slgwv's photos with the keyword: waterfowl

20190417 194101 001

20190417 194032 001

20190417 194026 001

20190417 193950 001

20190417 193942 002

20190417 193925 001

20190417 192935 001

20190417 192919 001

20190417 192841 001

A handout?

26 Aug 2015 2 4 402
Very tame Canada goose in the Willamette River at Wallace Marine Park, West Salem, Oregon. You get the impression maybe people are feeding them-- ;)

Snow geese

02 May 2016 12 10 560
Klamath Falls Wildlife Refuge, in extreme northern California about 1/4 mile south of the Oregon line. This is a major stopover point for these birds.

Canada Goose

23 May 2014 2 2 304
Evergreen Reservoir, in the Ancient Lakes wildlife area, Potholes Coulee, Washington state. Map location is approximate.


19 Oct 2011 2 200
A flotilla (?) of pelicans. Eagle Lake, outside Susanville, California.

Like, dude! Where's the chow?

20 Nov 2014 2 5 268
Mallards on Sawmill Pond, California, which is a small pond near Lake Tahoe for kids' fishing (14 and under). The ducks are obviously used to getting handouts! They swam up to me and then looked miffed when all I did was take pictures. ;)

Slide Mountain & Washoe Lake

20 Sep 2012 5 3 268
Looking northwest off an observation platform off Eastlake Blvd. Nevada, USA. The ponds in the foreground are for waterfowl habitat improvement.

Ducks settling

22 May 2014 2 4 199
Long Valley Creek, near Doyle, California, USA.