point, Oregon.

The Pumkinator

30 Oct 2011 181
This image was taken at Seven Oaks Farm, in Central Point, Oregon.

Boy in Pumpkin Face

30 Oct 2011 1 237
(for those of you who are interested in seeing my "Pumpkin Patch Time!" images, I have uploaded 10 pictures in this batch [20 befor with more to come in the next few days]. I also have a new "Autumn Show" set, which contains 26 images and counting...) Thanks everyone for your comments and your visits to my photostream! I hope you enjoy the show!) (Oh, and yes, I know there are really too many pictures to be uploading at one time but I have too many images I want to put into my Flickr stream so it just can't be helped!) Ok. Look at this cutie pie. He sits there, peering through the Hole of Doom. His mom implored to him, "SMILE! POKE YOUR HEAD THROUGH!!!!" But this boy...he would have nothing to do with it. He wanted to showcase his arms and fingers. Mom yelled. He disappeared below the hole. Mom yelled louder. Finally, look what appeared!!!!! YAYYY!!! How do you spell adorable?!! This image was taken at Seven Oaks Farm, in Central Point, Oregon.

I Love My Chicken

23 Aug 2011 1 194
This darling boy raised this chicken and it won first place! His mom was taking a picture and he let us take his picture too! This image was taken at the Josephine County Fair on August 20, 2011.