slgwv's photos with the keyword: adit


17 Sep 2016 3 4 484
Alhambra Mine, in California's Sierra Nevada above Hope Valley to the west. That's actually still, clear water--the little light-colored spots are bits of floating vegetation. The Alhambra was originally worked for gold in the 1860s, but had a new lease on life in the 20th century as a tungsten mine. It closed in the mid-1950s, presumably when the "strategic metal" subsidies went away, and the run-up in gold prices in the late 20th century didn't lead to any new activity.

Exploratory adit, detail

20 Aug 2014 304
Close-up of the adit in Jett Canyon, Toiyabe Range, Nevada. Note the prominent slickensides at the right. They're roughly parallel to a fault that's to the left of the adit. Presumably the fauting localized the mineralization that's the target of the exploration.


20 Aug 2014 1 2 312
Near the old mine in Jett Canyon, southern Toiyabe Range, Nevada. It appears to be exploratory only as it's shallow and there isn't much spoil. It's evidently following the fault to the left; there are prominent parallel slickensides visible in the adit itself (see detailed view adjacent).


27 Mar 2015 2 4 191
Near the Lowary Mine, Incandescent Rocks, Nevada. Presumably another uranium prospect from the 1950s.


13 Dec 2011 111
Seven Troughs District, Pershing County, Nevada, USA. Barely more than a prospect pit, but still blocked off!

Arrowhead Mine, Risue Canyon

03 Mar 2011 173
Just barely into Nevada! Nevada Bureau of Mines Bull. 75 reports that copper sulfides were found in metamorphic host rock.


25 Feb 2011 108
Poker Brown camp.


25 Feb 2011 1 145
Poker Brown camp.

Diggins & Prospects

25 Feb 2011 125
Poker Brown camp, San Jacinto District, Pershing County, Nevada, USA. Some minor silver-lead showings in metamorphic rock.

Adit, Gilligan Mine, Egan Canyon

08 Mar 2011 2 3 454
On Egan Creek, near the townsite of Cherry Creek, Nevada, with a tributary stream flowing out of the adit. This was a silver producer starting in 1863(!), the first development in the Cherry Creek district. Later the mines around Cherry Creek proper became more productive. Production was from the silver-bearing "Gilligan Ledge" in the Prospect Mountain Quartzite. The mineralization is localized along a major fault. The retrofitted masonry benches were really nice on a hot summer day. Alas, the whole set-up was clobbered in the big flood of 1997. I didn't have a camera to get a picture of the aftermath when I was there in summer 1998, but I got one this year. Alas, nobody has bothered to repair the site in the last 20 years! With this kind of water flow, too, it would have been very difficult to keep this mine working. I'd say it might have been just a drainage adit, but there were ore-car tracks visible in it! So it must've been dry when actually operating.

Adit, Leadfield, California

25 Feb 2011 230
I don't know if the square-set timbers visible in back are original.

Reinforced adit

25 Feb 2011 179
With a culvert! Abandoned mine in Leadfield, California, now part of Death Valley National Park.

Adit, Seven Troughs district

25 Feb 2011 196
Pershing County, Nevada, USA. Near the end of Stonehouse Canyon. Note that the tracks near the mouth have been buried by cave-ins! This area underwent a new flurry of activity around 1980, at the time of the last precious metal boom, and is undergoing another right now.

Adit, Lida, Nevada

02 May 2011 196
Close-up. (Pronounced LYE-duh, with a long "i", btw.)

Lida, Nevada

02 May 2011 244
Adits and colorful spoil heaps. Pronounced "LYE-duh," btw, with a long "i."