Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: eating

239/365: "Gluttony is not a secret vice." ~ Orson…

28 Aug 2013 33 20 1811
10...yes, TEN more pictures in notes above! ENJOY THE SHOW!! :D I can't believe how much fun I've been having raising caterpillars from eggs! To bring you up to date, I brought a small twig into the house on July 25, which had some eggs on it. I discovered that they were from Clio Tiger Moths after finding one laying eggs exactly like the ones I had. Although the stick was literally only a tiny fraction of the number I found, I was amazed when the eggs hatched and there were so many itty bitty caterpillars crawling around! They were so small I could just barely see them! I got them some milkweed leaves to eat, and every day since I've been bringing them fresh leaves and keeping their habitat clean and increasing the size of their container as they've grown. (You can read the original story of the caterpillars here: Piggy 'Pillar!! ) Now, I have read that caterpillars grow fast, but I've never raised them before now, and I have to tell you: it's absolutely AMAZING how fast they grow!!! In one month's time, they have grown from about 1/16" in size to about 1.5" for the largest ones!! It's just incredible to me! In order to get that huge so quickly, all they do during the night is eat, and they sleep all day like a bunch of gluttenous oinkers! :D Today I wanted to show one of the big ones next to a quarter so you can see how huge they've become! At last count, I have about 50 of them, which is surprising because only about 5 of them have died. As I'm sure you probably know, the reason so many eggs are layed is because the survival rate is extremely low, so with the huge number of offspring, at least a few may make it to adulthood. We'll see how many live until pupal stage, but I will bet it will be at least 40. The largest are getting close to pupal stage, and I just can't wait to watch that show!! STAY TUNED!!! I added a bit of texture to the background from Jerry Jones , using his Fire Damage 10-21-09 TOTD # 87 image for the edging! THANKS JERRY!! :) George Orson Welles (May 6, 1915 – October 10, 1985) was an American actor, director, writer and producer who worked in theater, radio and film. He is best remembered for his innovative work in all three media, most notably Caesar (1937), a groundbreaking Broadway adaptation of Julius Caesar and the debut of the Mercury Theatre; The War of the Worlds (1938), one of the most famous broadcasts in the history of radio; and Citizen Kane (1941), consistently ranked as one of the all-time greatest films. Wikipedia: Orson Welles Explored on August 27, 2013. Highest position, page 3 (#65).

Fancy-Haired Clio Tiger Moth Caterpillar Next to a…

28 Aug 2013 11 4 1079
2 more pictures in notes above! :) Here you can see just how HUGE these caterpillars are getting! But as they grow, their hair styles change! I think this version is especially fancy and spectacular, don't you?! :D Did you know that caterpillars molt as they grow? These caterpillars leave behind tiny, fluffy "pompadours", and as they grow larger, the "pompadours" get larger too! My husband thinks that I may be certifiably insane because I can't bear to throw away the fluffy little "wigs"...so, one of these days you will all get to see my collection of tiny little caterpillar "wigs"! :D :D They look like miniature Tribbles! :D

"Let Me Outa Here!!!"

28 Aug 2013 7 2 664
1 picture above in a link! :D This guy really would like to get back to bed and isn't interested in helping me out with size comparisons! But isn't he adorable?!! :D I added a bit of texture to the background from Jerry Jones , using his Netherworld TOTD # 128 image! THANKS JERRY!! :)

"This Show is Officially OVER!"

28 Aug 2013 11 4 666
It was pretty funny trying to keep this guy near the quarter. He kept crawling away, and all he wanted to do was go back to sleep! :D Poor fellow, I made sure to tuck him back in with his buddies after this picture! :)

Beautiful Caterpillar!

06 Apr 2013 2 393
I was making my way through our lower forest when I noticed something on a Hound's Tongue plant's leaves. I almost squealed in delight when I found myself staring at this gorgeous caterpillar!! In fact, there were TWO! I don't know what kind of butterfly or moth this will become, but it's sure beautiful in this form! :)

Portrait of a Fancy-Haired Caterpillar

06 Apr 2013 1 237
Munch, munch, munch! I couldn't see the progress as I watched, but the evidence was obvious with this missing chunk of leaf and the culprit caught in the act! :D

San Francisco Zoo: East African Crowned Crane

12 May 2013 2 1 383
Until I saw this bird eating in a "sitting" position, I thought the only birds that crouched down this way were emus and ostriches! What a surprise, and what fun to watch! Such gorgeous birds, aren't they?!

Caught in the Act!

26 May 2013 5 2 335
I saw a smudge on the wall on our porch and at first I thought I was looking at the cast-off shec of a spider. But when I looked closer, I realized it was alive and eating a tasty meal! I don't know what kind of spider this is but I think it's really super cool!! :D