Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: motion

Pictures for Pam, Day 73: Stream Abstract

21 Jan 2019 37 28 751
(+4 insets!) (please view large!) :) I awoke this morning to the sound of...silence outside! The rain has finally stopped! Not that I mind the rain, but too much all at once isn't a good thing and we've certainly had enough! Stepping outside for my walk, I was about halfway across our driveway when I stopped in my tracks. What was that sound? I looked towards the noise and it dawned on me—our largest seasonal stream had roared to life with the accumulated downpour over the past few days. I was surprised how loud it was, and that meant just one thing: mini waterfalls! Rapids! Bubbles! Churning water! Abstract watery goodness! AHHHHH!!!! I about-faced, scrambled back into the house for my camera and knee pads, and burst back out again, armed and ready for action! Excited as a kid on the first day of summer vacation, I buzzed across our smaller meadow. Past our well, pump house and cistern, the noise of rushing water grew louder and louder. Finally I arrived at the clamorous stream and watched with big eyes as it boiled down the hill in a mad dash to our pond. It was really amazing to see! I was soon clicking away and made my way slowly towards the pond. So many interesting pictures to take, what fun! I didn't have my tripod with me so unless I braced my camera against a tree, long exposure-milky-water pictures were out. No worries, I had plenty of cool pictures to take! I ended up spending an hour along the stream and pond and managed an impressive 300 pictures for perusal when I returned to the house. I was also very pleased to see that all of the tractor work Steve had done to repair our drainage problem was 100% effective and we wouldn't be bothered by any issues for quite a while. YAY STEVE! Looking through my images, I was delighted to discover lots and lots of neat photos to work on. I had to pick carefully because I couldn't process them all today! My main image is an abstract and I just couldn't resist making it my picture of the day. There is a kind of ethereal quality to the water that I love. You can see the colors that give away a mottled russet oak leaf under the water on the left side, and on the right a droplet of water pouring off another leaf that is partially exposed. This kind of picture is something you can't really plan for, so discovering it was a real treat for me! I am also including several more pictures as insets and I had some fun with filters on the bubble shots! Pam, do you have any seasonal streams on your property? They are certainly a great source of fun for photography. We have two of them but they dry up as soon as the rain stops unless it's a heavy storm that lasts for a while. I think our larger stream, which I photographed, should be active for a little while though, the hill is swollen with water! I'm thinking about you and hope that all is as well as can be for you my dear. Stay warm and dry!

Lark Sparrow in Flight (Explore #22!)

12 Jun 2012 1 340
The Lark Sparrow can be found throughout most of North America and as far south as Guatemala. It has been seen in western Europe as well. They are mainly seed eaters but also eat insects during the breeding season. They nest on the ground in grass cups sheltered by clumps of grass. If you would like to know more about these birds, Wiki has a source of information here: Wiki: Lark Sparrow Explored on June 11, 2012, placement at #60

Splash! (Explore #24!)

14 Jun 2012 268
What you're seeing is a macro view of a waterfall cascading over rocks at Mill Creek Falls, near the tiny town of Prospect, Oregon. On this day I didn't want to bother with my ND filter for a milky, long-exposure shot. Instead, I decided to have some fun at the water's edge as it boiled past me and down the steep drop off and onwards through the forest. I took dozens of pictures in the hopes that just one would turn out nice, but in the end, I found far too many that turned out well, so I've picked one of them as my third image for our local photography club's "Motion" theme. I hope you like it! :) I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on June 13, 2012, placement at #165