Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: photographer

Photagraphy is Fun!

07 Oct 2011 199
Laura had a good time taking pictures of the stones placed around the courtyard outside the entrance to the De Young Museum. I was happy that she was so focused because I was able to take some cute pictures of her! This image was taken during my trip to San Francisco during September 12-15, 2011.

Steve at Work

28 Jun 2011 204
Photographed on the Rogue Gorge Trail, near Union Creek, Southern Oregon

Am I Close Enough?

08 Aug 2012 1 361
Steve and I had a lot of fun walking through the livestock barns at the Jackson County Fair a couple of weeks ago. We found that the goats were very friendly and curious and had us constantly laughing at their antics! This silly Alpine goat wasn't sure how close it should be for a nice close-up, so when Steve asked for a nice pose, she happily came up and put her nose on the lens of his camera! :D Alpine goats are a dairy breed which was first bred in French Alps. Because they produce a large amount of milk, they are often found at commercial dairy farms. They are also popular because they thrive in many types of climates, maintaining good health and production. If you would like to know more about these goats, the Alpines International Club has a very nice website. Wiki also has a nice page here: Wiki: Alpine Goat

Steve: My Sweet Husband, the Photographer!

18 Nov 2011 191
This is my next set of 5 images from our trip to Tunnel 13. Here is my husband, showing how silly he can be! :D By the way, if you haven't visited, Steve would love to share his images with you! Take a peeky here: www.flickr.com/photos/steves-visions Thanks to all of you who have left comments and fav'ed my images! I appreciate them all! If you leave a comment, I try very hard to return the favor on the same day. I consider it both a compliment that you've taken the time to tell me what you think about my image(s) and an invitation for me to come see your photography as well! For those of you who may not know, there is a very fun, free Flickr competition site which you might like to take part in. It's called FlickrDuel and features dozens of ongoing competitions, or duels every day. You can enter your pictures into many different categories and vote on contests too. It's another way to enjoy your photography! This image was taken on Saturday, November 12, 2100.

Eye to Eye [Explore #34]

13 Aug 2012 356
Here's another picture from the livestock barns at the Jackson County Fair! Goats have such wonderful character and funny expressions, don't they?! I just love them! This cutie pie is a Alpine goat! In case you didn't read the information posted with the last picture, here it is again: Alpine goats are a dairy breed which was first bred in French Alps. Because they produce a large amount of milk, they are often found at commercial dairy farms. They are also popular because they thrive in many types of climates, maintaining good health and production. If you would like to know more about these goats, the Alpines International Club has a very nice website. Wiki also has a nice page here: Wiki: Alpine Goat By the way, I've uploaded two other pictures today and I hope you'll visit them too! Thanks to all of you who have visited and have left comments and favorites! I try to go to all of your pages within a day or two and is a highlight for me to see your beautiful photography! :) Explored on August 12, 2012. Highest placement at #229.