Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: high cascade emu ranch

Adorable Emu Chick

06 Jul 2012 1 309
This will be my last entry for now of my visit to the High Cascade Emu Ranch ! I couldn't resist sharing one more chick picture! Also, below are two more images: one of them is a ceramic tile painted by my friend Nancy Magruder , which she presented to one of the owners of the emu ranch. The other image shows some of the major products sold from emus... Do you know about emu oil? Emus have a pad of fat on their back which is very unusual and has some pretty amazing healing properties. It helps tendonitis, arthritis, muscle aches and pains. It may be expensive but a little bit goes a long way, and it has the ability to penetrate deep into your skin and muscles, temporarily dulling or completely removing pain. It's amazing stuff and it works wonders for me and Steve. Emu oil has been used by Aborigines as a traditional medicine to treat fevers, coughs, minor pain, arthritic joints, bruises, cuts and sores. However, emu oil is also one of those things that many think is a hoax. The FDA has not given emu oil approval and granted, there are a lot of companies out there who make ridiculous promises about the use of emu oil. What I CAN tell you is that for years, Steve and I have been using emu oil for muscle and tendon soreness and it DOES work. We have used products from High Cascade Emu Ranch and also the product "Blue Stop." It does need to be reapplied after several hours but it works incredibly well.

Hatching Emu Ceramic Tile by Nancy MacGrueder

Say Cheese!

05 Jul 2012 277
(2 other images in notes above) Talk about up close and personal! When Steve and I went to the High Cascades Emu Ranch in May, we didn't know we'd get the chance to be inside their enclosures with them! Although emus do have the potential to kick and bite, they are normally very gentle and we were allowed to be inside their corrals to take as many pictures as we wanted. Here are several images of Steve taking pictures of the very inquisitive emus!

High Cascade Emu Egg Art

Aboriginal Emu Egg Art

04 Jul 2012 290
(3 note enlargements above) A couple of days ago, I posted some pictures of etched and painted emu eggs , but this one was special enough that I wanted to dedicate a separate entry. From what I remember, this lovely egg was bought at a London auction by a friend of the family who run the High Cascade Emu Ranch. It appears to be very old, but after looking at this style of carved emu egg done in the Aboriginal style, it might be a recent artwork, created to look old. What I do know is that it's just beautiful! The carving is fantastic, and the stand is intricate and lovely with wonderful details all over. Below are three more pictures to give you a better look! ENJOY! :) (Please note: this egg and its stand were in a glass display, which accounts for the odd reflections in the top photo. I turned each photo into a selective color piece in order to highlight each subject.)

Emu Egg Art

02 Jul 2012 354
Emu eggs are wonderful for art projects! A Dremel tool can be used to make a hole to get the yolk and white out, and then you have a very strong egg to be creative with! Eggs are usually painted or carved. Emu eggs have a dark green outer shell, a teal green middle layer, and a pure white bottom layer, which allow artistts to etch pieces with wonderful depth. Below are two more emu eggs that were on display at the High Cascade Emu Ranch, but if you'd like to see more, here's a YouTube video of Michael Wilcoxen's lovely etched eggs and Farha's Gallery features stunning sculptures and jeweled pieces created with emu eggs! Outback Bushart and Craft is an Australian artist who does exceptional Aboriginal-inspired pieces! If that's not enough for you, just do a search on Google and enjoy the show! :)

A Real Dinosaur!!! Wait, That's an EMU!

10 Jun 2012 2 2 608
Take one good look at this amazing bird's face and you'll agree: it looks undeniably like its ancestors, the dinosaurs! It's even got a serrated beak! In fact, Emus and other ratites species like Ostriches are responsible for helping scientists understand how dinosaurs move upright, and are also used as the models for cgi dinosaurs in movies and documentaries. Steve and I got to go to an Emu farm here in southern Oregon with our photography group and were given a tour of the facilities. I took lots and lots of pictures including eggs, chicks, juveniles, detail shots, and other things like emu egg artwork, emu oil products, and many other really neat pictures. I'll be showing them in the next few weeks and filling you in on more details about these super cool birds! A big thank you to Kay at the High Cascade Emu Ranch for allowing all of us to spend the day taking pictures of their wonderful birds and facilities! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on June 9, 2012, placement at #204

Staring Contest (Explore #27!)

16 Jun 2012 2 353
*** First Place Winner at the Jackson County Fair! *** Emus are remarkable creatures. They look like dinosaurs and they cannot fly. Although they have feathers like a bird, their bones are not hollow. They don't have a normal bird's breastbone but instead have a plate similar to a turtle's shell. This plate looks like a raft, which is where their group's name, "Ratitae" comes from--Ratis means "raft" in Latin. Back in May, my husband and I got to visit a local Emu ranch with our photography group and I took many pictures. As I post my best over the coming weeks, I'll be adding more information about this amazing bird with each picture. However, if you would like to know more information, Wiki has a great page here: Wiki: Emu I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on June 15, 2012, placement at #220

Adorable Juvenile Emus

22 Jun 2012 1 557
Like other birds, Emus grow up very fast, and are full grown by 5-6 months old! The stripes they're born with help to camouflage them and fade within three months. Males are the dominent parent from the time the eggs are layed until the chicks are on their own at about 7 months old. The female leaves shortly after laying eggs--though some will stay until the eggs hatch--and will often lay other clutches of eggs with up to two other males during the breeding seasion. The male incubates and turns the eggs up to 10 times a day and will rarely eat or stand up for the 8 weeks of incubation, surviving on stored body fat. After the chicks hatch, the male protects the brood and teaches the chicks how to find food. Chicks will stay with the family group for about two years or until they find a mate to start a family with whey they are sexually mature, which is about 18 months old. For more information about Emus, Wiki has a wonderful source here: Wiki:Emu I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :)

The Immense Emu

20 Jun 2012 1 409
Standing as tall as 6.6 feet in height and weighing up to 120 pounds, adult Emus are a very impressive sight, and are the largest bird in Australia, though not the largest bird in the world. They are part of the most ancient group of birds, called "ratites" which are all flightless and found on three different continents. The African Ostrich claims the title for world's largest bird, up to 9.2 feet and 340 pounds. The very dangerous Cassowary of Australia measure up to 5.6 feet and weighs up to 130 pounds. In South America the Rhea is up to 4.6 feet tall and weighs up to 88 pounds. Finally, the adorable, odd-looking Kiwi from New Zealand is only as tall as 18" and weighs up to 7.3 pounds. Now, if you think Emus and Ostriches are enormous, there are two extinct ratites which were even bigger! The Elephant Bird grew up to 9.8 feet tall and weighed as much as 880 pounds, the heaviest bird that ever existed!! The Moa is the largest bird that ever lived on earth, up to 12 feet tall and 510 pounds! WOW, that's amazing!! :D I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :)

The Stare

29 Jun 2012 1 253
I'm in a rush tonight so I have no time to write about my pictures, so I'm going to make it fast! Here's another emu portrait...I can't get enough of those faces! Aren't they amazing?! I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :)