slgwv's photos with the keyword: Hidden Spring Wash

Desert mistletoe (_Phoradendron californicum_)

17 Nov 2017 1 2 363
On a mesquite tree (genus Prosopsis ), in Hidden Spring Wash, Orocopia Mountains Wilderness Area, California.

Mesquite in Hidden Spring Wash

17 Nov 2017 6 6 733
With young fanglomerates, related to movement on the San Andreas Fault, in the background. The mesquites, genus Prosopsis , are probably either P. glandulosa , honey mesquite, or P. pubescens , screwbean mesquite, based on the area of occurrence. Mesquite is commonly parasitized by the desert mistletoe ( Phoradendron californicum ), which makes the brownish clusters of twigs among the green mesquite branches. The inset shows a close-up of a mistletoe infestation on a separate individual. Orocopia Mountains Wilderness Area, California.