Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: artwork

187/366: Salmon Mosaic

08 Jul 2016 13 7 511
A few years ago, Steve and I went to Ashland's Lithia Park in the fall to take pictures of the leaves turning colors. We had a wonderful time wandering around and enjoying ourselves. At one point I noticed this beautiful mosaic and loved how the shadows played over the surface. This picture was taken with my trusty old Canon SX30! :)

Latice on Wall

19 Oct 2011 179
I really loved this pretty art and plant combination, found on a house near my father's home. Wooden latice with a plant in place, and lovely wisteria painted into the latice! Winner of FlickrDuel contest: +10 Color: Color: Yellow This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Art By Mom #3*

23 Oct 2011 188
The third of three art pieces displayed here on Flickr, this was painted in oils with rich colors and heavy strokes. Totally abstract, an adult finger painting from the soul, this painting sits on my father's mantle piece in his livingroom. It's a gorgeous piece, something I've appreciated every time I get the chance to see it! *please excuse the flashed areas: I wasn't really planning to use these images so I used a flash for this quick picture: in the future, I'll take a proper picture of each of my mom's paintings. This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Art By Mom #2*

23 Oct 2011 159
The second of three art pieces displayed here on Flickr, this oil painting has always intrigued me. Sitting in my father's livingroom, I have spent a lot of time pondering this image. Is the building on the top of the mountain a cabin, a lodge, or a house? Where is it in the world? Did my mom paint it from a memory or somthing in her dreams? I truly love the wonderful, chilly quality of this painting. Looks like something described from a Jack London book! *please excuse the flashed areas: I wasn't really planning to use these images so I used a flash for this quick picture: in the future, I'll take a proper picture of each of my mom's paintings. This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Art By Mom #1*

23 Oct 2011 261
The first of three art pieces displayed here on Flickr, this one was painted on cardboard! My mom painted this when I was very small, or maybe before I was born. It resides in my father's livingroom, and I've always loved it. A pair of cyclops, one holding a watermelon, crazy colors, modified Mondrian blocking...what's not to love?! *please excuse the flashed areas: I wasn't really planning to use these images so I used a flash for this quick picture: in the future, I'll take a proper picture of each of my mom's paintings. This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Spreckles Temple of Music Bandshell Angel

08 Oct 2011 195
Here is the left side of the bandshell, showing another angel with a musical instrument in her hands. (BTW, the tiny squares you see covering the angel is mesh to keep the pigeons from fouling up the artwork.) This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.