Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: pillbug

Creepy Crawly Critters

13 Apr 2012 240
[best appreciated at full size against black] It's amazing what you can find if you look under rocks and logs! Look at all of these fun friends! The little guy in the upper left is a wood termite larva I believe. On the upper right is a juvenile centipede. On the lower left is a millipede, and on the lower right is a pair of pill bugs! Aren't they all just adorable?! HEY!! I heard that! They're not icky!! Well...ok...maybe they are! :D :D But, they all have important jobs to do to help keep the balance on our property, eating dead and living plants and animals, and becoming food for other animals, helping to aerate and add nutrients to the soil, to give the plants energy! This image was taken in March, 2012.