slgwv's photos with the keyword: limestone

20190615 141207 001

Notch Peak

04 Oct 2016 12 11 1129
High point (9654 ft/2943 m) of the House Range, in the Basin & Range of western Utah. Looking north from Highway 6-50. The cliffs are composed of metamorphosed limestone from cooking by a granite body, the edge of which is just visible on the skyline at left (the pinkish outcrops). Somewhere I saw it asserted that the cliffs here are the tallest in the Great Basin, but I haven't been able to track that claim down. I did a bunch of field work here back in the late 70s. Contact metamorphism of a limestone is a classic setting for tungsten mineralization, so there was a big network of prospecting roads coming in from the east side, which led to better access than you might expect. Dunno whether they're all shut off now, tho--

Horsethief Canyon

28 Aug 2015 3 2 748
Site of a Designated Vehicle Route (i.e., authorized Jeep trail!) thru the Piper Canyon Wilderness, just north of Death Valley, California. Looking downstream. The rocks are all Early Paleozoic sedimentary units, mostly limestones.

Soda Rock

27 Mar 2015 1 289
And Indian Creek. A still-active travertine dome, where a spring is actively precipitating calcium carbonate to form travertine, a freshwater limestone. The dome figures prominently in the Maidu (the local Native American tribe) creation myth--despite which, it's also been quarried for limestone! California, USA.

Limestone cliffs

19 Nov 2014 4 4 235
Along the west side of the Grant Range, Nye County, Nevada. They're mapped as lower Paleozoic (Ordovician Pogonip Group), according to the Nevada Division of Mines & Geology Bulletin 99A. It looks like an extremely interesting area, but I haven't been over there and don't know what the access is like.

Limestone and barrel cactus

22 May 2014 4 4 264
Barrel cacti improbably perched on dip slopes defined by bedding planes in Paleozoic limestone. The dark green shrub in the foreground is creosote bush. Arrow Canyon, southern Nevada.


Redwall Limestone

19 Oct 2011 2 3 514
Right at the Colorado River's edge in Marble Canyon. Powell named "Marble Canyon" because the water-polished limestone looked like marble.





Cave Valley

26 Oct 2011 175
Just off the Shingle Pass road, looking east toward Patterson Pass. The Cambrian Pole Canyon Limestone forms the prominent white cliffs on either side of the pass.


05 Oct 2011 166
In fluted boulder.


22 items in total