slgwv's photos with the keyword: grain elevator

Columbia River

22 May 2014 1 1 252
And Lake Umatilla. Looking from the Oregon side over to Washington. The tall white buildings are grain elevators. Barges carry the grain down to Portland, OR. The little town to the left of the elevators is Roosevelt, WA. The spectacular road on the slope beyond is the Roosevelt Grade. Map position is approximate due to the demise of the "satellite view" feature.

Barge Loading at the Grain Elevator

22 May 2014 1 1 258
Columbia River, Oregon, USA. Due to the system of dams and locks on the Columbia and the Snake, barge traffic can go from Portland, Oregon all the way to Lewiston, Idaho. Map position updated now that the "satellite view" feature is working again.

Coulee City

22 May 2014 2 2 235
Complete with grain elevator--the tallest structure in town. It _seems_ like the plains, except that we're in the Columbia Basin in Washington state! Coulee City is both on the BNSF railroad and US 2. Per Wikipedia it has a population of 562. As I've mentioned, the term "city" has no legal significance in the US. Any little burg with delusions of grandeur can call itself a "city"!

Grain elevator

07 Aug 2012 2 195
Somewhere off Bluestem Road in eastern Washington state, USA. They still move some wheat by rail here--altho the trackage is obviously _not_ the main line! Some of the wheatfields in the Palouse are visible in the distance, in the hills on the skyline.