slgwv's photos with the keyword: coal

Inside the old company store

05 Jul 2019 48
Sego, Utah. This is pretty much the only structure still standing. For more about Sego see the enclosing photo.

Sego, Utah

05 Jul 2019 1 1 340
A ghost town to the north of Interstate 70, about 5 miles east of Crescent Junction where US 191 turns south to Moab. Unusually, Sego was the site of a coal(!) mine, long before Colorado Plateau coal became of interest for firing power plants. The area was active in the early-mid 20th century but never prospered, between the marginal deposits and the lack of water. What finally killed the mine (and the town) was when the nearby railroad (Denver & Rio Grande) dieselized in the mid-1950s. The D&RG parallels what is now I-70 and had become basically the only market for the coal, transportation costs being otherwise prohibitive. This building is by far the most impressive structure still standing and was evidently the company store. The insets show some views from inside the structure. Many buildings were moved when the mine finally shut down, and flash floods over the years have obliterated most of the rest.

Redstone Coke Oven

26 Aug 2015 146
One of the ovens with the front wall still in place. Redstone, Colorado.

Redstone Coke Ovens

26 Aug 2015 4 3 532
Redstone, Colorado. Per the interpretive sign: Active 1890s-1908. Coal was brought 12 miles down a steep narrow-gage line, and the finished coke shipped to Pueblo, CO by standard gage. The sign also states that "present" mining operations were begun in 1956 by Mid-Continent Coal & Coke Company, but I don't know if mining is still going on. At any rate coke is no longer being made! Insert shows one of the ovens with the front wall still in place.