Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: suet

74/366: Northern Flicker on our Feeder (+1 in a no…

17 Mar 2016 20 12 894
(1 image in a note above) About 30 pictures back in this 366 project, I posted an image of a Northern Flicker that was sitting on a branch near our bird feeders. Here is a much closer view of this lovely bird which I took a couple of years ago. They are so stunning, aren't they? Very large too, they measure between 11-14" in length! What I didn't know is how common these birds are. They are found all over the United States and as such, they have over 100 common names! From Wiki: Among them are: yellowhammer (as it's known as the state bird of Alabama, not to be confused with the Eurasian yellowhammer), clape, gaffer woodpecker, harry-wicket, heigh-ho, wake-up, walk-up, wick-up, yarrup, and gawker bird. WOW! You can find out more about these awesome birds here: Wiki: Northern Flicker