Janet Brien's photos with the keyword: hdr

The Amazing Bird's Nest Fungi!!

03 Feb 2012 2 2 342
Steve and I went up on our ridgeline yesterday to take some macro shots, and I found these tiny, amazing fungi that appeared to have little rocks or eggs inside. My pictures didn't come out because the light was low and I was being stubborn about using my tripod. So, today I went right back up there again and specifically looked for this fungus and I used my tripod this time!! :P This fungus measures about 1/4" in diameter and you must look carefully to see them! Their light cream-colored cups give them away and they can be found on rotting logs and bark. I find it incredible how much these tiny little things look like bird's nests with eggs inside, and it was no surprise to find out that was their actual name! The "eggs" are actually flattened spores! I found a page that shows how huge an American penny appears next to this fungus to show you exactly how small they are, and the information is very good too! Waynesword: Bird's Nest Fungi . For more information, Wiki has a great page: Wikipedia: Bird's Nest Fungi This image was taken on February 2, 2012.

Mushroom Family

02 Feb 2012 1 281
[best appreciated at full size against black] Just outside our house, next to one wall, I noticed this trio of very dark mushooms standing proudly in a group. The image came out fairly dark so I took the RAW format image and turned into an HDR. I think the results turned out pretty well...what do you think? :) This image was taken during January, 2012.

Wasp Gall or Oak Apple

13 Jan 2012 232
This interesting thing is actually the home of a wasp larva, where it is protected from the elements while it grows large enough to eat through the shell and emerge as an adult. If you would like to know more about these odd, yet interesting things, here's a Wiki page: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gall_wasp Here's another source of information: www.fcps.edu/islandcreekes/ecology/oak_apple_gall_wasp.htm This image was taken in December, 2011.