Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: pet

Xiao Lin

19 Oct 2011 1 216
This adorable Shitzu had been trotting along with his mom when he saw me and trotted up behind me. Such a friendly little fellow, he rolled over so I could itch his belly, and when his owner walked up, she told me in surprise that he doesn't like strangers much and has never done this before! She looked at me with a special expression and smiled while she told me his name. She was happy to let me take his picture and as I went on my way, she had to hold him back to keep him from trotting along with me on my adventure! :D This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

A Very Special Day For Molly!

30 Aug 2012 1 1 223
(Please scroll down to see my favorite picture of Molly, taken by Steve, my husband) This is our beautiful rescue dog, Molly, who's been through so much, but has found a forever home with us. Unfortunately, about six months after she and her 6-month old puppy found their way onto our property, she ran off with her wandering pup, and when she came back a week later, we discovered that she'd been caught in a snare trap. The leg could not be saved, but Molly now lives inside as a royal member of our family and we love her dearly. (Her son ran off for longer and longer periods, and the last time he came to visit, we realized that he'd found a home because he was well-fed and healthy.) This picture was taken at the top of our ridge, and as you can see, Molly is very happy and very tired! She really wanted to come along on one of my walks with Moosie and Zoe, and, in a moment of weakness, I relented and let her go up to the top of the hill with us. She was very proud and happy that she got to go, and I made sure to go slowly so she could get up to the top and rest along the way.I took this picture at the top as we relaxed for a while. Once she'd rested enough, she wanted to continue, and we went the whole way along the ridge (about half a mile) and she loved every moment of the adventure! We do our best to let Molly have all the experiences she can--she can do so much on three legs but we have to stop her from trying to do too much because she doesn't understand that she's got less mobility now. If you would like to read Molly's whole story, I dedicated a blog entry to her which has pictures too! :) Our Molly Girl