slgwv's photos with the keyword: antelope

Inspection committee

03 Jan 2019 8 23 706
Pronghorn "antelope" ( Antilocapra americana ) bucks in extreme western Utah, not far from the Nevada line near the old site of Gandy. Pronghorns are not true antelope but the last surviving representatives of a group of ruminants ( Antilocapridae ) intermediate between deer and cows/true antelope. They are native to North America and have made a remarkable recovery after having been hunted nearly to extinction by the early 20th century.

Watch for antelope!

01 Nov 2018 5 6 285
I.e., pronghorns. Warning sign on Nevada State Route 140 in the extreme northern part of the state. The pronghorn "antelope" have made a good recovery in this area in the latter part of the 20th century, after having been hunted nearly to extinction. We never used to see them out in these Nevada valleys when I was a kid. Sometimes there is progress! Location is approximate. Sorry about the lighting--yes, it was into the sun!

Pronghorn doe

18 Sep 2015 3 5 536
Antelocapra americana . Off the Bottle Creek Ranch road in northern Nevada. The pronghorn "antelope" isn't a true antelope at all, but the last survivor of a whole group of ruminants intermediate between deer and cows/true antelope. They've made a good comeback in their historic range in the last few decades.

The Despondent Antelope

29 Apr 2011 2 6 327
What my son called this pronghorn buck. Apparently this guy had lost the challenge to a younger rival, and so had been ejected from the herd. He was still tagging along after them, tho. In the vicinity of the old Nevada Quicksilver Mine--I don't know if the derelict structure was related to the mine, however.

African Antelope

17 Dec 2012 1 168
Unsure of the exact species. At one of the Disney hotels, Orlando. They have various exotic herbivores on the grounds, sort of as an open-air wildlife park.


20 Aug 2014 6 7 284
Antelocapra americana. The pronghorn "antelope" of North America is actually the last surviving member of a group of ruminants intermediate between deer and cows/true antelope. Both sexes have horns, with the males' much longer, that consist of a bony core and outer sheath that's shed annually. Big Smoky Valley, Nevada, USA. The prominent gray-green shrub is sagebrush. When I was a kid we _never_ used to see antelope in these central Nevada valleys--they'd all been exterminated by the late 19th century or so. In recent decades, there's been a big effort to reintroduce pronghorns to their historic range--with some success, as seen here! Map position approximate due to the loss of the "satellite view" feature.


21 Sep 2012 3 7 388
Near Ione, Nevada, USA. Even at the distance I am with the telephoto they're fixin' to leave... They're a lot warier than that bunny by Knott Creek Reservoir! The pronghorn "antelope" (Antelocapra americana) isn't a true antelope at all, but the last surviving member of a whole group of ruminants intermediate between deer and cows/true antelopes. Both sexes have horns, with the males' much larger, that have a bony core with an outer sheath shed annually.

Pronghorn buck