slgwv's photos with the keyword: communications

Microwave tower

13 Nov 2020 1 81
Seen off the Tahoe Rim Trail on the way up Relay Peak, on (appropriately named) Relay Ridge. I've put more information on the tower in the enclosing photo. Mt. Houghton (10,490 ft/3197 m) is just barely in the picture at far left.


02 Feb 2021 4 4 129
Microwave relay tower in the northern Carson Range, Nevada, just outside the Mt. Rose Wilderness and just off the Tahoe Rim Trail (TRT). The structure was built (by ATT I'm pretty sure) ca. 1950 and is still in use, altho I'm sure the technology is much improved! For one thing, somebody probably stayed here full-time at first, as there seem to be living quarters in the installation. You probably needed someone on-site to replace the vacuum tubes! Now it's obviously mostly automated, complete with surveillance cameras! Early on wintertime supplies were brought in on a short tramway, which is now non-functional. (I'll post on it at some point.) I'm sure a snowmobile is adequate now if they need wintertime access! The guidebooks tend to bemoan having this installation cluttering up the wilderness. I find it a bit surreal, however! Sort of a Twilight Zone effect... The inset shows a view of this tower looking northwest, off the TRT, which gives the flavor of the setting.







Radio installation

22 May 2012 77
Near Mt. Rawe. One of two; the other is lower and a mile or so farther south, near Como. Thru my big lens from the top of Mt. Rawe.